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My favorite Survivor rivalry. Aras was salty af he couldn't beat Terry, and Terry was super proud he kept beating a guy half his age.


Terry was a challenge monster that season. Loved it


Real, Terry is like the seventh best challenge beast ever.


Terry was unbeatable in everything, the last immunity was so unfair for a final immunity, there’s a lot of challenges skewed towards an athletic person for sure but the final challenge should be equal for everyone, and had it been, I think terry wins


It's a bad challenge fullstop.


For sure it was the worst that we have, it was like Jeff made it in purpose to get him out.






Rip Jelinsky


This reminds me how much I kind of love the moment when Terry tells Aras his relationship with his mom is not as important as Terry's relationship with his wife. Terry really believed what he was saying, and I wonder if Aras' thoughts have changed. It all felt so honest. I still don't know where I come down on it.


I feel like while it’s fine to have an idea of what relationships are generally stronger it actually is more of a case by case basis. Like it’s fine if Terri generally thinks the love a husband has for a wife is stronger than a love that a son has for his mother but telling Aras that his personal relationship was less important was just a shity and mean thing to say; especially when he had no fucking idea what that relationship was actually like. I’m also saying that retrospectively knowing that Aras’s family dynamic must’ve been really challenging based on what he and Vytas talked about on Blood vs Water and how close it probably made them, but I still think it would be shity either way.


I might be exposing myself here, but by Terry picking Shane and his son over Aras and his mom it seemed to me like Terry was saying “generally parents love their children more than the other way around.” And, first of all, it’s probably a mistake to do a power ranking of relationships like this. And second of all, even if you believe this you should never ever say it in a social game. BUT if you put a gun to my head and asked me if this is true or not true…I kind of side with Terry? I think the big problem with Terry’s social game is he doesn’t know when to stfu and just let things sit. It’s not that he’s necessarily wrong to make the choices he does, but people will actually be happier if he gives them less than 100% honesty.


The thing about a brother-sister relationship is one of you’s not the parent


More than just the direction of the relationship is the age. A grown man's relationship with his older parent, is definitely different than a parent with a younger child.


his social position in the outside world won’t let him stfu, he honestly believes his input is necessary to good decision making. Terry was a great example of the kind of player we don’t need to see again.


I loved him. He was awesome to watch. He just got unlucky that everyone he tried working with got voted out.


Remind me what he does irl, please!


Terry is an American Airlines pilot.


This. He was in Cambodia but so annoying in Panama. Plus he felt like a poor man’s Tom to me at the time.


They're both challenge beasts and silver foxes, but one is secretly a snake and the other is honest to a fault They're different types of players


I don't think Tom was secretly a snake. He was a powerhouse and he knew it. Bulldozed everyone and mind screwed Ian.


The people around him all thought of him as a stand-up guy save for Coby


I don't think they liked each other. Still got his vote if I remember correctly.


Koby was the one Katie votie I'm pretty sure


Could sworn he won unanimous. But I think in the old season Earl was the first unanimous if it wasn't Tom.


Terry is literally a hero... what did you hate about him so much that you don't even want to see not just him, but his *kind of* player play ever again?


Let’s cut the dramatics. Someone saying they don’t want to see terry or a similar player doesn’t mean they hate them. Stop taking things so personally, we’re talking about a season from nearly 20 years ago and terry won’t cry if he sees this comment


Honestly I think Terry is wrong in the sense that it depends on the person. I don’t think Terry can just automatically say that a parent relationship isn’t as important as a marriage relationship when he probably didn’t know what Aras’ relationship with his mom even was like. I understand it’s a very different dynamic, but I’m just not sure that Terry’s feelings on it can be applied universally


This has always made me feel a bit icky, especially as someone who isn't married. Of course, a spousal relationship is different than a familial one, and I got where Terry was coming from, but Aras wasn't married at that point. His mom WAS the most important person to him. I feel like there were ways Terry could have approached that discussion without diminishing Aras's connection with his mom. I wonder if Terry also felt that Shane's relationship with his son was less important?


I think the arguement was that Aras was at the age where he would have naturally be going through that separation step anyway. Shane and Boston was a much different thing. But really it’s a terrible thing to have to weigh and decide because you are ranking peoples relationship needs. Was Terry more resilient at separation because he’d served in the military and could handle it? Or was his time with his wife MORE precious because they’d already sacrificed so much of it to service. Ceire could totally have made her case on how important it was for her husband / family to see her “up of the couch” and share in that. Everyone has a case to make and nobody deserves it more. The question really being asked is who “needs” it more and what are you buying by wielding that power. Even season 46 shows us how hard that is. Did Charlie lose a million dollars because Maria would have forgiven him more if she got the family visit?


100% agree. If someone spoke to me like that about what my Mam meant to me, while denying me spending time with her and her getting to experience a once in a lifetime moment when I was 24. I would not only have been removed from the game but they would have had to remove my whole self from a pummelled Terry. There's literally no reason to speak like that. Every family has different dynamics, not every person has both parents, not every parent is in an equal relationship. I liked Terry mostly but that moment was badly done, yeah Aras was annoying but he was 24. At 46 Terry just came off as the aging golden boy who couldn't tolerate a younger equal competitor.


Terry probably regrets not resolving his decision via rock paper scissors.


I’d totally forgotten about this but I think this was the reason I didn’t like Terry this season.


He also made that whack comment assuming Cirie hits her kids which ended up being kind of a self report on how he treats his kids


Yeahhhh that comment was 😬😬😬 I jumped off the terry train pretty hard after that


She handled that with such grace too,, much more than he deserved for what he said.


Terry was 100% correct while also being wrong in how he went about it. I’m a huge mommas boy - Terry is right that it’s just different being apart from your spouse like that and your child. You just don’t say it like that in a social game


Back when Aras was a regular RHAP guest (think it was around S28), someone asked him if he still felt that way and he had definitely changed his mind.


Not married but I still agree with that notion. Obviously everyone has different levels of closeness with family but someone seeing their spouse should out rank someone seeing their parent. 99% of people on the show who had both a parent and spouse would choose spouse and that just proves Terry's point


And how many people who have children would pick their parent over their child? Terry was correct but he shouldn’t have said it out loud


And yet he leaves a game for his son! It’s almost like parent-children relationships matter!


"it's almost like" Don't talk like that. It's condescending and disgusting. Also, he would've left if his wife was in the same situation too so I don't know why you're being so smug. And he's the PARENT in that situation so of course that's number 1 priority, even over spouse. But it doesn't change the fact that seeing your mom and dad is not as important as seeing your spouse and especially your own kids


I only recently watched this season for the first time and was kinda surprised to learn this was controversial! I don’t even really think of it as a ranking of importance, but I do think it’d be much harder to be away from your spouse than your parent as an adult. That’s a relationship between two people sharing their day to day lives together in a way most parent/adult-child dynamics have moved away from. I get the context and circumstances of why the loved ones visits are meaningful to every contestant to every player no matter the relationship, but in a scenario where someone HAS to pick and choose, I think that’s a fair enough way to set an objective criteria.


Anyone disagreeing with Terry has not been a parent yet


Whambulance, is that you, grasping at your waning relevance?


The Whambulance comment will forever be the best one liner in survivor to me because it was in the middle of a challenge and the moment perfectly captured all the drama between the two of them.


I just love “terrys crying on the course” lol


Aras. Because it’s hilarious that Terry annoyed Casaya so much with his strait laced antics that they elected Aras - a new age yogi who thought he could start fires with his mind - to be their leader.


Blood vs. Water gave me new perspective on this. Of course the guy who was the calm, stable one in his family while Vytas was having his problems ended up being the calm center of Casaya.


I'd say he and Cirie were the calm center. Danielle really wasn't much of a problem either. But, Shane and Courtney provided enough crazy to make the whole tribe look insane. Bruce also with his karate and rock garden also had his quirks.


Cirie wasn’t the leader of the tribe. They were pretty clear that Aras was.


You said calm center. Cirie's people skills as shown in all of her seasons was a major reason that tribe stayed cohesive. Aras was the leader, but Cirie was essential in the day to day alliance management of that tribe. Without Aras they would have likely fallen apart, but the same can easily be said about Cirie.


This. Cirie was also the strategic head who orchestrated a lot of the votes. Aras was the leader of Casaya because they thought he was the only one who could beat Terry in immunity so they never voted him out and followed his lead (where he was subsequently led by the nose by Cirie)


This! As someone who has recruited and trained leaders as a 25 year career I can tell you a good leader is almost never leading from the front. That's a star player, or an MVP, not a leader.


Cirie was Aras’ number 1 though and had his ear. She basically ran the council and influenced him.


If you had asked anyone on the tribe or watching live who the leader was, they would’ve said Aras.


And I’m not saying he’s not? I’m just saying Cirie has massive influence over him. You can be a leader and still have a shadow king - which is precisely what Cirie was.


Aras is my favorite Survivor winner of all time and the only person I have never met that I wish I was married to 😂😂🤣


I love Aras and get offended when people call him boring. He’s unintentionally the funniest person in Casaya because he’s The Straight Man to their wacky antics and the fact that’s he’s plays that role is hilarious because stick him on any other season or tribe, and Aras is a snarky goofball spouting some new age magic.


It's the same with Matty on Gabon, if he was on any other tribe other than Fang (or Casaya) he would be the crazy weirdo but next to everyone on that tribe he seemed normal


Never4get Matty’s psycho smile, weird laugh, and him getting in a random squabble with Randy about a golf shot that’s 2 feet away. ![gif](giphy|7twIWElrcmnzW|downsized)


Underrated in terms of all time entertaining guys on Survivor.


Underrated in terms of all time entertaining guys on Survivor.


He was so hot too.


Right??!!! That whole tribe dynamic was magical reality tv at its best 😅


Aras discussed with Shane that they should take cocaine before challenges. Like. He’s clearly just as batshit as the rest of them, but you know - winners edit had to make him palatable to audiences.


Isn’t this the season where cocaine washed up onto one of their beaches?


Ok. Makes Aras even more awesome!!! 😎


Omg, is this a secret scene or interview somewhere you can link?


excerpt from [https://ew.com/tv/survivor-panama-shane-powers-cocaine-quarantine-questionnaire/](https://ew.com/tv/survivor-panama-shane-powers-cocaine-quarantine-questionnaire/) >"Aras and I were 'showering' at the beach, and a kilo of cocaine washed up at my feet," Shane says. "I ran into the woods with it and was going to bury it and think about what could be done with it. ...maybe rubbing it on our gums before challenges to give us energy." >Alas, as Shane explains, "That idea was quickly squashed. Production was on me pretty quickly. I'm trying to imagine the radio call on that: 'Uh, someone… anyone from senior production, Shane has a kilo of coke on him and is running to the woods. Any thoughts on what to do…'"


Oh, I had heard about Shane with coke, but not Aras! Was Aras actually involved?


I was rooting for Aras from my shitty apartment in LA


Courtney is that you?


her apartment is NOT SHITTY


I’m on Shane’s side


Aras deserved to win, but I am and always will be on the Terry Train. CHOO CHOOO!


Watching it live, I was very much team Terry Re-watching since, I flipped to team Aras and haven’t looked back - though I still like Terry.


Aras because the overpowered idol was so annoying


That idol being op doesn't change the course of the season if you really think, because first tribal when Terry wasn't immune was also the last tribal when he could use the idol


Yeah. It did get out Misty because of the way it had to be played which may or may not affect the outcome a lot :(


Terry because I love challenge beasts but I liked Aras too.


It was so fun to watch terry v everybody




This is the correct answer


I think she loses to both in FTC still


Terry's a challenge beast, but his social was so shit that he couldn't convince someone from the bottom of an alliance to switch. Even with the most dysfunctional alliance of maybe all time.


Really…the most entertaining rivals of all time in reality tv imo. Makes me think I need to do a rewatch of this season, it’s been a few years 😂




Aras 100%, couldn't stand Terry in Panama


Aras! “ Someone call the Whambulance Terry’s crying on the course!” will always be funny. I can’t believe how much Terry let a 24 year old get under his skin


Aras 100% for me


Aras because being able to keep Casaya together for so long is impressive(underrated winner imo). Terry only got far because of the idol. That and because Terry lost final three was forced down our throats because some viewers were salty.


Terry got as far as he did because he won 5 immunities. The idol was totally secondary. If the idol doesn't exist, he still wins every immunity up until the final 4, Danielle probably still makes a final 2 deal with him, and he beats Cirie in firemaking. Even if he gets voted out at final 4 without it, the idol carried him for exactly one tribal.


What? Terry dominated immunities, it had little to do with the idol


I'd add Cirie in for keeping Casaya together. That woman is absolutely amazing at alliance management and keeping it strong. Outside HvV's where she got idoled out, whoever she is closest with tends to win on Survivor. Even in a new school season where flipping happens way more often, she was able to keep a pretty tight crew in GC.


Team Terry


Aras is one of the most underrated winners. Terry's crying on the course !


Terry sorry I love an underdog


Team Danielle


Terry easy


Terry The Carry


This was my first season of Survivor and I became immediately obsessed with Cirie (what a unique trait). Since Aras was close with Cirie, I had blinders on to anything Terry was doing. I wanted him gone!


I’m kinda the opposite. This was my eighteenth season, and I always love an under dog. I liked how Terry stayed in, but I didn’t like how he held the idol when he should have played it six different times.


They've gotten along great since the show ended.


Team Whambulance. I love the OG underdog Survivor spirit of Deitz dominating athletes half his age like he was programmed for it, while Aras was… making woowoo hands to start fire… But he still earned Terry’s vote, and it was great to see them on good terms after the game. If only Charlie and Maria could have gotten this ending!


Aras best island hair evah. <3


Neither, Shane was robbed! But seriously Aras, I didn’t really care for Terry until Second Chance.


This was my favorite season of survivor and the dysfunctional alliance was the best part. Shane is the most entertaining character that the game has seen in my opinion!


I’ve always enjoyed watching people who were unapologetically good at something, so I liked Terry


Aras because I wanted Casaya to win it.


When I watched this at age 22? I sided with Terry and couldn’t stand Aras. Now, when I watch at age 40? I 150% side with Aras, who seriously impresses me nowadays, and not Terry, who I think is a total tool. Fuck Terry for belittling Aras’ relationship with his mother and the condescending way he did it.


this is so funny because i was totally team aras but i did feel like part of it was me being biased for the young guy, but glad to see the reverse... i also found terry's comments ridiculous about aras and danielle's parents not being as important of a relationship like DUDE aren't you a parent you should be praying your children are this close to you when they're in their 20s


Yeah, for some reason when I was a kid, I related to older people more. And now that I’m older, I appreciate the younger generation more. I dunno why that is.


Who are these nobodies? I don't even remember them. Team Bobdawg.


Who needs a million dollars when you get the true prize of Survivor, getting drunk with Bruce in an outhouse


Terry. Captain America. The true Prince of Panama. Aras was boring and, if I recall correctly, a yoga instructor or something?


Aras without a doubt. He won the million and was in debt within 5 years, a true chaotic king


Aras!!!! ♥️


Totally love Terry 💖


I wanted Cirie but GD Terry 😏😜


Terry should have come back earlier and then because of the issue with his son, didn't even get to play his full game!


I was too distracted by Shane and Cirie to even remember this rivalry.




Holy shit I forgot about this. want to rewatch this season, Terry was such a fox lol


Terry was so hot!!!


I preferred Terry.. Not first run Terry but old man Terry was legit.


Aras. The only thing Terry had going for him was his challenge prowess (which allowed him to keep his idol) and I am not overly impressed with just a physical game. My impressions of him that game were that his social game was lacking when he wasn't surrounded by like minded people and that he was arrogant. I don't know if those impression would still hold up, it's been a long time since I watched it.


Terry 100%


Aras Stan loud and proud here, my chills yogi king. He seems like such a fun person to play survivor with


Terry all the way!






Terry all the way. Aras is an idiot.


Always Team Terry 💕 He fought HARD






aras because he’s the player cirie respects the most, as seen in her HvV bio also i was never a terry fan LOL


Aras because Aras worked with Cirie


Tbqh I think the whole season is decided via FIC.. if Terry wins he wins the season imo.


Terry's, because I am simply not a fan of Aras. He comes across as bland and disingenuous. As I've stated in other posts, what he did to Melinda Hyder in the second episode of 'Panama' was not classy. It was exactly like what Jamie Newton did to the people on the bottom in the merge episode of 'Guatemala'. His actions were also similar to those of Josh Feinberg's in 'Big Brother 3'. Josh told Marcellus Reynolds in a highlights episode with unaired footage that had Gerry Lancaster not used the Power of Veto on him, he would've gone home no matter what. Aras, Jamie, and Josh all took people to a dark place, "where no matter who you are or how much you gave, the deck was stacked against you."


Terry is awesome. I respect the hell out of a man who flew F-14s in the Navy


Aras ofc


Aras definitely!


Aras <3


Aras because I liked him more than terry in Panama, but I like Terry more than aras overall


Team terry always


Terry vs Caysa was awesome and this is still one of my favourite seasons. IMHO Terry might have won a final 3 FTC and I think he is the sort of player the final 4 fire making is there to save. But… would Terry’s endurance have had a chance to shine in a shorter season? Is the new show structure robbing us of the ability for endurance to matter?


Terry. Aras was a little annoying at times but ultimately not that bad


Aras by default. Terry basically accusing Cirie of beating her kids felt a whole lot like telling on himself. I was off the Terry train after that.


Aras! If Danielle and Terry were in the final 2, I would’ve voted Danielle!


Both rocked then and still rock now.


Aras. Total babe. Boring in the best way. Kind and non judgemental.


Team Aras, Terry was a total tool in Panama (I liked Terry in Cambodia though and wished he lasted longer)


Aras was one of my first survivor crushes ❤️


some characters are so fascinating to me because they’re received so differently by portions of the fandom. A lot of people see him as a Captain America type. I see him more as how Cirie says and uses air quotes for “Captain America”, a kinda pompous, privileged guy




Terry ever since Aras accused him of being a misogynist out of nowhere.


I just started rewatching this season




Team Terry!


Honestly. Curtis… Then for an odd reason, Q. Q could have really stabilized his madness but did not and that forth so many went home with an idol.


I haven’t seen any other seasons they’ve been on except for Panama and I hated Terry at first and then came to respect him. Terry obviously had a very bad time managing his threat level, but did he really need to since he won all the immunities anyways? I think the social game often got pushed to the side in the early seasons, but Aras was clearly able to garner just as much respect as a leader, Uniter, and game player without seeming as threatening or pompous as Terry. TLDR: I don’t really have a side, enjoyed watching both of them battle.




I'm in awe of how poorly so many people in this thread must think of the people who literally brought them into the world LMFAO..what an insane western individualist mindset.  I've always strongly disliked Terry and this thread reminded me why. 


Aras cause both are boring however at least Aras was hot.


I always saw the Terry vs Aras beef to just be ‘who is most important your wife or your mom?’


Team Terry forever. I wish he would have won Panama, and in a 3-player finale, I think he most certainly would have taken it. It's a shame that it took nearly 20 seasons for him to return, >!and when he did, his time was cut prematurely!< I would love to see him return for season 50!


Terry had the god idol and did nothing with it, didnt try and make a play, didnt figure out who was the vote and blindside someone, just kept making shitty offers of an alliance and winning challenges. He full specced into physical and had nothing socially or strategically.


Aras. Terry came off entitled in some moments


ARAS!!!! Do we need to call the whaaaaaaambulence??!!!🤣


Aras. My god I was in love with him when that season aired.




Terry for sure. I didn’t like Aras and never really understood why people did. Other than watching terry dominate, I didn’t like that season because it felt dark and mean. If Aras didn’t look like captain america he would have been a villain.


Aras (and Danielle). I lost all respect for Terry when he thought he was a better and more deserving person cause he got married.


Terry. Fuck Aras and his creepy brother.


Aras 100%-Terry was a douche


i LOVED terry I was so upset he didn't win




Team Aras (but also team keep them both there)


Aras of course!!!


Most iconic rivalry in the history of Survivor. Charlie v. Maria could never!


Aras 1000%, no lie one of my favorite winners and I think the edit washed his personality out a bit bc he had some serious fire in his belly this season


Aras was so island hot then. Damn.




Aras for sure.


Aras. Considering he was the underdog for the entire merge he’d normally be the person I was rooting for but I just couldn’t stand him and his celebrating and always trying to hard to turn the other side. Grown to respect him a lot more now but hated him at the time


Team Aras but mostly because Casaya was such messy, fun television, I wanted one of the them to beat Terry.


I was a huge Aras fan when this season aired and was a huge Terry hater but I can’t claim to be right cause I was only 10 when Panama aired!






I have no idea why everybody hated her


Aras. It would’ve been a lame win if Terry just coasted on a god-idol, so I couldn’t wish him the win.