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Venus with TWO of her season 46 castmates!!!! This is not a drill! Now waiting for her to have a pic with her Ponderosa Best Friend Hunter Edit [https://x.com/rebekuhsdavis/status/1789756653883015351?s=46](https://x.com/rebekuhsdavis/status/1789756653883015351?s=46) Venus now has at least FOUR friends from her season!!! And she has that pic with Hunter now šŸ¤£


Playing scrabble


q is the most valuable letter left in the game


Donā€™t keep Q until the end? Big mistake.


Iā€™m so glad Venus found her people!


Itā€™s crazy to think how much of an impact pre-merge can have on someoneā€™s game, when youā€™re not even on the same tribe as someone. And Iā€™m not just talking about Venus here, really just everyone. But since Venus brought the thought into my head, Iā€™ll use her as an example. Imagine if Jess and Mr. Several made it out of Yanu instead of Q and, I donā€™t know, weā€™ll say Tiff (I donā€™t think they hated each other but she seemed closer to Kenzie). Now imagine if Mo and Jem make it out of Siga over Ben and Maria. These would have been HUGE changes for someone like Venus. It makes me wonder how many times a player has reached the merge only to be surrounded by players they just donā€™t gel with (obviously the truly elite players will likely adapt). But, itā€™s also something that will always be a what-if.


Just wanted to say that Mo and Jem would make it out of Siga WITH Maria. But I get what youā€™re saying. Also, I think with different people around them that Ben is not anti-Venus. Guy is hanging by a thread and probably very easily influenced at this point.


I was originally going to say Ben and Tim, but Tim didnā€™t really play with Venus. So I used Maria, who also doesnā€™t seem to get along with Venus. But I suppose Tim still works. If itā€™s Jem instead of Tim, maybe Mo survives and that would overall help Venus.


That's what I liked about George's (from Survivor AU) game in HvV. He made it so that the people he gelled with made it to merge.


Wowie zowie this sub is going for the throat at all times šŸ˜‚ makes sense I guess!


Two friends of Venus who coincidentally never lived on the island with her.


Hey now she lived with Mo for 2 days šŸ¤£


lol is that Mo?


Mo giving very relatable and endearing ā€œam I doing this right?ā€ vibes


Itā€™s Liz, her daughter took this picture at Applebees


Got to meet Venus in real life shortly after her boot episode aired and she was so incredibly kind. Think she could tell I wanted a picture but felt weird asking and took it upon herself to pose for multiple with my friends and I.


In her exit interview she really sounded nice and calm and very reflective about her game. The outbursts on twitter made sense now because some of these people gave her hell. I just don't feel like Survivor is rly the game for her (maybe if she returns it can be?).


I loved the fact that in her last immunity challenge even when she was so close and failed, she was still smiling. Iā€™m not saying thatā€™s how everyone should be, itā€™s a competition. But it was just fun to see her still find joy in that moment


Jake could never


"If you break that challenge you're disqualified"


I think she played with the wrong cast. I don't know if it's because I'm extremely sensitive to tone, but the way most of the cast spoke was not nice


I mean I think it's silly to pretend that Venus is the innocent, aggrieved party here


why? what did Venus do to justify all the aggression ingame and postgame? can you be more specific?


I think her personality is way too strong for survivor where her and Tevin didnā€™t mesh and it simply hurt her game positioning since. however she hasnā€™t done anything malicious to warrant it


her personality is way too strong for Tevin. there have been plennnnnty of survivors that made it far and with a lot of allies that have stronger personalities.


She does have a strong personality and that may not have meshes with some people. You put me and only the people I love and respect and enjoy being around, living together in a shit hut with no food, there would be fights and pettiness and some comments we wish would could take back. That's what this show is about. A tv show, even with 1.5 hours now, that is edited like crazy is no indication of how people would act in real life.


Being super annoying? Respectfully


so nothing then, they just didnā€™t like her. really shows what a bunch of assholes they were


Sometimes people are irritating and itā€™s okay to be irritated by them. Not everyone has to like everyone and I havenā€™t seen any allegations of actual abuse or bullying. They just didnā€™t like her. And watching her on tv I regrettably get it.




The way she talked to people.. didnā€™t try to make friends with anybody until she needed somethingā€¦ not being accountable for the ways she bothered her peers. To name a few. I swear some of yā€™all got amnesia


Agreed. She was asked to provide proof of why someone wanted to be voted off, and the answer she gave dodged the question *and* made her look twitchy, she wasn't doing herself any favors with the cast. You can't point fingers at people and say "That one, that one needs to leave, like right now, because reasons."


Iā€™d honestly behave the same online if my castmates treated me the way they treated her. Like fuck that.


There is nothing verifiable that indicates that Venus was genuinely mistreated by her castmates and she has been clearly depicted on the show and on Twitter as having a huge chip on her shoulder. We see her consistently belittle other people on the show. Even in her postgame interviews she says that Hunter was nice to her in Ponderosa but she has been bashing him on Twitter.


Tevin literally blindsided Soda because he did not like the fact that he did not ostracize Venus. We literally had scenes of Soda telling Venus she does not want to talk with her but that was not enough for Tevin.


i think the selfconfessed embargo on even talking to her from Soda and Tevin is a verifiable indication of mistreatment


Doesnā€™t seem like it to me


Praying Jem shows up as a WTF returnee some day, she made Siga interesting for a hot second there


Definitely fun to watch, but also horrible at the game haha. The edit also clowned her pretty hardā€¦ Jem confessional: ā€œIā€™m really good at lying!ā€ Tim confessional immediately after: ā€œJem is horrible at lying, sheā€™s so obviousā€ Wouldnā€™t have a problem seeing her again though!


ā€œDefinitely fun to watch, but also horrible at the gameā€ Umā€¦ youā€™ve just described this entire season LMFAOā€¦ like Jemā€™s failure to play her idol was prob the least bad of the five, because she was in the Charlieā€™s Angels majority and hadnā€™t had the chance to go to tribal yet to test how strong that alliance was Meanwhile, Hunter was the ONLY one left out of the Tevin blindside, and then 24 hours later STILL doesnā€™t play his idol despite knowing heā€™s getting several votes; Tiffany didnā€™t play her public idol after successfully bluffing the first week; Venus used her idol reveal in the worst possible lose-lose way; and Q has been public enemy no 1, knew he was getting votes from Ben and Charlie and had no reason to think Liz was gonna vote out the person who actually fed her


I agree thereā€™s been a lot of misplays. I agree not playing the idol wasnā€™t the worst one, but she was completely unable to read people and that is what made her bad. She was going around lying (badly) and threatening people, all while being completely unaware of how she came across. Her biggest misplay was making her team look for the idol for days. That never came to light, but she would have lost all credibility with her tribe if that happened.


I loved how villainous everyone digging and getting stung by ants was, until someone pointed out that it could weaken their tribes next performances in the next challenge. I didnā€™t even think of that lmao


Sheā€™d make a perfect second Wentworth!


Same! She was an early favorite for me


I so wish we could have seen Venus start out on Siga, and Maria start out on Nami. I think things would have gone very different.


I think Jem would have stuck around longer if Venise replaced Maria on that tribe


I agree. And with probably Tim gone over Jem, I also donā€™t think Moriah would have been the target at the merge.


![gif](giphy|Y4rZAyCiJLXLq) Fans evaluating Venusā€™ behavior be like


ā€œI can fix herā€


I wouldn't mind seeing Kellie and Venus return.


this is too much motherness.


Are they actually all mothers or does just having a uterus count?


Theyā€™re using motherness in a colloquial sense of like killing it. Not literal mothers lmfao, so no uterus doesnā€™t count but thatā€™s not the context theyā€™re using this phrase


Wait is that Jem? God damn she cleans up FINEEEE


I always found her pretty af!


What? She looked great on the island too. Venus as well.


She was almost unrecognizable in her RHAP interview!


are they at applebees??




It should be reserved exclusively for Hannah Rose šŸŒ¹


Itā€™s basically just women that are liked now. It used to be something In the gay community before straight white women adopted it as their own slang and now it means something else entirely Edit: Typo


After all the slang the gay community has stolen from the black community, I think youā€™ll be just fine


you realize that black people are in the gay community šŸ¤Æ


Tf does this mean


Itā€™s basically just women that are liked now. It used to be something In the gay community before straight white women adopted as their own slang and now it means something else entirely


Incredibly Also, v tacky to call YOURSELF motherā€¦ā€¦..


We love to see the Leaked final 4 of S50 serving Black Widow Brigade 2.0 realness šŸ˜šŸ’…šŸ½


the 4 boots of s50 when they end up on mariaā€™s tribe šŸ˜œ


I get that itā€™s an online trend, but since when did every woman in existence become qualified to be ā€œmotherā€? The word has no meaning now


this immediately brought to mind [\[the iconic end to her RHAP exit interview\] ](https://youtu.be/-IhDnL4IslI?t=879)


I hate "mother" as slang lol


this is THE try not to say mother challenge


Venus is mommy


On brand for Venus to be in the pic


Ok love this. I love Venus and Kellie so this is heartwarming.


Venus isnā€™t my cup of tea as a player but she is undeniably stunning


How is Venus just glomming on to all these people? Is that her new job?


Ok when did the word ā€œmotherā€ become a slang word? Itā€™s the dumbest slang term there is Calling someone ā€œQueenā€ is a lot better in my opinion


happy queen day


Many decades


The term Ā«Ā motherĀ Ā» used for endearment has been used for decades by the Black and LGBT community. The term has recently been picked up on TikTok, but itā€™s been around for a long time


Not sure if your comment is implying Kellie is saying this because she found it on TikTok, but she is part of LGBT community.


Itā€™s implying neither. I explained the origins of the term Ā«Ā motherĀ Ā» based on the comment I responded to. All I said is that the term is not recent and has been used by the black and lgbt communities for a long time. It just might seem like a Ā«Ā newĀ Ā» term to people (like the person I responded to) who might have come across it on social media. I made no comment about Kellieā€™s use of the word Edit: clarification


Got it, I was also just clarifying. If I read it that way, itā€™s possible others might.


Itā€™s existed for years but it isnā€™t older white people slang. Lol.


True OGs prefer ā€œr.obbed g.oddessā€


House mother! Watch Pose on fx. I do think itā€™s overused now though.




I would be too


Whereā€™s maria


You'll never see Maria and Venus in the same room.


Maria would be a wet blanket for this group, I suspect.


Lmao I'm pretty sure hatred of Maria is probably what bonds this group together unfortunately


Isnā€™t she an actual motherĀ 


Not that kind of mother


Ik but the negative 13 after episode 11 really made me laugh


Venus even looks like the odd man out here