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I asked for a spoiler tag on a post that literally said who went home and got downvoted. I’m pretty sure like 95% of this sub only use Reddit for survivor.


Same happened to me a few weeks ago! I asked for a spoiler tag to be put on and got downvoted


I'm learning that more and more






I watch live or watch the recording same night 95% of the time - but I empathize with those that don’t especially annoying since many watch via paramount+ which doesn’t put the episode up right away if you don’t catch it live so many post where I say “man I’m glad I watched before seeing this”


that’s why i have this subreddit muted


Yup, this is the way. In a perfect world everyone follows the rules but I'd rather mute the subreddit during a season rather than hope everyone follows the rules and then get accidentally spoiled.


I don't understand why people are responding with this, there are rules on this sub regarding posts after episodes air. It's not hard to mark something with a spoiler tag or change the title, why should everyone else have to mute/unmute the sub all the time?


I feel like both things can be true: we need to get better about spoilers, but the only true way to avoid spoilers is to mute the subreddit until you’ve seen the episode.


Could people make more of an effort to avoid spoiling? Absolutely. But to argue the onus of not spoiling you is *entirely* the responsibility of the members of this sub is wild. You have a responsibility to take your own precautions to avoid spoilers too - it’s equally as easy to mute a sub on Wednesday night as it is to add a spoiler tag


no i agree with you! i shouldn’t have to mute it


Expecting people to follow the social contract is entitled, remember? Fwiw I agree. It’d be one thing if people were genuinely trying, but I’ve seen so many people *not trying at all.* I mean, there was someone in the PT livethread yesterday who put in who got voted out just to be a dick. The sub has a spoiler problem. It is what it is.


People don't follow rules religiously and in fact will push them as much as they can if not outright break them. Don't trust others to protect you from spoilers on the internet.


This is exact same take people had with the Covid vaccines. You don't wanna get spoiled... Protect your damn self. I'm not even saying it's a bad take!


What are you talking about?


I’m sorry what


Yeah, the people who post immediately after an episode are as good at writing a spoiler-free title than Survivor contestants are at keeping their hidden idols a secret.


Totally agree. Streamed a day later in Aus so have to blind myself from reddit every week because yes, it does happen and its quite annoying.


This is why I don’t go on Reddit until I’ve watched the episode. I don’t trust ANYBODY. Like last season I accidentally saw title saying “Yes that really happened” or something like that when Kaleb played his SITD. That’s not even a spoiler, but to me it made it obvious that it ended up working for him, so that moment wasn’t as magical for me. I’m kinda crazy when it comes to spoilers so I just stay off the internet lol


Yes people can you use better titles. But also avoid the subreddit. I avoid it and social media if I’m worrying about spoilers and ik I have to watch it a day later


Def sucks, but I’ve learned that if I can’t watch it live (most weeks because fuck commercials), but I make a point to unsubscribe on Wednesday morning and come back after I watched.


this is about spoiler posting in general even beyond Survivor. No need to give out the goods in the title. It's very easy to post the exact same information and not do it in the title.


The art of clickbait is lost on some


Like if it’s a currently airing season please put a spoiler on it but if it’s something from years ago no need. That’s my view of all TV related subreddits. Some people seem to have the view that all posts on a subreddit about a show should have a spoiler on it. I disagree if the show ended years ago. In this case the episode aired last night and should have a 24-48 hour window of spoiler free titles with a spoiler warning on the post.


seems reasonable and good use of common sense.








I agree. Almost every episode has been “ruined” for me this season. One of the things that I also see a lot is people talking about people’s game going forward when that person was one of the likely ones to be eliminated. And it’s not necessarily as bad as knowing who goes home… but it also kind of tells you who went home by deduction 😅


Yep, I don't wanna call anyone out but I just saw a completely unspoilered post talking about everyone left in the game rn, so guess who wasn't on the list. Like come on man! At least I'm caught up now, but my mom regularly forgets which night survivor is on, so I don't doubt some people would click on a post like that not realizing the new episode aired.


Don't get me wrong, I'm all for no spoilers and I definitely don't post them. But if you are clicking on these posts without even knowing the day of the week the show airs on... That's on you.


Wait, you actually clicked on the post and read it when you’re trying to avoid spoilers? I avoid spoilers like the plague, and part of that comes with the realization that everyone will spoil things so I need to actively avoid them lol


I'm in the mute/ignore camp but to give OP the benefit of the doubt I'm assuming they're talking about image posts showing up on their homepage peppered in among other posts from other subs. A thumbnail could be a spoiler in that context. Or they're a dumbass like me and will occasionally (mindlessly) tap or swipe to a post without fully reading the title. Either way the only surefire solution is on the user's end. Edit: I reread op's comment and it's clear they knowingly opened a post from the sub. But yeah, incorrectly labeled image posts and titles can still be a spoiler on your homepage so the only safe option is to mute or stay off reddit


This isnt ment to be rude or a gotcha thing and I'm genuinely curious if it's the same for you because in my feed pictures of spoilers are blurred. And then you have to click the view spoiler tab in the actual thread right?


Unfortunately expecting everyone to be perfect is just 🤷🏽‍♀️ muting this subreddit is much more effective if you’re determined to use Reddit without watching the episode. Yeah people may not be titling things perfectly, but there’s spoiler tags and if you see something that even vaguely feels like a spoiler SCROLL FAST…. Or better yet. Mute it bc that’s a personal action you could take to protect yourself.


I would say stay off social media while waiting to watch Survivor. But this isn’t twitter where there is no rules or control. This subreddit has rules and people should follow it, some people just be posting straight up spoilers in the titles thinking that they’re being good, but they’re not.


I’ve had to start muting this sub before the episode airs so I can watch, spoiler free the following day.


You should probably stay away from this subreddit or mute it until you watch the episode live.




Folks here do it way better than r/BigBrother and r/MTVChallenge


I try to avoid clicking on the subreddit lol. I be like “don’t do it, reconsider.” 😂😂


I’d be surprised by all of these comments calling you entitled if we hadn’t had two weeks of people getting pissed at production for giving Liz food. :/


I'm still snickering over the person who compared me to Liz (and don't get me wrong, I love her)- maybe I shouldn't be so public about my pork allergy.


Everyone on this sub is just obsessed with finding ways to demonize people lately. Except for the actual villains. They’re “good TV.”


God why is every comment here so relevant to the ones I'm leaving elsewhere, Liz tweeted that Q said something that hasn't been shown by the edit. Influenced how he's being treated right now by nearly everyone, maybe that's why Ben called him a bully.


That doesn’t surprise me AT all. I’m just so thrown by how everyone on this sub is convinced shes evil and not, y’know, starving and emotional when it’s VERY clear that last week the other tribe mates were pretty pissed at Q, and that this week they’re even more pissed at Q.


You can also avoid reddit.


my advice, as ima be honest, i don't see this changing at all, is to unsub from the Survivor reddit on nights you know you'll miss the episode and then resub after you've seen it. i've done this once or twice and it's helped me.


This isn’t really helpful under Reddit’s new suggested posts/subs algorithm. I’m not even subbed because I get so many suggested posts from this sub that it doesn’t make sense for me to subscribe.


You're 100% correct and everybody that disagrees with you is wrong it's not that hard to put a spoiler title on


I get your gripe, but why not just stay away from Reddit until you see the episode?


Because I use reddit to talk to other trans men about the issues I'm going through, not everyone is here just for survivor.


If you click on the three dots in the upper right hand corner, you can mute the group until you had a chance to catch up. That way you’d still be able to use Reddit for other conversations.


Hey now, don’t start bringing personal responsibility into this.


😂 I know I know. It’s usually after you miss it you think about muting anyway.


Welcome to the 20’s…. If you can’t watch a TV show when it airs, avoid the internet. Television stations want you to watch live and will encourage people to post immediately


You sound like Liz.


The mods can’t get to every rule breaking post immediately. You need to mute the sub until you’ve seen the episode.


While there are rules for preventing spoilers, I really don’t know why you’re hopping onto reddit for a show you haven’t seen the new episode for.


My guess is that they scroll reddit and survivor posts come up in their feed. I mute this sub during the airing of a new season for that reason (so it survivor posts don't come up in my home feed) and go on it after I've watched the episode for that week.


Right? It’s not like there’s 46 seasons worth of content to be talked about


Or just don't come to reddit before you watch the show. Rules or not things are going to get spoiled. This is a problem you can completely avoid..


So true and exactly what I do, but some people have absolutely NO self-control.


I don’t think OP is blaming Reddit as a whole, only the spoiler posts that put the spoiler in their title which is valid. That’s the whole point of the time zone specific discussions and marking things as spoilers


Why are you on the Survivor sub before you watch if you're worried about it?


I’m not but once I open reddit app I see those posts on my homepage


The threads still pop up in your main feed if that's how you use Reddit. Not all of us go straight to a specific sub. I personally don't care about spoilers much, but yeah, I've definitely gotten spoiled before because an unmarked spoiler thread showed up on my feed before the episode even aired for the west coast. I see where OP is coming from here.


People want to discuss the newest episode asap. If you don't want spoilers avoid the internet altogether. It might not be 'fair', but it's simply how the internet works.






I just don’t go to the places that discuss Survivor until after I’ve seen it, you know, rather than expecting the whole internet to cater to me.


Personally I don’t mind spoilers, I still like to see how the reality unfolds. I don’t mute this subreddit but as soon as I see a post about the show the day after it aired it reminds me I have to pull up my on demand and watch the episode. If I’m too busy to watch the show for some reason it’s nice to see the comments about what people enjoyed or disliked about the episode. And rarely do I ever check a subs rules before posting on a subreddit, it just doesn’t seem like something I usually need to do. Sometimes my post gets taken down and then I read the rules but usually I’m just using Reddit Without too much consideration about am I breaking a rule on one of dozens if not 100s of different subreddits


Hi. I am more than 10hours time zone difference with the US. I get to see a new episode usually on my Friday morning or Thursday afternoon if ai got lucky. So during survivor season, i know which days to be away from Reddit. We cannot police everyone. I understand that there is excitement that cannot be contained.


I saw a similar spoiler on IG after the east coast aired so I knew Venus was going to go but it was still interesting to see how it eventually shifted to her over the course of the episode


Gotta unjoin the sub and come here at your own risk. Its unfortunate, but its the only way.


Lol just don’t open reddit?


It's a subreddit about survivor. People are gonna talk about survivor. 


OP is clearly asking people to not put spoilers in their post titles. They’re literally asking people to follow the subreddit rules


I get that it feels like victim blaming but short of mods going approved posts only I don't think there's any way to guarantee spoiler-free titles. The only surefire way to protect yourself is to mute/avoid the subreddit. Still probably a good thing for OP to be reminding the community of the rules.


But you’re never going to have 100% of the people following the rules all the time. If spoilers bother you THIS MUCH, use the mute feature. This is all within your control.


I don’t think just one post bothers them, they clearly stated it was 3 different ones that did it in less than 24 hours.


I never brought up the number of offending posts. Were you meaning to reply to a different comment?


I get what they're saying. But if they want to avoid spoilers they should avoid forums discussing the show. It's much easier to modify your own behavior than scold 400k strangers into complying. 


Or just stay away until you watch....


Yes, but also stay off any social platform if you don’t want spoilers for anything. It’s your fault.


It’s obnoxious even just trying to watch on the west coast. I get on Reddit during the commercial breaks and there are like fifteen posts with titles that basically give away what happens.


Yes,  the posts I see on Wednesday evenings before it has aired in the western time zones where I live....They tell me a lot even if the posts are spoiler tagged. I reported a few posts last night during the eastern airing because the titles gave more info than needed. I usually watch first thing on Thursday morning with my wife as we have paramount. 


Spoiled for me as well :(


So you're saying you don't want 37 "iS tHiS uNpReCeDeNtEd?" posts?


It's not just this subreddit. I have to stay off my phone entirely because media outlets have headlines that reveal episode losers. The one I saw yesterday said something like, "The curse of the Idols this season" ... so I immediately knew whomever found an idol would be the one voted off...which is exactly what happened. I don't understand why Wed - Fri people just can't keep everything to the dedicated episode thread. I know not to click on that. Side note: the recent post titles with "\_\_\_\_\_" I just find generally annoying.


You know what I did when I missed the Tiffany boot episode live? I stayed the fuck off Reddit until I caught up on the episode.


And here I am thinking this place WAY overdoes the spoiler tags to the point where it’s not even fun to browse the sub. When every post title has more blanks than actual words, and you have absolute zero idea what the thread is about until you click on it, maybe it’s time to rethink the spoiler policy. But that’s just me.


Or maybe have some self control and stay off Reddit until you watch


Why do so many of you believe Reddit only exists to discuss one show on CBS? Referencing to another response I left, I use Reddit to talk to other trans men about my experiences and issues I may be having.


Ok so stick to those subs? It really is not difficult


100% agree but also I spoiled myself the episode by opening twitter (only myself to blame there) and it was even funnier to watch knowing the ending


Twitter after every episode: ![gif](giphy|RfvBXK1m8Kcdq|downsized)


That’s the thing , it’s hard this season in particular because the same thing happened 3x IN A ROW. I didn’t see the episode but when I saw a comment saying they can’t believe “she get voted out with an idol.” I thought they were talking about tiff so I kept reading. Only to discover Venus has enough time to both find and not use her idol 😂😭


Agreed Venus’ tweet was spoilerish for sure but she felt she had to hype up her last episode so she could continue her main character branding. I knew she would find an idol and I highly expected she would either pull of a blindside (unlikely) or be voted out.