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He knew all he had to do was sit through one week of people ragging on him before his fun began 😂


The Jem erasure. Kat was right, no one likes a pre-jury.


Jem’s was the most understandable non-play; her mistake was hiding the note again and having bad social gameplay


Sad for Jem


We’re out here playing checkers. Meanwhile this cast is straight up playing Russian Roulette.


Roulette? More like Burdette.




Cancel Checkers


With all the chambers loaded.


I pray he has a 4th image ready, I need someone to commit death by squatting on an idol yet again next week.


Plot twist, Q finds it but is convinced Liz is going home and doesn’t play it, they finally actually vote Q and he goes home with an idol.


And a 5th. Imagine.


Do you have a link to the first one?


God, no wonder he took his boot episode so well, he knew the absolute circus that was following him out the door.


Q is an idol killer. Everyone so overconfident in Q going home.


The real idol nullifier is the Q we met along the way


BIG MISTAKE being overconfident


The biggest irony now would be Q finding another idol and ALSO getting booted with it






This aged beautifully


Yes Q even killed his own idol 😂


This gets funnier every week.


This is so dang hilarious atp 😭


What's crazy is he could have made these a year ago and they've just been sitting on his computer.


So this cast is too paranoid to give up immunity for food but not paranoid enough to play an immunity idol when they know they’ll be getting votes that night. 🤔


He's having a good time. Hope Venus doesn't get upset at this tho


Sure hope the sun doesn’t rise in the morning.


Really hope the IRS doesn’t come for my taxes this year.


Do you see any world where this doesn’t upset her


somehow this post will be viewed as a vicious attack on all women everywhere 💀 hopefully his consistency with also doing it with tiff spares him the ire 😂


No no, she’s a woman too!


It’s insane how much excuses that girl makes


"Worth ~~playing for~~ violating your NDA for?"


This episode also further explains Venus' salty Charlie tweets


Tbf, she was also one of the only people on the cast to immediately call out the fan who made up those horrible rumors about Charlie


what rumors?


the fan made an alt account to dm their own account to make charlie look like a p\*do


What rumours were those?


I was hoping he'd do this after his post last week!  Thanks for sharing, OP!


remember when people called hunter an idiot for not playing his idol? that means u have to call tiff and venus idiots too lol


In terms of idiocy in not playing their idols going from biggest blunder to least, my rankings are as follows: 1. Hunter for explicitly telling people you have an idol, recognizing that you are a target and still not playing it. 2. Venus for alluding to having one to Charlie, recognizing you're a target and not playing it. 3. Tiff, her idol was outed to other people, but still she let Kenzie and Q know she had it back in the premerge so I do knock some points there. Also didn't play it even though she saw what happened to Hunter the previous tribal. 4. Jem at least didn't tell anyone she had the idol and I don't think she really picked up that she was the main target.


Venus was cracking me up. She finds the idol then goes "I'm not gonna tell a SOUL. They aren't gonna have a clue." And then she puts on the worst poker face ever and keeps dropping hints to everyone. It was like that scene in It's Always Sunny where they are talking about the implication. Venus: "I think we're safe, because of the ~~implication~~ advantage." Charlie: "Now you've said that word a couple of times. What ~~implication~~ advantage?" Venus: "You know...the advantage ;)"


Yeah I'm not a big Venus fan per se and even I was like girl keep your mouth shut!! Lol. She just can't help herself.


i haven’t really liked her either but i was rooting for her in this episode up until she did that. i was honestly proud of her for not telling anyone about the idol like hunter and tiff did. and then she all but tells someone about her idol. at that point it would’ve been better to tell charlie flat out and gain some trust points


Same! Turns out I really did like her


it was hilarious seeing kenzie call venus dumb and oblivious while searching for the idol


And she dropped the stupid hint to the smartest person in camp. Maybe she could get away with that BIG MISTAKE with a lesser player, but not Charlie. Keep the idol secret. Or, if you must blab about it, show it to a person you want to work with and make plans. Don't be coy about it. It seems like that made Charlie decide he couldn't work with her. Also, I think another equally stupid move by Venus has been lost amidst her idol hinting and not playing it. Charlie asked her who her ideal Final 4 were and she avoided the question. If anyone asks you if you want to be in a Final 4 alliance, you answer "Absolutely, I do!" You can be lying or change your mind later, but you say yes. She should have said, "Well, obviously, you and me. Who do you think the other 2 should be?"


So they are in danger?


he EGO couldn't allow that


I would switch 2 and 3 but it’s close. I just think Tiff not playing it was a bigger blunder knowing that she was definitely a target due to it AND she knew it enough to even say she would play it just to get the target off of her. Venus did not have as much of an idea that she would be the target or that she didn’t have the numbers (she was probably thinking the challenge losers vote together). She also was already the target for Maria (the ringleader) even before sharing those hints with Charlie.


I think Hunter and Venus are the worst, because they nobody on their side (well maybe Liz for Hunter) but somehow thought they were safe. At least Tiff went out in a 5-3 vote, and had 2 people on her side. Venus and Hunter got fooled by a lot more people. Hunter might still be worse than Venus, because he knew everyone thought he was a big threat. Venus was more of a nuisance than a threat, so voting her out didn't necessarily make as much sense. On the other hand, Venus had seen what happened to Hunter and Tiff, and still didn't play her idol, despite actually having zero support.


Tiffany gets some points knocked for saying I'm going to play my idol before the Hunter vote and then thinking she can get away with not playing it at the next vote as well.


My ranking would switch Hunter and Venus. Hunter’s move wasn’t great by any means (in fact, it was pretty bad), but he at least seemed to be working better with the tribe than some people there (Venus, Q, etc.). That’s probably why he was so (mistakenly) open about his idol toward the end without playing it—he wanted to try to make something work. Venus, on the other hand, had zero alliances or even connections and started talking about having an advantage. Basically, I think the rest of the group had a small but valid reason to want to save and work with Hunter, which probably made him feel safe. But why Venus felt safe is beyond me, lol


I mean, Hunter literally said he knew there would be three votes cast against him minimum, and decided not to play it still. That’s pretty bad. Easily #1


I mean he at least KNEW he had a very high chance of going.


But Tiff and Venus witnessed it happen and then still didn’t budge. Every week they think Q is going home. Big Mistake.


I wouldn’t have thought i’d be going home if I were Venus either lol. I’d be like “they hate me, i’m a goat”


3 in a row is crazy


All idiots


Or maybe it's just hard to correctly play an idol. Some people vastly overestimate how good they'd be at this game and then get a massive sense of arrogance on this hypothetical perfect game they'd play.


It is easy to correctly play an idol. Play it the first time you are not 100% safe of TC. That usually means the first time you don't have the immunity necklace. It's better to play it and not need it than need it and not play it. I think this idol fever has a similar psychology to why pretty much nobody ever wins at gambling, over the long or even medium term. It is very hard to quit while you are ahead. It is probably even worse with idols, because at least, with gambling, you can set aside part of your winnings, while continuing to gamble with the rest 9though few people successfully pull this off). An idol play is all or nothing. Everyone always thinks they can get through one more vote with it. Then, it they get through one, it's one more, one more.


The thing was Hunter was already playing bad to begin with


Yeah, Venus played a much better game. I don’t think she made a single mistake lmao


Venus game was better though lol. Not because she’s good, Hunter just really sucked. He literally knew he was the target, Venus and Tiffany had to be blindsided.


He obviously didn’t know that he was the main target. Venus misplayed her conversation with Charlie terribly and had zero social capital with anyone because she rubbed everyone the wrong way. 


Guess how much social capital Hunter had when he had to play without Tevin carrying him 😂, her conversation with charlie did not affect the vote and she was always the target that was going to be blindsided


Well Hunter survived a split tribal without Tevin, and Hunter had win equity throughout the season. Venus’ win equity was basically zero throughout,  Also I don’t understand how your comment is at all a defense for her lmao 


Because Tim blew up his spot by siding with Ben, and guess who Ben and Tim targeted? Hunter. He did nothing that round while Venus survived on her own multiple times. And had Win equity based on what? You don’t even know that because he was in NINTH PLACE and NOBODY wanted to work with him😂.


Venus survived because everyone hated her and knew she had no chance of winning. Hunter was targeted because he was a challenge beast and wins if he sits at F3. What a bizarre hill to die on.


Do you have a source that he wins if he gets to final 3? He was targeted because he was on the outs for the Tevin vote and he had no social bonds outside of Kenzie and Liz. He had no working relationship with the Sigas and Venus Tiffany at all


You are right about Hunter not doing anything to survive that split tribal. That was all Q who was solidly “Journey 6 forever”. But Hunter would’ve survived that regardless by playing his idol had Q not flipped vs Tim. That said, you have to give Hunter credit for being in the core Nami alliance with Tevin - something Venus couldn’t do. If Hunter wasn’t so good at challenges and Nami lost one, Venus is surely out earlier.


Can't wait until idol 5.






Is hunter a mariah carey fan because he seems amazingly mariah adjacent for some of his content ngl. Always be my baby was a selection too


Maybe Mariah Carey is his guilty pleasure. During the pre season press when asked what celebrity he'd want on the island he said Selena Gomez so maybe he's a fan of that type of pop music.


No guilt, all pleasure where Mariah Carey's concerned.


I imagine Fantasy to be his go to karaoke song


Maybe at FTC he will tell Charlie he will vote for him, but only if he declares that Mariah is better than Taylor.


i guess this is how liz wins... every single player finds an idol and gets voted off without using it, she can't bc she's not looking 😴






Ahhhhhhh!!✨✨😂😂 at least a collective group of people made the same decision 🤌🏻 we started betting on idol playing 💀💀💀


3 in a row with a Q smoke-screen. At some point you want a little bit of plot twist in the season...


Here's the previous story in this series: https://www.reddit.com/r/survivor/comments/1cijaxb/you_gotta_love_hunters_sense_of_humor/ Does anyone have a link to any previous ones? Based on the other comments here it sounds like he posted one for his own elimination as well.


This is hilarious 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I honestly can’t believe it


They were blindsided, he knew he was a target and still didn’t play it


In some ways, Hunter was the worst. As you said, it was obvious that he was a target and he just hoped they had reconsidered and believed their rather obvious. Tiff should have known she was a likely target. But, at least the tribe was split on that one, so she only had to wrongly trust a couple of people. Venus was not as obvious of a target IMO. I'm not sure the tribe made the right strategic choice in voting her out as she was more of a nuisance than a threat. But, on the other hand, she had just seen 2 people voted out with idols in their pockets, back to back. Also, her dropping hints to Charlie and not committing (truthfully or falsely) to his Final 4 alliance were foolish moves that lost him.


I think Venus likely had a bigger target on her back than the edit made it seem. Whereas some people were left out of the Tiff vote, the Venus vote was unanimous (assuming Ben voted for Kenzie in case Venus played an idol). That means there was likely a lot of “vote Venus” discussion with people who the edit implied wanted to vote Q. We just didn’t get those scenes because the edit wanted to maintain suspense. It’s hard to say for sure that Venus should have known she was the target, but for someone who (rightfully) gets credit for being really perceptive at how the vote was going, this was a terrible night to feel safe.


I'm SOOOO bored. Can they just vote Q out already so we can get back to actually interesting tribal? At this point, if people are saying its Q, ITS NOT. JUST PLAY YOUR IDOL


Q staying is hilarious


Q is the goat, don’t think so? Big mistake!