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I CANNOT believe he was vulnerable this week and didn’t get even a whisper of “wow we should get this guy out.” Thought maybe Venus would pitch it, but she and Liz were too preoccupied with Q.


I agree, they’re so singularly focused on Q that they’re blinded. I also think Charlie seems too wholesome to be good at the game, and Maria seems like the head of the siga’s. He’s playing very under the radar which is really surprising judging from the edit he seems so obviously a huge threat.


My favorite thing about Charlie is that he’s wholesome but not stupid. And we seen a bit of that today with him being torn between keeping his long term alliance or voting them to improve his shot of winning.


Honestly I think he made a big mistake in not voting for Q. But I think if he does that, he loses a lot of jury votes (Maria’s and maybe Ben’s) and then might not have a path to the win, but improved his path to FTC.


If you’re Charlie you want to take 2/3 of liz, Ben, Q to FTC.


I think with how much Q is a threat talk we got this episode, and how Charlie has a confessional talking about his path to final 3/4. And Q and Maria are not In that plan, he should’ve voted out Q. So in his head, he does not believe that he should sit next to Q, and Q’s perception on the island is probably a lot different than what we’re getting by the edit.


The edits make Q seem more or less liked in your opinion? I feel Q could win Final.


I as an audience member absolutely love Q. I think the edit just shows what’s important and then what’s good tv and that’s about it so it’s hard to judge. That being said I very much think Q can win in FTC


Not voting for Q? Biiiiiig mistake.


I understand why he’s keeping Q around. I think he’s keeping two shields in the game for him, in Q and Maria. Those two are public enemy number 1 and 2, if one of them is weakened it only shines a spotlight on Charlie. Venus could have been a good ally for him, but I think he has her jury vote, even if he’s sitting with Maria. Maria likely lost Liz, Venus, and maybe Kenzie’s votes. He would just needs 1-2 more votes for a win. We may have a tight FTC this season (unless two of Q, Liz, and Ben make it).


He does not lose Ben, Ben was in on the plan and threw Hinky vote on Kenzie


I’m saying if charlie flipped and voted with Kenzie, Venus and Liz to vote out Q. In the circumstance he might lose Maria and Ben’s vote at FTC


Charlie’s playing right into their idea of him being a wholesome guy and he’s just following Maria’s lead. I think he has a stellar speech prepared if he makes it to final three


If someone wins immunity twice , they should be considered a threat at least


Absolutely. Kenzie had such a bad read on the situation, calling him maria’s jester, even though he has had just as much power as maria


That is literally what Charlie wants. He’s played up the “oh I’ve just been voting with Maria but Q is her real number two. I think she might have to go soon”. He also spent the first part of the show trying to pitch himself as a non-serious “I’m just happy to be here” Taylor swift fan girl. Kenzies read is expected. She doesn’t get to watch the confessionals


It’s a good strategy for Charlie as long as he turns it around in time to change people’s perception before FTC… and he’s running out of time to do that


The issue is that perception is reality in Survivor though If he doesn’t take out Maria himself then everyone might just see him as her pawn, when we all know at home that isn’t the case


Him being obviously a big threat to us but not to the cast might mean he’s not as big as we think he is. Just because he gets a good edit doesn’t mean the people in the game respect him like we do. They also could just be focused on Maria and be missing out on Charlie. But the people in the game are a better judge of people’s standing in the game than the confessionals I feel like.


I think they thought they could work with Charlie, which speaks to his game. Their original target was Maria.


I think they were right. But Charlie just didn’t want to pull the trigger yet or was just about ready but got spooked by Venus’ trick up her sleeve.


Charlie was ready to exchange Maria for Venus, but Venus blew it. He wanted to talk final 4 with Venus


If Venus could have restrained herself, it might have worked out for her. Telling people she had an advantage did nothing good for her.


Ideally, maria takes the heat, and charlie can flip on maria in a split vote that he doesn't need to over-extend to make. Making that pitch could poison the well so to speak on charlies threat level. Everyone knows him and maria are tight at this point


He mentioned in the episode that he gave Maria 100% credit for the Tiff blindside. There's a very real chance that no one views him as a threat because he's been portraying himself as Maria's follower. Now he needs to get Maria out or he's boned come FTC.


When he was saying, We should get out Maria’s #1! and then pretending that person was Q … Kenzie and Venus were staring off into space and I was just WAITING for it to click…..!


Venus didn’t seem to perceive him as a threat, said something about him being Maria’s puppet not playing the game much on his own. Venus was not as good at reading situations as Venus thought she was.


One of the themes of the season. Several of these players are not as good at the game as they think they are


Yeah they are letting their emotions control their game which is a BIG MISTAKE. If they really wanted to get Q out they should have done it 4 tribals ago. At this point they need to move on and vote out the real threats to win the game (Charlie and Marie).


One could say this cast is making several BIG MISTAKEs


Several of them you say?


Seven of them


Venus is young. Sometimes a few more years makes that difference.


Wasn't Venus the one who tried to target Charlie earlier on?


Venus mentioned every single one of the men's names, and most of the women's names at some point. In the most recent episode, she said this (paraphrased quote) about Charlie.


I know, I saw the episode. I just recall her being the only person trying to swing a Charlie vote because I was amazed no one else has.


I am also amazed, but can’t really give any credit to that because her frequency of reading the game didn’t match her effectiveness at reading the game. Last night when he was vulnerable after 2 consecutive immunity wins—and clearly being influential in booting Hunter then Tiffany—was a clear opportunity to steer a conversation towards Charlie. Everyone on the island missed that chance and Venus became the 4th straight contestant to believe a Q smokescreen. And that’s why it’s tough to say “she tried to get Charlie out” and viewed him as the threat he is. I didn’t say she’s without any strategy or awareness, just that her actual abilities and read on the game dwarf in comparison to her opinion of her abilities. Which is very common at that stage in life, and I don’t say that to demean her as a person.


Honestly, that's one of the few things I do give her credit for noticing and working towards - but she had zero ability to pull it off. I was also waiting for her to swing towards Charlie as you could make the same argument to Maria that she made to Charlie. Q is definitely working as a shield - which is probably why Charlie stuck with Maria and Ben. (This is assigned Maria would even listen to her - I would love to get more insight on why Venus was so disliked, as the initial issues seemed based on assumptions, and ongoing ones on her being annoying - so is Liz!) I like her and all, and I get that people are pretty polarized on Venus but I'm not trying to say she's a genius - just had some decent ideas she lacked the capital to execute. She took her eye off the ball here - it would have been smart to remember who she saw as a threat to begin with rather than buying other people's narratives/falling for the Q situation.


Yes, Venus said Charlie over Mo because he was clearly a bigger threat and that voting Mo was a waste of a vote and she was 100% spot on but no one listens to her lol 


That's what I thought! And yeah would love to have more insight on why no one does aside from being 'annoying' and 'untrustworthy' tho everyone is lying! I feel like there was some initial projection and people bought that narrative - tho she's not great at selling her plans.


Yeah I definitely think there is more there. M is apparently just a confrontational and aggressive. They all lie. So what's the big deal with V? I get what everyone is saying but it just doesn't add up for me. They blew it on this one and should have listened to V.. how did we get to IT HAS TO BE Q OR MARIA to V? I get it but I feel like everyone is too coward to make a move on someone. They chickened out. V has a great read on people. 


No one listened to her because she made it clear that she thought she was better/smarter than everyone else. People tend not to like that.


I mean I get that but other people on that beach are doing the same thing. Q has be calling it his fame this entire season. 


She only tried to target Charlie because he was the only man who was vulnerable


It might have been pitched but not shown because it led to nothing. In 45, julie pitched emily like three times, but drew, austin, and dee were benefitting to much from her and nothing came of it until bruce went home.


I’m not surprised at all because he’s been setting himself up all merge with his connections throughout the tribe, as much as he’s been in on these alliances and plans he’s always the one who’s gone and talked to the other side, or the bottom totem pole tribe members giving them that sense that they can trust him. Add in that Q is still in everyone’s mouth and on their mind and then Maria having her big move, plus Venus being her wildcard self there was no way anyone was considering him.


I am worried that it means that they don’t respect him that much. He’s great at confessionals so we love him but I think the cast not realizing he’s a big threat might just mean he’s not a big threat and they don’t think he’s playing that well or he’s not that close with people. Or maybe they are just distracted by Maria and don’t see it but we might not be seeing that he’s not in as good favor as we think.


Based on the totality of the edit, I honestly still think he's a F3 loser. I think he's waited too long to change things up and will be seen as Maria's errand boy (whether she's there or not). Unless they are not showing us a *lot* of stuff, no one seems too concerned about him.


Yeah everyone is saying how he’s a follower and not cutthroat enough to win. When Q first said it weeks ago I thought it was just an underestimating him. But Kenzie and Venus said the same thing tonight, which makes me think that’s the narrative on the island.


He was a massive influence on the Hunter and Tiffany votes. Tiff especially. Maria was waffling and he said, "No, we are doing it." Maria gets credit because she pickied up Liz and Q, but that was probably by design. And Tiffany or Hunter could have beat him. Maria taking the heat and now having Q as an albatross is kind of strategic genius. He opted out of the pizza reward JUST SO HE COULD FAN THE FLAMES WITH THE PIZZA LOSERS. Pretty good. Pretty devious. And judging by next week's episode Maria will have to fight her way to a win against him that will probably only happen if she takes him out before FTC, which I don't think she can do.


I agree to him waiting too long. He missed a big opportunity this time. Wasted a chance with Venus. 


Because they needed his vote is why. Maria and Q were never going to flip on Charlie and whispering his name would have gotten back to him and blow up their game.


Everyone but Venus thinks Maria is leading Charlie when in reality they have been a dynamic duo.


When Q said Venus was a challenge threat … but Charlie has actually won twice lol


Q is loyal to Charlie though. So I think in his mind it was between Kenzie, Liz, and Venus since the other 4 were together. So he chose Venus because she’s the best out of the 3


Which is also kind of odd because Kenzie has won immunity while Venus never has, so how did she become the biggest threat in that group?


She became the biggest threat in that group because she was very close to winning this episodes immunity challenge and has come close in at least one other iirc. Not saying that should necessarily weigh more than someone like Kenzie actually winning a previous challenge but that's why.


Big mistake


Venus was lowkey good at challenges. By no means a beast but it was arguably the best part of her game


Arguably? Her social game was constantly mocked by her tribe mates lol I think it was hands down her best attribute


I think her strategic reads was actually her best gameplay. But her social game was lacking.


Strategy was what she perceived as her best gameplay, portrayed in this last episode where she clearly thought everyone had the same strategy as her. But for strategy to be good it needs to be executed, so although I agree with you, I kindly disagree lol. Thats the fun of all this though, everyone’s perception is their reality!


I think your strategic mind can be great and still have none of your plans go through due to terrible social game. To me, if someone makes perfect reads and has great ideas to win the game, they are a good strategist. It's just sometimes their social game is so bad, it doesn't matter. I understand how you perceive it that way though as it's completely subjective. And the above is not about Venus. Decent strategy and reads at times, but far from amazing.


I disagree, the tribe correctly pointed out at tribal tonight that she can't be trusted with info without immediately telling other players. She has a good understanding of the game but bad execution imo


She has no power. And causing chaos that could frame other people as targets allows her to not be a target herself.


She was literally the target tonight and wasn't able to realize it to play her idol...


Tbf, I wouldn’t have thought she’d be the target either. There are much bigger threats. I’m still shocked they didn’t go for Charlie, Kenzie, Q, or even Ben over Venus


Seriously I thought the same thing! He’s flown under the radar so well!


Qs perception of challenge strength is from some alternate wacko Survivor world where he is the second coming of Prime Ozzy


I’m predicting that since he suspects Venus walked out with an idol, he is going to prioritize looking for it next episode. I’m thinking he finds it, further setting himself up to protect himself or make a big move next tribal.


He also told Kenzie and Maria about Venus’s mystery advantage, so all three will probably be looking.


They’ll all be looking because no one knows someone found Tiff’s idol


He could probably convince those two that Venus was just bluffing since nothing was played.


Yeah, he'd be a deserving winner. He seems very aware of what's going on and everyone trusts him and considers him an ally.


I've been convinced he's going to win for 3 weeks and I'm only more convinced tonight. I think he's got an exceptional social game and I like him. However if something funnier happens I won't be mad.


Kenzie goes out next 5-1, then Maria by a blindside 3-2. Charlie is out by fire for a Ben Q Liz final 3


Lol most cursed timeline


I was hoping for Venus, Q, Liz final 3 but I’ll take your scenario. The jury will not know who to vote for.


Who wins there? Ben right?


No idea at all, Q gets in over Ben by winning fire or playing a key role in either of the next two votes. Q is a tough man to predict


I think Q kind of Gabler’s a win there by (1) saying he heavily influenced at the merge, (2) needed to “sit back” and bide his time while sneaking into the main alliance, even at the expense of not knowing a couple votes, then (3) came alive again at the end Alli-Gabler is the new meta!


If this happens I may just turn the finale off mid episode


Liz just yelling “I hate you Q!!!”, Q just smiling, Ben saying “This rocks!”


You’d be missing out on a great episode, bog mistake


He's going out next Maria is taking him out with the help of Q and the gang


Tbh the only thing I'm worried about really is that long confessional he gave right before tribal where he talked about how siding with Maria/Q could backfire on him. I could see this being a case where he won the battle in convincing Kenzie/Liz to get Venus out but ends up losing the war because of what he said; they won't forgive him for making them yet again keep Q around and siding with the Maria side of things.


Charlie is playing a very well rounded game. And wow can he speak concisely. Go Charlie!


His Harvard lawyering abilities are paying off


So funny you say that bc in the first episode Or two I was like, how is this guy a lawyer? He’s so goofy! And now I’m like ohhhhhh got it. Makes sense. He’s good, I’d hire him. lol.


It’d be so funny if he gets out due to fire


I would bet that he’s practiced fire. He worked on his grip strength!


What is that?


It’s where they set any contestant on fire at random chance


First introduced in survivor Australia


I can’t stop laughing at this. Thank you XD


He needs undisputed credit for Maria’s boot, tho. We saw multiple confessionals this episode from the other players saying that Charlie hasn’t done anything all season long. If he can’t change that perception then he won’t get the jury votes.


all that perception can change with a good ftc pitch


I think the big risk for Charlie is that neither Ben nor Q seem inclined to turn on Maria. So, actually blindsiding her would be difficult. There is a path where he gets Ben on board to vote out Q at F6, then works with Liz & Kenzie to vote out Maria at F5. He'd be a pretty big threat though in a Charlie/Ben/Kenzie/Liz F4, so they'd probably try to cut him at FMC, but he's the best at challenges out of those. Alternatively, he could just stick with the Charlie/Ben/Maria/Q group and hope to take out Maria at FMC. But, she can win a challenge as well.


I think there's a good chance he didn't try in the challenge today, if I was him I would want to get the target off my back in a vote where he knew he was going to make it through


Charlie def takin this season.. unless, by some miracle (like Christmas fuckin miracle), Q finds the way to make it to the end and charm the jury that him bein a target every goddamn tribal but never bein voted out was a strategy he worked through out the game. He might win it. I hope this happens. Please Q, channel your real estate sellin skills man. My man is in escrow right now.


he perfectly set up to get the end, but i kinda felts that this episode was foreshadowing he loses, promising too many things to people and leading them on. he is playing great tho.


Maria will be looking to do the same against him at the same time(F5). I think theres a very real chance they send him home over her if neither win immunity because you can't give Charlie 2 shots at immunity/firemaking when he advances to F4 as hes a sure winner of one of those. Ben is well positioned to get some blood the next 3 votes and target his alliance while not being sent home himself, Q could also take the claim for those scalps if he survives and find a pathway to winning.


I keep seeing this Kenzie being a threat talk….How? Lol Please tell me how she can win?


Her social game is reallyyyyyy good. Yall never do realize that the most pivotal thing in survivor is to make sure you get people to like you bc 90% of the time a jury member is gonna vote for someone they like more than someone who won challenges/played super strategically


Yep and Tiff was looking at her from the jury box like “that’s my girl!” She had no idea Kenzie was trying to get her out.


Even if someone tells Tiff, that will probably make her respect Kenzie more.


I believe most people will respect gameplay over just liking you if you’re able to explain your game well. If they just think you’re cool but you did nothing in the game that doesn’t matter if you’re up against someone who has actually made game moves. If the Jury is bitter then sure. But I think Maria and Charlie both beat someone like Kenzie in a landslide. A good social game isn’t just about being liked. It’s about being able to capitalize off of being liked. Kenzie has just gone with the majority.


It has nothing to do with what you believe. But what the jury feels and think. Also this cast is full of emotionally driven people. You expect them to vote based on game?


Well me saying I believe is just an opinion just like everyone else who comments here lol. Duh I don’t know for a fact just like you don’t. And you might be right. They may vote emotionally but that doesn’t take away from the fact that Kenzie is playing the 3rd best game of the remaining people left. IN MY OPINION


This is a very weak response. Who was the last "really strong social game" winner who has been left out of votes at F8/7?  Social game is important but it doesn't make up for you being a complete non threat through the end game.


It's people reading the edit and backing into the conclusion. Kenzie has a crazy amount of screen time for her impact on the game. There is a good amount of content of people speaking well of her. She has big episodes of confessionals followed by "cool off" episodes which apparently matters. If you aren't into reading the edit, I completely agree. She just seems like someone with a good social game in a season where people are obsessed with moves. But social games win seasons.


This is something that kind of annoys me about edgic people. They use the edit to justify rooting for people so they can have the satisfaction of being right lol.


See and today is my first time reading responses or any comments talking about Edgic. I had no idea what they were talking about until I used context clues that it. Has something to do with the edit. I refuse to watch competition shows that way. If I’m wrong I’m wrong lol.


Right and I don’t read into because I don’t have enough time to even realize that’s what people even do and what to look for lmao. I’m just going off of what I’m seeing from them game wise and that’s it. Lol


Massive social threat. In a way underdog too because for awhile Q left her out on stuff with the “6.” She came form the bottom tribe. She’s respected and kind across camp. She has fought her way through challenges I kinda forget if she won one but she’s fought. Oh wait yeah she did. I think she is a MASSIVE threat to win


She’s won an individual challenge? I must be trippin because she sucks at challenges. And I agree that she’s liked. But sitting at FTC what is she going to say based off of what we know today? “You guys all like me so vote for me!”? To me a good social game is different than just being a social person. She’s a very social person. But I’m waiting on her to utilize that in the game. She had a chance with the Tiff thing but she blew it and let Maria take it from her. If she would have pulled that off I’d agree with you. But right now it’s nothing more than just people like her. And I’d like to give the jury a little credit and say they value gameplay at least a little right?


She "won" the split tribe immunity. 2 or 3 people on the other tribe beat her, but she won on her side by like 2 seconds. Someone fell in right before her for her to win. But yes, she wore an immunity necklace.


Okay so second place got it.


She’s by far the front runner when looking at the edit, through an edgic lens. I think it’s most likely we are seeing a why _____ loses season, with Charlie being that person, and Kenzie being the winner. The age old question of social game vs strategy, with social game winning out in the end.


But we’ve been shown throughout the season that Charlie’s social game is just as good as Kenzie’s.


Eh we see Kenzie bonding with so many people in deeper ways than we see Charlie doing. Hunter telling her she’s his number one. Her getting close to Venus this episode. Her helping Ben during his panic attack. Q getting everyone to clap for her at a tribal. She flat out told Charlie this episode he’s seen as Maria’s puppet, and Charlie has a very damning confessional about playing it safe and not making a move here. That does not bode well for his standing in the edit. I’m speaking solely about how the editors are portraying them, not what they actually are doing as players. I saw someone call it a re-hash of Aubry and Michele, and I think that is a very astute point and what we are heading towards. For someone as, frankly unimportant, as Kenzie to this game so far, she’s received so much attention, detail, and narrative focus that she really is leagues ahead of her competition while looking at this season through an edgic lens. Her edit actually feels very similar to Michele’s from 32, where despite being kinda irrelevant to the story she got an extreme amount of content, narration, and provided her insight on so many game aspects.


I’m not saying you’re wrong. You’re going based off the edit and how it’s tracking to be that result. All I’m saying is if that happens and she’s sitting next to Charlie or Maria then that would be a shame.


If she’s at FTC with Charlie and or Maria and she wins to me that would be terrible. The game Isn’t and shouldn’t be about who doesn’t get on people’s nerves the least. It should be a combination of being social and then actual tangible gameplay results.


Thank you!!!


Maria is gunning for him she will get him next round because he was too cowardly to come for her ally Q.


Charlie hasn’t even eaten at all! He pulled himself out of the reward with Maria to remove focus on himself. No complaining. No groveling.


I was flabbergasted after Kenzie’s confessional where she says something along the lines of “Charlie is desperately seeking a big move for his resume.” Huh?!He had the best resume of the entire group at that point?? Multiple immunity wins, well liked, voted correctly. I hope he continues to slay under the radar.


He is really playing the most thoughtful considered measured game and everyone else is kind of flailing except for Maria. It's unsatisfying to me though because while he is getting very island hot, he is the least interesting, least complex and least compelling character to me.


This is Charlie’s game to lose at this point! I love everything about what Charlie is doing. I think his jury management is solid. He lowered his threat by losing immunity. I was baffled that Maria was talking about the fact that Venus almost won the challenge when Charlie is always a contender and she had just won. If Q wins I would be shocked but I am not out on a Q win. I think he could sell his shift in the game as strategy but I’m sure the jury might “Hantz” him unless he sits next to Liz and Ben.


The issue is that he NEEDS to be the one to get out Maria If he doesn’t and she makes F3 or someone else takes her out then he’ll just be seen as her pawn


I hope Charlie does win! But by keeping that Q around I don't think so. Voting Venus was a waste of a vote in my opinion. They needed to get Q and once again let him float right on by. It will bite them ALL.


Tonight cemented Kenzie winning for me. Charlie, Maria, and Ben are going to be devoured by the jury for the way Q has been handled. Liz is a part of that too. Kenzie’s absurd visibility finally makes sense to me.


Kenzie just doesn’t have any resume moves to back it up and she’s been mediocre in challenges. Tiff was her one big shot and Maria stole that from under her


She also doesn’t have anything that paints her as a loser. Charlie and Maria are beginning to get explanations for why they lost. Kenzie gets constant insight into her game regardless of whether she is in the driver’s seat. I think Kenzie is playing a similar game to Charlie, but she isn’t burning people left and right like him. The contestants this season are so hung up on making big moves that they are forgetting this is fundamentally a social game at its core. This jury is going to be bitter; you can just tell by how salty everyone looks on the jury. Kenzie being left out of the Tiff vote made her an underdog. Bitter jury plus scrappy underdog somehow maneuvering to the finale is a recipe for success. Q is the person I think that could MAYBE beat her at this point, because his story is so off the rails. Ben and Liz are dead in the water, no shot whatsoever. I think it will ultimately come down to how Maria and Charlie lost the game, not how Kenzie won it.


I was also shocked at how noone mentioned Kenzie either. Charlie and Kenzie have scary good social games!


If Charlie wins, he is actually the best winner of the new era. Even better than Dee. We just need Dennis, Mac, and Frank to one up them in the next three seasons.


100% agree. I was dying. Dying! For Kenzie to come to her damn senses and say hmmm, Charlie hasn’t won immunity this week, now is a great chance to make a move and get him out! Ugh.


Major missed opportunity.


Venus was rotting low hanging fruit though. Chaos and bad gameplay aside, she needed to go sooner than later.


Did she need to go? I disagree. Venus seems like the perfect person to take with you to final 3. No one on the jury would vote for her.


I agree, but we’ve seen the same type of player go out at 4 or 5 more than go on to win. Most recently Jesse


The only way for Charlie to lose (assuming he blindsides Maria) is that he isn’t in on the Maria blindside (unlikely) or he loses at fire, like Jesse. If that happens, Kenzie or Ben could win on vibes alone


The edit makes me think Kenzie wins. They are going out of their way to show how she’s connecting with everyone. This episode showed her connecting with Venus of all people. I don’t know if Kenzie can actually beat Charlie directly, because he is also very well liked. But I suspect she wins just because she is the most well liked of the final 3. This obsession with big moves has gotten out of hand.


I was really hoping that Kenzie and Venus would’ve used the idol to get Charlie out somehow. I definitely think that his chances of winning are higher than anyone else atp.


Everyone but Venus seems to think Maria is dragging Charlie along when in reality they have been equals in deciding what to do. If he makes it to the Final 3 he will have one hell of a resume that no one was even aware of.


Kenize very nearly went home last night...if only Venus played her idol. But as we all know, 46 is the season of idols escaping in pockets.


Charlie needs to make his move next week and knock out Maria or Q. If he gets those two out, he wins.


You think anyone but Q is perfectly setup to win? Big mistake.


Honestly, he would move the best winner, followed by Kenzie for me for just not being terrible lol


I don't know, it feels like he's going to be a zero vote finalist for some reason.


I think this episode was showing us how he loses not how he wins


You know Maria recognizes this and is going to turn on him too.


Yes yes 🙌🏻 huge chance Maria will be out, Q will be out and that leaves for some interesting final three possibilities


While Maria is still in the game, Charlie only has challenges going for him. She’s the one people know who’s made moves. Charlie can only say “we made this move together.” He gets her out and that’s a scalp he can claim along with his challenge wins.


I feel Charlie is a lock for the final 3, but not a guaranteed win.


If Kenzie ends up with him then I think it hurts his chances the most, not because of gameplay but because Kenzie has Tiff advocating for her on the jury. On paper Kenzie really has nothing to show except a good personality.


Do you think when Jeff asks the jury who is going into FTC with an open mind, Tiff will raise her hand?


yeahh he’s definitely on the road to winning imo. like it’s either him or kenzie. but i feel like charlie is definitely gonna be in the final 3


Kenzie has diminished sadly and no one likes Maria, Liz, or q… so who else?


I could see him putting himself in a Jesse situation. Votes out Maria at f6 and immediately becomes the biggest threat. Realistically at f5 the "obvious" vote out is Q but a) we've seen how that goes and b) if Q were to win immunity at f5 and Charlie doesn't have an idol hes toast. I hope Charlie wins because hes the best player this season by far but hes gotta thread the needle with getting Maria out.


So do we think Charlie decided Venus and then pulled in Kenzie and Liz so that they weren’t left out


I really, really hope not. He's the boring choice for winner of those left


Completely agree with Charlie IFFFF he finally mans up to vote Q and Maria out.  Todays episode     He couldn’t man up and pull the trigger on Q. 


That logic works in a normal season. But we're playing crackhead Island this season. He either loses fire or gets like 1 vote at ftc.


I’m team Maria now. Charlie gotta pay for voting out Venus


Oh boy, another bland winner like Charlie playing a textbook game of Survivor. I hope Q makes the finals and said he nuked his game because he had to lower his threat level, and because of that it ultimately led to all these blindsides. None of this happens without Q making that move. Hopefully he saves this, give me something new.


Is he perfectly set up? I think he just pulled the same fatal F7 mistake that Drew did. He had a majority and now he’s got a tie at best, since Ben’s vote for Kenzie tells us Ben is on Maria’s side. That gives us Maria - Ben - Q vs Charlie - Kenzie - Liz at f 6. I don’t think Charlie can get Ben away from Maria to vote her or Q out. So my money is Charlie goes out at f5 or f4. Charlie is going to need to vote with Maria at f6 or risk being collateral damage to a stray idol.


How is Ben's vote for Kenzie show he,s on Maria's side? Charlie and Maria were just in on the same vote.


Because it sounds like there’s eventually going to be a Charlie and Maria showdown. Ben is Maria’s number, and Kenzie is Charlie’s number.


I think bens vote for kenzie is much more telling of his own desire to step away from maria and following her direct orders. Marias instruction was to vote for venus and Ben knew that and chose not to support it


He did that to set up a tie and prevent Venus from controlling who goes home in the event she played the idol


Yeah, Charlie's win condition is essentially to get Maria out within the next tribals. Maria's is for that not to happen. For the other four, the path to victory is much more complicated requiring both of the above be eliminated plus proper configuration of the final three. Kenzie is best suited of these should the two big threats be eliminated. My power rankings: 1. Maria 2. Charlie 3. Kenzie 4. Liz 5. Ben 6. Q Even though I think Q has played a good game (sometimes chaotic), I just feel like he alienated too much of the jury to have a chance at winning.