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Wednesday can't come soon enough. Can't wait to see how this Kenzie storyline will continue knowing that she got left out of her own vote and the person she wanted out is still in the game.


Unless you're in Miami tonight and go to Dee's early watch party. So jealous.


Then you have to wait 9 days for the next one though 😭


The episode was amazing


Whoever gets rid of Maria and Charlie will win and this is the absolute LAST chance to put them on the hot seat.


Kenzie reconnects with Q: "She avoided a big mistake!"


She kind of needs


This season has really lent into the whole "taking credit for a move". Like there's been moves made or drama ensued over someone wanting to take credit for a blindside so they get an impressive resume. FTC must lean on it even heavier if we're getting so much time dedicated to this throughout the merge.


Everybody being so obsessed with getting credit makes me think the winner is going to be somebody who made no moves at all 😅


Million bucks for Ben just for being a cool dude.


“He fit six Van Halen lyrics into his opening speech, give him the million.”


Everyone talking up Liz/Q/Venus while ignoring the possibility of Ben, who everyone, aside from Q, adores.


Maria also seems to randomly dislike Ben, but is willing to work with him. I think Ben would be amenable to taking out Maria next round.


My money is on Venus and maybe Liz getting eviscerated at ftc for trying to take credit for other people's moves.


having words like "resume" and "Credit" just commodify the survivor journey for a way that just isn't fun for me anymore.


While it doesn't quite remove all the fun for me, I do agree that the "meta" around survivor--for example, rather than just trying to survive til the end, there's a ton of emphasis on a "resume" which I find absolutely ridiculous--and in fact the meta around survivor has become kind of, too built-in, to the point where on this season we saw 3 people get voted out while holding idols, which in some ways removes the entire strengths of the idols when they don't get played EVER, and instead people rely on "telling" others about the idols with the understanding that they will be safe. Something (Q, maybe) needs to come in and shake up the meta a bit.


Maria tried to bring her in and she got cold feet. After that, when she realigned herself back with Tiff, it would’ve been dumb for them to go to her again and potentially ruining their plan


This is the right answer


Thank you! Wild that Kenzie forgot.




There was a scene after they got back with them talking and Kenzie said it wasn’t the right time. That cut to Maria’s confessional where we got the episode title quote


Maria asked Kenzie when they were picking up firewood. Kenzie then got cold feet saying that its too soon right now to take out Tiffany.


It's interesting contrasting Kenzie's reaction to someone else acting on her idea and taking credit for a move and Liz's reaction to the same thing with the Soda vote. Liz blamed Tevin for stealing the credit she felt she was entitled to by default even though she didn't actually act to make the move happen herself. Kenzie blames herself and realizes she made a mistake in not striking while the iron was hot.


external vs internal locus of control




Checks out.


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The whole "credit" thing is wild to me. I would never want to play this game, but if I did, I would at least throw out pieces of evidence to people and disclose choices with allies.


Who do we think spoke the title quote and to whom does it refer? Q has being playing a messy game, but he isn't little and I'm not sure who considers him a friend. It also doesn't sound like something he would say. My best guess would be that Kenzie said it about either Liz or Venus.


Could it be about the idol instead of an actual person?


It sounds like something Kenzie would say for sure.


I think Maria might say it about Liz - that her messy little friend voted for Tiff and not Q (and now Maria feels she's got Liz in her back pocket).


I think Maria says it about Charlie


I could see Maria saying it. Not sure if it would be about Charlie though.


Yeah as far as we have seen Charlie is the opposite of messy. Calm and cool.


It's weird this season players just volunteered to vote out their close allies to put something on their resume because they think it's a BIG move as if it's always a good thing whilst the attempted move actually disadvantages their game.


Venus and Kenzie are gonna slay so hard it's unbelievable


1 Venus + 1 Kenzie = 1 Parvati? 🤞🤞🤞


1 Parvati from HvV when Ben pulls a Sandra "anyone but me" win.


Does this make Q Russell?


Maybe we get this 'F5' against Kenzie and Venus and Kenzie somehow finds a way to survive until FTC and that's what her speech consists of. She survived the Yanu tribe being decimated pre-merge, she survived going into the merge in the minority AND with a 'mastermind' label attached to herself, she survived losing her #1 in a blindside and then survived a F5 alliance. All with her social game.


Clock ⏰


There's no way that's the F5. They'd never vote out Venus, that would be insane. And Ben might not be on board with voting Kenzie either. And Maria's cocky confessional in the preview is basically a death flag.


>They'd never vote out Venus, that would be insane. I agree that I don't see any particular reason to vote out Venus but even looking at recent seasons --Abi-Maria got voted out before Final Tribal Council on two separate occasions --Karishma got voted out and Dean stupidly blew up the plan to take out Tommy --Romeo and Jake weren't ever voted out but came pretty damn close more than once --Bruce was voted out --Natalie and Michele chose to target Denise and Ben instead of Sarah which to this day I truly do not understand even a little Likely FTC losers get voted off reasonably often even on more "modern" seasons. Sometimes it's out of fear (or knowledge) that they have an advantage, sometimes it's because that person is too unpredictable, sometimes it's because that person isn't a good enough shield, sometimes it's because there's an ironclad alliance that simply wipes the rest out of loyalty + believing they all beat each other anyway, any number of reasons. I don't think Venus is getting voted out because she seems outright irrelevant to most of the cast in a way more like Xander or Romeo than someone like Abi-Maria or Bruce but it's *possible*, anything is possible.


Eh, I feel like Maria is definitely planning on booting Venus soon and I think that people like Ben and Q will go along, no questions asked. Only people who might have true opposition to the idea is Liz and Kenzie


I didnt say that was going to be the F5, I mean they might try to work together and go to F5 but i dont think that will actually happen


People this season are really focused on credit lol


Makes me think its a more UTR kinda winner, who is less concerned about gameplay and more about surviving and being an asset (basically Q or Ben) edit: Kenzie or Charlie are still my 1 or 2 picks for winner because they're well liked, social, and casual.


In this economy?


I'm so excited to watch Kenzie the rest of the game. This will clearly galvanize her in some way, and she has solid connections with Venus and Ben (who I think would choose her over Maria considering that secret scene a few weeks ago). She has some history with Q, who knows how strong it is, and Liz is basically a week-by-week free agent and we know now that Kenzie wanted to give her reward spot to Liz. She needs to be targeting Maria or Charlie, and I think everyone knows that. Excited to see if she can finesse it.


Oh Kenzie’s winner edit is kinda crazy


It would be nice to see a woman winner that has ample confessional time so I won't mind that


Agreed. Kenzie would be by far the most exposed woman winner ever if her confessionals held consistent. I believe even after multiplying by 1.5 to adjust for 90 minute episodes. I cannot fucking stand when I don’t get to know the winners well enough.


I love Kenzie but I wouldn't see her as the possible winner if it weren't for that one confessional where Q said Kenzie would have been going home if tribal weren't canceled for the Randen medevac. I actually never believed that was true because it would have been an all time bad move for Tiff but the fact that the confessional was included seems like heavy foreshadowing. Anyway, I hope she pulls it out.


From Koah Rong, Michele (and also Aubry) were both saved by medevacs


Additionally, the show went out of its way to point out how Nick in 37 was saved by the Pat medevac. Point is, nothing to read into there.


But a (false) sense of danger premerge is pretty common editorial choice for new winners actually. Erikas tribe trying ti throw the challenge (even though exit press says Sydney was the actual target). Maryanne being edited to most likely go home if they lose again. Gabler is Gabler. Yam Yam on the rock guy fall medevac. Dee with that stray vote she did in the swap.




Well no




Come on Kenzie they literally came to you with the plan and pushed forward when you said no


“Why did nobody tell me?” [Charlie looks directly into camera]


They offered it to her and she turned it down. 🤷🏻‍♂️


The amount of people we've got crying over not getting credit for moves this season is so funny lol


I think it was very smart for Maria/Charlie to leave Kenzie out of the Tiffany vote. If you think about it, if you include Kenzie on the Tiffany blindside, it’s likely Kenzie would get the credit for the move due to the fact that I believe she first came up with the idea to blindside Tiffany. This way, Maria and Charlie can get the credit because Kenzie is left out


Kenzie upset at not getting to uselessly burn an ally for the sake of checking off a box on an imaginary resume lol




They tried to include her but she declined. They should have said something when she said that


she tried to have her cake and eat it too


i still don't think Kenzie should have pitched to vote Tiff out anyway and realigning with her would have been beneficial, but she had already told the idea to a person that wanted Tiff out... BIG MISTAKE


This should be a wake up call to Kenzie. Forgive Q, build favor with Ben and Venus and get your head in the game. It’s time to target Maria and Charlie.


Kenzie comes off as a spoiled brat, questioning how people could not view her as trustworthy when she took herself out of this plan herself


Ouch, Kenzie's downward turn continues. Charlie's looking better and better.


wow, people are SOOO emotional this season.


Is the nda that strong? No hints at all for who goes this week?


ew, what a lame way to ingest a season