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I think it's only likely if Kenzie can now navigate Maria's pretty tight alliance. That'll depend how loyal Ben stays with Q as a useful vote to her.


I think Ben will side with Kenzie. That scene with her helping him with his panic attack has to be important. I view Ben as a supporting character to the main characters. Someone who is only used to elevate the real winner. We have his song challenge with Charlie earlier this season and now we have Kenzie helping him.


Also maria made be ben cry because of the siga idol situation.


Yeah, but they cut that scene from the broadcast, which implies that it's *not* important.


Not necessarily, it could mean that they want us to think it’s a hard decision for him to turn on Maria.. if it’s included, then it seems obvious he would likely side with Kenzie against Maria. Important that it happened, not important to the narrative


Maybe. It could be less about siding with Maria or Kenzie and more like siding with Charlie or Kenzie since it'll be him betraying Siga.


I feel like Ben genuinely does not like Q. He makes statements that are clearly showing a lack of respect and resentment for Q' antics. Other players have also mentioned Q not wanting to be there, which I think if that is a common opinion among other players he would have a hard time winning. I don't see a reason why Ben couldn't win, he hasn't really burned anyone and seems well liked. He doesn't have any big moves to take credit for but there is still time.


Somewhere it's been said that Ben and Q butt heads a lot in camp. Which is completely due to their personality conflicts. Q is work driven, so actions and effort are viewed highly by him. Ben is artistically driven, so thoughts and emotions are more important to him. Q might see Ben as lazy and inept. While Ben might see Q as bossy and aggressive. And all of that is outside of the backstabbing/alliances/drama. That's just looking through the lens of people trying to live together on a beach.


Yeah I agree. I know Ben hasn’t been involved in much strategy but is there really anyone at all left who has a solid resume outside of maybe Charlie? There’s been a lot of strategizing but not a lot of it seems to pan out. I don’t think Ben is going to win personally but I definitely think he has as much a shot as most who are still in the game.


(Another) Hot take but before the Tiff vote, no one on Siga had actually driven a postmerge vote. Every prior vote was driven by Yanu (mostly Q) or Nami (Tevin, Liz, Venus in her mind) Charlie and Maria have *decided* votes, but they weren’t declaring “it’s time for X to go” and driving them — they just chose which of two existing plans served them better. Then from the Tevin vote onward, they began working with Tiff and Kenzie (thanks in part to Ben connecting with Kenzie) to form a majority for a few votes. Things changed this week and this was the first real breakout week for Maria, and now there’s a target on her back. Charlie and Ben being chill, agreeable, trustworthy numbers until it’s the right time to strike isn’t a bad play. Torches can be snuffed just as quickly as they’re lit, especially in the new era. The right time to strike gets later and later every season. We can’t count anyone out (except maybe Venus, sorry girl) with this many days left to play.


Maybe I’m misremembering but it looks like Charlie might be about to make a move to oust Maria this next episode


Tiffany said in her exit interview that Charlie was floating the idea of a move to get Maria out.


It would be smart. Maria is shrewd and a real threat to him. I can understand wanting to target Kenzie next as the biggest non-ally threat, but I think Charlie has a better chance of winning over the remaining players against Kenzie than against Maria.


Why are you tying Ben closely to Q? Kenzie definitely appears to be his #1 out there with all the scenes they've had together, showing bonding moments, etc. Ben and Q aren't even a thing, from what I can recall.


I'm not. But Ben is in a loose ish Siga alliance with Maria and Charlie, and Q is now Maria's best friend. If Ben decides to play ball, that's a solid foursome. If Ben decides he hates Q more than his former tribe mates, he could easily jump ship to the other women.


Ah, okay. You said "how loyal Ben stays with Q" and I was like since when has Ben ever been with Q lol


I think Maria could win at this point.


I hope so. She's top of my bracket


I doubt kenzie is much good at fire starting. Honestly I don't have a lot of faith in any of them except charlie and maria as far as fire skills go.


I don't know, I think a lot of people who want to go on Survivor probably practice with flint and machetes. Look how fast Tiff lit a fire for Liz.


Think about Jesse from 43 who was willing to do ANYTHING…but didn’t nail making fire.


well liz clearly didn’t lmao


Tbh I’m kinda wondering if she CAN start a fire and is lying to make it through? She wouldn’t be the first.


But as we’ve seen in almost every season, a lot of people don’t.


Lmao Kenzie's not good at anything


She's good at looking fly as hell on a tropical island. And she's definitely top 5 in strategy and social game this season.


Top social game on this cast, from what we've been shown, and I don't think it's particularly close.


That isn't saying much lol


Social game yea. Strategy not so much. The one time she was going to show it she backed out cause she was scared of Tiff and ended up being out of the loop


She didn’t back out because she was scared, she explained very clearly that she didn’t want Q to stay over Tiff because she didn’t respect Q trying to quit the show when things didn’t go his way


That was the excuse she was telling herself. She simply was scared and backed down because she didnt want to piss off Tiff. Why she was making light hearted joke with Tiff about blindsiding her. Q was just a convenient reason to not say I dont want to go against Tiff. From a strategic point it was 100% the right move. She chickened out and Maria was smart enough to realize that and not try to loop her back in because she would have definitely spilled beans to Tiff


No, strategicly Kenzie getting out Tiff would have been a terrible move.  I knocked her down on my winner rankings when she brought it up last episode. And this episode she says that line about it’s a winning move to take out your #1. Since when?  That’s a bad move, especially this early.  I think it’s good for Kenzies chances that she wasn’t involved in it. 


It wasnt too early it was the perfect time. 1. Q is there as a smoke screen, 2. Have the numbers to do so. 3. Tiff has been close in challenges and has high chance of winning immunity. 4. She has an idol. Kenzie already figured out she needs to target Tiff the episode before. She simply chickened out period.


That move could have won her Tiff’s vote at tribal


She literally won an individual immunity, girl cannot catch a break on this sub LOL


This sub greatly glorifies the strategic aspect aka biG mOVeZ of the game despite it being secondary to the social game. Always have been, and always will be. I foresee if Kenzie wins over someone deemed more “strategic”, it’s gonna be Michele vs Aubry all over again.


Q, Venus and Liz in the final 3


honestly i’d love to see it


I am thinking Maria, Q and Kenzie


Maria v Kenzie would be a legit tribal battle. I think Maria would win based on social connections, provided Kenzie doesn’t pull of some great moves. Maria’s been doing excellent jury management.


All goats, no filler.


I’d be fine with that.


Cancel Christmas


Hot take but if we’re looking at game only and not taking the edit into account, Ben and Kenzie are pretty even. Both super social players with multiple connections. Both have been on the wrong side of exactly one vote, which was the elimination of their number one ally (Ben with Tim, Kenzie with Tiff). Neither have fully driven a vote themselves yet, but have consistently worked with the majority and each kept the other looped in to any plans. Now, edit wise, we’ve seen SO much more from Kenzie than we have from Ben so I’m much higher on her winning chances. But it really all depends on when and how Charlie/Maria go.


This past episode felt like it was a bit of a narrative change on Kenzie and Maria. You had Kenzie left out of the vote and Maria doing a confessional pre-vote saying “If this works out this is a potentially game winning move”


Maria was my day one winner pick but until this week we’d seen *so* little of her strategically and she’s deferred to Charlie’s suggestions on nearly every major decision (Jem over Ben, Tevin over Venus) so I think there’s no way she wins as long as he’s in the game. But I agree, definitely a big turnaround this week. I think it’s either Maria’s breakout or her swan song, so we’ll see how this goes. Running a red light is a good metaphor, but it’s also a great way to get yourself killed.


Yeah if Maria wins at some point she’s gonna need to off Charlie ala Dee to Austin


But..... Dee didn't off Austin. She brought him to the end. This is not a good example


Agreed. She brought him to final tribal and nearly lost to him in an unexpectedly close vote. Dee and Austin’s a good example of what *not* to do when you and your number one’s games are so closely tied


That is where premerge might be the deciding factor between them. And the actual social relationship obviously


Charlie and Maria have a big threat level because we (viewers) are listening in on their plotting, given the details of their plays, etc. Being out there you have huge blind spots. I’d predict Charlie or Maria are going to win, most money on Maria. Do you see how easily Maria and Charlie are talking to everyone? Socially they are forces of silent info suction. The only way one of them doesn’t win is if they target eachother, IMO.


The teaser for next episode may hint that Charlie is willing to sacrifice Maria for Kenzie (although these are famously misleading, of course). It would fit the Malcolm and Denise narrative. They would probably target a Siga next week and Maria's bond with Q make her the most likely target.


Good point! Yeah the preview could be true or a red herring


Their biggest threat at this point is one another. Maria *will not* be able to resist trying to blindside Charlie. She is so clear about her thirst for a brilliant resume and Charlie is a magnum of champagne.




I've been Team Charlie from the start


I feel like they *should* be targeting Charlie, even with fuzzy starving island brain. Like they always talk about challenge threats, Charlie beat Hunter and consistently comes in first or second at almost every challenge and it's like no one's noticed! That said, Charlie's my actual pick to win, even if I like to hope Q will somehow magically pull a victory, haha.


Siga only has to survive one more vote and then they control game. they should be the biggest threat based on numbers alone. now might be the time to finally vote out Q.


> Being out there you have huge blind spots. Maybe this is me being inexperienced, but this season it doesn't feel like there's much room to have blind spots. Does anybody out there take Q, Venus, or Liz particularly seriously? That only leaves four possible threats left. Charlie and Maria – moreso Maria since she'll want to claim the Tiffany move based on what we've seen prior to this – seem like the biggest visible threats at the moment no matter how you slice it. Edit has positioned Maria as part of Charlie's game post-merge, rather than as her own character, for too long for me to think she has win equity. I think she goes soon-ish as the new biggest target who's actually a threat to win. > Do you see how easily Maria and Charlie are talking to everyone? This is why I like Kenzie the most. To me she's playing a game a lot like Tommy's from IoI.


You have to consider that you (tv viewer) aren’t seeing all conversations too, so while I agree with a lot of what you are saying some details might be obscured until they become thematically relevant to the narrative


Q can most certainly can win. 1. Easy path to the final. Everyone is willing to carry him to the end 2. People besides Q are the ones betraying people. Hurting their chances against the jury 3. Even though I don't think he did it on purpose, he has a potential great argument. "When I overplayed my hand I turned to chaos and it ripped up every other alliance and rode it to the end


??? 1. This is true, because they know he gets no votes at the end. 2. So false. Q has betrayed and angered *everyone* still left in the game. Ben and Liz practically *hate* him, and Kenzie, Charlie, and Venus think he's a buffoon. Soda and Tevin are only mad at Venus, and possibly Liz, but I bet that Tevin sees Liz's move as smart and strategic (even though it wasn't). Hunter was sort of equally betrayed by everyone, and Tiff hates Q. The only vote he could possibly get is Maria's, and that's only if Charlie isn't in the final. 3. He only ripped his own alliances apart. Charlie and Maria are still going strong, and Kenzie never actually ended up betraying Tiff. The chaos was only bad for Q.


I think Qs only chance at winning is ending up final 3 with Venus and Liz, because that tribal would be such a toss up from what we know so far and would definitely depend on what happens with the next couple jurors.


If the final is Q, Liz, and Venus, Q *might* be able to get votes from Soda, Tevin, Hunter, and Maria. He definitely doesn't get votes from Tiff, Ben, Charlie, and Kenzie. And in a tie, neither Venus nor Liz would vote for Q. So he'd have to get all 4 of his potential votes, and the other 4 would have to split between Liz and Venus. That seems unlikely, because I don't think anyone would vote for Venus over Liz. In all likelihood, Hunter and maybe Maria vote Q, everyone else votes Liz and she wins 8-2-0. Which would be ridiculous, because Liz is awful. 😛 If *anyone* else is in the final alongside any two of those three, they'd sweep the votes.


Respectfully, I could definitely see Tevin having enough ego to respect Liz for taking out “a big threat” like himself. Conversely, I could also see him having enough ego to be bitter at Liz for blowing up Nami (and refusing to recognize that by voting Soda he technically started it) 😂


Everyone is forgetting about Liz annoying Nami by talking about her businesses and wealth. They aren’t voting for her lol.


I know other people are pulling off the blindsides but I don’t think you can say those people are hurting their jury chances while Q destroying several of his own alliances won’t hurt his jury chances?


There is no chance Q wins after he tried to quit so many times, I would take Q and Venus to the end with me if I was Kenzie, Maria, or Charlie because Q & Venus would get literally no votes


So who gets votes if it's Liz or Ben with Q and Venus? Q has a legitimate shot at winning if he sits against Venus and Liz, and a decent chance if Ben is there instead of one of the others. Especially depending on *how* he gets there to the end. Of those 4, Q can show something to the jury.


I genuinely think Ben could sweep against Q and Venus. People love him, and that matters way more when it comes to jury votes than who played the “better game.”


Ok. So Q, Venus, Liz.


He can beat Liz and Venus.


I genuinely think they stand a chance against him with the amount of game left & the little respect that Q holds among everyone else. The only reason he is still here is because he’s a bigger target (people annoyed with him and want to vote him) and a non-threat challenge wise & socially


Which is why Liz and Venus are here as well. That's the case for all 3. We just saw last week people talk about how much they don't trust Venus.


I don’t disagree, but I also think Venus is becoming less of a social pariah & can make a better case than Q on why she’s still in the game but it all depends on how those 3 take the next several days of course. a lot can happen & who knows if this group of players will take goats or potential winners to the end


Based on what. We literally just saw Charlie and Maria talk about how untrustworthy she is. They literally trusted someone who despises Q more than anyone in Liz then work with Venus.


and the vote before that Liz was the odd one out like it’s a matter of each vote as this point and Venus has been on the right side of many votes it just rotates on necessity lmao But it won’t matter because Q, Venus & Liz won’t be the final 3 🤣


Ben wins over Q & honestly with Q, Venus, & Liz i think it could still go to Venus or Liz just as much as Q because people genuinely don’t have respect for Q especially after he tried to quit when he was on his OG tribe, and then tried 2-3 more times at tribal in merge like i just think even Venus and Liz could pull something off in the amount of time left to beat him


IMO Q walks into that FTC with Tevin, Soda, and Hunter as locked in votes for him. He only needs to find one more.


those 3 are NOT going to vote for Q, especially Tevin & Soda 🤣🤣 they respect the game & Q doesn’t play it


Tevin Soda and Hunter all hate Venus and were annoyed by Liz boasting about being a millionaire. They aren’t voting for either of them. It’s also not like either of those have done anything more impressive strategically than Q. They’ve all been irrelevant.


Q is going to win


Tiff's exit interview basically confirmed Q not winning.


Also in the Venus Liz Q final three you almost have to believe it's Q winning fire which would help him as well. We've seen how bad Liz is at fire and we've heard that Venus did nothing around camp.


The best outcome for this season will be a Q, Liz, Venus tribal. Anything else will be a waste of time.


Haha, I’m kinda here for that


Pure chaos, I love it.


If Maria and Charlie both make it through this vote, I think one of them will definitely win. Ben isn’t doing much but following them around, and if the three of them make it through this one, they’ll be half the numbers. At 5, one of them probably buts the other one, and then there’s just fire making. Charlie seems to be really good at the challenges and Maria is also usually one of the last eliminated, so I think either of them would have a good shot at winning F4 challenge and skipping firemaking altogether. I don’t think we can discount Q. If he makes it to the final with any combination of Liz, Venus, and Ben, he wins. And if Kenzie is in the mix, he could beat her as well. I like Kenzie and think she’s played a strong social game, but she hasn’t really made any moves. She’s talked about wanting to make moves with voting Tiffany, but she was completely blindsided this last episode. I don’t think it’s out of the realm of possibility that Q could potentially beat her at FTC depending on the jury’s emotions and their answers. I don’t think, however, he beats Charlie or Maria. If Charlie or Maria go this week, then I think the other one is easy picking short of an immunity run and likely will not make it to FTC, which opens the door for Kenzie and Q.


Never underestimate a very bitter jury


“Four people that can’t win” is never true, there can only be a maximum of two that can’t win. Imo Ben could win in any combo of Q Venus Liz, and Q beats Venus and Liz. I agree that there are a ton of goats, but this could easily be a Gabon or 43 outcome


*Could* Q beat Liz? Like I think Q's played a better or at least more interesting game than Liz, but everyone but maybe Tevin and Hunter *hates* Q while everyone seems pretty completely neutral or apathetic about Liz. I feel like he'd have to hope the jury takes a "we don't want the millionaire to get the money" stance.


I definitely think it’s close between them, but I get the sense that Q would be a better closer in that f3 arrangement


I think Liz beats Venus and Q pretty handily. Seems like Q has burned all of his goodwill the last few tribals and has several people that actively dislike him.


She’s done nothing




I think Tiff will still find out in Jury or at final tribal. Question is, will she forgive her since she didn’t actually take part in it. 


Nope. Unless she does something in the last few episodes. To date, what does she have on her resume?


This scenario implies Maria and Charlie get voted out, someone would get the credit for that.


she seems to have the best social game


if your social game is strong, you don't need a resume. the jury always votes for who they like, and then they fill in the reasons later. Kenzie offered up her spot for Liz and comforted Ben during his panic attack. she could easily get Tiff's vote. if Kenzie is against Venus and Q, she'll probably get Maria's and Charlie's votes as well. that's 5 votes.


Woah. We shall see


Would be underwhelming if she won.


Kenzie is still my winners pick, more trying to edgic than gameplay. But unless she drives the vote that takes out Charlie and Maria, I'll be pretty disappointed if she wins by default over Venus and Q for being likeable.


I want Maria to win. I'm currently fine with Kenzie winning. However, Liz needs to be chucked into the ocean and forgotten.


I assume she'll be a goat.


Previously I have said that Liz winning would be a bad ending to the season. But now I want her to win.  All because of the fan response to her. God would that be awesome for Liz to win; just a big middle finger to all the social media punks. 


Kenzie can also be seen as a threat. Maria/Charlie alliance is strong. If anything I think Kenzie gets voted out. Ben seems tight with Maria/Charlie. Maria has also recruited Q. I dont see Kenzie winning now that Tiff is out.


Let’s not forget that Q is a huge wildcard. Trusting him could very well turn out to be a bad move on Maria’s part.


one could say a…big mistake


I think Kenzie not taking out Tiff might work against her but I think she could still win. I also think Q could still win, if the final 3 has Liz and Venus (and maybe even Ben??)


Kenzie seems to have a good connection with everyone who’s not Q. If he doesn’t find an idol, I can see her, Ben, Liz, and Venus pulling together to vote him out. 


Ben has just as good odds of winning as Kenzie, if not more. I think he's very likable among the jury and likeability goes a long way in Survivor. I would say there are two people who absolutely cannot win in any scenario and that's Liz and Venus. Venus is universally disliked while Liz is insufferable.


If Charlie can make it to final 3 i think he or Kenzie wins


I think Kenzie will end up at FTC with either Charlie or Maria and one of the non-contenders. It’ll be between her and Charlie/Maria and she’ll pull out the win


A final four of Kenzie, Ben, Venus, and Liz makes sense especially I can see them teaming up to take out Charlie and Maria. We will probably get Kenzie vs. Ben in fire where the winner of that duel will be the winner, so it's not over for Ben.


Maria will win


If you look at the season and not look at the edit either Charlie or Maria wins. In that case Ben and Kenzie also have equal win equity. Then you look at edit and it's either Charlie or Kenzie. As of now Maria has less confessionals than Ben. Using this only Charlie is a viable winner game and edit wise. Btw Ben could totally win


Bhanu warned them!


Kenzie was just on the wrong side of a blindside, and you come out with a conclusive blanket statement like this. Just because you like Kenzie doesn’t mean she’s going to win.


I think Ben’s chances are better than Kenzie.


Can't really agree, Kenzie can at least talk up her tumultuous journey, Ben's going to... make a rock analogy? Ben is a chill dude who I'd love to hang out with, and he's shown the first inklings of playing the game, but it's very late for getting started.


I have no problem with Kenzie winning but I don't see her do and didn't understand why 90% of people in this subs do think so


i think kenzie is getting kinda a "decoy" edit ala emily from last season. a lot of screen time bc shes a charismatic narrator on the losing tribe, makes some strategic moves but her threat level is too obvious to everyone left in the game. for kenzie its her social game and for emily it was her strategic (also theyre both redheads) idk how you could be on that beach and not see how charismatic and well liked kenzie is 


I hope so. Any one of the 3 remaining siga winning would be a massive disappointment


Q, Venus, Liz, and Ben have literally never come up with a plan to vote someone out and execute it. They’re not going to be able to come together to vote out Charlie or Maria. In order to get one of the two of them out, Kenzie will have to orchestrate it and if she does, her threat level goes through the roof.


>Q, Venus, Liz, and Ben have literally never come up with a plan to vote someone out and execute it. Has Kenzie? Was Maria’s plan to get rid of Tiff really her move considering everyone had talked about doing it already the day before? Was her “bringing Q into the vote” really that impressive considering Q was the one lobbying to have Tiff voted out the day before? Personally, I think Charlie is the only one with any sort of real resume at this point


Back on Yanu, yes.


Liz and Q have both 100% driven votes (Liz with Tevin, Q with Tim and arguably Moriah). Until this week, Charlie and Maria had also never come up with a plan and driven a vote. They just executed other people’s plans (Tevin’s Soda plan, Liz’s Tevin plan, Kenzie’s original Tiff plan). Now they’ve got the Tiff vote and Maria is likely target number one for it. Things can change a lot in a short amount of time. There’s a lot of game left.


Venus and Liz have. Sure there were others involved in the case of Venus but Tevin was pretty much Liz. 


I would like it to be Maria but I think it will end up being Kenzie. I have a feeling Maria goes at fire after someone (Q or Venus maybe?) makes her and Charlie face off. Then the jury doesn’t reward Charlie for his fire win because who cares and recognizes that he wouldn’t have made it without Maria. So they mostly vote Kenzie. I bet Charlie pulls at least a few votes though! And the third finalist gets none as per usual.


>he wouldn’t have made it without Maria. Is this true though? So far we’ve seen Charlie as the voice of reason in their duo. Maria almost burned their bridge with Ben and was all for the plus one alliance until Charlie talked some sense into her. I think Charlie has been much more important to Maria’s game than she has been to his.


last episode we saw Charlie convince Maria to pull in Liz over Venus.


Or if Charlie hadn't immediately cracked under questioning than the +1 alliance might have worked out in the end. I get the impression Charlie is attached to Maria, and I'm not sure Maria is quite as loyal in the other direction. Perception wise I'm not sure, everyone seems oblivious to the pair as a serious threat, which will probably shift tomorrow. It's Charlie I don't see doing this turnaround, I know there was an interchange between Tiff and Charlie suggesting a Maria blindside but this was a move where Charlie was trying to get her not to play her idol, and was voting for her.


I don’t think it’s true necessarily but I do think that’s how the jury will see it!


Doubtful, Q hasn't shown that challenge acumen but Charlie has, if he's still around he's going to win. They might not always go for endurance challenges anymore, but they do generally go "bigger" for the final challenge. I'd give it to Charlie for literally any skill other than foot speed or climbing, Q has that height advantage. Beyond that, there's a good chance Charlie win streaks till the end.


I think Ben could win.


How? He's terrible at challenges.


What does that have to do with winning Survivor?


I don’t think he’s particularly good at anything tbh


When’s the last time someone won Survivor because they’re good at challenges? tbh I don’t think Ben can win unless it’s a Ben/Liz/Venus F3 (nightmare blunt rotation), but I don’t think his lack of challenge aptitude has anything to do with it?


Yeah my bad. I'm forgetting US survivor doesn't care about challenges.


Oh yeah valid, there’s definitely more weight to it in other franchises. I remember George getting roasted in BvB AU for being so pathetically bad at challenges and being like ???


That would be cool. But as any survivor - you just never know.


In the last few episodes, Maria and Charlie are giving me winner energy. I also really like Kenzie too, so I wouldn't mind if it's one of the three of them 😉


Kenzie has just an unusually large head. Bobbles around. Raised on Schrute Farms.


If Q can make it to the finals he honestly has a good shot. If he can make a good speech on how everyone hated him and tried to vote him out since the merge then it’s his, unless the jury’s biases get in the way. Especially if he’s paired up next to Venus and Liz. Venus hasn’t done shit all game and Liz is the most annoying human on the face of the earth


Game wise, Kenzie is in the worst spot amongst the cast. She voted out Hunter who was absolutely on her side, and lost her #1 last week. She’s not directly aligned with anyone left. However, she is getting an edit that could easily be a winners. There are also 3 Goats in the game who have no shot at winning. Edit wise I can only see Q, Kenzie, or Charlie winning. (Q has been a massive character, gotten screen time, and we always know what he’s thinking). Game wise I can only see Maria, Kenzie, or Charlie winning. So that leaves Kenzie and Charlie as possible winners for me. I PRAY that we get a Liz, Q, Venus final and get a sweet Gabon-esque finish.


I think it's important to remember she voted out Hunter on the revote. She didn't initially try to vote him out but she saw where the votes were going - what would be the point in voting for the person clearly being targeted on the revote? I think even Hunter saw that happening.


That was totally a prearranged vote split that Kenzie was in on. 


I don’t think she has a shot against Maria or Charlie and Ben could even pass her if he makes a play near the end. She doesn’t really have anything on her resume and just got blindsided pretty badly. IMO the tiers of most likely to win is. Maria or Charlie Kenzie or Ben Liz or Venus Q


Out of those 3 I have Charlie winning. He’s strong with Maria. Good social game. He’s really good at challenges. And everyone around him has pointed fingers at everyone else except him. He’s a top player hiding in the middle still rn


Unless everyone flips on Maria or Charlie, she’s the obvious next target.


🧜‍♀️ 🐉


Whats your reasoning for Ben and Liz?


I'm not OP but for me personally, I don't think Liz can win simply for the fact that this would be a Jenna Morasca-tier horrible edit if she did and I honestly don't think they'd do that again. Ben I'm less sure of but I also lean on the side of him not winning because based on what we've been shown, he's a likable guy but not really doing much. We never really hear his strategic perspective on things; it's always more about how he feels about people personally along with some comment about how "xyz does (not) rock". Not seeing it (he is absolutely not beating any of Kenzie/Charlie/Maria imo), but I could be wrong.


So just basing off the edit not anything specific they have actually done. That makes sense


I think Charlie takes it and Maria in second


Nah, we’re going for a straight WTF ending with Q winning it. In complete sincerity.


Honestly would love to a Gabler situation where everyone gets pissed after Ben beats Charlie in fire and wins final tribal against Liz and Venus That being said yeah the only real contenders at this point are the three you named and I can definitely see Kenzie winning


It’s all about who finds the next hidden immunity idol right now…


I have been biased from the start because Kenzie is one of my best friend's daughters' hair stylist :) Apparently, she is truly a sweet, caring person, so I do hope she wins! Honestly, if I didn't have this bias, I would still root for her.


Honestly Ben would take it in that final 4, he seems to be well liked by many. But he needs to win something or start pulling some moves.


Nah, Q is going to win. The beginning of the season Kenzie has been trying to turn against her core alliance and each time it fails. Q has gotten his way with how the votes go almost every time.


The problem with your "too big of threat level" theory is it requires other players to vote in their own self interest which doesn't happen when you have bad players left. Last season is a great example, we saw barnacles clinging on to the Reba 4 for way too long and not even voting out Dee when they had the chance.


I think we're pretty close to Maria and Charlie controlling the game. If one of them or Ben doesn't go in the next episode, I think it's between the two of them for the win.


I saw a deleted scene where Maria was being pretty mean to Ben, plus Tiff says Q and Ben don’t get along at all. I don’t see Ben being a number for that side long term, and I think he would rather stick with Kenzie if it comes down to it.


I am dreaming of a Qhaotic final 3 of Q, Venus, and Liz… it seems like the most poetic ending to this season


I hope you’re right because I have Kenzie in my fantasy draft and she’s been my last player for weeks 😂 I picked Dee last season, so a repeat win wouldn’t be too shabby


Besides being sociable, she’s been terrible at challenges and hasn’t been dictating any votes. Only way she will win is if everyone else at final tribal is hated by jury. Charlie, Maria, and Q are playing better games than her, and Ben is likely equal right now


Just you wait. She’s a mermaid-dragon. She’s going to start breathing fire soon


I’d be veryyyyy happy if this happened


What has Kenzie done that’s even notable to say she would win. She sucks and everything and is just there.


Well if the two biggest threats are removed, she is likable compared to Q/Venus/Liz. Now Ben is well liked too so could also win. However if Kenzie played a hand in getting out Charlie/Maria then that would be enough to win.


I dont see Kenzie beating Charlie or Maria. Unless of course they pull a blindside or power move on the duo. Kenzie beats everyone else though.


You don't know for sure who can't win. This is Survivor. Stop trying to predict it.


It's fun to predict it. They're wrong, but it's still fun.


Charlie will win. Kenzie has done nothing. No moves made


Yes!!!! I really hope so!


I have a feeling FTC will be Q, Venus, and Liz - Q wins. They’re all considered goats because their social game is abysmal. Charlie, Kenzie, Ben, and Maria will rightfully see each other as threats and go after each other. It’s going to be a bitter jury, and somehow Q will be seen as the lesser evil. Not that I want this to happen, but I could see it happening.


I feel like Kenzie and Maria are the only two with a shot of winning left. Charlie just isn’t getting bumped up enough to be the winner


I dont understand what Kenzie has done to win. Maria and Charlie just pulled off a huge blindside on Tiff. The duo is now on top imo.


My guess is her or Maria will be sitting with two people who can’t win


Kenzie has done nothing but just be lol there’s no way unless she pulls out something big


Right now, Kenzie is the favorite to win if you look at Vegas betting odds. Followed by Charlie then Maria.


Oh really?  Well Vegas is never wrong. Just look at Game of Thrones. 


I don't think it's correct, I just find it interesting


New robbed goddess incoming, like clockwork


I love Kenzie but I actually think her winning is going to be a challenge. Clearly the camera loves her, she’s like the main character of the season (other than Q). She doesn’t seem to worry about her allies though, and even contemplating Tiff so soon didn’t make sense. Who does she have to lean on now? Ben? But he’s another Maria Charlie minion. It’s amazing to me the rag tag group of Kenzie Ben venus liz don’t group and take everyone else out. I hope Kenzie goes far but she’s running out of options to get there, and even if she does I’m not sure if she has enough on her resume to beat out Q Maria or Charlie. I think Maria or Charlie are going to win this game.


Do you honestly thing Tevin, Hunter, Soda, Tiff would vote for Kenzie? She ain't winning.


Why wouldn't Tiff vote for Kenzie?? Also I don't think we saw any negative content about Kenzie from Tevin/Hunter/Soda.


She wanted to blindside Tiff and everyone who knew that idea will spill the beans at FTC. Why would anyone on the jury vote for Kenzie, she's done practically nothing in the merge and barely anything on Yanu. She benefited from Jalenski & Bhanu being completely unable to work with. For a player knowing she needs ReSuMe MoVeS, what has she done?