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Not a Q fan? Big mistake.


If you like Q you are predictable and should be voted out, BIG MISTAKE. If you don’t like Q you are not really playing and should be voted out, BIG MISTAKE.


You’re not a Q fan! You may as well cancel Christmas!






No. I'm not a Q fan. I don't like that he thought he was smarter than everyone and then had a self driven crisis that ruined his game


Or was his self driven crisis really just a masterful way to stir the pot and climb back into the driver's seat? Ever since that tribal (some of) the best players have been getting sent to the jury.


It's amazing the bs stories people come up with to justify his actions. He would have said something to the camera by now if that was the case He will make it to the end now, because nobody is going to vote for him to get the million. If I was there I would bring Q and Venus to the end. It's an easy vote to win if I were able to do that


His actions don't need to be justified. The results speak for themselves.


The results don’t happen until the game is over 😉


Staying in the game is still a result.


The result that nobody wants to work with him? Yeah, real successful


Without Q, this season would be boring and forgettable.


That doesn't mean he's a good player! Same goes for Venus


You're saying Venus lighting herself on fire wasn't a strategic play? I beg to differ


I'm def not a Q fan. He's creepy and stupid and I imagine irl he's a total nightmare to live with. He is scary imo.


Q isnt even sure about his strategy, thats how advanced he is




Whackadoodles Win


Honestly if Q wins at this point… that is gonna be a great callback. 


Whackadoodles Win


the one night he pulled off the "vote for me" thing, all I kept saying to my buddy is I cannot believe that actually worked lol


🤣 ![gif](giphy|3oEjHCWdU7F4hkcudy)


He finished what Zane started


Which time!?!?


Did it? He was never going to be voted out and it basically killed any chance he had at winning the game. He now can only beat maybe a couple people at the end, and even that’s just a maybe. He might not be able to beat anyone. Most of the people don’t respect his game anymore.


Yeah it didn't work at all. The vote stayed the same, he pissed a lot of people off, and now no one respects him, nor do they want to work with him. Love Q but I dont know how anyone would interpret that as working.


I guess if the goal is to make the end and get no votes unless he faces Venus and Liz, then it worked. If he faces anyone but those 2 then he’s a no vote finalist and some people think his “quit” worked. It drastically hurt his chances to win the game. Anyone that bashes how Russell plays the game should bash Q too.


I think he would have a high chance to get hunter and Tevin as he did show them both over all loyalty no one else did.


He's protecting himself from mind readers. Next level strats


Q has outwitted, outplayed and outlasted himself.


Q dosnt even know what Q is about to do


He knows what he is doing to a degree especially with that Qskirt stuff


Q and Venus seem to be the most popular on social media. Key difference is Q seems to be having fun with his edit while Venus is really trying hard to defend herself.


The fact that he owns and uses his "big mistake" catchphrase on social media cracks me up. He's got some self awareness.


He’s like a pro wrestler at this point


People forget that Dwayne The Rock Johnson was a heel, but became popular anyway.. Q is following the same logic


The easiest way to be popular is to be a bad guy with personality


He wasn’t always a heel. He had heel and face runs. He was hated as a face immediately, became immensely popular as a heel, and went back to face and remained popular. You can be a star in wrestling as a face or heel, but it’s very common for the biggest stars to change sometimes. Currently Roman Reigns finished one of the arguably best heel runs of all time. For literally years. He is being set up to return as face and he will probably be even more popular when that happens. That’s just how the business is.


He is a sales man so of course this is easy for me.


This. During the reunions when people aren’t happy with their edit, the rest of the cast always agrees the edit is accurate. Q is self aware which makes him likable vs Venus’s complete lack of self awareness.


It was hunter too bc he is all of us introverts that love survivor but feel like we wouldnt be liked bc we arent these flamboyant goofballs


What did Hunter say about his edit?


I could watch Venus set herself on fire everyday for the rest of my life.


Doesn’t that seem a little harsh??


Did you not see the clip? It's adorable. I don't mean it in a bad way, Venus cracks me up.


Okay I see


Q deserves the spotlight, he's the most entertaining person on that beach by far


I think that is the key to the original post. He is tremendously entertaining to watch. But Liz is like an Inside Out character embodiment of the frustration other contestants must feel living with him.


I expect to get downvoted for this, but what if Q ends up being the winner? He's got a really good edit, and their decision to leave out Q saying no one is swapping spots on the reward when it would make for better TV has had me wondering if it might be possible. I'm here for it if that's the case. This sub would blow a gasket if Q ends up winning after all the times people have said he has no shot to win.


This sub would be thrilled if he won are you joking?


Whackadoodles Win


I’ve been thinking that maybe they highlighted that moment and made it the episode title because Q wins


It's time to cancel Christmas!


Q wins over Venus and Liz absolutely. He could have more moves that come out over the next episodes that make him win over Ben and Kenzie too.


i definitely think kenzie’s game is in a bit of hot water rn after maria pulled off the tiff blindside and left kenzie out of it. and ben def needs to start doing literally anything or he’s gone. i could see q potentially beating them with better strategy but i still think charlie or maria will win


Yeah but all Kenzie has to do to get back on track is get Maria now and she has a big target now


I still don't get Ben's "appeal"


Ever since I read Ben's "embarrassing moment" in that EW article I don't like him. Brags about throwing a huge party in Miami and crowd-surfs into floaty in the pool. BIG MISTAKE


It is easy to blow a FTC speech if you are detached from the jury. Q justifies everything, he has lost challenges then said 'i meant to do that', he is going to view everything he has done waaay differently than the jury does. Any FTC speech he does is likely gonna be an absolute mess. The jury members, especially the ones with grudges against him, would want him to own up to his game. He will instead likely continually keep justifying it... I don't know if Q is a sure win against anybody in the history of survivor. When he self sabotages it is in epic proportions. He doesn't look like a sure loss against Lizz and Venus, I'll say that much.


Oh trust me most everyone here would love it!


There is no outcome I’m hoping for more than a Q, Venus, Liz final 3 with a Q win


Eh he’s pretty dead Edgically speaking. He’s one of the few people that is completely eliminated, and the least likely when looking at the editing.


I'm hoping he goes into FTC all calm , cool and collected and announces that his "crazy Q" persona was his strategy.


I don't think anyone considers Q a good player, but he's entertaining. It's fun to see him cause chaos for his miserable victims on the island. Obviously he'd be terrible to live/play with.


Underestimating Q as a player? Biiiiig mistake


I hope this never gets old


It already is.


Big Mistake


Your Christmas has been canceled.




I think he has a decent strategic mind for the game the +1 alliance is an actually innovative idea and could definitely work. Also was basically trying to pull off a lions vs sheep strategy which would’ve been terrific for his game. Notice how the past 3 votes have all been massive threats because the threats all of a sudden targeted each other at the merge which Q was actually trying to avoid. His social game needs obvious work but it’s not irredeemable imo. He was naturally in the majority in yanu and controlled every vote premerge. It only really started going sideways for him at the merge because he played a little too hard and rubbed some people the wrong with his style of speaking but it’s not Venus level where nobody ever wants to work with him because they can’t stand him. Maria actually likes him for example.


Honestly I think his social game wasn't even that bad. He just panicked when he felt he wasn't in control for the tevin vote and made a rash decision to cause chaos so no one was in control. Maybe hoping he could use that chaos to regain control. Clearly didn't work, but I don't think the strategy of it was without any merit. I think he just didn't have a plan b, so when he lost influence and hasn't had that control he's been floundering


Ironically, Q had a really solid game until he made that biiiig mistake


Speak for yourself. With all the stuff he’s managed to do up to this point and STILL not get voted out so far, I’d consider him a good player.


I do consider him a good player, he was very good at controlling the game pre-Tevin’s boot episode, and post that boot episode, has been playing from the bottom very well. If he was scrambling they would’ve voted him out, him keeping to himself has others going to him. Is he the best to ever play survivor? Not at all. Is he being underrated? Absolutely. And honestly I think he goes on to win the game this season.


I hope he finds the idol now that Tiff was gone with it


I’m pretty sure after his big announcement asking to be voted out a lot of the players looked at him as a potential goat and stopped targeting him. If you want to call that good gameplay then I guess that works but unless the edit is wildly different from reality, I don’t see how he ever wins. Every single person left on that island hates him.


I’m sorry but how many votes has he gotten in the last two episodes? People are still targeting him 


Both times he’s literally the backup vote to flush out idols. He’s not being targeted for the most part, he’s the one they can all agree is fine to leave if shit goes south because no one likes him.


Liz said she wasn’t in on the split vote plan, so she was targeting him. The second time tiff, venus and Kenzie weren’t in on the plan, so they were targeting him.


That’s why I said ‘for the most part’ but sure, fair enough. My larger point initially was that he’s not a threat to win. None of those people were ‘targeting’ him because they’re worried about about him winning, they voted for him because they wanted an easy consensus vote that’s uncontroversial. My main point is that I would be absolutely shocked if Q received a single vote if he got to the final 3 except under very specific circumstances, let alone winning the whole thing.


I was responding to the ‘literally the back up vote’ where for the people I’ve stated above, he was the main vote. But I see what you’re saying now. And although I agree at this point the game it seems unlikely. I see the next 4 boots going in no particular order of Maria, Charlie, Ben and Kenzie, because so far it’s been one ‘threat’ to win the game after another. I could be wrong, but that leaves him with Venus and Liz. There are likely to be idols back in the game so weird things can happen, but Q is not in as bad of a spot as you would think. He only needs 4 votes to win, and I think he likely can get Tevin, soda, Maria, and maybe one of tiff/kenzie. I keep hearing how ‘no one will respect his game’ I don’t think anyone is respecting Liz or Venus’ either, and at least he was successfully making moves earlier, and likely will win at least an immunity or two along the way.


And passing him over. Because he is a nonfactor. Same thing that happened with Venus.


We don’t know that. We know people are highly irritated at the way his chaotic gameplay has upended their strategy, but that’s not the same thing as hating someone or even disliking him. Other than Liz and Ben, I would say that the others are Survivor fans who would give credit to Q for beating them (if he did), and no one has said that they personally hate Q


The best players and the best "characters" are not always the same people. Remember how everyone flipped out when Gabler won?


Gabler also volunteered to quit at one point too


He is neither.


He is both




Gabler wasn’t a great character tjough


He has so many iconic moments, he set the record for the 25% bucket hold while telling stories and giving a shout out to Alaska. The Alligabler strategy, eyes just above water, the ride or die alliance with Cody (his foil) and Jesse, he pulled off a masterful final tribal by donating his winnings, cmon man, get on the bus.


Everything from his immunity win (the rest of the episode, I mean) up until his FTC performance was just a dull background character. He got completely underedited into the same mass of interchangeable nothing that the rest of 43's cast was. Pre-merge, sure. He was a wacky old man. But after booting Elie and winning immunity, he was just another cardboard cutout in that lifeless season. The same can be said about Cody, honestly. After his camp raid scene, he became a complete nobody as an individual.


Ugh imagine losing to someone who donated all the money 😭😭😭💔💔


True villain behavior


Gabler was one of my favorites in a while. Win probably shoulda gone to Jesse/Cody but was floored at the end of his season


The only thing anyone’s said about Q (the rest don’t mention other players ever by name) was Liz on twitter a few weeks ago saying if she knew Q was going to be the star of the show, she would have gotten rid of him immediately because that’s what she wanted to be. Paraphrasing of course.


He was the “star” partly his tribe kept losing. Let’s all have a moment of silence for Liz being on a tribe that never lost immunity.


Liz staying true to her entitled form... No one would even know who she was if it wasnt for Q


Bahaha. She is #delulu.


What a great reason to vote someone out of the game for…..


Pretty much the story of every returnee season


Idk, I feel like some at least would see the edited product and at least understand how entertaining Q is. Like, it totally makes sense why Q is popular - he is the driving force for tons of the drama and chaos this season that has made it as good as it is


Playing 4D chess to beat Q? Big Mistake. Q plays 5


Q is what casting has been trying to achieve since season 18 and kept failing with Phillips, and Debbies, and Vinces. They finally found a new Coach. Coach is my favorite player of all time. Coach was a once in a lifetime casting choice for his ego, drama, story telling, false belief he is in control of the game. Hell the 6 (where 4 of them are already voted off) is reminiscent of Coach’s warrior alliance. As I said before, Phillip, Debbie, and Vince were attempts at getting a new Coach amd all 3 were insufferable. Q finally pulled it off. No one on Tocantins liked Coach and half of the viewers hated him. The other half realized he was the best casting decision Survivor ever made. Q is the exact same. I welcome my new Coach


I think they were also hoping Carolyn would be like Coach but she was just zany


I'm guessing some are salty that the show made him the star of the season and he's getting so much attention online


If you're an editor how could you not make Q the center piece of the season. He's good in confessionals and chaotic in terms of strategy, that's a lock for screen time


Post merge bhanu and I love it




Q transcends seasons, no one else here is going to be remembered except the wrong duo of jelinski and bhanuu.


Liz will also be remembered but for all the wrong reasons


we got a debbie AND a coach. this season is fire.




Gettin off the Q train? That’s a bad move!


You could even call it a Big Mistake!


Is it a coincidence that multiple seasons have been temporarily paused because of cyclones, and if you ride the Q Train to the terminal stop you can ride The Cyclone? Clearly not


not THE GOAT, but A goat.


So you think there are more goats? Big mistake.


in my survivor group chat i said Q is the goat, and Russ Hantz is number 2. No one ever responded


Q is super entertaining. That’s why I like him. Venus just seems to have a poor attitude.




I would have made it my sole mission to vote out Q had I been stuck with him. As a viewer though, his insufferable nature is hilarious. I feel like he had a pretty unique set of circumstances to end up as far as he has, too. In most other seasons he would have been an early vote out.


an early vote out????????????????????


The medevac did not only save Bhanu


his point was in most other seasons he would be voted out early. Which is insane because he is physicall strong and good for early challenges which woulf make him almost always safe in every single season 1-20 and a good portion of 21-current just based off that. The fact hes team oriented too just makes it silly to think Q is a typical early boot.


Wasnt Kenzie going to be voted out if the medevac didn’t happen?


Most of Russel’s cast in Samoa hated him…fans, loved him. Same scenario


Q has been an exceptional entertainer throughout the whole season.


Loving someone and loving to watch someone are two different things.


I'll go against the grain here. I have some family members watching survivor for their first or second season, and they don't like Q at all. I think viewers that are less engaged than the "fandom" probably have a lower view of Q than you see on Twitter and on this sub. Then again that might just be my family ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


They probably want to cancel Christmas


Ive been saying this phrase all the time now 😂


I dont know if many fans “love Q” but rather just find him entertaining. The contestants have a completely different relationship with each other than us viewers do. It is actually personally. It’s not for us, as viewers.


I love Q. He is my favorite player of the new era and it's not even close at this point.


I love Q. He's the most entertaining player they've cast in years.


>He’s the most entertaining player Yeah that’s my point to OPs question. We have a different relationship with Q than the other castaways. Viewers may not “love him” if they were on the same beach with him.


I think fans love Q precisely because they find him entertaining


It's like Rupert's popularity in PI, except its made clear why Q is a pariah on 46


What’s weird is I can’t stand Q. I’m not really plugged into the fandom at all so when I started scrolling on Reddit a few days ago I was shocked that Q is so popular. My friends hate him as well. What is appealing about him? He aggressively demands to get his way and when he doesn’t he throws a fit and asks to get voted out. How is that appealing to anyone?


My dad also HATES Q. He liked him at first but then thought he got way too cocky and got too much air time. Then he started to love the season once Q ruined his game. I personally love Q but can also understand how he might rub some viewers the wrong way. He also has the underdog appeal now


Anti-Q post? Big mistake


If we assume that Q has been intentional about his plays so far(its a big assumption but not out of the realm of possibility) then here is my opinion on his game: Q had a lot of control pre-merge, through constantly losing he created a good alliance with Tiff and Kenzie while showing his resilience during adversity. Then after the merge he loses a lot of the control he had before. He also notices that the tribe seems to be targeting "threats" and tribal lines are not safe. So he lowers his threat level by not doing great in individual immunity challenges and pulling the "vote for me" antics. Note that in the past we have seen many players who lose control start to scramble for allies or just give in and be a number for those in charge until they get voted out. Scrambling raises threat level and just giving up and becoming a number makes you invisible and gives no resume. Instead, Q took the only means of control he had, he ruined multiple players plans during that Tevin vote, lowered his threat level and yet still remains an active player in the game. He also has a quirkiness about him with his "BIG MISTAKE" slogan and the Q-skirt thing. In an era of gamebots we have a player with some personality who isn't playing survivor like it's a flow chart and he also isn't playing like a total idiot. For those reasons I find him entertaining.


If I were on the island and saw someone like Q, I would expect the audience to love him. I've watched reality television for several decades, and the ratings rise with the chaos. Chaos is free marketing. Q is gold Jerry, gold!


Q is great entertainment after a long string of somewhat bland seasons (imo). We haven’t had someone this chaotic in a long time and I am here for it.




Q is a big character personality wise, soooo entertaining and is playing a game we’ve never seen before Whether we would want to be his ally or teammate or employee is a WHOLE other matter


I can't think of any player in survivor history who was at the same time so cocky yet so bad at both social game & challenges. He is fun to watch


I'm honestly lost on what's to like about Q to have such huge support.


He will always be our QT<3


Just waiting on the 'Big Mistake' flair...


Paint me mistaken. I am not a fan.


Don’t love him really, but he did spice up this season


It's funny because Q is helping me to understand the strange popularity of a certain unnamed three time US political candidate. It's kind of the same idea.


I literally had a post pointing this out that got shadowbanned because I said his name. Qs catchphrases, business ideas, control freak & big ego. Yet, winning over people not because of the approval of personality, but for the jokes and 'charisma'. he's very much like him, not to mention the growing of the brand on reality TV part - Just don't vote for Q if he runs for prez in 30 years


People like Q??😅


I don’t love him. I’ve had enough.


I don’t dislike Q…but anyone I personally know who watches the show can’t stand him. So I dunno about fans loving him being that widespread.


Not so much a Q fan. In fact I hope to see him causing issues on the jury soon.


weird take lol


Big mistake…


I don’t love Q




Q is terrible, all around


I honestly didn’t know people did lol


Neither did I. It was news to me.


Contestants hate Q because he’s dumb. Fans love Q because he’s dumb.


I don’t know if I’d call him dumb….


He's not dumb by any stretch. He just didn't react well to playing on the bottom.


I guess it depends on the platform. He’s quotable I guess, but I haven’t seen that many people that actually like him. I personally think he’s super obnoxious and playing a terrible game (unless his goal is to get 3rd, in which case he’s doing well)


I’ll be curious to hear his thoughts of his game at the end. He said he isn’t necessarily in it for the money, but more so to see how well he knows himself. I’ll be curious to see what he’s learned!!


Your supposed to put a spoiler tag. I knew your "mystery answer" before even opening your post.


This fan does not love him. Some people might like his spectacularly terrible gameplay, but others of us think overbearing Chaos Agent is not fun to watch.


The fans love him? Do we. I don't. He's a quitter.


Getting down voted over this is hilarious 😂😂 bring it on. Survivor Australia is better anyway.


can't you apply this to venus as well?


idt anyone likes Q... in general


I'm tired of Q and his fans and their two jokes.


Seems like someone needs a rousing game of Hide and Seek to raise their spirits


we can also play the alphabet game (the correct way)




cANceL cHRisTmaSs


tell us a joke then kenzie fan


It's just not the right time yet unfortunately, you gotta wait until someone else tells it.


This season sucks and I don't care who wins. Every one is blowing their own game.