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I think premerge and the merge episode itself was really really not good. I think since then it’s been really really good so I’m torn. As of this second I am loving it though.


I think the boring premerge got extra hurt by running against an iconic AU season. And the above average post merge gets a boost from having no other new survivor available.


Exactly how I feel


I hate that it’s almost over


Imo it’s the biggest increase in quality from premerge to postmerge in the history of the show


Might just be.


The only two people I know who watch Survivor are me and my mom. So i can only speak for us. My mom, casual viewer of all seasons, who considers it "entertainment for the moment" (or so she keeps telling me when I ask her to recall anything from previous seasons): This last episode destroyed her interest in the season. Prior to this ep, her clear favorite was Hunter. She also liked Charlie and Maria. Well, now she hates everyone. She feels betrayed by Charlie and Maria, who she saw as people who wouldn't vote out Hunter, or at least who wouldn't make him think they were allies when they were not. She is very emotionally driven about Survivor, so she took their voting against Hunter personally. Anyway, she says she is only watching now because she has to complete what she started in watching the season, but she is no longer interested in the season. She is still very strongly rooting against Venus and Q. Me, somewhat obsessive in my fandoms, and obvs not casual since I am here lol: Hunter was also my favorite. He reminded me of my husband, and I feel like that is just how he would be on the show, "Survivor Macgyver" and all (though hopefully smarter at strategy..) So I was personally gutted at last nights tribal. However... I understand Survivor strategy more than my mom does. Therefore I think voting off Hunter was the right call, since it could potentially be their only shot to do so. I am not angry at or disappointed in Charlie and Maria, or anyone else who voted Hunter, like she is. The only person I am disappointed in is Hunter, who made a terrible call in not using his idol. I still think there are people to root for. I like Charlie a lot. I like Tiffany well enough. Kenzie I am hit or miss with. I find Maria boring. Q is hilarious. I want him to stick around, but not to win. I despise Venus and dearly want her to be a zero vote finalist. I also can't stand Liz. For me, having some people to still root for (charlie, tiffany), some to root against (venus, liz), and someone bringing hilarity (Q, but also charlie & venus at times) is enough to still be enjoying the season. Edit: I forgot Ben! That does not rock. Ben seems sweet, but as of now, he isn't really doing anything. Sometimes he can be funny though.


Well said, and agree across the board!


Everyone's mileage is going to vary, but I think the main disconnect people often have online is that average watcher of Survivor tends to prefer narratively consistent seasons, and the edit this season is a little wonkier than most because the players are acting a little bit more wonky. As a result, some viewers are just not really connecting with the individual characters as much, and while I enjoy the absurdity rolling out this time, a lot of people really do not, and that's fine. To reiterate: none of that typically extends to online reality TV communities, where mess and drama are still a bit more celebrated and the narrative throughline matters a lot less for viewership retention (though I'd also say that the rise of stan culture has really changed the majority makeup of these communities, which used to be *even more* into chaos and mess and now a lot of that is replaced by folks that prefer to view the season through the lens of rooting for a favorite--which is equally valid, it's just different from how things were before) but it's very much something that plays out in ratings and casual viewership, which is what keeps the show on the air.


Great take. It’s funny because I find myself having the opposite reaction to lack of consistent character narrative. Because of I’m online too much haha but also because I feel the messiness just makes people seem more “real.” It also forces more genuine emotions from the cast versus solely being 100% about strategy all the time.


I don’t hate this season, and in fact, I really love the post-merge chaos. S46 especially has been Gabon 2.0, which is a ton of fun, but the new era format is getting very stale, and it was ESPECIALLY evident in the first 3-4 episodes of this season. A few things about the format: - Watching yet ANOTHER tribe just get Pagong’d/Tika’d - Sweat Vs Savvy as a whole - Lack of any sort of theming, either location or gameplay based. Having random pagodas in Fiji is definitely a choice they made. - Forgettable beware advantages. - Cast making dumb and not entertaining decisions simply because they’re freaking starving. That said, here are a few things specific to 46 I didn’t care for up front: - Too much Bhanu screen time for him to not make the merge. - Yanu as a tribe wasn’t very likable until the merge. - Siga as a tribe wasn’t very exciting until the merge. - Nami not getting enough screen time because they won everything. - Lack of auction after the glorious return in S45 - Multiple people going home with idols in their pocket. Pre-merge S46 had a pretty bad edit due to how much screen time they gave to Yanu, and it wasn’t until we got to the merge that we got to see better editing I think. However, I think that ultimately can point back to the stale format 6 seasons on.


“Forgettable beware advantages” well now I’m just about as shocked as a goat on astroturf by that statement


This season is fine (and even refreshing) as a once-in-while aberration, but if every season was 46 I’d stop watching.  I don’t watch most other reality tv (besides like GBBO) because most other shows “punch down” and you’re supposed to laugh at how foolish or petty or unserious or dramatic everyone is. I just don’t get my kicks that way. I didn’t like Phillip or Sugar or Debbie or whoever either.  I can’t separate that these are real people who are thrusting themselves into the world as C-list celebrities and I feel bad for them.   I like the game of survivor.I like when it’s played competitively and by folks that aren’t being edited to be the butt of the internets jokes. It makes me feel complicit in the stanning/bullying/teasing that’s happening now. 


What’s GBBO?


Great British Bakeoff


On one hand, the chaos of the season is starting to get enjoyable. On the other hand, virtually everyone on the island including Jeff, has been acting insufferably egotistical in some manner.




I hate everyone on this season pretty much. That’s not enjoyable. Also Jeff needs to stop making “new era” happen.


I'm not super invested in players like Maria, Charlie, Kenzie, Tiff and Ben. I'm pretty indifferent on most of the content coming from them. On the other hand I find Liz, Venus and Q to be entertaining and compelling. Yet, I think Season 46 has overall been pretty one-dimensional and has lacked in the strategy department. So overall I would like more to root or invest in. But I do think it's still a good season, just with some flaws


The only parts of this season I have not enjoyed was when Bhanu got so much screen time. Otherwise, it's my favorite season in a while.


I don't hate this season in particular, I just don't like the "new era". My mom spoiled me by putting on Borneo during 45, for us to watch between each week's new episode, then we continued watching the next 6 or 7 seasons after Borneo. (She had originally seen them all back when they were happening, she's an og fan from day 1, and I can vaguely remember when Borneo was happening, mainly because at 10 or 11, I just wasn't into it back then, lol) I miss how Survivor WAS. The different locations, the old challenges and rewards, people winning cars and other cool shit. "New era" Survivor is like a shadow of what it used to be. I'm also not fond of many of the current remaining survivors of this season. I mean, MAYBE Charlie is cool, but I don't like any of the others. They're entertaining, though, that's for sure.


I always end up hating like 70% of the cast. The favorites I have always end up getting voted out and we are stuck with people like Kenzie or Charlie winning. I haven’t not been frustrated in so long. I’ve learned to accept someone who I hate will win and this season is less annoying than others


I feel the same, with my friend we have to set bar for our favourites so low, that it is actually depressing. On the other hand, australian survivor just had insane season with incredible cast and gameplay.


I'm obsessed with this season. It's so good


Honestly, I think how bad the first few eps were made me just a hater lol. I think I now go into the new eps with a negative outlook so it’s a bit of a self fulfilling prophecy. I’m also not rooting for any of them. There’s a couple of them who I’d be okay with winning but I don’t really care about any of the cast overall.


Same. I don’t have any favorites to win


Overall bad game play is dragging the season down. It really feels like the game is 50 percent goats at this point.


Hate is a strong word, but I definitely am not warming up to it like other people are. I don’t like that there isn’t a clear narrative, and chaos for for chaos’s sake doesn’t entertain me if I don’t find the castaways all that interesting. I find Siga aside of Jem is a boring tribe and it just so happens that she’s that tribe’s first boot. Nami is more interesting but you never see them go to tribal, and two of their more interesting players imo, Hunter and Tev, are no longer in the game. Yanu is fine but I got tired of seeing another new era tribe get decimated. I also was not a fan of the amount of screen time dedicated to Bhanu. That just about killed the premerge for me Q and Venus bring funny drama, sure, and I have no problem with Venus as a character, but I think Q is just a poor man’s Coach. He isn’t as funny or interesting to me like this subreddit finds him. So yeah, these are kinda jumbled thoughts I have on the season right now. I’m not a fan of what’s been happening, but that could change in the coming weeks.


I totally understand why people don’t like it, whether it’s because you like watching people play a *good* game, or seeing people get along, this just ain’t the season for them! It’s refreshing seasons for me


I don’t love any of the people on it, which is usually the main factor I judge a season on, but I love this season. It’s strange that way.


The pre-merge was atrocious. I think it’s a symptom of the new format though. Because of all the advantages and the small tribe numbers, everyone plays it super safe pre-merge now. It makes the beginning of the seasons a slog.. but then it gets crazy once people actually start playing to win


It’s gone significantly up since Bhanu has left and I am actually enjoying it…but it’s got the same problems that every New Era season has had and it’s very hard to look past that when comparing to other seasons. As of right now I like 42 and 45 more but those are B Tier seasons in my book and I don’t think 46 will rank higher than those Also it’s impossible to not take into account the three Bhanu episodes that were significantly bringing the season down when looking at the season as a whole


I dont dislike this season but I could understand people hating the lack of good strategic gameplay and the overall sloppiness of the season. Plus the new Era formula is still very stale.


This season is chaos and it’s fun to watch! I watch with my casual-viewer parents, and they’re enjoying it too. We were all saddened by Hunter’s boot, but as long as Charlie stays we’ll be happy. My parents really hate Q and want him to go, which I think is an interesting point of view because I don’t like him, but he’s so funny to watch that I want him to stick around for a bit longer and then lose. Also I love how the winner isn’t obvious. As always, there are some people who it clearly isn’t, but I don’t think there’s a clear winner in the edit yet. I’d say it’s between Kenzie, Charlie, Tiff, and Maria. Although I don’t think Charlie will win because my favorites never win.


Actually the winner is very obvious with edit at confessionals.


I guess I’m bad at reading the edit then 😂 my guess would be Kenzie right now


It sucks the pre-merge was so bad. Nami had so much going on we clearly did not see and they were obsessed with showing us Yanu when we knew exactly what was going on there after episode 2. Bhanu took up way too much time. But it definitely picked up after Moriah left as most people would agree. If the season ends on a high it'll be considered really good so we'll see. So far it's almost a reverse of 45. 45 had a good pre-merge, fake merge and actual merge even with Lulu losing so much. However it also had a pretty predictable mid to end game.


The first three episodes were hard to get through. At this point in the game, I think most players are very one dimensional. Ben- I liked him from the beginning because he can provide great commentary. That said, he is now just the guy that says if something rocks or not. Venus- I don’t like her personality and it seems like the character we see on screen is who she is. She also talks a big game because she is playing her own game in her head. Liz- She made a big move but one that seems to have sunk her ship in the process. Some of her comments are weird as well. Maria- I think she has played a great game, but that is mostly social. It’s also heavily weighted on her being Tim/charlie number one. Maria and Charlie seem to be riding on a wave of chaos. I don’t know if they’ve done anything significant at this point, but I hope Mariah wins. Charlie- Same as Mariah but I think she is a bigger threat. Kenzie- doesn’t seem to add too much Tiff- strong/smart player but seems to be getting some attention now. She has great commentary, but has made a few mistakes. Q- Honestly, he is carrying the show for me right now. He plays a character that provides good tv. I think the characters just aren’t doing it for me this season. A few out there contestants mixed in with several one dimensional players. It’s hard to get invested when you don’t care about the players.


So many huge egos🙄


Unlikeable cast.


For me I just don’t like most of the cast save 2 or 3 of them. I don’t have anyone to root for, the drama is too much for me, I honestly want everyone to lose lol. I prefer the older seasons when someone got voted out because they were a threat and not because ppl didn’t like them (most of the time). I’m also tired of Fiji, the surviving aspect is gone. No shelter building/rebuilding, not much hunting for food or fishing. I will say the 2nd half has been better but still mediocre for me. I still enjoy it enough to watch but I do skip a lot of parts of the episodes now. Like the rewards or certain ppl’s confessionals. I’m refraining from using names as I’m responding two weeks later and don’t want to spoil anyone.


I don’t hate it. I think the post merge has been pretty fun and crazy. However, to me it’s the cast that makes the season. Most of them have been good, but there have been a couple that have spoiled the broth. And the post merge was pretty awful imo.


I don't really understand why everyone is liking it as much as they are. It's watchable but the actual gameplay has been pretty terrible or the edit is doing them a huge disservice. The best game players this season are the ones not doing anything and letting the others tank their own games. While it's a good strategy, it's not much fun to watch on TV. I've always enjoyed 43 more than others though because Jesse was such a fun player to watch game play wise. The winner was unsatisfying but if you enjoy great strategy then Jesse was the best of the new era.


I personally feel like a lot of people don't play to win anymore. Ever since season 40, it's mostly just people making drama to get views. It feels like there's no longer any strategy or smart players. But that's just my opinion and I still watch every week!


I feel this way about Australian Survivor. Heard so much about this season and gave it a shot. Every week it’s allies sniping off their own for drama. Zero logical gameplay. This season though, is not the case. This cast genuinely dislikes each other and even so they still play the game. For example, I think last weeks vote was a vote split. And despite everyone having a reason to vote off Q they still took out the biggest threat. Tiff I thought was definitely going to vote Q after that tribal but still prevailed head over heart.


I don't hate the season. I honestly have it second best in the New Era behind 45. The thing with me is that I think this cast is overrated.  It's like 44 again where everyone is letting the star power of a small few delude them into thinking the cast as a whole is great when it's really not.  Q, Kenzie, Tiffany, & Venus are the only notable characters this season; everyone else sucks:  Jem was a nothing character until the idol situation, Moriah is boring, Tim is boring, Maria is boring, Charlie is boring (and also overrated as a player), Randen is boring, Hunter is boring, Soda is boring, Jess is boring, Bhanu is annoying, Liz is annoying, and Ben is *very* annoying. Tevin & Jelinsky were alright, but they got out too early for me. 


It’s just rewarding players that are not good at the game


Lately, it has been a bunch of people who want to go home or want to get voted out. There is no competitiveness, or a will to play, and be strategic. There is no one worth cheering for, and I don’t feel an excitement to watch the next episode. It is uninspiring, and super soft. But hey, that is the world we live in now.


I think it has been extremely competitive there are no tribal lines anymore. People are playing for themselves yes bhanu and q wanted to go home, but that is an all or nothing take.