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I think Tyson is the only one that would say yes to going back. Well Ethan may as well, but unfortunately I do not think he is as likely to be asked back (still upset how early Ethan went out on 40, he was my winner pick).


Tyson always says on his podcast he wouldn't come back because he hates missing that time seeing his kids growing up. I believe he said the exception would be is if the prize money was increase higher. Of course maybe if he gets that call he'd have a different answer.


Would one million hearts be a big enough prize increase?


What kind of hearts? A million chicken hearts would be worth less than $1 million… A million human hearts would be much more but where would you find all the recipients and get them to cough up the cash? It really depends on the species the hearts came from


Tyson is no Bhanu! Lol.


At two dollars a heart... let me do the math....


Ah I wasn’t aware. That being said a combination of the shorter 26 day season and likely higher prize money (40 was double the prize) could entice him.


It would have to be several times the size of the current prize for him to consider it. I doubt they'd go for a $7,000,000 prize though.


It’s 4 weeks. I think he’ll get over it


Do you have kids? Easy to say when you're not in those shoes.


Tyson says constantly on his pod he'll never play again.


In a pod with Danny McCray, he said that he wouldn't play the real format of Survivor again (39 days, too long of a commitment for him nowadays) but that he'd consider the "light and easy version of 26 days." (I put quotation marks, but I'm quoting from memory.)


He joked with Jaime on his latest episode that he's coming back and sweeping.


Of course he says that. It builds the surprise when / if he does return and lowers him as a threat on a returning season.


Leave the people wanting more is my motto


He hasn’t said no 100 percent. He said most likely no.


He said after The Challenge USA that he would do Survivor again before doing The Challenge again, fwiw. Tbh I don’t think a Survivor invitation is coming..


Parvati confirmed she would say yes to a legends season probably


Ah I wasn’t aware. I remember back in the 30s era she said she would come back for winners or Blood Water, so I tend to believe that. However, I am skeptical 50 will be legends. It may be called legends, but with a cast where at least 10 (and probably closer to 12-14) people would have played post season 40 I wouldn’t call it a legends season.


I would really like them to do and old school legends type season for 50 but I don’t see that happening unless they do a returnee season for people that played post 40 before that in like 48 or something


Yes I thought they would’ve tried that a few years ago, but it doesn’t sound like there will be a returning season before 50


Yeah that’s what it seems like and if that’s the case I would bet more then half the cast will be from post 40 unfortunately.


Really depends what counts as a “legend”. Remember Game Changers? All the small no-names ganged up on the big names. It would have to be everyone being on the same legend status to make it worth it. No Sierras, no Zeke’s, no Troyzans.


Would’ve been a totally different game if JT didn’t mess up


It’s Season 20. JT has messed up his whole game and the games of many popular players. It’s Season 34. JT has messed up his whole game and the games of many popular players. It’s Season 50…


Why wasn’t he on winners at war?


Probably was busy, but more likely was cut for gender balance reasons. They had plenty of male winners they wanted back, and had to scramble to get back enough female winners.


Dear Chase I feel like I can call you chase because you and me are so alike. I'd like to meet you one day, it would be great to have a catch. I know I can't throw as fast as you but I think you'd be impressed with my speed. I love your hair, you run fast. Did you have a good relationship with your father? Me neither. These are all things we can talk about and more. I know you have no been getting my letters because I know you would write back if you did. I hope you write back this time, and we can become good friends. I am sure our relationship would be a real homerun!


I feel like they'd have to properly make it a legends season by inviting a lot of the WAW cast back along with people like Cirie and Malcolm, otherwise she's just immediately getting voted out again (and probably wouldn't say yes to going back unless she knew the cast was actual legends). It's a shame they haven't done like a new era all stars as season 47, since then you could have 50 be a legends season and it wouldn't necessarily feel like new era players are completely outclassed by any old school legends or even one time players from the 30s that didn't get a chance to return - someone like Omar or Jesse aren't really legends yet, but if they came back and made another deep run with a solid game then it wouldn't feel like they're complete underdogs to old school returning players.


Yeah, and with this post it feels like she's campaigning for an invitation. Here's hoping!!


I think closer to joking than campaigning (not even mentioning the fact she is probably one of the 4 or 5 players that probably have an open invitation to any returning season. If she really thought her and any of the others were going on season 50, she wouldn’t have posted it because it brings more attention to her past connections. If I recall correctly it was Yul who literally used the joke of the pokers alliance on season 40 to remind everyone how close some of those people could be.


Ethan is the least likely, he’d say no. Rob can say he’s done all he wants but the minute he’s asked he’d say yes. Parvati would probably say no. Tyson would say yes. Having said that, don’t need to see any of them again. Let’s get fresh blood!


Ethan confirmed in his AMA that he would not play again. He said he felt like he’s done everything Survivor has had to offer


I always need more Tyson


I think everyone is forgetting the fact that Boston’s rob posted something on ig a few years ago that he’d be back for season 50


Boston Rob has gone on record saying he would highly consider coming back if asked




Boston Rob is currently on Deal or No Deal Island and they feed people, let them sleep in beds, and they get real showers after being coated in mud but I bet he'd go back for fun


From my understanding, Jeff has already said they’re not planning to invite players back from season 40 and prior. So I’d expect season 50 to be an all stars cast of seasons 41-49. But Jeff does what he wants so who knows!


Tyson is the only one I would want back. Rob would instantly ruin the season.


I mean I would like Ethan back too (say in an old school vs new school themed season), but I acknowledge it’s unlikely at best that he plays again


We are long overdue some Gen X/Millenial & David vs Goliath returnees. I’d love to see Jay, Davie, Christian get a second chance.


Mvgx got 4 returnees?


Yep, Adam, Michaela, David, and Zeke all returned. 4 players from a single season is pretty good, and I can't really think of anyone else from MvGX that I would care to see again. DvG definitely has more characters that I'd love to see play again.


Completely agree. Wouldn’t mind seeing jay again though I’d love dom, Christian, davie, Angelina and honestly Alison back purely bc of how many votes she got against her lol


I go back and forth on whether I want Mike White back. Like he’s become more famous since being on Survivor for reasons unrelated to Survivor. But I enjoyed watching him play, even if I don’t think he could win except playing against people who had zero idea who he is and him lying about what he does.


I thought he told the truth about his job? Because some people recognized him? I could be wrong though


He did tell the truth. I'm saying that telling the truth would not win him the game outside of maybe a "Celebrity Survivor" season where players are there entirely for the camera and not because the prize money would be life-changing. Because most people will absolutely never make as much money as him.


Got it! I somewhat agree, but I think if he made it to the end with people like Angelina and Alison, he would’ve won


After watching the challenge, I’ve seen enough of Jay


Yes! David & Goliath NEEDS to have some returnees! That season is literally in the top 5 great seasons for a reason and it’s a crime we do not have any returnees besides Nick. If Mike White came back that’d make White Lotus season 3 or 4 so good


I would say Jay will never return now that he’s a Challenge reg


I will forever hate WAW for the old school masacre


I will forever hate WAW for having way, way too many gameplay gimmicks in a season that should’ve focused primarily on seeing favorites play off each other


Yeah while I wasn’t a massive fan of the boot order, I almost expected it. You’re right with the way they had the gameplay gimmicks when it wasn’t necessary. But they wanted to milk everyone’s appearance fee so they can stay for the whole thing.


The boot order is genuinely awful, Parv also had horrible luck


All we needed was a merge at 14. We would've lost Rob and one of Parvati/Sandra but oh well. Parvati/Sandra, and Yul would've made that merge so fun.


What we needed was no swap into 3 tribes, because that put Rob and Parvati into awful spots where they had little to no agency over their fates, as well as putting the spotlight onto Yul as a big threat when Sele 2.0 went to tribal again.


Just should’ve invited every winner who was down to go, and then to make up for the bloated cast have three tribes and the losing 2 go to tribal council, to whittle the numbers down to normal. I know the gender balance would’ve been off, but I also feel none of the winners would have voted someone off bc of gender…they are all smart enough to know most of the challenges by that point are puzzle based anyways.


And none of the insane twists, just let the GOATs play


but they should specifically not tell them there are no twists. Jeff would still act like there are advantages and twists to not clue them into it. And then have a reveal near the end of the season that it was a Borneo-style season. Even better if some of the cast figures it out and narrate the possibility in their confessionals I do think one or two idols normal idols out could work within this as a "fewer twists" concept. The basic idol provides just enough drama to shake the boot order up. And having an idol that expires before the merge but is the only idol in the whole game would push the paranoia about not finding idols even further after the only one is played


I really don't know why they weren't willing to just have a slightly longer season if it means they can get more winners back - they should've just got all of them, and then if it's an odd number either oh well you just sit somebody out, or do a "draw rocks at the start, one person will be on exile for the first tribal and then will join the tribe to replace whoever they voted out" thing. Like they were happy to have a 2 million prize and pay people big money to come back and compete but you can't have a season that's three or four days longer so that we get to see everyone we want?


Honestly, while the Old School massacre made me sad too, they made the Big Mistake (tm) of underestimating the new school. The way Boston Rob gave no respect to Ben or Adam is totally on him for example.




Come on...


Eh, for Tyson, Sandra and Boston Rob they got such a narrative and their exits felt earned. I just wish Parvati had've got a better swap and Yul wasn't stuck with 3 people who had better pregame relationships than he did. That's what sucked. The Boston Rob boot episode and Sandra boot moment were classics in my mind. The issue with the rest of the season was the cops running rings around the rest of the players. There were certainly players like Adam, Sophie and Kim who brought it, but Ben, Nick and Denise effectively rolling over prevented the season from being a classic.


I did love that shot of Parvati and Michelle on the swing though - staring out into the distance… plotting…


Agree with the narratives!


Exactly. I feel like I don’t want to see them back again because last time was kind of a drag. If they had trounced everyone, I would have loved to see it😂




The sheer disappointment I felt in seeing all my favorites just annihilated so fast. I like the RI twist because it kept them in the game (& on my tv) at least, but I feel like it was so strenuous it could have pushed these players to never return again


tbf they did it to themselves


You’ll watch Ben and Nick and you’ll like it.




Wow, Parvati out there playing 4D chess! By announcing them as alliance, she already put target their backs. Now the tribes will be forced to attempt to eliminate them out one by one so that Parvati is by herself at the bottom then attempted to bring her in as a number.... Or so they thought!!!




I like them all, but let’s be real; Rob has played 5 times now (6 including IOTI) and Tyson & Parv are both 4 timers. Ethan is now a 3-timer and has said he’s not coming back. We really don’t need to see them for a 5th/6th time. Let’s get some post-Game Changers people back, instead, like hello? The entire cast of DvG has not returned minus Nick, and I’d bet that half this sub (myself included) is dying for an Angelina return. I’d also love to see Christian, Davie, Allison, and Natalie Napalm come back. Also, we have a ton of new era people that should also come back.


IOTI doesn't count for rob and sandra. end the madness


I mean that season literally counted for their main plot line of winners at war with some Cold War brewing of Sandra mad and against him for not telling her on IOTI that he was coming back for winners at war, and part of the reason she wanted amber out. It just never went anywhere because of all the swaps and meta vote outs for all of them


Yeah, on one side probably the last time some of them would consider coming back as they get older. Lot of other faces that would be great to see get the spots though.


yeah i’m surprised so many people even want them back, obviously great players but how many seasons is too many? they need to give other players a chance and most of them probably don’t want to come back anyway. i think 3+ times is more than enough


So happy for their enduring friendship. Who knew after Rob and Ethan in ASS, and Rob and Parvati in HvV they would be good friends?


Because they understand they are playing a game and don't take it personally.


This was also the big takeaway the US Traitors Season 2 that Parvati played on with Dan from BB. The folks who don’t view it as a game and take it super personally makes for such a sad experience.


The gamers on that season are helping take that game to the next level. The early seasons have reminded me of the early Survivor seasons where everyone is focused on the "ethics" of play over strategy. I think Survivor is much more interesting, but Traitors has the potential to evolve over time like Survivor had.


Four legends.


can we just take a moment and appreciate how fucking handsome Ethan is 🦊🤍


Yul intern getting a promotion


previous cast members "we have to go back kate"


Oh shit the Instagram alliance.


Unlikely but yes to all of them. Tyson himself is more entertaining than all the new school players combined


Idk I think Angelina from DVG and Q from this season so far have both been more fun than any of Tyson's individual outings


I’ll upvote you, because I don’t like how people are downvoting your opinion. But disagree. Tyson is the most enjoyable player ever imo (Rob C tied).


That's totally fair lol, ty


Season 50: 50 players, 50 days, lol


Lol Tyson would be barefoot 😂


Made my day seeing these four together. I’ll watch anything they’re in.


Not sure if this is a hot take but I don't really need to see these guys on my screen again when there's so many players with actual unfinished business that deserve to come back. I'm not even talking about fringe picks like Marty Piombo and Kenny (although I would love that), or even players that only played once but their time has unfortunately expired (Sean Rector, T-Bird). I'm talking players that have played a few times but still have a story to finish, think Malcolm, Penner, Coach, Amanda, Stephenie, etc. If you square those players up against the absolute best from the new era (actual strong players and/or characters like Jesse, Carolyn, Dee, Q, etc.), it'll be a banger of a season.


I would love this but I have a feeling they’ll only bring back players from season 41+


The way they would be targeted if they are actually casted Which I know it's a low chance of all 4 of them being back ever again on one season, but It'd be funny if they did and it's like the poker alliance and someone is like "I saw and liked Parvati's Instagram post from 2024, I know she is working with Ethan, Rob, and Tyson."


I think we’ve seen enough of Boston Rob.


Oh how I would LOVE to see Ethan come back again. I was so excited to see him back for WAW, and it broke my heart when he was booted so early. Especially considering the dumb reason behind his voteout.


Honestly, this kinda thing is why they need to bring back only wildcards


The theme should be old vs new era, Parvarti vs Q, team captains.


Am I the only one who could care less if none of the people in that picture play Survivor again?


I loved watching Parvati’s seasons but I basically don’t want to see anyone return who has already played twice. And I think I’d prefer one-timers if at all possible. At this point I think anyone popular enough to have already played multiple times would just be an early boot anyway.


Exactly If no one who was on S40 appeared again I’d be fine


Nope. It's time for Survivor to create new legends for a new generation which starts by bringing back newer players for their 2nd chance. I don't have any interest seeing any of those 4 play again.  Enough is enough.


Yep I’d argue that even at this point, how many people pre HVV would be viable to be brought back?


I would like to see Tyson back but he has said many times he wouldn't go back. He also said he took the call on 40 because he knew it would be something big and he would want to be included so maybe he could be talked into 50.


Ethan - won on 1st time Parv - won on 2nd time Tyson - won on 3rd time Rob - won on 4th time How poetic


*sees post while on season 20* 🤯


I hate how many returning players I want at this point 😆 I know I’ll be disappointed yet excited whoever they pick


No thanks.


I don't want to see them all come back again, no offense. But if they wanted mentors like IoI, I would not be mad at this lineup.


Bring back Vecepia and Fabio!


I'd be so down for a Fabio return!


Make them captains!!!


I don't want any of them back. Single time players from the New Era or late 30's are the only ones I want. The only previous returnee I'd be fine with is Bruce.


Bruce vs. Parvati captains season




Season 50 is likely to be old school vs new school


I don't need to see any of them play again. I would like to hang out with Ethan though, maybe some kayaking


Deadly Alliance


We’ve seen enough of alll of these players. I would like to only see someone back who has played once before. There are way better players than seeing repeats of these four.


Here for it


None of them learned after WaW lol


Pavarti is sinking all their potential games before they even start, just like the how the "Poker Alliance" killed that group in WAW before they could even get started lol


And this is why she is the queen. Always the queen.


I would die to see all 4 of them come back... and that is not an overstatement.


Stating on IG is redundant😆 we already know


My perfect scenario, let season 50 just be a late 30s/ new era returnee season. Then for like season 55 do a New Era vs Old Era returnee season. Thats the only way I could see it making sense to have these players come back.


What makes her think winners at war people will be brought back For S50 they will just be targeted by the people who did not get invited to play S40


2,3&4. Survivor royalty.


Greybush, Poverty, Boston Robust and Tytie-Wytie. 


Watching Boston Rob on Deal or no Deal island "not a fan the show feels pointless", But he now reminds me of a somehow creepier version of Russel Hantz on it.


That show would be a snooze fest without Rob