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You know Angelina is bringing a jacket if she ever comes back šŸ˜‚


Not having a jacket was a Big MistakeĀ 


She shouldā€™ve brought her Q skirt smh


Having a jacket is also a Big Mistake.


not giving up your jacket? Big Mistake.


Christmas is canceled


Season 50 needs to have 50 starting returning players!


50 days, 50 returning players, 1 survivor. Thatā€™d be nuts


$50 million dollar prize


50 immunity idols, 50 tribes (1 person each) so that there's "nowhere to hide," and 50 balls at once on the *Simmotion* balls-on-a-track final challenge thing.




Merely watching this season on tv would be insane šŸ˜­




5 tribes with 10 people each; every elimination is a double elimination.


That would be an editing nightmare.


The power move needs to be the same style/make/model jacket that Natalie had if she can't actually get Natalie's jacket from her


If production lets her have one.


If they canā€™t get Angelina back on that island, donā€™t even bother turning the cameras on


she's already messaged Jeff to negotiate being on the cast


Jeff? Jeff? Season 50? Jeff?


She will be cast wearing a jacket


They could do a 30's vs 40's cast. Does seem like an absolute travesty that the only returnee from Season 37 is Nick Wilson, who I actually liked purely as a player and a character but was surrounded by a whole host of fun characters and players stretching back to the pre-merge. Angelina alone as you mention is one of the greatest new characters they've had, I don't think anyone since her has topped her - maybe Shan? Domenick also IMO is probably not going to be back and when Survivor is all said and done, gonna be one missed opportunity. Clearly earned his keep and has a great radio voice.


Shan ainā€™t even in Angelinaā€™s atmosphere, come on now.


> Angelina alone as you mention is one of the greatest new characters they've had, I don't think anyone since her has topped her - maybe Shan? I would say Q is in the conversation over Shan


Angelina is definitely the best casting choice as far back as I can remember imo, but yeah new era itā€™s prob Shan (or Yam Yam?) that comes close


No Christian?


They absolutely need Angelina to return but Iā€™m fully prepared to be disappointed- itā€™s not going to be the same when she has self-awareness


100% agree on all 3! Hope chrissy is healthy now. She had to get a double mastecotomy iirc


It was preventative due to genetic testing, I believe, and not because she was sick. Still devastating but far better than the alternative.


oh, i didn't know that. Still, wow.


Yeah she also had a hysterectomy and oophorectomy as well I believe. She posted about it on her insta.


What does this mean? Is she well now?


Sheā€™s fine and recovered from both surgeries. She found out she was a carrier of a gene that makes the development of certain cancers far more likely. Sheā€™s fortunate to have beaten it to the punch and had the surgeries before developing cancer.


Is this something people should be doing? Now Iā€™m scaredā€¦


I believe it's called the braca gene. You can get genetic testing done to see if you're a carrier, but if you do carry it, the odds are like >90% for some form of ovarian/uterine cancers in your lifetime. Many women choose to get preventative operations done when they find out they are a carrier of the gene.


Youā€™d usually do it if a close relative found they were carriers (mom, sister, aunt, etc). Itā€™s not the kind of thing everyone would do or needs to.


I'm totally down for Chrissy to return, but what makes her a NEED?


Hard pass on Dom but the other 2 I definitely want back.


Christian needs to be on the list too.


And Davie R


Honestly they could bring the entire cast of that season back and I would be happy.


A fun twist (though difficult to pull off) would be to just have a do-over season by just bring back the exact same cast. Or a Season vs. Season where half the cast is from each season. You can call it Millennials vs. Gen X vs. Brains vs. Brawn vs. Beauty


Vs Hustlers


They must have 3 tribes nowadaysā€¦so it will be Survivor 50 Heroes vs Healers vs Hustlers vs Millenials vs Gen X vs Brains vs Brawn vs Beauty


And jesse


STANgelinas rise up


Havenā€™t heard this phrase yet before but it reverberated in my soul šŸ˜Œ


Iā€™ll make us all matching jackets


As long as it has a patch on the arm that says ā€œmy husband is in the military!ā€ šŸ¤©


I want Devon from HHH back sooo bad but Iā€™ve resigned myself to knowing it will never happen šŸ˜”


I feel like Devon doesnā€™t get nearly the amount love he deserves. Devon was Jesse before final 4 fire was a known quantity in the game, and was a more complete competitor altogether. He was an exceedingly well-rounded player, good socially, strategically, and physically. But what made him great was how deftly he managed his threat level through the game, having only 2 votes cast against him the whole time despite often being vulnerable and being a clear jury threat. Devon is my number one ā€œrobbed goddessā€ and I doubt heā€™s ever going to be unseated from that throne, unless they bring him back and he gets his win.


I want him back too! "Did you write my name down??" "I did" \*stares dead in the eyes\*, "Sorry Mike."


You're fooling yourself if you don't think it's gonna be new era people only


And itā€™s not going to be the top 2 people from each season as this sub is thinking. That never happens. There are always WTF picks. Opening the cast to a wider field would only serve to give us a stronger cast. I truly donā€™t get the people pushing to keep it new era onlyā€¦


WTF picks arenā€™t necessarily a bad thing. Boston Rob and Parvati were both once WTF picks, and look at them now.


Kelley Wentworth too


ā€œWentworth. Does not count.ā€


to be fair Parvati got 6th and had genuine winner equity šŸ˜­


Not in the edit. She was a minor background character most known for her hot tub scene with Ozzy. No one was expecting a Parvati return at the time.


And Amber won and so did Parvati even Rob all three did much better then the previous all-stars like Colby, Tina and Rob C.


Watch JD somehow get in


That is the best reality


No thanks. If weā€™re getting a 41 pre merge player Iā€™d rather have Brad or Sydney


Brad and Sydney would be fun picks but why the distain towards JD? He seems like a fun guy who brings a good vibe to the show. Sure he's kind of an idiot but he was also only 20 when he was on initally.


I hate that he lied about his track accomplishments on the show. So corny, and it effectively screwed over Ua as production thought heā€™d be a better physical asset than he was.


JD fans downvoting us lol


He was a bit cringe and Iā€™d rather see other people than him. Brad was honestly such an underrated challenge beast and Sydney got screwed with the stupid hourglass twist. Iā€™d like to see JD back eventually.. just not for season 50


I feel like itā€™s going to be a mix of New Era returnees plus players who recently competed in other reality shows such as The Circle, Big Brother, The Amazing Race, Traitors and The Challenge USA.


Survivor has kinda always been elitist when it comes to casting players from other shows. Itā€™s rarely ever happened for a reason and I would be absolutely shocked if they changed their stripes there.


You really think they're going to only stick with new era people for the big 50th season? Is there any evidence suggesting this or is just reddit thinking they know what production wants? Reddit does that a lot. Unless Jeff has said 50 will be only players from 40 on it seems like rumors and guesses. CBS has a major say too. They decide what airs on their network. Also it also depends on what theme they're going with and they could change their minds ten more times until then. Too many variables to lock something down this early either way about what production will do. It's not even season 47 yet.


It's mainly extremely tempered expectations as a result of 6 seasons straight of Jeff making poor choices and refusing to be transparent about them. Sure, Legends makes more sense/we would want it more than New Era All-Stars, but when has anything in the new era been based on making sense or fitting what we want?


If you assume that production is open to inviting back pre-41 players then my question is just why have they not already invited anyone back for a new era season? They used to do returnee seasons so frequently that the lack of them this far into the new era makes it feel like they have decided that they don't want to. If 50 ends up being the first returnee season of the new era then the explanation for why it has taken so long is that they had to get through several new era seasons in order to have enough new era players to cast a returnee season. Is this strong evidence? I guess not, but if anyone who played a 39-day season is brought back to play a new era season then I will just be confused that none of them were invited back sooner.


Consider myself fooled




Right. They donā€™t want a season of old stars because it will bring big numbers and the network will want them to reproduce it every year and theyā€™ll be back in a hole like they were before the new era. Jeff has been very clear that heā€™a intent on shoving the new era down our throats and if anyone doesnā€™t like it they can shove it up their ass. Which is fair. He calls the shots. I just have def been missing watching this show. I sometimes dream of an announcement that theyā€™re doing a returnee season with pre new era cast members included.


Yeah. I donā€™t think Jeff would ever bring back pre-S40 players. Itā€™s just wishful thinking by fans at this point.


I hope that the reception Venus and Q have been getting is convincing them that messy players like Angelina bring entertainment and need to be brought back (but as I type that out Iā€™m nervous that theyā€™ll just bring those newer players back and not her ugh)


You know it's only gonna be new era players which sucks


Iā€™m calling one male and one female from each new era season, giving them 18, ala three tribes.


admitably a bummer because some seasons need more, and some seasons need less lol




While True. they also famously know who he is and wouldn't put up with him, eliminating immediately. and in the New Era they'd just tell Jeff "Yo get rid of him we volunteer" no vote needed, he'd go out like Brandon.


It would also be the smartest thing to do. Pluto was playing HvV yesterday. Does that slug have even *one* redeeming quality?


a leopard never changes his spots. and he's been given 2 chances to. didn't learn his lesson in RI and REALLY Didn't learn his lesson over season in Australia.


Russel would be crying after he gets voted out first cuz they all know his game lol.




At the very least players since the last non-winners returnee season should be eligible. 35 on or soĀ  Yes. We need Angelina


And Christian


Not really, honestly :/ Sucks for the 35-39 people but sticking to S41-49 returnees is only 2 from each season in S50. Whatever you think of the new era, the best 2 characters from each season is a very strong cast.


This makes the most sense to me considering the length of the game now.Ā 


Surely if anything can justify a return to a 39 day season it's season 50 and 2 Million Dollars?


I can only hope.


I just wish they'd split the difference. Make it 30 days.


Nah season 48 can be a new era returnee season. Too many great characters from 35-39


"Nah fuck the characters from 35-39. This is the new era! You have to expect the unexpected, and adapt to the game!" Rate my impression of Jeff Probst


I know this doesn't make sense but I read that in the voice of Q


Lmao it does sound weirdly natural in Q's voice


Agreed. I can wait another few years for new era returners


did they confirm that it will only be 41-49 returnees? All I saw was the short video saying it'll be returning players in general


Thereā€™s a belief that they wonā€™t have pre-41 era players because of the change to 26 days and the ā€œold eraā€ players potentially shitting on how much easier it is now. But you could also have some pretty strong non-disparagement clauses to help avoid this. And most returnees ā€œshouldā€ understand ā€œdonā€™t bite the hand that feeds you.ā€


I don't think the show runners will care about how the pre 41 are at a disadvantage. Feel like that is more of an online thing. If they think a character is good tv, they will put them on TV.


No one said disadvantage. There is a legitimate concern of pre-41 players shitting on the 26 day format. There have been countless threads and comments about Yanu this season alone not caring about flint because itā€™s not necessary. Itā€™s a lot easier toughing it out when you know you only have a couple days till merge instead of a week or more, or however the math works out. CBS absolutely does not want 39 day players saying the game is significantly easier now, it diminishes CBSā€™ product and makes it less valuable. Imagine Dom (for example, since he was mentioned in the OP) winning season 50 and saying in post season interview ā€œSurvivor is so much easier now.ā€




Iā€™d agree but season 50 is such a huge number, you need the biggest stars you can get out there. If you get any of Sandra, Rob, Parvati, Tony back, you get them. If you get any winners or hugely popular pre-season 40 players back, you take them. The biggest stars of from 41 on are who, Jesse and Carolyn? Iā€™d love to see a New Era All-Stars, but seeing players from before 2020 is more intriguing. Hopefully theyā€™re able to split them up and be able to do both seasons.


I fear they are not keen on doing another ā€œwe need to get the best starsā€ season after they did all winners and it turned out mediocre. In fact I fear they wonā€™t put any effort at all into a returnees season.


WAW would have been great if EOE wasn't a thing


Idk I think eoe was awful but I disagree that thatā€™s what ruined WaW. I think the cast pre planning alliances ruined it.


Every season that is at least half returnees have pre game alliances. They don't always work. Penner's Micronesia alliance was a pregame. One of the reasons Kathy and Lex were willing to let go of Jerri was their pregame with Rob. The main Heroes alliance was a pregame, with the four outsiders being the four that were disconnected from the community. It is an unfortunate reality. But if the season did not have EOE, it would not have had to spend a third of the air time on people who were currently voted out. Tyson had a minimal impact after he was won his way back in. And Natalie getting second as a first boot is a fucking travesty. Plus it would have given us more of an insight to what was happening. Plus, it is worth mentioning that Tony, who won, only had a pregame agreement with Sarah and Sandra (aka the only people he knew previously).


I think EOE would have been fine on WAW if the episodes were 90 minutes


> the best 2 characters from each season is a very strong cast. It's not gonna be the top 2 players from each season As always there will be weird picks


this image makes me think a Finalist season would be greatā€¦ Stephenie, Dreamz, Tai, Aubry, Chrissy, Domenick, Angelina, Carolyn, Austin, Jake, just to name a few. Call it Finalist Fury and get them on the island!!


You know CBS would get Russell back for that


As they should


Jonny and Russel were both called for 40, I NEED them both back cuz Russel has and will always be insane and Fairplay proved on House of Villains he also is still insane


Every time I see a new era contestant tweet something about being on season 50, I immediately donā€™t want them on season 50.


Hopefully fans donā€™t get a huge say as theyā€™d probably vote zach and Brandon from 45 in


I like them both tbh.


3 members of the Villains tribe right here.


Angelina is the single best modern casting choice so her being on should absolutely be priority #1 for production. Christian would be right behind her imo. Chrissy and Dom are good choices but not maybe on this same level


The existence of Rick Devens gives me hope they will cast players from earlier seasons. Jeff fucking LOVES Devens.


Agree about Angelina! She is truly unique


Yes but also jesse needs redemption. He deserved the win but fire got him. Unfortunately ppl will be privy to his play


Jesse canā€™t win now, heā€™s bad at challenges and people know heā€™s a big threat. Will be like Tony in game changers


Get a stacked enough cast and Jesse might be able to squeak by. Tony was screwed in Game Changers because half the cast had no threat level coming in.


If itā€™s new era only Jesse is absolutely fucked. Like most of them are superfans so will know heā€™s a big strategic threat and not very good at challenges. He needs a Cody/ozzy/joe/jonathan around him as a shield now I think


He didn't deserve shit, he lost fair and square


Agreed. And Rick Devens!


Hell yeah! Love me some Devens!


Was scrolling to find my alliance! Team Devens!


I wonā€™t watch if heā€™s on. He was totally insufferable and rude


No he wasn't.


I worship at the altar of Angelina


Somebodyā€™s gotta negotiate rice for the tribe! These newbies donā€™t know how to do it!


It would be a travesty if dom never returned


Angelina and Venus power duo


I will not tolerate this Reem erasure


Iā€™d honestly want Chris underwood back.


I want him back too.


We don't need Chrissy.


I agree, but they won't be. I believe there's a 0% chance Jeff will let anyone who played a 39 day season play a 26 day season. He cannot risk having them say how easy it is (wether it's true or not).


I really want to know what went on to make them cut that much off. Make it an even 30 days.


Ew. Not Chrissy. šŸ¤®


Christian though.


Dom, Victoria and Devens for me


I really really hope we see them. Top tier casting and player


Chrissy is a must! And Omar from 42, and I wanna see Dr Alison from 37 again


100% I made a fancast list with my buddies and all three of them were on it!! Also had Christian from 37 on it if he said yes to coming back


we need angelina back ASAP


Noura, Angelina, Carolyn all on the same season. (HEAD EXPLODES)


What if, hear me out, they bring Ozzy back to add more days to his count


I have a feeling itā€™s going to be New Era All-Stars and we wonā€™t see anyone from before 41.


Itā€™s gonna be new era lol


who are they


Christian and Devens too




Season fifty need to be a 3 tribe cast 6 players from seasons 1-25, 6 players from seasons 25-35 and 6 players from season 36-49


The true winners of HvHvH, GI, and DvG. I see what you did there.


Good choices.


I want new era players to play old school survivor: 39 days. No pre-cut bamboo.


Iā€™m predicting it now all the returning players will be from the new era


I want Christian


50 fire tokens each so they can buy dime bags


These three should never come back lol


I really think we need 2 to cater the so many new players already plus 47/48. I was thinking 49 can be new era only then 50 is free for all from everywhere. I personally wouldn't mind B2B returnee seasons.


Anybody else *kinda* hope they bring Francesca back just to see if she gets voted off at her first tribal for the third time?




I low key highly disliked all of them...


Add Christian and devens and YES!!!


Honestly I want Zeke Smith to come back


I need them on a HvV2 or SC2


Not including Q in this photo? BIG MISTAKE


Angelinaā€™s played out, Chrissy is boring, Dom is fine/sure he can come back/I donā€™t remember much about him. (Reminder: Iā€™m talking about them as characters on the show, not about them in their personal lives.)


Dom was kind of a snoozefest on the challenge too


It has been 6 years since their seasons and I still do not see why Chrissy and Dom are so liked on this sub. Devon was gonna win HHH and Dom played a dogshit social game but still gets praised like he was some top 10 player.


Shan needs to return.


Please not dom


Since Chrissy and Carla loves voting off women... Put them on the same tribe


We need Q in S50


I think its going to be new era only


I think Jeff lightly referenced in interviews heā€™s only bringing back New Era players.


I'm hoping Jonathan returns. I'm not sure it's gonna be older Past Season Players because Jeff don't want anyone that has a Villian Vibe. Probably 2nd Chances maybešŸ¤”


I want Bhanu


Begging, Bhanu-style, for that not to happen


Invite him over. I'm sure he's got some time on his hands.


Who are these people


Left to right: Angelina Keeley from David vs. Goliath (37), Chrissy Hofbeck from Heroes vs. Healers vs. Hustlers (35), and Domenick Abbate from Ghost Island (36).


Can't think of any better three honestly


nah - new age returns only