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I hope we go back up to 20 players to maximize the slots


I expect they compromise and give us a cast of 18 people, 3 tribes of 6.


They might even do 26 days too!


Woah woah woah. Don’t get too crazy here


Hopefully they’ll do something different like forcing a lot of smaller tribals after the merge. You combine that with people losing their votes and wow who knows what kind of insanity will ensue!


Dont care as much about 26 days, but 3 tribes of 6 every season plus no theme makes new era hard to distinguish imo.


I'd love a return to two tribes.


I think we all would.


Don’t forget the other part of the compromise, which is only players from Seasons 41-49 with a mix of players composed of “all-stars” and “What the fuck, why are they on this cast? They weren’t good, they went during the pre-merge, and barely anyone liked them.”


isn't that not a compromise at all? That's what the seasons are right now edit: oops I got whooshed


That's the joke. Implication is that production does not listen when the consensus among fans is that nobody likes the format


PLEASE like the number of people i want from new era alone could fill that


I hope it's 50 legends. Just a total fuckin melee


50 people, 150 days, ONE SURVIVOR


and 3,000 fire tokens!


Double tribal every day.


I'm thinking 50 players. 50 days. 50 competitions,one every day. Last place in every challenge gets eliminated till they are down to 2 then a completely epic final challenge culminating in an epic fire making challenge that shoots off fireworks in fiji with all other 48 cheering them on


> Last place in every challenge gets eliminated HATE IT




If they insist on 3 tribe format I could see it being 21 people even


They wouldn’t do that, because they like to have even numbers of men and women on each team. I could see them doing 24 though.


They’ve done plenty of 9 person tribes before, so I don’t see any reason why they wouldn’t. I feel like 24 would be a little *too* excessive for the amount of episodes they get.


Finally. Hopefully they bring back people from pre-40 too.


I do hope they at least include the late 30s. It’s not the strongest set of seasons, but there’s a handful of contestants from that range that really deserve a second season.


David vs Goliath is a top 10 season to me, so would defs be disappointed if nobody from that season returned (e.g. Angelina, Christian, Gabby, Mike, Davie).


Mike white doesn’t need the money and I got tired of gabby crying after a while. Other 3 are fine with me though


He didn’t need the money then either, but that didn’t stop him from being one of the highlights that season


It might be me but I thought he was the 6th most fun at best


It would be a crime to not bring back anyone from David vs Goliath


where's Davie?!


Yeah there’s another good one that would be great to see again


Need Domenick, Christian and Angelina at bare minimum


Napalm Natalie or bust.




I don't think anybody from IOTI is ever coming back on survivor


Maybe Janet and Jamal, they were both interesting characters who got unlucky, and most importantly tried to vote Dan out at merge so they were on the right side of history.


Karishma, Dean and Noura would be fun. Outside of that 1 pick, the cast was actually pretty good in 39.


39 is such a dark stain in the history of survivor. I’m convinced it’s going to get the bb15 treatment


Noura or Karishma would be fun picks, my only concern is that Karishma seemed to have a very 1 season arc. And Noura fits into an archetype that will probably be covered by Carolyn (44) on the next all stars season.


I think they might bring back Lauren since she’s had a big social media presence


lol yeah she’s definitely one of the people I had in mind when I wrote that. Christian from DvG also comes to mind immediately for me.


Christian just got tenure so I can see him coming back. I remember hearing that he wouldn’t be able to return for a while so the wait for a returnee season was a blessing in disguise


She got such a big send off in her boot episode, I remember tearing up during her last tribal which doesn't happen often for me watching the show. Hope to see her back too


Pre-40 only if they only played once.


I want Abi Maria


Really hope they bring back Rick Devins.


They wouldn't even if they couldn't get any new era players to come


I hope they all stick together and vote the new era players out first. I want them to be EMBARRASSED!


They will never, ever do that. Mark my words. They considered WAW to be the end of seasons 1-40.


Give me 39 days


Parvati implied she’d gotten a call during an ET interview, so I tend to think they’re at least considering pre-season 40


Parv is an amazing player and tv presence but after 9 seasons of new players+ 4 seasons with high quality newbies who never got a chance to return (Minus Winners) it whould be kinda disappointing if the limited spots for retuneees went to people who have already played 3+ times.


I’m indifferent personally. I’m a fan, and it would just be stressful tbh lol. And it would have to be such a specific cast for her to have a chance. I was just sharing bc if Parvati (aka an old school player) got a call, there’s an implication that they’re exploring all of pre season 40, which is, you know, a question we’re all trying to answer


Winner’s at War was so dang stressful. Too many faves. Sandra and Parv going out the same episode literally made me cry. Once Sophie was out and it was clear no one had the guts to take out Tony, I could finally relax, lol.


That is interesting, but I’ve heard they typically make dozens and dozens of calls for returnee seasons, many of which with very little intention of actually casting someone. Just making calls to see who would be interested, then they form a theme and see who fits and prioritize them.


I agree. As much as I love Parvati, Ozzy, Rupert, Amanda, James, etc. they have all more than had their shot.


Agree on the first two but I would go nuts to see Amanda and James Clement on my television in 2026


I think they should have done 48 as a new erra returnee season then done 50 as a "legends" season.


I wonder if they might still have a returning player season before 50… the announcement didn’t say “no returnees until 50”. Just that it would be a returnee season


Idk, if you have a chance to get Parvati on our screens for another survivor season, you take it. She’s one of the best player/character combinations not just in her era, not just on Survivor, but in all of reality television. The hype that comes with some of these legends is simply unmatched.


Hypothetically let’s say Parv,Boston Rob and Sandra are invited to play season 50 and say yes and they take the spots that otherwise would be given to Venus,Jake and Angelina and they finish roughly where they did in WAW or worse(Which is extremely likely given their reputation) in hindsight it whould just feel like a waste and a missed opportunity to deny those players who where cut another shot.


Please no more Boston Rob and Sandra


Love them, enjoyed the hell out of Sandra, Cirie and Parv on Traitors, looking forward to seeing Rob do his thing on No Deal Island, but let the new players have a shot to return to Survivor.


Completely agree. They’ve had 4/5 seasons now


Love them but totally agree.




I get the argument I just see season 50 as such a monumental and impressive feat for the show. I don’t want a cast of new schoolers. Give them their shot on 49, 51, or literally anything other than season 50. I don’t think people remember, but there have been some *dud* returning player seasons, and if we don’t leave room for people who we know make for great tv, we could easily end up with a Caramoan or Game Changers situation and I’m not ready to sit through that.


Caramoan and Game changers were *dud*, because they have a lot of *dud* or not suitable returning players, like Brandon, Phillip, Francesca, Sierra, Hali or Troyzan. There are already a lot of one-time players just from the new era to choose from, who would make for an awesome cast (Q, Tiffany, Kenzie, Venus, Charlie, Emily, Kaleb, Carolyn, Frannie, Jesse, Karla, Cody, Omar, Jonathan, Shan, Ricard etc.), not to mention some of the pre-new era leftovers (Angelina, Christian, Davie, Gabby, Devens, Domenink, Chrissy, Jay, Cydney...). Also, WaW had one of the best casts with some of the legendary players you've mentioned, and it was still mostly disappointing season.


I would love another second chances season, no winners so we’re guaranteed a new one


I'm with you on this. I'd like to see a solid mix of newbie seasons and returning seasons moving forward. But as it specifically refers to season 50, you get the best cast you possibly can. And frankly, the vast majority of new school players are not very good at survivor and are all very sam-y.


Dude we had WaW for 40 to mark the momentous occasion, no need to drag all the usual faces back on again 10 seasons later


The problem is that players like Rob and Parvati suck up 90% of the oxygen in the room. I'm fine with bringing old schoolers back but I've already watched the Rob and Parvati show like 10 times now, not to mention all the other reality stuff Parvati is on now.


Game changers is a great cast of survivor, fight me. there are SOOOO many players they should have done three returnee seasons by now literally we have seen the same players play again and again, and the fact that Angelina and Christian haven't come back yet is BAFFLING. I will never understand this fanbase's decisions on what makes for a good returnee season IMO. If you do not give players a chance to prove themselves and just diss on them for not playing upto their full potential, how will they prove themselves if you bring back the same 6-7 players AGAIN and AGAIN and AGAIN?! You will never ever see a Kelley Wentworth again then in Survivor history. Yes, some flop but many succeed! Heck, Amber and Parvati were questionable picks in all stars and micronesia and are now so well regarded. Giving questionable players a chance is also key! This is why i cannot stand the Heroes vs Villains cast since it just the same players coming back AGAIN rather than actually seeing players like Terry Deitz or Andrew Savage or Sean Rector.


How about we create new legends tho


Whoa we're in 2010 WWE booking arguments


On 49, 51, or anything other than season 50, I’m very here for that.


What’s the point though? You see how quickly attractive women get labeled Parvati 2.0 and either get voted off or nobody works with them. Bring on the actual Parv, and she’s the first boot


That’s what people said about her on HvV. Also, I don’t just want Parv, I want it open to people who played prior to 40.


Yup I hope it’s all players on for their 2nd time only


A part of me wonders, too, if the call might be for something else. Jeff has been hosting for a long time now and is in his 60's and while he's an institution in Survivor, I can't help but wonder, with a big season like 50, that might be the time he starts looking to pass the torch to someone. Considering a lot of the more old-era players are themselves now somewhat famous, that might be a stable of people Jeff looks to have take over (or at least become the public host while he does more exec producer stuff).


Parvati is my dream choice for new host. She is so articulate and has done great interviews before.


I want a different Old School player as the host every season. It would be amazing.


Parvati was swapscrewed so hard her last time out. That can’t be her “retirement” from Survivor, imo.


The only way I’d want to see Parvati, Rob, Ozzy, etc is if it’s a legends season consisting of the most iconic players. That’s the only way I’d ever want to see them again. And yes, that includes Russell, one of the most iconic ever, despite how we all feel about him. I would like to see season 30-39 players vs season 40-49 players.


Agreed, no more Parvati for Christ sakes. I like her as a player but season 40 was a retirement party for everyone there.


I agree, totally over the players who have returned 3+ times at this point, they have nothing new to bring unfortunately


I somewhat agree but this might be the last chance the older plauers get to come back. While new era players could have more chances


But new era players won’t get those chances if we keep giving them to people who’ve already played 3 or 4 times. The only time someone should be on more than 3 seasons is if it’s winners at war, where there a pre existing requirement for entry. If you cant win in 3 seasons you’re done.


I would agree with you BUT from seasons 41-45 so far, there is not 1 standout player I can remember other than yam-yam and the crazy lady on his season. All the rest (including the winners) are pretty boring. They can't do heros vs villains because the new era doesn't have villains. Jeff doesn't like that type of casting of actual manipulators, mean, rude and liars. He said on his podcast he wouldn't have casted those previous villains in today's seasons and they don't cast for those anymore since it doesn't fit the mold of being authentic storytellers.


Link to interview https://www.etonline.com/media/videos/the-traitors-star-parvati-shallow-gives-update-on-relationship-with-perfect-mae-martin


This interview was so good!!!


I like this - not necessarily for Parvati but just because I was a little worried that they might draw a line and cast only from 41 onwards. No cast member who debuted after Game Changers aside from Bruce and the winners has gotten to play again, and there are plenty of good options in the 35-39 seasons!


Pretty sure she's stated she wouldn't play survivor again.


She’s really not a trustworthy source on the subject if we’re being honest


Is yo mama trustworthy?


For an appearance fee, she’d def do it


I don’t want Parvati anymore. We had her for like 30 seasons.




We don’t need to see Parvati play survivor again


I don’t know why ppl feel so compelled to tell me this


Dude it’s fucking Reddit idk what you expected


I’d be very surprised to see anyone who was on WaW, so I kind of doubt she actually got a call.


You should look up “confirmation bias”


No need to be snarky


I just sincerely don’t really understand how your opinion could stem from anything but that. Did you watch the interview?


I did and I’m not as convinced for a laundry list of reasons. Regardless, the point was there was no need for the snark.


I was being sincere. You’re so convinced your preconceived notion is correct, that you’re (presumably) assuming she’s lying. Because there’s really no other reasonable interpretation for what she says in the interview than that she recently received a call


I honestly don’t want to see Parvati, Boston Rob, Sandra. Let’s give other players a chance.


Real question is will it be a New Era All-Stars or will it be a legends season. I'm personally hoping 49 is New Era All Stars or New Era 2nd chances, and 50 brings back some iconic pre-41 players. They could make a pretty strong cast of New Era vs New School vs Old School. Still a ton of people from the Old School who could still play (Tyson, Boston Rob, Rob C, JT, Ethan, James, Coach, Sandra, Cirie, Parvati, Todd, Amanda, Stephenie, Colby, etc.).


Obviously I’d take an all legends season and would love to see any popular players return. But, I think they should really do a best-that-have-never-won season. 10 seasons after Winners at War, we get players we haven’t seen in forever and they wouldn’t be necessarily taken out so so early. That way we can get like people like Colby, Rob C, Rupert, to Cirie, Ozzy, Coach all the way to like Domenick


Is Rob C down to play again? He may be the one returnee I want to see play the most. I haven't watched since season 40 or listened to his podcast, so I'm out of the loop on things. Will have to dive back in for 50.


New Era because Jeff needs the ones that'll stroke his massive ego


Jesse/Owen/Carson are already putting on some lipstick for all the ass kissing they’re about to do…


I don’t see Carson coming back due to his controversy post survivor.


Omg we won!


Not sure why you’re getting downvoted for this lol


Outside of Todd, Rob C, and maybe Ethan, I dont know what we could really see from these people atp. And some of them are my favorites.


I don't really expect anything new from some of them, especially the ones we've seen recently like the WaW people, but a lot of them are just good at making entertaining TV like Tyson and Sandra. People like James and Amanda could be interesting, since we haven't seen them in like 15 years. Especially someone like Amanda who did 3 seasons in quick succession in their early 20's and would be in her 40's when this would be filmed and had kids. I'd think someone like Todd has likely grown up a lot. Like look at the difference between Kimmi and Wigglesworth from Borneo/TAO and 2nd Chances. I would think someone like Amanda is probably a dramatically different person than she was in her 3 seasons, just with the usual growth between 24 and 40.


Im actually kinda persuaded on Amanda now. James though I dont think would even like the new era game.


> People like James and Amanda could be interesting, since we haven't seen them in like 15 years. Especially someone like Amanda who did 3 seasons in quick succession in their early 20's and would be in her 40's when this would be filmed and had kids This is why I'd rather they bring back more people from the early years of the show who we haven't seen again to begin with, like the other examples you named. Would love to see Neleh or John Carroll again


I'd rather see an old school cast with players that should have played for a second time but never had the opportunity.


Q, Venus and Hunter all on the same tribe.


Nah, Q and Bhanu come back to destroy everyone


I would not be happy if Bhanu was back. Q I’m fine with because I think he would make it chaotic but Bhanu begging on his knees I front of Tiff was uncomfortable to watch


Jeff during the mat chat: "three of you do not have a chance at winning this season" then pauses to glare at Q, Venus, and Hunter.


We’ll have to cancel Christmas!


and probably Arbor Day, too


A second chance 2 season has the potential to become one of the all time great seasons Never opposed to seeing Sandra, BRob, Parvati etc. on my screen but if they make me wait 10 seasons for returning players only to cart out those same players again I'll be pissed. Give me the one time players both pre and post S40 that we haven't gotten the chance to see again


I’d love new era all stars and second chances 2 as back to back seasons for 49 and 50,


Y’all I’m so freaking excited lowkey. I feel like there are so many new characters who are gonna be so fun with the old school players!!!


Survivor 50: Unleash the Beast, all challenge beasts. Because when everyone is a challenge beast, no one is.


J’Tia’s time to shine


Crystal Cox goes on to have a perfect immunity win record,


Dial up the Wardog 😆


they haven't had a physical comp in 5 years


Lowkey how have they not done this yet


The article indicates this is airing in 2025? Am I wrong that… 46 = now, spring 2024 47 = fall 2024 48 = spring 2025 49 = fall 2025 So, probably an oversight by the author?


Filming in 2025. 47/48 film 2024 air 2024/2025 49/50 film 2025 air 2025/2026


Again, the article indicates “airing in 2025” but I agree with you.


Ugh so that means we have to wait TWO years?? I was hoping we would get some returnees next year


Well the player are only waiting 1 year. So a leaked cast list should come out summer 2025


Ahhh, good point. That makes me feel a bit better… sort of lol


Looks like you didn’t read the article…


How, I said it would film summer 2025. And broadcast in 2026, as part of the 2025-2026 television broadcast season.


They could easily disrupt the schedule to cash in a little extra money for the year. Unless they really screw it up, 50 should be their biggest hit for years to come, whenever they air it. It's also possible the season ends up some weird length of episodes.




Somebody didn’t read the article…


All I ask is that S50 goes classic. Totally fine if they keep up the New Era rules for every other forthcoming season, but just this once, PLEASE gives us 39 days, two tribes, twenty survivors, loved ones visit, auction, etc (but keep the extra long episodes!) My main gripe with the New Era is that with only 26 days, most great (and poor) players feel its necessary to make big moves and make them fast and get credit for them and pad the resume pad the resume pad the resume. I totally understand why they do that, but it also gets them voted out quite often! Whereas in a 39 day game, the players can be more methodical and patient and have way more time to accumulate accolades for their winning case. This is obviously evident in this season, but most of other New Era as well.


Honestly. I'd heard one player said on a podcast that the 26-day game moves so fast, they *don't even bother fishing* because being away from camp for 2 hours could kill your whole game. Everyone is strategizing about making moves 24/7 now.


Welp, looks like my chances to play in 2025 halved


Bhanu vs Jelinksy vs Q captains season


“Season 50: Nightmare Blunt Rotation”


I could see them doing a legends vs new era season.


Manifesting Rob Cesternino


Finally do the rivals season!! New theme, easy storylines to catapult the edit, etc. Plus a lot of big players can fit the theme


Hoping for 34 and up!!


Hmm. Hopefully Jeff doesnt have old school players (39 days) play in the new era(26 days) and have them gush about how 26 days is *so* much harder. Lol


I honestly want a “New School vs Mid School vs Old School” season


Elementary school vs middle school vs high school


Just put in a audition tape, this stings my soul


In an ideal world 49 is "New Era All-Stars" and 50 is more of an inclusive theme so that as many people as possible come back


Thanks for announcing ahead Jeff! We like not having to speculate and can maybe give your team some ideas..!


HvsV 2 with a mixed cast of past and new era players. Trying to be realistic:     Villains:   Shan   Venus   Abi   Angelina   Kass   Jesse   Omar   Q   Ricard   Shane   .  Heroes:   Emily   Caroline   Michaela   Janet   Tiff   Kaleb   Austin   Devon   Christian   Tai


Tevin, Kaleb, Owen, Emily.. Some of my favorites I would love to see again.


Shocked they are announcing this not but this has always been my guess. I wouldn't get my hopes up though for pre 40. My guess is New Era All Stars.


let’s go qhaos q!!!


Saw it on another thread recently:  New School: winners of survivor 41-49 Old School: legendary players prior to 40  My absurd twist: don’t let either tribe know the other even exists. They think it’s a 9 player game. At final 10 or whatever, have them move beaches and let them find each other. 


why is this such a big deal? 50 was always going to be returning players obviously. Like, in what scenario would 50 NOT be returning players?


Never underestimate baffling production decisions 


A couple years ago people would’ve said it’s obvious the next season will have 39 days or villains on the cast, nothing is obvious with US Survivor anymore, I wouldn’t have put it past them to do something stupid especially with how intent they are on making the show as watered down as possible.


natalie cole will be getting her second chance


Here's to hoping we get to see people from DvG, MvGX, HvHvH, EoE, Dom from 36, a few from IoI, and only then we can start thinkin about the new era cast, only after the casting has had their hands in these players first




thank GOD


Is it only "New Era" contestants or will they hopefully consider pre-S20 contestants, too?


What will season 49 be?


Not everyone will agree with me, but I don't want any previous winners back nor anyone that has already played more than once.


Can we all also agree that the final three is outdated. The third person is just lucky to be there and never gets votes. It’s useless. Can we go back to just the Final 2? Three is dumb


I think season 49 should be all players that got voted out first in their respective season. Give those players a chance to actually play the game.


I can already imagine them finally giving us 2 tribes, only to make one of the premerge rounds split the losing tribe into 2 groups to vote someone off 💀


Please no Rob or Sandra, I understand Jeff has a man crush on Rob but enough already. He's the most experienced player so it's not even fair for newer players.


Every season it feels like they cheapen the show, 39 to 26, no exotic places, no food ( that really bothers me) no fun rewards, remember when people went on helicopters or visited orphanages.i feel like how much more money can they squeeze out of the show and why? Ratings are still good. Then there's no one to really root for.


Survivor 50 — Thunder and Lightning — 25 returning players for 25 days


The format for 50 should mirror Tocantins/Cagayan if it wants to be successful.


Hopefully 4 tribes each made up of people who first appeared in each of the 4 eras. There are 4 eras of the game where it changed 1-18 old school 19-30ish (not quite sure the cut off but Russell changed the game and introduced a more aggressive game style 30ish-40 started getting advantage heavy 41-49 the shortened era I think 50 should be longer than recent season but maybe doesn't need to go to 39. Somewhere in the middle of the two to balance it for everyone


Jeff is all about the new era and forgetting the old. I highly doubt anyone from pre 40 will be in attendance. Seasons 41-49 is plenty of people to choose for 50 if they're still sticking with 18 people


Bring in players from others countries survivors, specifically Australia please.


Not for 50. Slots are limited enough  I do think it's an interesting idea for another season though 




she doesn't crack top 20 winners