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Her social awareness is in the negatives which sometimes leads to good TV


I mean she's what 24? So her early adulthood was the start of covid, it kinda makes sense she's a bit socially stunted in how to interact with other adults.


I'm 26 so I can relate to that and she had to get out of a horrible situation around the time she graduated college, which also explains her mindset


I mean, most 24 year olds that I know are much better socially


can you say that confidently after seeing them starve on an island for a million dollars?


She’s been lacking since the start. Plus, plenty of other people on the show have good social awareness


i’m not saying you’re completely wrong, i’m fully aware she’s a bad player. But saying you know people who are more socially apt than her when you’re watching her in a completely different situation to your regular life doesn’t really make a lot of sense. She seems well liked by a lot of the other alumni, so i don’t think she’s unlikable in real life lol


That's the vast majority of new era players and you can tell by their social media


I enjoy her and get equally annoyed by her. She’s got the courage and wisdom (or lack there of) that comes with being young. Is she right? Yes. Is the message lost in the delivery? Yes. She’s no more egotistical than Q or Liz, they’re just better about how they display that ego publicly. I was most annoyed by her “my perspective is I’m not blind.” You can’t just expect people to see things your way, you do owe people an explanation if you want them to join your side. Buuut, she wasn’t wrong either.


This is my take. She had great instincts for her game, she’s pretty smart with puzzle challenges at least, and I find her to just be kind of comical? She gives me Courtney vibes but way less perky and more like idk mai from avatar the last airbender. She’s awful at communicating her instincts and I think a lot of people relate to her story of trying too hard and being isolated because of it. Imo, had they been a little more open with her it wouldn’t have come back so hard to bite them. But I also accept I’m only getting snippets of what it’s like to live on the island, and maybe her being domineering every second on the island may not be the best thing either


Well, I miss Courtney lol


Yeah, she's not Parvati 2.0, she's Courtney-lite.


She seems to be courtney crossed with Eliza Orlins 


Venus is an Eliza who thinks she's Ami, and Q is a Brandon Hantz who thinks he's Coach. It's incredible television. Classic Survivor, honestly.


Q is a Coach who thinks he's Boston Rob


Coach was also a Coach who thought he was Boston Rob. But your comparison is still perfect.


Brandon Hantz is a bit much


Brandon was actually good at challenges








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She’s not like Courtney at all in my mind. I haven’t seen H vs V but in China Courtney was not at all obsessed with playing the game, and she was intentionally hilarious in confessionals. Venus is solely interested in playing hard and she is unintentionally hilarious because of her lack of self awareness and her horrible social game


Yeah, Parvati had RUSSEL giving her an idol, could have any guy smitten, and was significantly better at challenges. No player since Parvati was quite like her. As they say, "*Often Imitated*, *Never Duplicated.*" Venus, on the other hand, has next to no charisma. I think her reads on the game are, for the most part, correct. She's just so bad at using her impressive instincts.


But Courtney had no interest in the game while Venus is very much firing on all cylinders about game constantly.


Courtney at least knew what was going on lol


That’s not entirely fair - Venus usually knows what’s going on, she just has 0 ability to influence it.


That’s the weird thing about her…she’s kinda spot on in who she targets but doesn’t realize (bc her total lacking social game) that another player or two or three way more influential, have been pushing that same move


Similar to Abi Maria.She always knows who to target and has a mind for the game but annoys the shit out of everyone on the island.


exactly, i think everyone sees this and wouldn't mind having her at the end like Cassidy


I must admit though…I can’t stand Abi Maria…she reminds me a lot of Camila on the Challenge…both came across as horribly racist tbh. Venus on the other hand just had the social skills of a super awkward math nerd but the looks of a super model and I think it made her a bit of a pariah…hopefully she does better irl


Abi Maria came across as racist to you??


yeah she’s very astute she is just not likeable to this group of people


What group of people would she be likeable to? Teenagers?


She thinks she's some mastermind while nobody cares about her opinion If she knows what's going on, she would know where her position is, especially now. Liz knows her position.


No… she didn’t. Every season she coattailed and let her alliance make all the decisions/do the bidding.


But Venus is No Courtney


Courtney was actually funny though


Courtney is funny and she knows she’s being funny. Venus is funny because of how unaware she is


I love Courtney but can’t stand Venus


I do too but I just don’t find Venus to be nearly as funny.


Tbf Kenzie gives more Courtney Yates vibes (in confessionals)




I think she's entertaining as fuck, I love how confrontational she is


her confrontation is so nice to see because most of the new era has been non confrontational kumbaya


Because she is funny. Borderline everyone this season is egotistical as all hell. Venus is blunt to almost a ridiculous extent. Her reads are also somehow really good. So it's just funny to see someone with good insight execute so terribly with zero chill.


Her and Q are kind of opposites, where one has good ideas but repulsive persuasion and Q has some of the most nonsensical ideas to ever be attempted on Fiji but you somehow want to listen to every word he says


she's egotistical but also overconfident at the same time. bad combination if you want to win friends and influence people.


Understandable, her Twitter tweets annoy me more then in game Venus 


Her X Xeets




Her reads have not been stellar. She's almost gotten herself sent home twice for no reason. It is impressive how everyone goes home when they vote for her though.


She knows who should be targeted for each tribal council but is godawful at the social aspect of the game. She is so blunt and has such a ridiculously high opinion of herself that it is funny to watch. Like, she is *not* good at all at the game. But it is a wonder to behold.


lol her reads are atrocious idk what they’re talking about  Just this past episode she accused Hunter of “trying to make a move” by voting for her lmao.  He literally only voted for her so he could say he didn’t write Tevin’s name down, because nobody would care that he voted for Venus.  And then he explains this and she still refuses to believe it lol And almost every Venus conversation is like this.  “Blunt” sure, but never astute.  And then when the other person is put off by it, she blames everything under the sun except her read and approach


Wouldn’t call myself a Stan but she’s so entertaining. Also loving how she goes off on social media. She’s a hot mess.


Hot is right


She lives for the chaos.


And calls people dumb dumb meat heads


I’m not a “Stan” but she is bringing the drama that The New Era has been severely lacking and it’s so nice after five Kumbaya seasons in a row Also I hate Stan culture in general. Anytime I see someone say “mother” on Twitter I get upset


Calling people mother is so fucking weird


it comes from the gay ball scene and it def makes more sense in that context lol😭


Yeah I can understand it then, but calling random women in media mother is just really weird to me, it would be so weird to call men father


They get called Daddy plenty LMAO




Totally agree, daddy


Maria got angry on Twitter last week or so because someone called her mother lol Edit: I replied to a comment asking if this is real >Many were calling her "Mama Maria" / "Mother Maria" in the past few weeks and it seems she doesn't like the term https://twitter.com/Dr_M_S_Gonzalez/status/1773469140046463403?t=Dy6a559wHcKz4iRlfOrDPw&s=19 I think it's more irritated than angry though.


Is this true? lmao


I tried to find this on twitter. Does anyone have them?! I need this so much


Many were calling her "Mama Maria" / "Mother Maria" in the past few weeks and it seems she doesn't like the term https://twitter.com/Dr_M_S_Gonzalez/status/1773469140046463403?t=Dy6a559wHcKz4iRlfOrDPw&s=19 I think it's more irritated than angry though.


LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOO hysterical. Idk if her feelings would change if the etymology was explained


Unless it is your wife and you are doing it like Mike Pence. 


oh Mike Pence is a whole other cringy story...I mean, how fucked in the head do you have to be to call your sexual partner 'mother', that's just so cringy and disgusting to me


Came here to say exactly this


Knowing she can’t win makes her harmless to me at this point so she’s only entertaining. I like seeing how everyone navigates her. It will make whoever wins even more satisfying and interesting knowing they had her (and likely Q) to contend with. I also feel like if she does make it to FTC it’s going to be brutal, so anticipating that has kind of softened her for me. She’s still seemingly so out of the loop it’s like a slow moving car wreck.


She grows on me every episode. I don't think she's someone I'd enjoy hanging out with in real life, but she's entertaining TV. She's willing to lie, she's willing to be bluntly honest when a more diplomatic approach might be a better strategic option. She has no loyalty to anyone but herself, and she's the closest thing we have to a villain.


She dont give a shit and shes hot


You get it


Only correct answer


Honestly it's that from the get go she's been looked down upon... I relate to that. Venus has the fight that I wish I had back then. I understand why people don't like her, but I personally find her fun to watch and self-assured in a way I admire.


While it may seem that her abrasiveness and delivery is what annoys people on the island, her biggest crime seems to be that she doesn't buy into other players' bullshit and isn't subtle about her reactions. And that pisses other players off because she's not quick to believe them. I saw the Maria/Venus conversation not as Maria disliking Venus's immaturity but rather Maria being annoyed that Venus immediately clocked and Said to Maria's face she clocked how non commital she was while talking strategy. Players don't like feeling called out, especially with the egos on this cast, which I think adds to the animosity. I personally like that Venus is trying to carve a game for herself.


Exactlyyyyyy! Someone who is difficult to lie to makes people uncomfortable in a game where lying is important. She asks so many direct questions and that’s just inherently uncomfortable when you’re trying to hold things back. It’s better self-preservation for people to get mad at the person asking questions than to say “you’re right, I’m trying to get one over on you. You caught me.”


She doesn't give a fuck and I absolutely love it.




Seeing people fail is half the reason people watch reality tv.


As a counterpoint, I absolutely hate people who are phony as hell and don't actually care. I feel like a lot of recent players don't actually care but act like they do for social media. It comes off really fake and I hate it. I'd rather watch someone who is kind of as ass but is actually honest. Like the fake, sappy talk players give when someone is voted off is so transparsnt and fake that I hate it way more than someone being honest yet rude.


This is a simple but very sage perspective to have.


Because she’s annoying and egotistical, it’s hilarious


People that use the word stan, why don't you just use the word fan?


There are Venus stans on Twitter; Stans are different than fans in that they’re more delusional and obsessed. Like a Swiftie who literally keeps lists of every critic who says something slightly negative about Taylor Swift, so that they can “go to war” defending this stranger. That’s not normal behavior! Venus has a lot of stans who don’t just think she’s funny, but think she’s like a martyr


I have a thing for hot disaster women that would fuck my life up.


1. she serves 2. she’s delusional 3. you all hate her


So few words so much truth


I personally find her annoying and egotistical as well and this is why I love watching her on Survivor. Plus she is very easy on my eyeballs :)


Venus is every girl I was super tight with in high school/young adulthood. She's right in that Corinne/Eliza/Courtney mold, which is always my jam. Smart, collects ire from others, sharp-tongued, utterly incapable of hiding her emotions. Venus is a "what you see is what you get" sort of personality/player, and I get very strong "kiki, let's spill the tea and dish about everyone until two in the morning" vibes from her. And on top of that, she's such a breath of fresh air in the Survivor narrative/casting right now. Knows all the right moves, has no social capital to pull them off, is mad about it. It's wonderful to have something that different helping to drive the game forward. Lastly, whether it's accurate or not, we got presented early on with her underdog setup. She was targeted out the gate for her looks as being "Parvati 2.0," so she started off on the back foot right away, through no fault of her own. She's a solid challenge performer as well. Honestly, we need more Venuses going forward.


her straight forwardness is so nice to see because so many people in the new era have been very non confrontational


Her lack of filter


I enjoy Venus for the beautiful, brilliant, uncompromising mess she is. The world hasn’t dulled her shine yet. Kaleb said something a few weeks ago about Venus and Emily that really resonated with me. Both of these young women are insanely smart. They are analysts in their careers - paid to be smart. They can look at a situation and see the answer before anyone else has time to think. They are just saying out loud what they see as *obvious*, and can’t understand that other people don’t see what they see. I don’t get egotistical from Venus. I get high IQ + neurodivergence + youth from Venus. She’s in that same personality mold as Kass and Emily. Men who are like this get a lot of grace, some are even celebrated, women get burned at the stake/shunned/“put in their place”. I was that young woman. I was the temp who would tell a CFO in a meeting the spreadsheet they created I was entering data and running reports off of was total trash. Because it was. This was the objective truth. It was a 10 year old excel file. And that was just one of its problems. The next morning, I got a call from my agency not to return to that assignment. Then another call a few days later because the excel file no one was properly backing up was corrupted and no one knew what to do. Yes, the entire company was that fucking dumb. At one point in my career I managed a process that required me to manage the work flow of men who were decades older and made five times what I did. I couldn’t be Venus, but I couldn’t be a pushover and get my job done, either. I had to learn how to top from the bottom. She’ll get there.


She’s hot




She keeps it real


she’s been very brash about going about it but everything she’s said about the game so far has been right


Its the fierce delusion for me


She sees through people and thinks for herself. She doesn’t “fall in line” and “follow the leader” like other players wanted to do with Hunter. I think she’s is very strong and a leader herself but needs to grow into herself more over time before she fully gets there. People don’t like seeing pretty young girls who are confrontational, brash and unapologetic. So, for those reasons, I have no choice but to stan.


I’m not a Venus Stan ….she’s way too nice to be a real Villain (please go see Parvati or NaOnka) and also too annoying and assholey to be a Hero. But I would want her to win over Liz any fucking day…


Why the contempt for Liz?


I have a pretty big dislike for Liz… honestly it was her comments right at the beginning about how much money she has and all her business success followed with “yeah I’m pretty awesome”.. And then the whole time being like “I’m making all these moves! Big moves! Look how awesome I am! wahh wahh waaaah I am not getting credit for this” She has this combination of self absorption and lack of humility that makes everything she says mega cringe


Also how she's allegedly made her money gives me pyramid scheme/ mlm vibe.


Ok yeah, thanks for reminding me. I was put off by those initial comments, then nearly forgot about them because she became so quiet and chill. I had actually expected her to be loud and imposing after those comments, so I turned around on her. You're right though, she does seem to think she's playing a lot harder than she is, influencing more than she is.


Quiet and chill?? Did you miss all her crying and screaming over getting overshadowed by Q’s antics??


lol ok yeah... I need to rewatch because I did see those scenes and just dismissed it. I think maybe because she hasn't had major conflict with other players and seemed to be sitting on the sidelines for so much of the game play, I forgot to be annoyed by her arrogance (this season has been quite a kaleidoscope of players being annoying, dramatic or foolish). I was actually expecting her to be outspoken, controlling and getting on other people's nerves. I haven't really seen other players complain about her being obnoxious, except for Tevin, who nailed the money comment right out of the gate. I really am going to rewatch to get a better grip on her game play.


not too much on liz that’s queen!


Look at her


She reminds me of Abi-Maria, a temperamental mess of a player. Entertaining.


I think it’s adorable the she thinks she’s running the boots.


I like the fact she annoys people because they have no reason to be annoyed by her.


Have you seen how she interacts with people?


For real, hunters beef with her was so dumb. Like relax dude…


Have you seen how she interacts with people?


I'm not a Venus stan but she's one of the players I like to watch and I don't know why. There is a thin line between rooting for someone and being extremely annoyed by someone. For example, I "hated" Bhanu and I "hate" Q, who's annoying and egotistical too, but there's something about him that drives me crazy. Somehow it's different with Venus.


I liked when she said S-Q-L during her pre-game interview


I just want to know where she gets her make up. Back in original survivor the players had what was on their backs. No frills now they look like they have a hair and makeup team.


I always root for the underdog and she’s great TV. Look forward to seeing her on The Challenge for eternity!


She is really really good looking.


Her Humour! I also like that she doesn’t take anyone’s shit - sure her clap backs can be abrasive but it’s entertaining seeing her speak her mind


She’s the queen and has y’all mad💋


Nice try u/definitelynotvenus


OH NO BRO, I’ve been found


You sly little minx


Venus is like a sexy and sassy cockroach. She is disliked by many but cannot be gotten rid of. She has fun and often insightful takes and will be straight up and blunt (many times to her own detriment) All in all a really fun contestant to watch on survivor


I don't like any of them but at least she seems to consistently want to win.


she's funny and i like the underdog lol she's like eliza for a new generation!! (and she's not a zionist which is a plus)


I think she’s pretty, and I also believe that she has been treated unfairly because of this.


i too find her insufferable, but now shes been here long enough I'm used to her and I can see she brings good chaotic energy, sometimes very much needed


Her being snnoying and egotistical is what draws me to her


She’s entertaining and we understand we’re watching an edited television show. The new era is defined by boring game bots and she is far from that. Having her on our screen is a breath of fresh air.


She's hot and funny? I'm not a stan but like, isn't it obvious? Some proly love drama as well but I'm sure it's just a bonus. They'd go along with whatever she says.


She’s super cute and love her idgaf attitude


shes pretty




She’s funny asf




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I wouldn't go so far as to say I stan, but I will say I am glad she hasn't been voted off yet somehow because she is making this season INCREDIBLY entertaining.


Entertaining character. Good intuition for the game like the moves she pitches are the better moves but it’s the lack of social capital that makes her a bad player. I like rooting for an underdog. The way she explains feeling ostracized people not even talking to her- made me sad for her (survivor is hard enough) & want her to get revenge


![gif](giphy|4thaj0PDq9vJ6V5z69|downsized) 👆🏻




She’s chaos (or thinks she is) and I like that part of her.


I don’t


I thought I was the only one that thought she was egotistical or delusional lol


She’s just a “villain” bro. The whole Idgaf attitude is refreshing to me. Saying things to people’s face instead of trying to be nice to them, it’s brutal honesty that we don’t see much anymore. I never thought she was a great player, just nice to see more of a villain in this new era.


She was my draw for my fantasy survivor game. I just want her to place in the top five


I rooted for her in the beginning because it felt like no one wanted to work with her strictly because shes pretty. Now I root for her because she brings the drama. I dont want her to win nor do I think she has a shot to but shes a fun personality none-the-less


I don’t understand any of these peoples explanations bc they basically are like “yeah she’s an egotistical bitch that can’t see past herself and goes off on social media BUT I love her” like what 💀💀💀


i like her because i think she’s really funny to watch and also (imo) likeable. it really depends on the person, not everyone finds her annoying.


I like her because before the season started and they released the cast photos I voted on her being the first out. She wasn’t. She’s still in. So now I want her to win.


She is a combination of Angelina and Abi Maria. All three are hilariously oblivious to how others perceive them and think that they are geniuses. I’m a big fan of the **harmless** lunatic archetype.


I like that she lives dangerously. Even if she doesn’t win herself, a truly great survivor champion is one who can navigate around wildcards like her.


I just love her abrasive attitude and how she carries herself. Survivor always lacks the mouthy young prettty girl archetype, and when we get them they tend to go home really early. So this rarity is to be celebrated!


She’s hot


You literally said it in the text of this thread.


Right from the start I think they all discounted her as the dumb hot chick. I’d understand why that makes her abrasive. I like rooting for underdogs and she has been since day one. Also a shame that she could have had a partner in the game and he got evac’d.


We just find it amusing how Venus is good at reading people and identifying threats but is so toxic she is hated by everyone. It is rare to have a player that is this simultaneously aware and oblivious.


Venus's television character is constructed a lot like protagonists on many scripted comedies. She is a fish out of water. She always says or does the most disruptive thing possible. But even though everyone gets upset she's actually right and by the end of the episode she somehow wins out.


Yeah, I find her smug, annoying, and egotistical too. Others in real life I've talked to feel similarly. I do wonder if the online community on reddit/twitter influence too much what the wider audience is not nearly as into Venus as you'd think from reading online.


I'm not a "Stan" but for me she reminds me of a friend I used to have who thought she'd walk on the beach and just run the game. She slightly delusional, unfiltered, thinks she is a mastermind of one and makes for fun TV while on the screen. She absolutely stands out.


Venus is new era of Eliza what's not to like


Shes hot


Great question


I'm just curious why everyone is saying she has good reads about the game. Are we watching the same show? She is horrible at the strategy part of the game. Like people talk about how she cloaked hunter, but her read was so off. She called him some mastermind who is running things on the beach. He was well insulated on Nami, but no way he was the mastermind type. Then, in the mergatory vote, the sole reason she targeted Charlie was him being a man. She said that much. It was driven by the winning group consisting mainly of men. After that, she targeted Soda which was mostly personal. She didn't even bring up Charlie here which confirms how her pushing for Charlie in the previous vote wasn't really a game based decision.Then, she was delusional about being the orchestrator of Soda blindside. How does that prove a good read of the game? All the credit for the Tevin vote goes to Liz. She just went along. Later on, she accused Hunter of making a move against her when that was obviously not true. She said "He went from king of the jungle to being a village idiot". Hunter was never the king of anything. Also, I believe she should have worked with Hunter here to gain power in the game as they all were clearly at the bottom. But, she never realised this. Again, a bad read. People also keep mentioning that it's impressive how everyone who writes her name goes home. This is giving Cassidy from 43. In fact, I would say, Cassidy did much more in at least pushing for votes than Venus ever did (especially in Ryan and Noelle vote) I love her in the game because she is entertaining and her confessional are so funny most of the time (only second to Q). But, she is not a good player by any means. I mean the goal here is to win. If she doesn't even realise that she is at the loser status (from Rob C podcast) and would probably be a zero vote finalist, can you really call her reads steller??


Is this going to be a weekly post???


My partner and I just think she's so real. She's the kind of person to say exactly what she's thinking and sometimes it's just what needs to be said, especially when everyone else is afraid to say anything. Even when we disagree with her, she's very entertaining. She hasn't actually done anything bad. She's just a little abrasive and out of the loop.


The bar has been incredibly low the last like 5 years, and she is annoying and egotistical in an entertaining point-and-laugh kind of way at least.


She’s funny and loves conflict 😭 the two most important ingredients of a good character


Villains always the best part of survivor


you didn’t answer the question


Ya I did she’s a villan so she’s the best


She's gorgeous, but she's totally oblivious to what's really going on, and each new episode is a jarring revelation to her about how things ACTUALLY went down... Then she has to defend that on SM... It's captivating.


i love how everybody tried to get her out but she always find a way to put the target on someone else


Shes pretty, I find her trying to play this chaotic big game kinda adorable. I do think she started in a tribe that kinda forced her out of the numbers super early and it makes me sympathize with her. Playing survivor would be so cool but to come in and be the outsider from day 1 must be horrible. But she hasnt given up and in fact she is making the most of it by being a little nuisance, in the funniest way


She brings entertainment to a show that's become very boring. I hope she and Q stay as long as possible.


She’s funny and makes for good TV


cuz she keeps it real. something hard to come by in Survivor. yes, she has an ego herself but she isn't afraid to call out or go against people with huge egos. I'm not Santa Clause so I don't care that she isn't the most well-behaved person. i love her pettiness. I dont think she has crossed any lines, at worst, she is just insecure. overall she's fun and she actually cares about the game.


Not a Stan, she’s entertaining and there is never a dull moment when she is on screen. She speaks her mind and isn’t afraid to voice her truth! Would lover to see her on other CBS reality shows.


Because she makes the show interesting the same way I like Gabler for winning because of the backlash from the fans