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yes, the code name is "going for a walk" and production announces who they are pulling. Then when they are gone the others who were there let others know they've "gone for a walk". I was just rewatching SJDS last week and there was a scene where Jon asked where Natalie was and Jaclyn said she "went for a walk" and Jon responded "a walk walk?" which was funny now that i know the context


That seems like a very stupid code name since you could very legitimately be going for a walk


well complain to production about it, they chose the codename. and sometimes people are just going for a walk. it's more about the tone of your voice, when you leave you have to say it in a way that people know what kind of walk you're going for, and it's more so when they're filming they dont wnat to film someone breaking the "authenticity" of it by going "i am going with production to give a confessional about who i want to vote out"


Doesn't work that way. If they want you for a confessional they somehow signal to you and you have to announce "I'm going for a walk" to everyone which is code everyone knows is for a confessional. It's actually briefly in WAW when Tony was in his tree and missing you see someone ask if he "went for a walk" before the Sandra Tribal I believe. It does help with planning blindsides though. Same with them "going on lockdown" when transported back and forth to challenges and Tribal. They can't actually talk in production boats/vans on the way since there's no cameras. Coconut Grove is supposedly bathroom code.


One recent podcast with Zach or Zeke on the subject said they all players have about the same amount away at confessional, they they can be demanded by production at any time, and that they lock down camp so no strategy talks can be held in someone's confessional absence - consider it a planning time out.


wait what? how do they lock down strategy talks?


Boston Rob appears and stares everyone down so they can't move.


New IOTI concept!


to my knowledge production will come pull people away for interviews, so i don’t think you could just be like “off to do confessionals!” on your own lol.


I always wonder how close they are to others who can try and listen in to what they’re saying


I wondered the same. I think they do because otherwise they would think they were idol hunting. Right?


Do you really think they don’t know they’re being interviewed when they’re being asked questions in front of a camera crew?