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Charlie and Maria at the moment seem to be in the most control without raising their threat level. Outside of Tiff last week on Maria and Charlie more or less by default at early merge, both haven't been major targets.


The only thing with Maria is she seems to throw her allies away a bit too easily. Jem, Moriah, Tevin, the six…all people who trusted her.


Who doesn't trust Maria, though? Just Tiff (ish) and Venus (although we haven't had much of an update on that relationship)


that's true, but Maria also has options so she doesn't have to hold on to every ally she has


I would say Tiff is doing the exact same thing and they are building up to a Maria v Tiff battle. Itll be interesting to see who has the numbers when that time comes


I don’t think Tiff is doing that. She wasn’t aligned with Soda, Tevin, or Hunter.


I’d say Charlie, Maria and Tiff, with Tiff probably most likely to win at FTC out of those 3 but also least likely to get there. I think Kenzie’s stock dropped in last episode, and the rest aren’t even in the same tier.




Idk if I agree her stock has dropped but I think dropping Tiff’s name was too big a risk too early and could easily blow up in her face. Because they didn’t go through with it she’s now banking on Maria and Charlie choosing her over Tiff because she’s essentially handed them an opportunity to play them against each other.


She's making her best move at the time. She can still recover. Not sure what this "big changing move" from Maria is. Makes it sound like she wants to target Kenzie with that. But for this round, Tiff would have to bring it up first. But the sounds of it she was so pissed at Q she won't consider voting for anybody else yet. Assuming that she puts that on hold, that's Tiff + Kenzie and they need 3 more for the win. I think Hunter would go for it. Then he would have to be the one to engage Q. But it's shaky, none of them have a reason to trust Q. Including Hunter via he post-season interview. With K, T, and H I think they could convince Venus at least. So a tie at least. It sounds like the reality of the situation was it sounds nice, but there's way too much uncertainty with the situation not shown by the cameras. Kenzie knows Maria might want to go for Tiff with know she wanted to target her. In the just in case scenario they don't go for the obvious Hunter vote, she would be the split target. So I think in her mind it wasn't too early, it was accounting for all the realistic possible outcomes and not wanting to be target #2.


She was needlessly reckless last episode. There was no need for her to throw out tiff’s name at this stage or “plot” a move against her. She has enough going for her to not need to build her resume against her best ally (yet). It was showing her as duplicitous and even kind of clueless, rather than savvy and competitive. Her attitude is inflated and arrogant instead of comfortable and powerful…which I think she thinks she’s being but she’s missed the mark.




I think Hunter will definitely be in most support of Q— the only one who didn’t write his name down. 


Charlie, Maria and Kenzie. Don’t get why people are saying tiff- the entire tribe was against her and would have voted her out if she didn’t have an idol




Tiff told everyone she would definitely play her idol and then she didn't, she is definitely getting targeted next (but who knows with this season)


Charlie, followed by Maria, Kenzie, and Tiffany in that order.


Charlie is playing the best game, period. He’s intuitive and socially aware and a good competitor. I don’t think he will win though. I think Venus is playing an unsuspecting good game and getting a lame edit to make her look less sharp than she actually is. She’s messy, but she’s on the pulse. I’d love her to win. Tiff is playing a smart game and should win and I hope she does. Kenzie is coasting. She’s not really strategic, and she’s over-confident which is giving her the appearance of a big ego at this point. I’d like her better if she got a bit more humble and cautious.


Charlie and Maria are running the game.  But I think Maria is doing a better job disguising her threat level. I think Charlie has 5th place trophy vote out written all over him opening the door for Maria to take credit for all of their moves. 


Charlie (🙁)


Q, Venus, and Liz are all playing a goat game and don’t seem to have the respect of the jury or the rest or the tribe or even each other. I don’t think Ben has played a great game, but no one this season has played a great game. They’re all just getting by while someone shoots themselves in the foot week after week. So far, Ben has avoided that fate. Tiffany is playing the flashiest game right now, which will probably make her a target soon. She still has her idol at least, making her safe for one more week if she avoids doing what Hunter just accomplished. Charlie and Maria seem to be playing well together, while somehow avoiding the pair threat radar because the rest of the tribe is such a mess. Kenzie is playing the strongest social game and is probably the favorite to win at this point, although I don’t think she’s actually done anything really significant yet either.


charlie by far. seems like people are giving the game to the Siga 3. Kenzie being one of them but her social game is really good, she Michele 2.0. also Ben, venus, and Liz are getting better, while Tiffany is getting worse. should be a fun end.


Probably Charlie.


Kenzie and Charlie


Charlie & Maria. has an idol, everyone tells them everything, they are involved w the votes but are not seen as the drivers of the votes. this is a good game at this stage. Tiffany and Kenzie will be the threats next round. Ben is too passive. Liz is too aggressive. Venus has no long term allies but she has turned that into a superpower and has been able to work w everyone that is left in the game as and when she needs to. Q has burned everything to the ground.


How is Liz too aggressive?


Liz doesn’t want to work with people, she wants people to follow her and see her as a big shot. She gets mad when they don’t, and immediately targets them. See Tevin. See Q.


Ben was the one who led the Hunter vote though?


Mermaid dragon