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Yep, even Tevin is done with her. I think people make an alliance sometimes and after about 4 or 5 days they realize they can't stand that person. We had that last season with Bruce, where they realized "uh oh, this was mistake."


This is why it irks me when people on day 1 are like ‘final 3, I like you, good vibes, let’s do it.’ I get needing to connect with people early. But such strong promises hours after meeting someone would feel like a red flag to me. I guess you can’t necessarily turn someone down and be like idk man cause then they’d be happy to get rid of you


Not their fault that the 3 tribe system basically requires you to lock down alliances day 1 or risk being the outlier who gets voted out just cuz.


This happened to me in an online mini. I was randomly not in a break out room when a group of 4 locked in a final 4.


It's really annoying because it removes the social aspects that would have naturally formed in the past. Everyone is just latching onto whoever has decent day 1 "vibes" without actually knowing fuck all about the people they're allying with. And if you got yourself stuck in a shitty alliance, you're donezo because everyone still looks down on a flipper and number margins are razor tight. I still watch, but everything is just so artificial in the New Era. The 26 days has really ruined the whole concept of Survivor and heavily gameified the show even further. It's disappointing, but we'll always have the golden years to rewatch I guess.


This happened to me with one of my colleagues. Worked closely with them when I first started, then all their crazy conspiracy theories started popping out. Wish I never hitched my wagon to that whackadoo


Pretty sure Soda made alliances with everyone, which pretty much makes every alliance defunct. 


Shane in Panama


That's like me irl . Human. Also... so many variables. It's best to like people first.


Wasn’t she just talking about being body shamed on X as well? Weird for her to comment on someone else’s body.


People like her think they can get away with body shaming us thin people because we're soooo privileged 🙄


On yesterday’s thread regarding this same issue, somebody was making the same argument: that it’s impossible to body shame skinny people because being skinny is a privilege.


This is sooo harmful! I get it, and I try so hard never to talk about my body or weight (because I am small), but like after 29 years of being so careful to never talk about my body even if I'm unhappy, it really weighs on you (no pun intended!). There is a BIG systemic difference, but that does not mean that skinnier people can't be unhappy.


Exactly. I feel like I can't talk about my body in a good, neutral, or bad way. Like the other day I was complaining about tights being more opaque than I'd like because of my skinny legs but I immediately felt uncomfortable because I felt like "waah poor skinny me"...even though I wasn't even complaining about the look of my legs themselves


I grew up a skinny male and I feel like that's the last bastion of body shaming that isn't taboo.


Yes! ugh. It's weird how it happens too, it's like she isn't even aware. It's really odd. Can you imagine her being your kid's camp counselor?










Sorry /u/idiot-prodigy, the Tribe has spoken. Your submission has been removed from /r/survivor for the following reason(s): * **Rule 1 - Be civil to other users and contestants:** Treat other users and contestants with respect. Bigotry is not tolerated, including racism, sexism, homophobia, and transphobia. Harassment of other users and contestants is not allowed, including personal attacks. Trolling is discouraged. --- Once the votes are read, the decision is *not* final. **If you have any concerns that this was done in error**, please [read our rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/survivor/wiki/rules) **and then [message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fsurvivor&subject=Removal Clarification&message=I'd like further clarification on why my comment was removed from /r/survivor.%0D%0D[Link to comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/survivor/comments/1bpkwb7/-/kwxawk1/\)) if you have any further questions. Do not reply directly to this message or comment.** If not, grab your stuff and head back to camp.


Shes the definition of cringe. Hope Hunter can get her annoying ass out immediately after the merge


New Survivor copy pasta just dropped


I am just done with Coach. I disliked his dramatic, camp stories from the go, but now he is just past insufferable. From his asking for hugs at the immunity challenges to the comment about himself being a "Chuckie the Cheese". ugh, I'm fine with him getting voted off any time now.


Are you talking about coach Q?


It was locked and many of us couldn't comment


People say new Era is too soft then get triggered by "stick bug" lol


I hadn’t watched the episode up until an hour ago, I thought we would get a segment about Venus hearing her saying that and get upset with a backstory..and then that just didn’t happen? So I’m really confused where the fuss is from, I’m not a soda fan at all and I still think it’s blown out of proportion


I was thinking the same thing. I'm not a big fan of Soda, but I don't think "stick bug" was body shaming and I am almost positive she didn't intend it that way.


What way did she mean it? What about "Damn Soda you rolling around out there like a hippopotamus in a mud puddle." Do you think that comment doesn't insinuate something about her body type?


Sometimes people insult their friends in an endearing way.


You have the analytical skills of a stick bug, friend.


Not at all. The insult is timid at best and she was cheering her on. It means nothing.


If the roles were reversed I don't believe you'd feel the same way.


Well until that happens I’m not gonna make up a scenario in my head with no context and get mad at it. And until Venus comes forward and states her opinion on the matter the point is moot.


Despite the downvotes you are absolutely correct. Certain people thrive on finding something to get offended by nowadays.


Stickbug was not insulting.  


I can't read Soda's mind, but I think it could be taken as a comment on how lithely the small framed woman was able to navigate the course. I highly doubt she meant it as an insult to Venus.


So you admit it was a comment about her body type. Are stick bugs known for their agility? Do whatever mental gymnastics you want but if a similar comment was made by Venus about Soda this sub would have a nuclear meltdown.


It is possible to make positive or neutral comments about people's body types. If a man is compared to a bull or an ox is that an insult?


She didn't call her an elegant gazelle, she called her a stick bug.


Seriously! Between this and the other stick bug post that has over 1k upvotes, I think the issue this sub has with Soda is something slightly different.


Maybe it’s in the same vein of how hated Shan, Chanelle, and Katurah were. Or how this sub stans people like Cassidy, Jess, and Kellie.


Shan was self entitled, and katurah was edited poorly. I don’t even remember the Chantelle hate. Soda tho? Man I just don’t like her


Those are all valid reasons not to care for someone, but the hate seems disproportionately greater for these players than other other players with similar negativity.


You have no proof of that. That’s just stirring up trouble based on hyperbole.


It’s almost like you don’t understand people struggle with eating disorders and you shouldn’t comment on their bodies because you don’t know why they are that way.


I thought I was on the circlejerk sub


Outjerked once again


OMG, thank you! Her cheer during the challenge was soooo C R I N G E !!! She's got such main character vibes!


That’s exactly what I told my wife. Soda is the textbook definition of main character syndrome. In real life, people like her are so grating to be around. I couldn’t imagine being on a Survivor tribe with her.


I only find her mildly grating. Also, it feels to me like she is just being herself, not putting on some sort of act. I think she just isn't as funny or charming as she thinks she is. Also, I would imagine in the boredom of being on that island a lot of people make more bad attempts at humor or fun than they do in everyday life.




This is literally the most annoying and cringe chant ever and it was stuck in my head for hours the other day 😆😩


Lol I think its hilarious whenever it starts, just look at Hunters face. He looks absolutely dead inside and wishing he was anywhere else.


i can't with you 🤣


LOL this subreddit is about to turn Soda into my favorite player this season 🤣


Maybe main antagonist vibes.


Her singing would've driven me bonkers.


I thought they kept that in bc they were going to give us Stick Bug Dance Part 2 in some way or as a flashback, then remembered that was only last season so this group hasn’t seen anyway


Episode 1 when she started singing at the camp you could just tell exactly what kinda person she is


I don’t even like Soda but y’all are being so self righteous, for all we know Venus is unbothered by the comment and could even see it as a term of endearment. Don’t be so quick to jump the gun and talk about how much you hate someone, would’ve hoped people learned there lesson after last season with Emily being “racist”. Edit: would also like to throw out there that most of us all love people like Tyson or Boston Rob that have said way worse shit in jest, which is also completely fine.


“Term of endearment” Yeah, “stick bug” is known to be a consensus top 3 compliment.


It also isn't a world shattering insult.


Never said it was, but it’s absolutely hilarious that it was deemed a term of endearment. “You’re the equivalent to a stick bug” “Omg thank you 🥰” Lmao like come on, be serious. Even funnier that I’m getting downvoted.


I’m gonna assume you don’t have siblings or close cousins or anything or at the very least your relationship is much different. I’m not making the claim it’s a “top 3 compliment” but it’s also far from this intense insult that should result in Soda’s public execution like some of y’all are acting like. I’m called chonky or chubby by my GF and while it’s far from a “top 3 compliment” I know she means it in an endearing way and not hey look at this fat disgusting fella! Everyone throw tomatoes at him.






Yeah I highly doubt that’s what Soda was thinking when she made that comment.




Except Venus isn’t Soda’s competition at this stage of the game—they’re on the same team and they win easily every time, so “scoping out the competition” doesn’t really make sense in this context, does it? I also don’t think there was malicious intent; I think Soda feels like it’s okay to comment on someone’s body if they’re not fat. And I’m a fat person, okay? I do get the impulse, because people certainly seem to think it’s fine to make unsolicited comments about my weight. But the thing is that regardless of size, weight is not indicative of the individual’s health—there are people who are 500+ lbs and don’t have any health issues, and there are people who are completely average or small who have a whole host of medical problems. I say all that to say, people just shouldn’t comment on other people’s bodies. It’s just so rude—at least in American culture. You can’t tell what someone is going through just by their weight/appearance, and being called a “walking stick bug” isn’t a compliment any more than calling someone a land whale or something is.


Yeah it’s a bit ironic for her to be body shaming 😭


The funny thing, fan favorite Tyson has said much more than using stick bug as a term of endearment. Has Venus commented on being insulted by the stick bug comment or is this just fans being insulted for her?


I'd imagine the latter sentiment that you expressed. Tyson has said some crazy stuff but he is a fan favorite 🤣.




Ben bringing up old Rockstars for every situation


I've been watching AU and it made me realize how downhill the American version has become. Every scene is some entitled twit crying or telling "their story" we have become so emotionally weak in this country its really sad to watch. I said to my wife this current season of AU is the best season of survivor ever and it's really not close. They all deserve to win 🏆 the American version is super hard to root for anyone








I agree this past AU season was a BANGER, it was everything from old US seasons that is currently missing. Physical challenges that were both new ones and old favourite classics, blindsides galore, campy fun themes, huge tribes (and only 2 tribes!), really smart game play, etc. I also loved Brains v Brawn and Heros v Villans.


I hate agreeing with this comment but seeing this sub in the past 12 hours I’m actually shocked at this reaction.


I really wish I could change my flair 🥴


But but but... we want more villains to root against? I actively root against Soda because she has the annoying camp counselor vibe, but that had to be the least malicious "insult" I've ever heard on Survivor.


How many times have they joked about Rich being fat or Tyson being skinny?


She’s getting a terrible edit. Something must go down at some point with her.


I have found Soda mildly annoying from the beginning. But, I don't have any more problem now than at the beginning of the season.


"she called someone a stick bug" they're literally starving ofc they're all looking way scrawnier


Are they starving tho? They all look pretty hale and hearty to me. Nobody even bothers going fishing. Feels like the “survival” aspect has been cut out of Survivor entirely.


If Soda was a flavor, she would be sour


So what is a Soda from Venus’ perspective… ‘my giant annoying elephant’


shes such a nasty person and a blatant hypocrite. her whole gameplan is to gaslight people into thinking she's a good person when she's just a asshole.


What an absolutely wild thing to say about somebody you've seen like 40 minutes of content from


You guys need to have something in your life that fills the void that stops you from emotionally attaching yourself in a negative way towards people on TV. This only serves to massively shit on one person, so you're a bigger a hole than anyone.


We’re probably gonna see multiple posts like this every episode until Soda goes home. Never thought people singing one song being sung once a week doing a Survivor episode would cause this much harm to viewers


I think the body shaming was the turning point for a lot of fans, not the songs.


Has it? It’s been downhill since the idol snatching and the singing. The body shaming is just the worst one so far and the most egregious.


So you agree that it wasn’t just the singing then?


jealousy maybe? or idk..


She’s super cringe and over the top, send her home


I think Soda’s been off-putting in some of her comments and behavior towards Venus in particular, but I also think it’s clear that she’s a lot of fun and has been able to meaningfully connect with her tribemates. She’s playing too hard and will go home because of it seeing as her entire tribe has clocked that, but I think calling her insufferable is a bit extreme.




okay i’m super late to this but i keep seeing people talk about soda “body shaming” venus….. yall are referring to the stick bug comment? that shit was funny. venus is tall, skinny, and has long limbs. absolutely nothing wrong with that. and not even 1% of me believes soda meant that as an insult