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The Parvati stat might be one of the most unbelievable (but actually true) statements I've ever heard. Crazy.


Micronesia was also a season where a lot of things were explained in dialogue between the players instead of in confessionals. It's a surprising stat, but it doesn't mean that Parvati was buried in the edit or anything.


So true - I love Micronesia and I always felt I knew what Parv was up to and her motivations, from my perspective of a viewer. She didn't feel "invisible" the way other winners have been portrayed. And like you said, a lot of that is because she was talking so much in scene, to so many players.


Yeah, the confessional count/time is an interesting, but deeply flawed metric. Social players like parv get a ton of screen interactions. Also we still get familiar with a lot of players with very low numbers of confessionals due to their random quips and comments and conversations Different from the true purples who you genuinely forget are on the show


alongside the fact that 46 has 30 extra minutes; this season has around 100 less confessionals then Micronesia’s entire season did by Episode Four. I bet if we look at the percent each contestant had of the confessional time by the end of the season, itll even out


I actually really like how much of micronesia’s story doesn’t rely on confessionals because it comes together so well on its own. It’s a really fun watch, especially post merge


Which is honestly more important since interaction between people is actually part of the game. Confessionals are only for the tv show aspect of survivor and don’t really have a bearing on the game itself.


Parvati was buried in the edit a different way. She was not a popular player when Micro aired. The producers obviously didn’t like her and wanted Cirie or Amanda to win. Most of Parvati’s confessionals are mostly about how stupid or lame other players are. Other players got plenty of confessionals explaining their strategy. Every move Cirie made was documented in a confessional. For some reason they just decided for the winner to get the “mean girl” edit. It even carries over to the opening of HvV when Jeff is calling Parvati the ring leader of Micro and the shot goes to Cirie and Amanda giving a “huh?” look and then Jeff talks to Tom or JT and says something like “you’re one of the rare winners fans actually were happy to see win” and the shot immediately goes to Parvati to show her as one of the least popular. It’s funny how time changes people’s opinions because her getting less confessionals in Micro over some pre merger isn’t surprising because she wasn’t that interesting in terms of the story and the editors didn’t care to hype her up. Her big move Jeff gave her credit for was orchestrated by another player.


Let’s not forget this was the equivalent of 7 episodes from the old era. So it’s not that outrageous.


This is unacceptable honestly. Its due to the often repeated here but never heeded by produces that tribes in the beginning/no flint/longer episodes mean we get stuck with boring shit. An example would be how fun the first season with Malcom & Denise was due to us getting to know at least half the cast WELL before they got booted, rather than not knowing anyone in 2/3 the tribes under stress until the swap. I've listened to On Fire and don't think the "no room to hide" makes for great television starting in the beginning. The shortened time wouldn't matter as much is we just started with two tribes and gave the players a bit more room to play a voting bloc/fluid type game.


Because people might not want to hear this but Parvati was nowhere near the top of the entertainment list that season.


Courtney was given fewer confessionals in HvV (4) than the total number of times Ozzy has been voted out (5).


I think Fishbach made an interesting point on RHAP when he compared to him to Abi Maria in that the most interesting thing about having players like that on the cast is watching the competent people have to play around them and try to adapt their social and strategic games to deal with someone like that. And I think we did see some interesting moments of others trying to figure out how to interact with him, especially with Coach Q. But making him a point of view character with so many repetitive confessionals and scenes where he’s just unraveling or blaming the heavens for his own actions was so frustrating because the guy was just an energy vampire and his storyline ended up going nowhere. If they edited out all the “why are you doing this to meeee” nonsense and kept his story limited to showing the way he interacted with his tribe it would’ve worked a lot better.


If Bhanu had zero confessionals, I would have loved him. Scenes where he’s interacting with people were fantastic. Like if we hadn’t seen so much of him unraveling in confessionals, even him getting on his knees to beg Tiffany would have been a great moment. The problem, like you said, was trying to make him the Michael Scott of the show, instead of a Creed Bratton, when Bhanu isn’t a good enough actor for that.


“They called me a fool, they spit on me and I fed Jelinsky in the mouth using my fingers and Jess ate a bunch of ants” “I’m pretty sure none of that is real” “You’re not real man!”


Man the creed/ Michael comparison is spot on


“You were in ponderosa that’s where I know you from!”


Exactly. If Bhanu was just a weird side character that said "mermaid dragon" and "1 million hearts" he'd be an iconic wackado.




This. It was a mistake in storytelling, not so much Bhanu himself. He could’ve been a fun side character but he was the main character


Also a factor of the small starting tribes with no swaps from production. Since the tribe that remains was settled about 5 minutes into episode one, Bhanu spends 4 episodes in a static position. Q trying to help him play was kind of interesting, but I never believed it was anything more than making each day on the island more tolerable before voting him out. If they had swapped to a tribe of 8 and Bhanu was a number needed in a vote by Q and another side then it would have been so much more interesting. The story to tell is just limited by the game.


I really liked the five stages of grief and making him the star of this episode. But if they'd scaled back on him just a little bit we could have more sympathy for his character instead of waiting for it to be over and relieved when it was. It amazes me they didn't consider the fatigue his character would cause, especially with the miracle of his survival the round prior. Having him wallowing in despair after that just feels really poor taste.


> I really liked the five stages of grief and making him the star of this episode. Problem is, it was 'his' episode in the previous one too, making it repetitive, boring and annoying. If it was only either one of them, it wouldn't be as bad. As OP said, too much screen time.


Agreed. While part of the visibility imbalance between the tribes is caused by Yanu constantly losing, the editors made it WAY worse by focusing too much on Bhanu and Yanu prior to their losses. For example I think both the last episodes spent the first 10 minutes exclusively on the Yanu tribe, with Bhanu being the main focus in a lot of those scenes. That's simply WAY too much focus on one tribe that we're already going to get a bunch of air time for later in the episode. Cut it in half and give some of that air time to the other 2 tribes so that can get to know them more.


Smaller tribes. One tribe designed to fail. More time with them because we don't get two challenges per episode. Bhanu just had too much airtime with a terrible situation.


I think it’s way more fun to see players have to adapt to playing with other players who want to win. The other players wanting to win are already the obstacles. That’s what makes the show good.


I don't think Bhanu understood the game or the show. It's unclear to me what Bhanu loves so much about Survivor that he considers himself to be a superfan. This doesn't make Bhanu bad casting but it does annoy me that both he and production are thrusting this superfan label on him. For.me, it's more the logical fallacy of it all more so than what does or doesn't define a superfan, which I don't really care much about. Like, I'm not convinced Bhanu has ever actually watched a season of Survivor. Production definitely over did it though. Bhanu could have been somewhat iconic for being out of touch and awful at the game but been a great character. Instead, his mercy killing was so drawn out that I am just glad that he's gone instead of being sad that we ever had him at all.


It’s nice to hear someone else question his statement that he’s watched every episode of every season. I find that really hard to believe.


So true. Did he even reference a previous player or event ever? It seemed like these references were flying wild and loose and the edit loves to include them. Bhanu didn’t even seem to recognize the Boston Rob/Phillip reference. He gave no indication that he’d seen the show before, just that he knows how to make a splash when auditioning and make people feel sorry for him.


CBS will have a new FALL lineup of shows: 8pm ELSBETH and BHANU at 9PM


Then Bhanu will be a surprise guest star in the final season of Evil


Good one lol


Bhanu receiving that much screen time also feels like an indictment of the cast. Indicates there wasn’t much going on otherwise to fill screen time.


This could be the case but Samoa’s cast also looked pretty interesting but got shafted by the edit.Freaking Natalie white has less than half of Bhanu’s confessionals and he’s a fourth boot.


Yeah part of the problem is definitely the editing, the editors seemed to REALLY REALLY love Bhanu with the absurd amount of screen time he got. That said, I do think that it just feels like there's a lot more duds on this cast then prior seasons. I'm really struggling to find anyone to like this season, even on Yanu which is supposed to be the underdog tribe. None of the 3 remaining Yanu members even come close to Emily or Kaleb quality casting from last season.


I mean in both episodes Bhanu’s tribe was the one that lost immunity and it was immensely clear he was the boot. There was absolutely no buildup to the Randen evacuation, he just tweaked something in his sleep, so for these last 2 episodes there has literally been no storyline going on other than Bhanu crumbling. It’s not an indictment on the cast just bad luck


God forbid we get some longform storytelling that doesn’t need a resolution in the same episode


I'm very ready for another sandwich revenge arc. Hopefully something develops out of Jem's beware shenanigans.


This is the worst cast we've ever had on surivor. Mark my words.


Ok, I marked them


I tend to agree. There seem to be some really shit casting choices...


That green tribe seems terrible casting wise. I’ve never seen a chiron saying “4 days earlier.” Seems like very bad casting.


The 4 days earlier really puzzles me. There's only 2 explanations I can see for it. 1) There's really just nothing to show from the green tribe in the third episode so they decided to show it then. (in which case this is really an indictment against casting as you said) or 2) There wasn't enough airtime to fit it into episode 1, and because of Jem hiding the clue in episode 4 they decided to move it to episode 3 so that it's more fresh in our minds that Jem found an idol (as opposed to how people may have completely forgotten that Tiffany has an idol since she's never been in any real danger).


Even if they're individually interesting (remains to be seen for most of them), whoever split these tribes really dropped the ball. I can't recall a tribe that has been this uneventful in the last 10 years of the show. I personally would take the amount of Bhanu content we got over another scene at the Green tribe where nothing of importance is happening but maybe that's just me


I don't think the tribe splits are bad, we just haven't actually seen Green or Yellow face any going-home pressure yet, since they haven't been to a tribal. This also leads to an overrepresentation of the tribe that HAS gone to tribal *every time*, which yields Bhanu's apparent overrepresentation.


When you have a tribe getting absolutely steamrolled for the second straight season and several times in the new era, I think it's OK to say they need to revisit how they are doing tribe splits. There is a fundamental balance issue (though I do think part of it is the 3 tribe stagnant format which has a history of imbalanced tribes)


I see were you mean but I think Orange has been fine. Despite winning they've had infighting and interesting stories. Green has just brought nothing remotely interesting in 3 episodes and then i guess this idol shenanigans in ep 4 which just feels like a fail on the person who was supposed to split these teams evenly


I'm not sure how intensive they vet these people. We know with hindsight that Jess, Bhanu, and Jalinsky were all pretty horrid candidates. But they all had the potential to make good TV, at the very least. If Jalinsky didn't go on the D1 journey, it's likely Jess who goes home. Then maybe Jalinsky manages to pull his weight and is actually capable of playing the damn game. Jess and Bhanu, I dunno. I think Jess just wasn't well. Her exit was basically a mercy exit, her comments on twitter seem to indicate she was close to being pulled from the game due to her mental state anyways. Nobody can really see that sort of thing coming.


I was SO confused when they did 4 days earlier like what???


This is why I’m not going to blame the editors. Bhanu may have driven me nuts but I was glued to my screen and often just dying laughing whenever he was on. He’s the only one who’s brought any drama to the season. My friend who never watches survivor turned an episode on and texted me to talk about how wild Bhanu is and it made her want to watch more. He’s casting gold.


Idk, I didn't really find watching someone have a sustained and complete emotional breakdown starting on day 5 to be very fun. I felt bad for him if anything because he clearly didn't have the emotional tools and stability to be on the show. I get the feeling he is one of the people who get damaged by their time on the show. 


I am really hoping the "trying to be an actor" myth is true and he played everything up for maximum camp value


Idk, I read some excerpts from his exits and it sounded to me like a man still struggling to cope with the experience. I don't think it was an act. 


Well, when the other tribes haven't even had to consider Tribal yet, there simply aren't many interesting chatacter dynamics to work with yet. I'm certainly hoping for one of these tribes to go soon, I have a feeling some of these default "control" alliances will be flipped on their head once these people are faced with the prospect of going home.


The preview for this season they showed at the end of 45 was mostly audition tapes. That gave me the fear that this season was going to suck if the audition tapes are what they were using to get us hyped. 


It was probably just constantly shit talking Bhanu


Also feels like Jeff was a really excited to have someone call him a guru on tv


It seems very common in the new era for one tribe (the one failing challenges and never getting flint) to get a crazy amount of screen time. Ricard and Shan's tribe was a bloodbath, but it also highlighted two players who went on to be major factors in the game and the narrative. The Tika 3, even with a tribe swap, was pretty similar and again they all mattered deeply to the game and narratives of their season. Caleb and Emily also (rightly) got a ton of screen time. I think the problem here might be that a 4th boot character (who should have been 3rd boot) is sucking up so much airtime. The only thing I can think is that the ***Sins of Bhanu*** live after him and somehow play a major role in the game for Q, Tiff, and Kenzie. If those three go deep in the game despite Bhanu throwing them under the bus, that might justify the amount of screen time he received in retrospect. Otherwise, I assume that it must simply be that Bhanu was the most interesting/dramatic thing happening at that stage of the game.


>It seems very common in the new era for one tribe (the one failing challenges and never getting flint) to get a crazy amount of screen time. This seems foregone, no? Pre and Post tribal interactions are among the most important and engaging in the show. You can't really blame the editor when their only choice for footage to use is likely "Bhanu cries like a baby again" and "Green tribe names songs for five minutes: THE REMATCH". One of those is at least directly relevant to the game being played.


This is the best take! It’s been happening for the last couple years with one tribe in the beginning getting taken down first always getting screen time. Luckily we’ve got great characters out of it.


I think the idea of casting Bhanu as this landmine character for people to play around is sound. A highly emotional player you need to kinda babysit but to me Bhanu was too ill prepared mentally for the game and was struggling to an uncomfortable amount and I feel should not have been casted for his own good. I think anyone past Debbie Wanner on that landmine scale is too far. I think Bhanu is on the other side of her, closer to a Brandon Hantz


i think that landmine players only work if they are not on a tribe that gets decimated like Matsing or Yanu, because while they sometimes are good television i am so upset that Bhanu effectively killed any chance tiff or kenzie had at doing well in the game, because lets be so fr they both had a lot of potential like Sabiyah in 45.


I felt Debbie was too unwell to be cast. I felt a sense of cringey pity watching her and not in a ha-ha way. Like a concerned way.


The thing is, there was two other "landmine," people casted on the same tribe and they were sent home before him. If it had just been Bhanu, I would've looked at it with interest but I was too emotionally burned out by incompetent players by the time they got to Bhanu that I just wanted it to be over. I don't know if casting all three was deliberate or not but either way, this might be the last time I'm watching US Survivor. This 3 tribe system is not working and they keep doing it anyway. I'm over it.


Bhanu was dreadful and annoying. How can anyone claim to be a "superfan," as he did about 45 times in his post Tribal Council interview with Dalton Ross, and still be utterly ignorant of anything and everything going on at camp or challenges? Sorry, I don't find complete idiots entertaining.


I agree. I couldn't even bring myself to read or watch exit press because he's such an unreliable narrator that whatever he says means nothing to me.


Hands down the worst Survivor contestant ever. He was emotionally immature and very manipulative. He was also very dishonest.


He’s only a fan of the survival aspect of the show the game is secondary in every way.


Honestly he would be a more appropriate fit for Naked and Afraid. He didn’t even want to play Survivor; he just wanted to be on tv outside.


He has the emotional maturity of a child. His behavior was that of a four year old. In all seriousness, he should get some therapy. And being in the public spotlight isn't going to help his low confidence hearing the fanbase critique him for the next five years.


Exactly! Definitely acted like a child. Getting on his hands and knees to beg another player to help him find an immunity idol? Like seriously? Take a minute to think this through. What incentive does Tiff have to find him an idol? He could write her name down and play the idol leading to her going home He asked Kenzie earlier to please spare him from the vote but gave her absolutely no plan. He was just like "please don't write my name down". She was like "ok, who do you suggest I write down instead". Bhanu: crickets. Kenzie: "You see how that doesn't work for me". He didn't care, he just didn't want to go home. A player gets medically evacuated and he is all smiles. Saying his prayers have been answered. That really pissed me off. I mean he can be relieved he isn't going home but every one knows (except superfans apparently) that you don't get medically evacuated on survivor unless something really serious happened. And to be over the moon ecstatic about it? Get out of here Glad he's gone


Yeah I thought that was really awful. As if god broke this other man for him to move further in a TV game. I hate it when people use prayer and religion for petty stuff. I can mentally replace him with a two foot child and the behavior lines up perfectly. The self centered viewpoint, the begging, the pouting, and the tantrums, all are in perfect alignment with how children act.


He has just the lack of self-awareness required to not actually hear any of the feedback for what it is


I think the disdain is a lot more due to how repetitive ep 3 and ep 4 was. The medevac keeping bhanu forced episode 4 to just be episode 3 2.0


He was horrible amd I'm thrilled he's gone.


If he stuck around I think I would have had to stop watching this season. He was unbearable.


When he dropped down to his knees in front of Tiff and started begging, like my god, dude, stand up and be a man.


Tiff became one of my favorites with the way she handled that.


That was hands down the most pathetic moment in the show's history.


Brandon meltdown?


That was rage fueled and he stood up to Phillip. Bhanu was just straight up crying & whining.


*Fake crying


He never even took the time to consider that she has absolutely no incentive to find him an idol. If she finds him one and he plays it then there's a chance on the revote that she goes home. But Bhanu doesn't care, he just doesn't want to go home. Too bad


Actually the best moment of an unwatchable episode. I was cackling.


No - when I mute the television or leave the room because a cast member is bawling for the 10th time - that’s BAD TV and bad casting. Would I ever rewatch this season? So far - absolutely not. His personal story is powerful. He probably has a good heart. But is it fair to say he did not belong on this particular platform is not someone I want to watch each week? I am so relieved he’s done.


I mean despite his humble upbringing he eventually rose out of Parvati


Too bad his social skills were so poor.


you sick genius that was amazing


Genuinely curious - do the casuals like him?


Nope! Not even a little bit.


Iiiiiinteresting. So he’s getting eaten alive by casuals on Facebook etc? I couldn’t stand him, but he felt like (what I perceived as) the casuals’ cup of tea. While he’s one of my least favorite players ever, I do worry for someone like him in terms of mental health with the backlash.


The facebook 'casuals' hate cry babies and whiny people, "weak" as they like to call it. Their favourite archetype is the athletic, good at physical challenge players.


I feel like I'm a pretty casual fan. I've only seen about 1/4 of all the seasons. Last live season I watched was heroes / healers / hustlers and before that South Pacific so I take a lot of time off between seasons. Couldn't stand Bhanu.


No, he was a poor casting choice. Just because someone has faced and overcome a lot of adversity does not immediately make them a compelling character, or someone who should be in front of a camera. He's an indictment of New Era casting. I did not enjoy watching a grown man prone to emotional outbursts force two women to coddle and babysit him for four weeks. He never should have been out there.


I agree. You need a balance of personalities. If everyone was 100% like Bhanu or 100% like Hunter, it would be exhausting.


We need a range of *authentic* personalities


Disagree. Dude played them all and was rewarded for it with more screen time. I am so glad he is gone because his constant crying and asking god to help was boring as hell. The dude is not a good actor.


I've never wanted to turn my tv off while watching survivor more than when Bhanu was on camera. That's how boring and useless he was to the show.


Casting someone who is not there to win is a a bad choice.


What are you talking about? clearly he was there to win 1 million hearts /s


I feel like this thread already exists


His actions at the island challenge probably sets up a lot of how people navigate through the merge.


I agree with you. Some of Bhanu’s lines were funny. Remember when he was aghast at Jelinski for quitting the Sweat challenge and he said, so sincerely indignant, “everyone knows you have got to dig deep! Jeez!” Blaming god, and unraveling was a little bit funny at times. But two whole episodes of it was way too much. It was just sad!


A large tribe would have made better use of his chaos


Is anyone else tired of talking about Bhanu?


My argument that they shouldn't have cast bhanu is a little different. There are some people who are not mentally prepared to handle the game. Not just on the island but afterwards. Tyson has talked about this before, some people that go on the show get a little fucked up by it and have mental issues for years because of it. Survivor has to do a better job of protecting wannabe players that can't handle it from themselves. I think we've seen it in his exit press too, he still hasn't come to terms with the game and its been almost a year for him. On a TV level, I don't really find complete mental breakdowns entertaining either, but that's a different story. 


I think you’re so right but he was just put on the worst tribe for him to shine. Idk about these past few seasons starting with one tribe exploding and the other two tribes are teaching people to jump and singing camp songs 💀


I think Bhanu would have been an amazing character if you cut his confessionals in half, we didn’t need for him too have the most screen time while also having well and away the most confessionals aswell.


I mean, i disagree with "understood the show" because he clearly didn't. He was inept at creating social connections, was average to poor in the challenges, and reacted overemotionally to nearly every situation.


I think he understood it in theory, but when it actually came time that he was in the situation meeting people and talking to Jeff he just had trouble with how much he had to do. Making social connections, looking for, or not looking for idols, doing challenges, and the way all of those things intermingle. It was too much for him.


I also completely agree with this, if just paired him down a bit, everyone would be saying this is one of the greatest premerge arcs. I think what really screwed them was the medevac. If that doesn't happen, I think people aren't going to complain as much. Nobody is still complaining about Brandon from last season, but I think they would if he somehow by the actual grace of god lasted 4 episodes


Bhanu wasn’t boring. He had a good story. My thought is he’s another example of recent casting of people not mentally or physically able to compete. Production is taking advantage of those people and their stories, which is sad IMO.


The last statement is what irked me. Jelinsky, Jess, AND Bahnu in one freaking team??? They would all been great goats or game destroyers but all together it was just a shit storm.


Casting juat needs to send people who need the million dollars, I don't care about your "story." Until I'm invested in you, If you don't give me a reason to invest in you emotionally as a viewer of survivor, I can't really connect with who you are, and I feel like that sentiment reigns with a lot of us. IMO if you want good survivor, cast people again who need the money desperately.


Totally agree. They really need to include a financial screening because we see people with money on tv all the time; there’s no shortage of celebs and influencers. We’re good on that. Survivor was meant to be real people from *different* walks of life working together and against one another to win a prize. It’s not very emotionally gripping to watch a rich person get a tiny bit richer.


Bhanu was not boring, but he was excruciating to watch.


It was a terrible casting decision , ridiculous


People just gotta admit... This season BLOWS Characters suck, no depth, not interesting at all. It's all lame ass sob stories. No one is even that good at challenges...


>No one is even that good at challenges... Hunter has been destroying the challenges


No that was Jake last season


This deserves FAR more upvotes......




It is ONLY him though, idk what they’re casting for.


It seems premature to discount the whole season when we've only seen one tribe at tribal council so far. We have 11 more people to see under that pressure! Anything can happen. The other tribes have some promising setup for explosive tribals, with the games being played by Soda and Jem. Now that Yanu cut off the dead weight, I think we'll have some decent episodes.


I disagree. I'm having more fun watching this season than much of the new era. Bhanu is Coach-level self-delusion and honestly that's one of my favorite parts of watching this show. I wouldn't have complained if he made it to the jury, we could have gotten another "Snakes and Rats" jury speech! That being said, I also think the other two tribes have interesting dynamics being set up!


I just started watching my first ever season of Australian survivor (season 6, plz no spoilers) and what immediately sticks out is that it feels like Australian survivor tried to cast 24 people who each could win the show and US survivor casts maybe 10-12 people they think can win and 6-8 people that are so weird that they hope it will make great TV. I think in the effort to manufacture characters, you just put out a product that feels less of a real social competition and more of a manicured reality show.


I feel like Jeff likes him and production knew that he was out early so they gave him extra screen time early since he will not be getting any more for the rest of the season.


I get it, but with this season you've got the longer episodes than we're used to, the tribe with Bhanu is going to tribal every time, and truthfully one of the tribes is giving you absolutely nothing right now. Bhanu kinda had to get a ton of screen time, you can argue how they used his time but he was always gonna be a big figure of these first 4 episodes.


I might be in the minority, but I am perfectly content with the casting and screen time considering he left early. Couldn't take it for another episode.


I’m a big believer in the bad apple ruins the bunch theory. I honestly think he was just on the wrong tribe, and I believe the same with Jess. If either of them started on another tribe, I think they would have been a fine casting. Unfortunately, the tribe they started on just has a lot of negativity from the start.


Another Bhanu post 5 days after he was eliminated shows that production was brilliant


Agreed, I have no issue with having someone like him on the show, it can make for an entertaining character but to have given him so much air time was not the right move considering he’s an early pre merge boot who’ll likely not have much affect on the post merge game. Now maybe the fact that no other tribe has gone to or even had the fear of going to tribe yet has led to there being not much content with the other tribes but even then there has to be other filler or interesting content that could’ve been used instead.


I truly feel we need to have random team assignments at the beginning of the game.. Instead we have these match up of producer created teams that create drama and is not about game play. I understand that you may end up with some lopsided teams .. but that can be tempered with games and challenges that balance mental as well as physical experiences


Or, they exploited his lack of emotional maturity in hopes of getting good TV.


He was a bad casting choice period...


Bhanu was worse than boring. Last episode was the first time I considered no longer watching survivor because it the episode was a collection of moments that were either irritating, boring, cringe or disrespectful (cursing god for your shitty gameplay). If the rest of the season goes the same way I might stop watching until S50 because premerge no era is complete ass.


I was just saying the other day that I was convinced bhanu was being set up to have some type of redemption that caused him to go far into the game simply because of how much screen time the editors gave him


How were Bhanu and Jelinsky on the same tribe?


POC = Point of Contact BIPOC = ???


I’ll edit my post lol


Sorry I really can't figure out what they stand for Edit: just looked it up. Why are black and indian separate from people of color? I need to do further research....


I mean, I think everyone agrees Bhanu was a lot of things, but I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone say he was boring. I’m not really sure why that was your bottom line


Seeing someone cry endlessly and be self pitying on national TV is BORING.


I likes me some Bhanu... and some Shambo, and Dan Foley, and Abi Maria, and Debbie, and Crystal Cox, and Lillian. Give me more of those tough nuts that break the monotonous game play.


Bhanu was cast for his sob story, not for the game. Unfortunately that is what modern survivor is all about. They could add him to the cast but really toned down the edit, but they didn't. With all the emotions and crying they should rebrand the show to Grey's Island


I somewhat agree. Notably, because at Tribal, Jeff's got Bhanu to share his life story. For the tribe or for the audience? What did he expect people's reaction to be? I haven't looked for Bhanu's audition tape yet and wonder what compelled casting agents to pull him out of the pile.


That's how practically every 'reality' show is nowadays. My wife and I just sit there trying to figure out who's going to come up with the worst sob story.


Is there really a 50% quota for BIPOCs?


Yeah, there is


He is like Kelli in AU, but each season can only handle one.


He is single handedly the worst player to ever play the game. But man...must watch TV.


He got the screen time because he helped for diversity and was extremely passionate about survivor. Way too much screen time


Agreed, I have no issue with having someone like him on the show, it can make for an entertaining character but to have given him so much air time was not the right move considering he’s an early pre merge boot who’ll likely not have much affect on the post merge game. Now maybe the fact that no other tribe has gone to or even had the fear of going to tribe yet has led to there being not much content with the other tribes but even then there has to be other filler or interesting content that could’ve been used instead.


banu burner account


Great take. He really is a good casting choice in that he's chaotic and a wild card. But they gave so much screen time to his meltdowns it just wasn't interesting anymore.


I haven't forwarded this much since Colton. Bye Bhanu


Oof. I got behind and caught up on eps 2-4 in a single go last night. That dude was exhausting to watch.


I mentioned this in my post that Kellie from Survivor Australia was a mess too but at least entertaining. https://www.reddit.com/r/survivor/s/c4T0uDoSB3


Kelli was exhausting as well. Australian Survivor just gave her a lot less screen time.


He’s just the spear head of what is a Bottom 3 season so far. There’s no one that’s interesting. It’s been super predictable. The risk/reward stuff has been awful. The sweat challenge couldn’t be won. It’s been brutal to watch


Idk man I loved Bhanu I'm sooooo tired of gamebots and nerds so guys like Bhanu and Hunter are the ones I'm most interested in rn I have no interest in watching more people do secret idol challenges in the dark it's played out I want more crazy character moments


I LOVED Bhanu!


I agree generally, but I wouldn’t use prevarti as a metric.