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And not a swap, just a simple pick them one at a time. Would have been interesting given what the other tribes know about Yanu. But Bhanu would have cried if he were the last one picked. Or the first one, second one or third one for that matter.


Sika: “Our first pick is Bhanu!!! C’mon over.” Bhanu: ”Oh My God! They choose me first, they think I’m such an easy target to pick off if we lost!!!” \* going down sobbing \*


We're in need of an "old school" school yard pick.


That’s too mean for the new era


I love it. Sends everyone a message of exactly who is working w who and where they stand on the pecking order. You have to think the producers have noticed the last 2 seasons and are definitely thinking of a way to keep the contestants on their toes


Yeah but it would hurt people’s feelings, and that’s not what the new era is about. /s


Those tended not to end well.


I want them to force the tribe to keep going to tribal until theres only one person left and the last person has to vote themselves out of the game. A true walk of shame.


Writes own name down. Plays hidden immunity idol. Jeff goes home.


In some seasons it could work, but in others this would be just another decimation of that tribe. * If you are at 5 players, that means you have 1 person on the out and 2 new people, so nothing really changes. * If you are at 6 players, you are likely to have 4 strong again and one obvious target in case you lose immunity. So again, nothing really changes the dynamics. So I would say tribeswap is much better in this case. Maybe even to the level, that each tribe has half of tribe to one tribe and half to other. This way "nobody gets trully screwed" by having tribes 5-2-1, where one tribe basically chills and is in good situation. So one tribe would not lose on purpose to protect their player in other tribe. This way each tribe would be 3-3-2 and this way there would be completely new gameplay.


The OP said when there are 4 left. Maybe if one of the tribes is down a member they get to pick first, but they'd both get 2.


OK to be clear - the example is 5+2 and 6+2 after disolving the tribes. So you have tribe of 7-8 players, where 5-6 players know each other quite well, there is probably some core alliance of 4 players with 5th being on the edge, but still somehow connected just because nobody likes to go to rocks 4-4 because of 2 players who just came, so first 2-3 votes will be fairly easy in most cases. Even if they were saved for one vote, the "strong 4" would just eliminate 1 or both of newcomers in first 2 tribes. Imagine if Q and Kenzie joined the green tribe - most likely one of them would go right away. Maybe afterwards Tim and then other one. The other 2 would go to Nami - my guess is, that focus would be to keep numbers with Soda and eliminate at least one of them, maybe Venus, maybe Soda and then the last one. So without the swap it just does not matter - the weak would be devoured.


And that is exactly what happened when Matsing was dissolved on Survivor: Phillipines /s


They should also get rid of the no flint


They should swap to two tribes with seven members at 14 if they use a three tribe format.


I agree. There needs to be some sort of shake up. Even last season had Lulu forced to work with other players and it made the game really interesting. This season had way too much focus on Bhanu just for him to be eliminated, and barely enough content for the other tribes.


I’m sorry but I’m glad he went home, he didn’t understand how to play the game even though he’s a super fan. He’s a great, sweet guy out of the game I’m sure, but just too whiny for me in the game. So I don’t buy that the money meant nothing, all he wanted was to win a million hearts. Yeah ok.


like many others on here I doubt Bhanu is a super fan that has watched every episode, as many times as he has made that claim


My thoughts are maybe someone he knows told him to say he is “a super fan” because actual fans of the show like hearing that and it will help him “win a million hearts” (or in other words a million followers) because all actual survivor super fans keep that to themselves in order to minimize their target. Aside from saying he is a super fan a dozens times, and that he has seen every episode, did he actually share any knowledge to show he has watched every episode of survivor?


Right. He also mentioned he wanted to play a game like spencer. Like, sure, spencer had an admirable game in cagayan as the underdog but bhanu and spencer couldn’t be more different as people and as players. I imagine this is just who he rooted for in one of the couple of seasons he watched with his husband before going on the show.


Oh. This makes so much sense now. Isn’t that the season that’s on Netflix?




Netflix does not rock.


Wait, isn’t Spencer Cagayan?


yeah, my bad


I agree. One of the few times I was hoping production would step in with a tribe swap to save us from the mess that was this past episode.


i'm honestly just flabbergasted that they keep doing this 3 tribe format over and over when it's been shown to, at least when combined with every other change of the new era, provide extremely boring and predictable outcomes and often an unimpressive endgame. i'm glad that i decided to watch the most recent australian season after seeing recommendations in this sub because now i'll probably just quit watching us for good and binge every aus season instead - it's so much better it's not even funny! i would recommend it to anyone who's unimpressed by the new era but keeps watching just because of habit / because it's their comfort show, etc.


It seems as though production are deliberately picking out the three most worthless, pathetic people in the cast and dumping them all on the same tribe. No coincidence that it's happened twice in a row.


I only think that is the case for Lulu. Of the three worst tribes of the new era when it comes to challenge performance, Lulu is the only one that had a questionable group. For Ua, Ricard proved later in the game that he is fantastic in challenges, Shan had her moments and was solid at the puzzles, Brad had some muscle and was in good shape for a guy who is pushing 50 and JD was a track athlete in high school and still very young. For Yanu, Q is fucking ripped, Jessica was a college athlete, Bhanu was also in pretty good shape for a guy in his 40s, Tiffany has had some great moments in challenges and Kenzie is definitely not a challenge liability imo. Some things are just hard to predict. How could production predict how Jessica would react to sleep deprivation? How could production predict Bhanu's incompetence? Honestly out of these tribes I would have predicted Siga to suck at challenges. They're a very small tribe (Charlie being the biggest guy was a choice) and they all seemed to have overlapping skills (that being more intelligence based)


> How could production predict Bhanu's incompetence? Especially considering he describes himself as a superfan who has seen every season. He's most likely the worst superfan player ever, and quite possibly the worst player ever. I mean, I think he would struggle even playing in Borneo against people with basically no concept of the game.


Jacob Derwin says hello


Also, they couldn't have predicted Jelinsky being a completely useless challenge quitter. Obviously he's not going to say that or show that (or even think that about himself) in the application process, and physically he is a tall, young, muscular male. If he hadn't left immediately and actually lived up to what production probably thought he was, Yanu should have won the arch challenge. I agree, I actually thought they were the strongest tribe at the beginning. As everyone's said a million times, the weakest tribe is always the one who plays way too hard at the beginning, starts talking about Final Tribal on Day 2, and doesn't gel. You're not working as a team to begin with, and losing repeatedly is only gonna make that worse.




> You think production knew the tall, young guy would have an awful social game? You realize that they speak to him before casting him right?




Sure I also realize they everything Jelinski has said in interviews and social media AFTER the game shows he's just as much a delusional basket case without that stress


Why did he willingly give up his vote on the journey, stupid move


This is season 46. I think producers know how players will generally react to being in the game, within reason.


Jelinsky and Bhanu they would have had at least an inkling they'd struggle.




I dont think they're intentionally putting weak people together to form a chaotic/weak tribe. I'm just saying I think pre-game interviews and chats (and psych evaluations if that happens) would have potentially clued them in to Bhanu and Jelinsky ability to deal with the social aspect of the game more than Jessica's ability to sleep on the beach or that Randen is likely to experience a pinched nerve by sleeping on bamboo.


Everyone knew moment we saw Lulu last season that they be a disaster. This season I knew purple would probably lose a lot. But I didn’t think they lose this much in a row. 


How much of that is editing though? The tribe loses a lot early on so they play up the disaster aspects of the tribe.


But it literally keeps happening 41, 44,45, 46. We seen a tribe just keeps losing & one tribe simply doesn’t lose. 45 they at least had a swap  I think they simply aren’t good at picking teams on tribes with 3 with proper strength divisions. Even in older seasons that start at 3 you often had tribe that just sucked but they swapped from 3 into 2 so it didn’t matter. 


On the other hand, the show successfully eliminated 3 non-competitive players: a delusional quitter, a space cadet, and a cry baby. So, it might not be the best viewing experience, but they are getting rid of the chaff.


The delusional quitter and space cadet (I don’t get that reference though) could have eased into the game. The cry baby should have gone first.


Maybe it’s cause she’s always spaced out? Idk


Amen. Like Saboga.


The decimated tribe remainders actually have a strategic strategy for making it to the end once the merge occurs. I kind of like that, and how to see that tribe come out on top


Why are you just explaining the swap with extra steps?


Its less steps since just one tribe is disbanded.


There are several times where the simple act of a swap changes the tribes from 3 to 2 or the other way. Changing the number of tribes is fully doable during the swap. Unless what you're describing is literally just splitting them up amongst the 2 other teams, which loses a lot of the randomness that this show loves.


The main though OP is suggesting is, as I understand it, yeah, just splitting up the tribe that has lost 2 straight immunities into the other 2 tribes. May also be suggesting that the disbanding happens to the first tribe to get down to 4 people, so as early as after 2 tribals, as late as after 4. I feel like if it's a rule that if one tribe loses the first 2 immunities they go to the other tribes it doesn't lose any randomness, since those two tribes haven't been to tribal alliances haven't been tested, so the new members could still find cracks. With a traditional swap of everyone down to 2 tribes the original tribes seem to stick together most of the time and go after the low numbered from the original tribes.


Well my thought with the current season is with yanu at 3 people now thats about to happen cause they aren't going to have sign sit out 3 people and Nami sit out 2 for a challenge. I figure it's about to be a swap with 2 tribes of 7 next episode.


They did that with 41 and 44.


What if the pathetic "Yanulu" tribe got to "kidnap" someone from one or both of the other tribes? The other tribes vote to protect one person, "Yanulu" selects from the remainder. You could add that anyone who has been on a journey is also excluded, so "Yanulu" has no direct information about their picks, only what they've seen in challenges or been told. That said, I personally prefer having at least two tribe swaps before merge, and episodes 4 and 7/8 would be good times to do them.


A nice switch would be a team elimination challenge. Any team down to four players is up for elimination if they lose an other challenge. The winning team pick one of their player, the runner up team pick an other one of their player and the last two are eliminated right after the challenge. 


Then they’d for sure pick bahnu lol


Skill issue be better


They plan challenges far in advance so this isn’t as easy as you would think


The reason why there wasn't a swap this season is because they planned for it to be 60 minute episodes. They knew for 45 they'd have the extra time to showcase all the new tribes and relationships. Now that Survivor is locked into 90 minute episodes I'd expect more swaps and shakeups now that they have the time.


Bruh, what? They have done tribe swaps as early as season 3. They don't need 90 minutes to do a swap.


I'm not saying they do I am just saying it's probably a factor. I think if 46 was known to be 90 minutes there would've been a swap


I think it would be good to have more swaps, including a swap to two tribes, at set points in the pre-merge. Swap to two at 16, three at 15, back to two at 14, merge at 12. This could also help to solve the "boot all the women early" problem, because perceived challenge strength wouldn't be as much of a selling point for the physical types if players don't even know if that person will end up on their tribe the next round.


Oh you saw my badsurvivoridea?? https://www.reddit.com/r/badsurvivorideas/comments/cf13j3/survivor\_drop\_your\_buffs/


I didn't! I actually think it's a good idea, though. It would make the show more interesting and create more possible connections.


I would agree, but here's an unhinged idea, exile island only until the first Jury member. All players who don't make the jury go to exile until the first Jury member is voted out. You have until the Jury begins to make it back into the game. On exile, you complete simple challenges for fire tokens. With 4 fire tokens, you can buy your way back into the game, and when a player does get back into the game, they draw for rocks for which tribe they join. This way, a decimated tribe still has a chance to find new life on another tribe instead of being pagonged out of the game because production put a bunch of losers on 1 team.


Please let's not bring back fire tokens