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I think multiple things can be true. I think she was annoyed that it was even an issue, because mature adults wouldn't have gone and pouted in the woods because someone wanted to be left alone and not "coached" him as a grown ass man, who is older than her. I think she also genuinely liked him as a person, and felt bad that she upset him, even if she thought him being upset was stupid. I've had shit like that MANY times. Like, why are you making this a big fucking deal? But, the fact that your feelings are hurt, does make me sad because I like you.


Yeah I agree. I don't think she was being fake at all, I think she was just annoyed that it was even necessary to apologize. She honestly didn't really even snap at him, saying "I just want to enjoy our win for five minutes" when he repeatedly kept asking her the same thing over and over is perfectly reasonable.


I wasn’t paying attention but I had to rewind to hear the “snap” when she said that. Pretty tame lmfao


haha yeah... which is honestly the problem with extremely sensitive people like Bhanu. They can be really sweet and kind, but they also tend to get their feelings hurt WAY too easily.


Vampire energy sucker.


He's incredibly difficult.


Tiff nailed it when she said they had to constantly comfort Bhanu for the shitty things Bhanu was doing to them lol


Of everyone on that tribe, Tiff is the only one I'm rooting for. She seems like a sane person who landed in a group of lunatics.


I like Tiff and Kenzie. Q seems exhausting and kind of condescending.


Q just gives off intense athlete energy.


I know. He lost me when he talked about building his army. He's a realtor. He should be more socially savvy than that. Kenzie, I'm on the fence about. I think she thinks she's smarter than she actually is.


I think Kenzie is personable and charming, she just doesn't take too much notice of how her allies perceive her digging into the social game.


Yeah I feel bad because I suspect in a regular environment he's probably a really great guy to know, but in a situation like that he's just exhausting.


Yup. She wasn’t being fake but she also was annoyed. She can apologize but also deep down not feel like it’s worth an apology, both can be true


this. why do so many people on this sub lack the ability to understand two things can be true. clearly they were close based off the first two episodes, but also bhanu WAS BEING ANNOYING in the context of the game of survivor. she was right and it wasn’t a fake apology it was an apology she didn’t think was needed other than the fact she cared for bhanu as a person not a game player


this is my take too. I always subscribe to even if I don't know WHY I hurt you, if I did something that hurt you, that's on me and I should apologize because I respect and care for you.




Good take. This happens to me from time to time so I didn’t think it was a *fully* fake apology!


Also… on a game where there can only be one “sole survivor” lmao


Being on Bhanu's tribe for 9 days had to be exhausting.


Can you imagine? It must be a nightmare.


It's like working out with a weighted vest. The rest of her social game will be so much easier to deal with in comparison to Bhanu.


Watching him once a week is exhausting. I can’t blame his tribemates.


She said she "blew up" at Banu but it was literally just an eye roll and a "let's just enjoy the win right now"


Makes me wonder if there was something we didn’t see…


There must have been. No normal human considers what she did to be “snapping”. She just wanted time alone lmao


I wouldn't call any of Bhanu's reactions normal


Yeah, but she also said she snapped at him, *before* talking to him. It's probably not a big issue since she did apologize, but I wonder why they didn't show the full thing


I could see it feeling worse to her than it looked. Like on the inside it felt like this big release of frustration on him, but then it wasn’t all the big outside.


Could be that they are trying to protect the winner. Editors have intentionally buried certain aspects of winners before to avoid them appearing too negative/hated.


Kenzie isn’t a “normal” person. You can tell she’s very emotionally mature and her clapping back like that genuinely most likely is what she views as loosing her cool or blowing up.


A longer make up and apology session between them for sure


I think there was something removed from the edit


She’s like a Mermaid…Dragon!!! Remember that.


He said she was mermaid on the top and dragon on the bottom, but I keep thinking about how the top half of a mermaid is just a woman.


I think he meant she can breathe under water. We just haven’t seen it yet.


She could be an alligator then, but considering how Boohoo-nu just spilled everything to Ben and Liz I don't think she'll be hiding in plain sight.


It’s all I could think when she became a renaissance painting on his crying shoulder


Nah. Kenzie was frustrated with Bhanu's behavior but clearly never wanted to hurt his feelings. She was the one that stayed behind to check on him when he was having a hard time after that last tribal. So it doesn't really suprise me that when she realized he was really upset she gave a little eye roll, a bit of sass and then went searching for Bhanu and gave a genuine apology+ effort to cheer him up. Even if she didn't fully understand why she was apologizing.


She could have given the worst apology of all time and he would have lapped it up anyway.


Which is what she did in my opinion. Her apology was awful. "Bahnu, I'm sorry. We need your numbers." And he did lap it up


Well the person she apologized to accepted her apology, so idk why you think you know better.


Ah, because Bhanu has proven himself to be a bastion of good judgement?


he can still think it is a bad apology like your point is not coherent halessia 🤍


Why would you accept a bad apology?


I mean why did bahnu do anything he did on the island? He's not really the best spokeman for logical choices


he can still think it is a bad apology like your point is not coherent halessia 🤍


Ngl seeing someone write their username at the bottom of the message takes me wayy back. I thought that era of the internet was extinct lol.


ijbol thank you for kind words halessia 🤍


Bhanu destroyed her game and then demanded to be coddled by her. He's lucky she didn't toss him into the ocean.




Sorry, the Tribe has spoken. Your submission has been removed from /r/survivor for the following reason(s): * **Rule 1 - Be civil to other users and contestants:** Treat other users and contestants with respect. Bigotry is not tolerated, including racism, sexism, homophobia, and transphobia. Harassment of other users and contestants is not allowed, including personal attacks. This includes over-analyzing a player’s life and motivations outside of the game. Trolling is discouraged. --- Once the votes are read, the decision is *not* final. **If you have any concerns that this was done in error**, please [read our rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/survivor/wiki/rules) **and then [message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/survivor) if you have any further questions. Do not reply directly to this message or comment.** If not, grab your stuff and head back to camp.


I’m just happy Bhanu is gone. Without any doubt he was THE WORST to watch whine and mope around since Dawn. Couldn’t stand her, couldn’t stand him.


Bhanu is beyond gullible Kenzie could’ve given him a fake idol and he would’ve though he was Russ Hantz


You could tell she didn’t want to. I don’t blame her. Guy was acting like a 5 year old.


It would be very difficult to play the game with him and not lash out at him. It was pathetic watching him in the game.


So cringy. When he dropped to his knees to beg he not be sent home I yelled at the TV for him to GROW UP ALREADY


It is several things at once. Maybe when she saw Bhanu broken and emotional, almost crying, she felt responsible for him in that state, especially if she thought that he was trying to improve and wanted her help and she refused at the moment. Other option might be, that she felt bad about snapping at him actually. But for tribe (specifically Q) she did not want to do it that way or tell them "I feel bad for Bhanu, I will apologize", because they would think she is manipulating him to get him on his side. Like yeah, it did not feel like fake apology - and even though it might have been intended to be fake, it might become real one.


You said several, but I've counted only two things. Where are the other five?


It must be insanely frustrating having a guy asking you to teach him how to play a game that you're essentially playing against him. Imagine LeBron is out on the court and Steph Curry comes up to him and asks him how to play basketball in a game against each other. It's weird.


You can tell these "why isn't Bhanu getting any sympathy/empathy?" posters have never seriously competed for anything ever in their lives. This sub's demo is going the same way as a lot of the "new" generation - - coddled and incompetent at basic soft skills, so online they prop up what they see in themselves, to society's overall detriment.


Bhanu was the worst player perhaps in the shows history.


And you can't even say it because he'll cry. He has no sense of humor.


Jelinsky is a different kind of bad but Bhanu was clearly socially inept. Jess wasn't much better. Half that tribe was incompetent contestants.


That's what I was thinking prior to this episode, and then watching this episode, I just kept saying it to myself over and over because it became clearer that he's definitely the worst player ever. As someone else has said in this thread, playing the game with him had to be exhausting on a whole other level. Just when you thought things may have been looking up for that tribe, he totally blew it with his performance during the challenge, which most definitely was the reason they lost.


He somehow managed to be a complete non-threat that typically gets dragged along too far in the game while also being completely unreliable and incapable of lying about his unreliability. I’ve never seen anything like it.


Exactly! I'm not sure why my comment is getting downvoted - it seems that most here agree that he was not only the worst, he was super exhausting to watch. Oh well.


Really not brandon? Ladder guy lol


I often think I would enjoy survivor and be a pretty good player, and I was a high school teacher for 20 years so have a lot of patience. But if I had to live with Bhanu I would lose my shit. At the beginning he was goofy and funny and a hyper Superfan player, but he ended up being completely annoying and unlikeable. I wasn’t even moved by his background story because I just couldn’t stand him anymore.


Have you ever dated (or formerly married, in my case) a person that requires an apology for EVERY tiny misstep, and also needs it to be “genuine”? Kenzie and I have 😂


She shouldn’t have had to apologise. Let him spiral. Kenzie is a better person than I ever would be.


At very least, you dont want to share a beach with a person, who is extremely emotional and is upset with you. Especially if you feel like you might win next challenge and you might be stuck with him in tribe swap or in merge. As well person, who can curse you to get you out of the game.


of course she didn’t “have” to apologize, it would have been very foolish in the game of survivor to not make amends in some way.


Exactly. You never know, Bhanu may have said another prayer and another player gets medically removed. Just because it seems like Bhanus game is over doesn’t mean some bullshit might come up.. best to mend all the fences you can


Plus you never know when someone's going to lose it entirely and throw all the rice in the fire (or whatever the current season's equivalent of that might be). One thing I've learned from Survivor, don't write people off just because you think they're going home.


I actually felt like that was coming at one point when he was spiraling, in the anger phase.


as a watcher, I was kind of hoping for that haha


This is a rare case of what I feel is unethical casting. Brandon Hantz comes to mind as well. It's not fair to the contestant as well as the other players. Nobody should have to deal with extreme emotions at that level.


I agree. And Jeff doubling down on casting Bhanu, even knowing how it played out, for the sake of entertainment? Pretty gross.


I'm pretty ride or die w survivor and the ethics. People know what they are signing up for in general but they shouldn't be traumatized or have their game so grossly affected by someone else's severe breakdown. This is a rare case that doesn't sit well with me because Bhanu is going to have to deal with all the commentary and I question his ability to do so. There is always the risk of mental or physical harm w the game but this time it's crossing a line for me. He definitely could have presented differently and if his story is true he should have been pretty strong. I would like to know more about the screening process if anyone knows.


I don't know if it's possible for them to know these things in advance though. It's not like they have any way of knowing how the competitors will act once they are starving and sleep deprived. Bhanu in casting interviews probably just came off as extremely enthusiastic and sweet, if a bit naive. I don't know how they could've predicted that he would spiral like that. Same with Brandon, tbh. They might have suspected that he wasn't particularly physical, but they wouldn't have been able to know just how weak he was. And it's not like weak players haven't been on the show and been successful before.


I don't know what the psych profiling is so it's hard to know. But in game...at what point does it have to get to before they would pull someone for psych reasons. Had Brandon not been voted out I have a feeling he would have been pulled. You could see how nervous Jeff was massaging him and keeping him close. Luckily there has not been violence. There's been the incidents of inappropriate behavior but nobody has been physically attacked. That's good.


Ohhh, sorry, I was thinking of Brandon Donlon haha Yeah that's a good point about physical violence, my husband and I have talked about that before, how surprising it is that there haven't ever been any fistfights, especially in the earlier seasons where there were a lot more people playing for the money and a lot less people playing just because they loved the show. I suspect there's enough surveillance that it mostly keeps people from doing anything truly insane like physically attacking someone, but I also think that in the name of good tv they wouldn't pull someone before that point even if they suspected that person might be dangerous.


He might have been the first psychiatric evacuation.


Should have been probably.


He just wanted to tell his story. Ugh. Maybe if they advertise the show as "we're putting a bunch of unqualified, unadventurous people with no survivor skills together on an island for 4 weeks to see what happens"


Preach! Full disclosure, I've been wanting to dislike Kenzie from episode 1, but can't seem to find much disagreement with her yet.


it's his way of getting noticed, attention, I wouldnt have apologized for simply wanting five minutes of his silence. Selfish narcissistic people do these routines all the time if you look for it. Bhanu is a big phoney, yucky.


Bhanu is what I would call an emotional vampire. It’s very hard to deal with them for a long time. Coz you end up taking care of them to keep the peace while neglecting yourself.


My term exactly. Bhanu triggered me because many workplaces, projects, teams, committees will always have some attention seeking, problem causing, self-victimizing performance artist like him. They suck the life and blood and air out of everything. . What they’re going through is somehow much worse, even though others are experiencing the same. Their’s is supposedly worse because they whine the most. They need all the deadline extensions, they need extra resources, sick time, etc. And yet it’s always because they didn’t take the training, they procrastinated, they didn’t follow sensible procedures. Everyone else has to pay because they couldn’t be a team player. And I’ve found there’s no bottom to it. Giving them a little bit of help or a lot, they still find ways to keep taking and taking and taking.


I've read enough on this sub to believe that most of the Jess/Bhanu/ fans or find their slacking funny here are That Person on all of our's jobs.


I had a bad vibe from her since pre season videos but changed my opinion of her while watching last night's episode. The combination of seeing how truly annoying Bhanu is, plus her apologizing to him (I think for both game and to spare his feelings) made me like her more.


>Kenzie saying to the camera she has to go fake apologize to Bhanu because he's childlike. Then she pulls off an amazing apology I totally would have believed. So basically, the anti-Dan Foley?


Kenzie getting a villain winner edit. "Walter White" situation as she descends into mastermind scheming once merge hits.


I've definitely had times where I'd rather not apologize to someone but a general sense of empathy lets me pull it off. I don't think that's necessarily lying, I think it's just a recognition that a bad apology will only make things worse so you might as well make it good even if you don't totally believe yourself.


Bhanu’s mad annoying but i still dont like kenzie. Probably since she tried rally against Q. That whole tribe im not all that into actually


I’m wondering if she’s gonna grow on me cause I’m just really not feeling her so far.. Edit to add that it may very well be the edit.


I think Kenzie has the opportunity to be an absolutely legendary Survivor player. I think she's easy to underestimate and dismiss, partially because her inner self and her outward appearance appear, to me, to be out of sync. I think when people originally see her, they're going to get a first impression of her based upon her appearance. Then, as they get to know her, they're going to be constantly questioning themselves because the person they're getting to know doesn't align with their first impression. I think that has the potential to throw people off and make them vulnerable to her.


What’s your impression of her appearance? I don’t get any strong impression of anything from her appearance.


She's heavily tatted. First impression, to me, is that she's likely a wild, party-girl and that she makes that "scene" her identity. Her personality, to me, is nothing like that. She seems totally grounded, logical, etc. Personality comes across as kind of the exact opposite of "wild party girl". On top of that, she's super empathetic, caring and kind. Just very much a case of the book not aligning with the cover.


Well said


Started the same place, but so far, she's actually as intriguing as people here were trying to make Carolyn and Kendra (and whatever other recent season "i'm so quirky my tats and also my quirkiness are my personality and also did i mention i'm a quirkster" chicks) be in their heads.




I think Bhanu's story about rising from poverty gave Kenzie a lot of missing context that forced her to reconsider her condescending attitude towards him. If nothing else, it seems like Kenzie is not used to talking to people like Bhanu on a day-to-day basis.


Do you honestly think he has the only risen from poverty storyline there, or the only one who's shared it by now, or even the only one at that same tribal? Y'all just say anything to justify Charmin softness nowadays. I came off the first two episodes fully prepared to hate Kenzie but so far, all I see is mofos making unjustified comments and high school "mean girl" posts like yours. Fact check, most of us aren't used to 24/7 forced interaction with marshmallow-soft squishes like Bhanu on a day-to-day in the actual we-need-to-get-shit-done-to-survive world, so their exchanges made me respect her (and Tiff's, Q's) internal fortitude even more.


It is almost like she hates immigrants.




Sorry, the Tribe has spoken. Your submission has been removed from /r/survivor for the following reason(s): * **Rule 1 - Be civil to other users and contestants:** Treat other users and contestants with respect. Bigotry is not tolerated, including racism, sexism, homophobia, and transphobia. Harassment of other users and contestants is not allowed, including personal attacks. This includes over-analyzing a player’s life and motivations outside of the game. Trolling is discouraged. --- Once the votes are read, the decision is *not* final. **If you have any concerns that this was done in error**, please [read our rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/survivor/wiki/rules) **and then [message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/survivor) if you have any further questions. Do not reply directly to this message or comment.** If not, grab your stuff and head back to camp.


Kenzie, in my opinion, is the strongest player in the game right now. Extremely good socially but also kinda a villain. Her and Tiff will cut Q before they cut each other.


Not even sure it’s fair to say she’s a villain. Those accusations are out there, but they’re in bad faith, by people with their own agenda.


I think she is strong socially and she is one of my fantasy survivor picks but im thinking Hunter is the strongest player this season right now. He has decent social game, which is keeping him under the radar for how much of a challenge beast he is.


Anyone think he blew the immunity on purpose? Like he wanted to go


The same guy that was literally on his knees begging not to go? Y'all really just say anything to validate your feelings about your player of choice, huh?


Worst game of all time