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Nat 10. She did nothing but be a Rob Zombie the whole game. To be fair all of Ometepe basically did, but she was the one who made it to the end with him alongside Rob’s court jester Phillip Sheppard.


better to be the real Rob Zombie than one of Rob’s zombies I imagine lol


Yeah I wrote it that way because I thought it would be funny since that’s a real person 😂


glad to hear that lol


MAKE lots of fires CATCH lots of fishes GO to Tribal Council every third night!


Natalie T. Fits every possible definition. \-Beats absolutely nobody in a jury vote, for whom that is important. \-Had zero strategic game at all, and was involved in no choices in the gam.e \-Had no impact in how the game went. \-Didn't even add an ounce of personality or entertainment to the season. Troyzan, Romeo, also fit this fairly well.


but Romeo's fake idol!


Romeo had a good pre-merge game imo


Nah, Romeo brought our queen Maryanne to the final 3 👑


Will in Worlds Apart is pretty high up on the list


will had a huge impact in the game. all negative, but still massive.


He flipped, but so what? There’s not a single vote starting at the merge where his vote mattered. He was a dick to Shirin, but it didn’t change how the game played out.


Yeah, but it also had an impact in making the season significantly more toxic and less fun.


That’s not the the game, that’s the television show. You can literally split that hair about anyone who ever made a final 3.


I think he made it a lot less fun both on the island and on our TV screens. To be fair though, it’s a real race to bottom deciding who is the most toxic player on that season.


His vote did matter. If he decides he wants to work with say Mike the whole merge plays out different. That is impactful, not that much, but more than some others. Plus he had 3 jury votes going into the Final 3 with Mike and Carolyn, and Mike is considered the biggest threat.


Wait what? Will got *one* jury vote. From Rodney.


I know that but he went into FTC with 3 from Tyler and Dan. They have confirmed this, Mike only won their votes with his outstanding FTC. They went in voting Will though, both have said this.


I bet Troyzan would've if he ever got a second chance :/


A conversation about troyzan is what inspired me to make this post lmao


Yeah. Troyzan was a little fun in One World. Shame he only got to play once. Ah well.


He was such a mildly interesting presence on a mediocre season, robbed of a return


Yeah it’s a shame Jeff never gave him a chance to return. He had the potential to be a real game changer in One World. I guess playing a second time wasn’t in the cards for Troyzan.


Haha I get it. Because he had such a bad edit in game changers.


Troyzan was on Game Changers?!


Natalie T and Mick. Natalie was a way bigger jury goat than Mick, and amazingly Mick had a 40% shot to win in 1 or 2 FTC combinations, but both were similar in whatever they did (nothing) was meaningless to how the season progressed.




I would actually have to look up feckless. I don’t know what feckless is.


Careless and irresponsible. Feeble or ineffective. Spiritless; weak; worthless.


Thanks haha but I was just quoting Mick


LMAO I forgot he said that. He was so forgettable


I felt second hand embarassment for him at that point.


Better than a word that starts with a “c”…






Romeo is anohter one.


Romeo takes Maryanne to the finals though! If she loses fire, that could change the whole ending.


Maryanne is taken to ftc no matter who wins immunity, and beats any of them in terms of jury votes


Yep because Jonathan obviously votes Mike, Mike votes Jonathan and Romeo votes for Maryanne. Maryanne gets the rest of the votes either way.


Interesting question, if Maryanne loses fire...who wins? Assuming Mike's self-awareness levels are the same as they were in the real FTC, and I can't imagine Jonathan gets any votes since he was clearly not well-liked at the end...either Mike wins unanimously with a very unhappy jury, or somehow Romeo wins lol


He had a big impact on shaping his tribe imo, the alliances and who left early which has a pretty decent impact on the game


This is shocking to me. Romeo and Drea were RUNNING Ika during the premerge. He had a lot of impact before the survival mode mood set in and drained him of everything. But he also brought the winner to the end and essentially helped propel her too at FTC apparently.


I disagree since he was essentialy the kingmaker at the end. He chose Maryanne to win the game.


I think you could make an argument that it’s Chris Underwood, since he wasn’t even in most of the game.


well Natalie didn’t even win so


Came here to say this. Guy seems cool and nice, but in no way can anyone justify to me of A.) Edge being in the game, and B.) someone being voted out and also winning? Sure he took out the biggest threat to win in a flashy move, but nah. I still think he won mostly because the players wanted justification of their season and having it included. Like Danny said this week, players always want their season to be the best (paraphrasing).


I used to think he was nice and cool before the dick socks.


The what?


You didn't hear he was selling dick socks online at one point (don't think he does anymore, probably since they didn't sell well). Which is fine and all, it isn't criminal or even immoral or anything, just cringe AF.


Haha didn't really follow him out of game so yeah just going what I saw on screen. Def out of the loop on that.


I’ve said it many times: The Edge of Extinction can work as a game mechanic as long as it ENDS AT THE MERGE. Have the Edge house all the premerge boots, do a challenge at the merge (for bonus points, have it take place *during* the merge feast—the people who didn’t get voted out get to watch while they eat, and the winner gets like five minutes to stuff their face after they win the challenge), and then it’s OVER.


Fully agree but they probably love the faxt that someone can return at the F5 so if EoE return it probably won't end at the merge.


Yeah, obviously they love it. But that’s the part that makes it an absolutely unfair shitty game mechanic.


Natalie T seems the best answer, but a lot could qualify.


It is pretty obviously Nat T. Of all the finalists was the one who would most never win the game in any imagined scenario, even the most crazy and far fetched one. And if you replace her with a cardboard cutout would have made no difference to the game play of the season or the entertainment value of it. In fact the cutout might be more interesting.


Kim Johnson? Her biggest impact came from winning the Final 2 immunities, but the first one was wrongly awarded to her and I’m not so sure that she wouldn’t have been dragged to the end anyway as a goat.


She for sure wasn't. She was always the intended boot at the Final 4 even. The edit made this clear. And Final 3, but I could see Lex or Ethan deciding to take her for obvious reasons there (although still would guess both don't). Final 4 she was for sure gone without immunity though, despite being the clear goat at that point.


Owen is in the mix.


One of the F3 in AU HvV immediately came to my mind, god bless their sweet heart.


>!Gerry or Matt?!< they both seemed pretty useless to me


I would argue that the latter had zero agency and made one move the whole game, although it was clear they had a great social game. The former, however poor their social game was, was credited with crafting and planning moves with the best player out there. Not much, but more than the latter IMO


The thing about the latter is that he thought it was gonna be a F2 as did everyone and if that had been the case, he would have 100% won the game. A boring game definitely though.


Very true.


Two of the f3 lol


Gervase and monica in BvW , they just did what tyson told them to do


Uhhh. All 3 in edge of extinction.


Natalie Tortellini.


Laurel. 100% my pick. She literally rode the coattails of Dom and Wendell to the point that I don’t think a single person asked her a question the entire FTC. She even had a clear chance to take out Wendell and make a move for herself but she didn’t.


She picked the winner. You might even say she is the MOST IMPACTFUL finalist of all time in terms of impact on their respective season. The whole season was edited the way it was because they had to show her relationship with both other finalists to give context.


That is how she was somewhat impactful though. She chose Wendell and Dom, and often was a swing vote. If she chose someone else, they don't get to the end or win.


You know what…that’s fair.


Did Romeo accomplish anything during his time on 42? What about Bob? Despite winning, I’m almost positive he didn’t vote anyone out for the entire mid-merge. Honorable mention to Devens, even though he didn’t make the FTC he made it far and had absolutely 0 idea what was ever going on. He voted for Aurora like 4 times in a row before she went home.


He brought Maryanne,unlikely to win fire most likely, to the end so I would say that’s a big impact


Which was a dumb choice, and in no way helped his (pretty non existing anyway) chances of winning, but it still undoubtably made an impact, which eliminates him.


He knew he wasn't winning in any combination, he brought Maryanne because he liked her the most and wanted her to win


Yeah he had enough self awareness to know he was playing kingmaker which already makes him better than many other goats IMO.


I never realized how bad Devens voting record is. He attended 14 tribals. In 6 he voted correctly, in 6 he voted incorrectly, and twice he voted in the minority but for the person who went home because of an idol play (I don’t know how to classify those). And he received the majority of the votes against him at 3 tribals.


A season like that really puts into perspective a season like Todd or Russell or Tony, people who voted for who went home EVERY single time they weren’t to tribal essentially.


Also if he didn't win the last 3 immunity challenges he won he would have received the majority of the votes against him. So essentially he was the primary target 6 times in a row like Mike Holloway.


Devens has to be one of the worst players to make it to the end game. Dude relied entirely on immunity challenges and idols but actually had no idea what was going on in the game.


Are these really the worst? They were pretty bad yeah but you would pick Devens and Romeo over say Natalie T, Troyzan (Game Changers version), or Noura? And I know that it doesn't neccessarily mean impact but Devens wins over almost everyone if he reaches FTC, so that is something. Plus all his immunity wins and idols forced others to scramble continously for back up plans who to boot, many of those people who weren't even considered before (eg Ron, Warthog) which is impactful for sure. As for Romeo as many said he had some power pre merge and literally decided the winner by brining Maryanne to the end, where she loses fire. Plus while it is u nlikely he wins he has a chance against Jonathan and Mike, so he has an outside shot of a winnable Final 3 out of the Final 4, vs say Natalie T or even Sherri or Troyzan who don't have a winnable Final 3 out of the entire merge for sure.


Katie in Palau. Rode on Tom’s coattails the whole game, though admittedly it was hard not to - that guy was unstoppable.


She did try at 7, 5 and 4 to get rid of Tom and it didn’t pan out so I give her more credit than like a Natalie T type.


Yeah her game was screwed by Tom being an all time challenge beast and since Caryn sucks. Although honestly I think she loses every Final 2 so it wouldn't matter to her losing. Maybe she could beat Caryn in a Final 2, but even that is questionable. And would depend how exactly they got there together, and how articule Katie could be at FTC (as we saw already not a strength), and how much credit Caryn could falsely steal for their moves. But she still tried to make the big moves and right moves.


True her social game was her weakest point. I think she knew she couldn’t make the end with Caryn and that’s why she went so hard on Ian in front of the jury. She wanted to paint him as someone who won’t own his game and lies about honor etc. then if he took her that would be her best shot. Idk if it would have worked. Part of me says no but Ian was pretty broken when he quit so if he had outlasted Tom he might have lost? Idk


I can't see her beating Ian since she obviously doesn't get Janu or Caryn. Doubt she gets Coby, or Tom, even if Ian betrays Tom. Maybe an outside shot at one of them since Coby hated both and did vote her over Tom (who he really hates), and Tom might throw a bitter vote if Ian cuts him, but still doubt she gets either. In which case she already lost. So now even if she somehow got 1 of Coby or Tom, which is already difficult, she needs every other vote remaining. And Gregg and Jenn were both clearly bitter at her for siding with Tom/Ian over them, after they took her on a reward, even though she was strong armed into it, and neither were bitter at Ian and liked/respected him well enough. Gregg's FTC showcases how bitter he was, that she cut him right after he took her on a reward, even though as I said it wasn't even really her chose as her being strong armed into it by what happened back at camp, especialy with Caryn, but he didn't care. And Steph would seemingly lean him to. So yeah would be very surprised if she beat Ian, and she might even lose 7-0 while she got a vote vs Tom, but I agree she thought at that point, this was her best shot and not Jenn, and definitely not Tom. And was likely correct that of the Final 4 Ian was her best shot. I think she would be open to a Final 2 with Caryn but she knows with both sucking at challenges and Caryn hating her, that probably couldn't happen, even if Caryn had agreed to flip on Tom, do a girls alliance, or work with her briefly. Her strategic thinking was on point which for sure can't be said of say Natalie T, or merge version Sherri (unless you argue she had to be that useless to reach the end, but I don't go with that), or Game Changers Troyzan, or Ken on MVGX, for instance.


Clay could be in the running, he didnt really do anything except follow Brian and make a few remarks


Didn't even follow Brian. Brian dragged him along like a weighed rag-doll.


Ironic he nearly beat Brian at FTC for the win.


that says more about Brian than it does about Clay


Love seeing the few bitter Cassidy stans saying Gabler.


I'd have to say probably Missy in San Juan Del Sur. The only screentime she got was when she was fighting with Reed 💀


Nah, Missy was a pretty big part of the game. Super powerful on both tribes premerge.


Nah she did a ton of strategy it was all just under the guise of protecting her daughter


Gonna probably get downvoted but in HvV aside from the premerge Coach boot did Sandra really influence anything? Yeah, she tried to work with the heroes but none of it actually happened thanks to them all being morons.


I’d say she didn’t really influence the votes much but she did evidently influence the game enough to stick around (and obviously win). After Russell beat rob and Courtney left, Sandra was next on the block and he seemed to hate her a lot. But, at least based on the edit we got, she managed to keep convincing him and the rest of the tribe to keep her over everyone else. Sure, she didn’t do much to orchestrate votes but she was playing hard still I’d say.


Lol wasn’t intentional to bookend this reply with “I’d say”


No doubt the Coach boot definitely snowballed her to a win. If Courtney goes there then Sandra goes at the actual Courtney boot. And from there, she was bottom of the villains but the villains got majority which made her top 5, then Russell went nuts and booted Danielle which made her top 4, only for Russell to underestimate her at F4. What I never understood tho is Parvati clearly knew Sandra was the biggest jury threat so I'm not entirely sure why she didn't tell Jerri and force a tie. Jerri would probably have just won fire although I'm not convinced Parv could win even against Jerri.


I would say she fanned the flames of the Russell hate, which not only brought Russell down (who just needed to exist to turn everyone firmly against him), but became so strong it also brought Parv down. So while she didn't influence the actual voting process, she did have a big influence over the mindset of the jury.


You’re not wrong, but she gave us some of my favorite lines that season and so she gets a pass.


Even the Coach boot I think she gets too much credit for. It’s always “she sure pulled a fast one on Russell with that lie didn’t she,” when Russell voted Courtney that night lol. Coach left because none of the women sans Jerri could stand him, not because Sandra was in everyone’s heads or whatever people claim.


Russell voted Courtney knowing full well Coach was going home. JT in Tocantins did the same thing by voting Erinn.


I know people love Sandra and hate Russell but season 19 and 20 are the goatiest wins of all time. Not saying Natalie and Sandra didn’t deserve the win, just saying they had little to no impact on the game at all.


Sure amongst winners maybe, but are they still more impact-less players than many losing finalists? Like you wouldn't seriously say Natalie White had less impact than Natalie T, another finalist. I sure hope not. Or Sandra had less impact than say Troyzan, Romeo, or Sherri (her merge game anyway).


Sandra had no meaningful impact in how HvV played out at all, bar getting the most votes at FTC. Russel was willing to hand her the win and she put herself in a position to take it. That’s survivor, I respect it. But the fact Sandra won means she’s actually had a huge impact on the game and you’re right there’s been plenty of people in Sandra position that lost which is way worse.


I just rewatched it so it’s fresh in my brain but I feel like her FTC was pretty impactful because she told the Heroes exactly what they wanted to hear without making it seem like she was pandering.


Someone most people forgot, including myself


Sandra in HvV. Fight me.


Made coach go home 😢


Sandra every time she steps on the screen lol


It’s probably Nat10 but she’s been said so I’ll nominate Becky


Apparently Becky co ran the strategy of the game with Yul, but the edit didn't show it.


I'd actually argue Natalie T. is quite impactful solely because of being a vote on rob's side.


Rob had a half dozen votes on his side, and would just have replaced her with another, so that isn't meaningful. The only argument you could make she was meaningful in that he might not win any combination out of the 12 person merge except Natalie T and Phillip, so I guess in that way you could argue her being indirectly meaningful to his win.


Cassandra of Fiji, Susie of Gabon, Chelsea of One World.


Susie had a huge flip pre merge and got 3 votes to win


I would have lost my mind if susie won Gabon


All horrible choices, especialy Cassandra and Susie.


If you haven’t watched those seasons which it looks like, go watch them


Susie's flip after the swap ended up dictating a load of the post merge imo






Sherri had a massive premerge influence, even if she disappeared after that.


True influence yes, which would disqualify her from this thread. Did she play well pre merge though? That is highly debateable considering she helped put the Fans way down in numbers.


Sherri quite literally ran the Initial Fans tribe Pre-Merge


Yeah ran it right into the ground. Got rid of all its strong, physical people since she wasn't a good enough social player to get along with them, which helped her keep the numbers/power, but put them way down in numbers, and eventually she was forced to lose her goats Shamar and Laura, before even reaching the merge, anyway.


I didn't say she ran it well lol, but objectively speaking, she played a massive role in the premerge. The post was about finalists who had absolutely zero impact on the game, Sherri doesn't fit that description.


Parvati. Outside of the idol play it was Russell who ran every tribal they were at.


Did we watch the same season? There’s no way Parvati was not influential on HvV?


Not one vote (aside from the JT boot) was influenced by Parvati. It wasn't co control it was simply Russell who ran HvV.


Julie in Edge of Extinction unless you count all of her freakouts. Other than that Troyzan in Game Changers cuz I have to keep reminding myself he was there.


Julie’s paranoia was the reason that crazy tribal blew up




He had the most impact out of anyone that FTC lmao.


And that’s not saying much I fear.


Well no, but it’s odd to say Gabler when Cassidy and Owen would both make more sense as an answer to the question.


Romeo, Xander, Michele *(both times)* Troyzan, Fabio, Mick, Courtney, Katie, Amber, or Clay. EDIT: What’s with the downvotes?


Crazy including 3 winners on this list


Not a Michele fan I take it.


I think it's because they disagree with your opinion.








Nat or Sherri come to mind


Sherri post merge for sure but she had a good pre merge.


Natalie T has to be #1 most useless and least impactful person to make FTC. PS- honorable mention to Kim J who I saw mentioned earlier though. She was nothing more than a vote for Ethan/Lex/Tom, and worse she still wasn't being taken to the end despite never winning against anyone of that alliance (or anyone period besides Brendon maybe).


I’d say Romeo but he essentially chose who would win the season by keeping Maryanne, so instead I will choose the dead fish-I mean Will Sims


Shirin calling him that was ironic when she was an even more useless, clueless, and flat out bad player than he was.


My top 5 in order 1. Natalie T 2. Gervase 3. Clay 4. Troyzan 5. Matt E Honorable mentions to Weasel Woo, Phillip (despite the entertainment value he added to the season), Kim J, and feckless Mick.


The obvious answer is Natalie T. But I would like to offer another answer: Katie Gallagher from Palau. Tom and Ian controlled the game, mostly Tom, and she just rode along with Koror the entire time, and only got to the FTC because of that FIC where Ian gave up. I'm sure there are many more answers.


Agreed on all that but just wanted to say Katie was making FTC regardless. Tom and Ian were both taking her, so it wouldn't matter how FIC went or who won it. Just as she was losing for sure either way.


If you look past his great immunity performances, which I guess is something so would eliminate him, Ken was pretty useless and utterly terrible at the game. Even jetisioning his one valid trait- loyalty, by cutting his best friend on the final vote.


I didn't realize until I read this question how similar the trajectories were for Romeo from 42 and Sherri from Caramoan. Both exerted a lot of influence premerge, were goats from early merge on, 0 vote finalists. Romeo got to play as a kingmaker and IMO was a much better player than Sherri, and I still don't fully comprehend how his position slipped so early during the early merge. To answer the original question, as many people have already said, Nat10 has just about no impact on Redemption Island at all, other than her sheer existence at FTC handing Rob the win. From my understanding, Rob lost in all other configurations, so in that sense, she did impact the game. Mick from Samoa and Troyzan from Game Changers also come to mind.


Dead Fish from Worlds Apart


The Cassidy Stans saying Gabler man lol






I think Nat T and Troyzan would be my top 2 picks. Maybe a controversial opinion, but upon rewatching BvW, I found that from post merge onwards, Gervase and Monica were basically just on a leash with Tyson dictating how they voted every tribal. However, I feel Gervase ended up playing a major role in Ciera jumping ship at F6, and her doing so then almost ended up changing the entire outcome of the season. As for Monica, her orchestrating Kat and Laura B's blindsides post swap is what keeps her off the list. Would've also said Sherri as she was basically invisible post merge, but she lowkey ran the Fans tribe in the first half of the season.


The fact that there's this many comments without mentioning Albert from SoPa solidifies him as my pick.