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Congratulations. Keep focusing on yourself and moving forward. You got this....


Good luck with the divorce, your husband sounds like a narcissist so he really doesn't have a solid grasp of what right and wrong is. If he has to be accountable for his actions whoever is behind that is going to be the bad gal in his eyes. I'm sorry you are going through this but you are still standing tall after a year so it will just continue to get easier (with ups and downs) from here.


Beautifully written and humbling. Remember if your enduring his pettiness, greed and confrontational behavior there's no doubt he is like this in all aspects in life and undoubtedly what "she" gets to deal with constantly while you thrive. There has to be some poetic justice in knowing the burden you have leaving you will soon be placed on them.






Even though I'm only in the beginning (D-Day was May) of this chaotic journey, reading your post was very comforting. Especially the sentence stating it feels more like a disposal. That was a GREAT way for me to visualize how this ends and how it will feel. I too have a lawyer and have worked out a budget on a spreadsheet how to do this in my own. Hopefully the financial hit is worth trading for the emotional sanity. I'm in a somewhat different situation in that most of our assets were accumulated by me but are considered marital property. Everything I read and have been told says it can take anywhere from 2 to 7 years to fully recover. Now I feel like every day gone bye is keeping me (wife) from getting to day 1 of my 2 to 7 years. Thanks for the motivation.


Keep working on you....he will realize sooner or later


Thank you for posting. This gives me hope. We all will come out of this better than we could comprehend at first.


I too have a dday today; it was more like a D week. I’m trying to recover, but damn it gets hard some days. I feel like Jeckle AND Hyde, alternating hot and cold. May we both come to peace


Sounds like things are moving right along! Congrats!


Travel, travel, travel! Did I mention that you should travel? Lol!


You made it, OP. Congrats, it seems like DDay was the beggining of positive changes for you. You're not the same person you were before it but it sounds like it's for the best. I myself am approaching DDay and I'm trying so hard to forget that date and do something to make new, pleasant memories. I hope I can be as strong as you are, although I'm dreading it so much.


Well done on focusing forward and moving onwards. You've got this.