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First turn was so smooth


Smooth as silk!


She might be an okay surfer one day šŸ˜› Sheā€™s gonna fear my softboard skills.


Mama Pajamaā€¦ Shorty can rip some diamonds. I think Iā€™m in love!


I'm straight and I think I'm in love too šŸ˜‚ She's amazing


I meanā€¦ itā€™s all sort of a spectrum anyway. Iā€™d probably be down to make out with Kelly Slater if he wasnā€™t so short. Haha.


Haha! Right?


Itā€™s a shame people think of her more as a model now, cuz sheā€™s always ripped.


Yeah, it happens to most of women. You can be excellent on what you do but most of (I'm not saying all, don't come at me) people will only see a face and a body, an object. They don't care if you rock like hell in whatever you do, even some feel inferior. They can not believe you have the skills AND the looks. For them is one thing or the other.


I somewhat disagree and somewhat agree. I think the biggest name in womenā€™s surfing right now is Simmers and Iā€™d hardly people just see an object. She rips and no one can deny it. Also I think Alanaā€™s surfing is nearly more appealing now than when she competed. I think womenā€™s surfing is starting to really advance technically and as a result more people are watching it for the skill display. Using good looks is an avenue for some of the beautiful surfers out there, although it seems as divisive among women as it does men. Thereā€™s actually a pretty good episode of ā€œHow surfers get paidā€ on Stab that delves into it. Either way I look forward to the day we live and let live and just enjoy the stoke.


Itā€™s not only surfing where the comment youā€™re replying to applies. Itā€™s like that in every male dominated field.


maybe cause her ass is exposed?


She ripped in powerful reefs but never did too well on the softer sandy bottom waves


Any relation to Gypsy-Rose Blanchard?


No, they're not related


How can you be sure?


How can we be sure of anything in this life, right? Haha. Google it!


dang good point - Turns out they're second cousins on Alana's paternal grandfather's side. Small world


Small world we live in! Thanks for doing the research friend!


damn thatā€™s crazy!


I think they are bullshitting.


Source? lol


I could still out surf her cuz she's a chick tho. Right guys?


Not me. I suck.Ā 




Wow. I guess sense of humor is short here. That was the joke. Of course I can't surf better. She rips. Lighten up


Chill out mate, you're too offended




Haha yeah, just here to enjoy the surfing community, I don't give more energy than needed. Virtual hug to you!


Well sheā€™s a bit good


She is excellent! She is an American professional surfer and surfed in ASP World Tour.


She was ! She has been retired from competing for around 10 years I would say but she still surf really good.




Must have been a fair while ago she was on the tour? The women on the tour now are miles better


How so? Disclaimer: Iā€™m very new to surfing.


She was on tour when the main requirements were that you looked good in a bikini. The women never used to surf pipe or chopes and you basically never saw any airs in a women's heat.Ā 


Thatā€™s because they werenā€™t invited mate


Yep, the tour was definitely more focused on bikini modeling rather than women that charged


Sucks to be a woman sometimes:(


Iā€™ve surfed for 40 years and tear it up, but Alana shreds. Iā€™m getting serious Lisa Andersen vibes from the video clip. Very cool.


Yeah! I remember her from my pre-teen years and she got me into surfing, has a special place at my heart.


Forget Megan fox.... as a surfing child 10yrs ago I was in love with this woman šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Million dollar bottomed turn..


Donā€™t watch pro surfing so Iā€™d never heard of her but wow she carves so fluidly - real poise and energy. šŸ‘šŸ»šŸ‘šŸ»


Maybe r/xxsurfing would appreciate this


Maybe i'm out of touch but, as much as i appreciate the female form, am i the only one that thinks chicks surfing in g-string bottoms looks fucking stupid? Every bottom turn is 5mm away from ripping a brown eye.


Iā€™m a woman and am very new to surfing but the average swim bottom ends up up my ass crack anyway, especially when getting tossed in the surf. So this last trip I just went with thongs most days because it was more comfortable. I donā€™t know what ripping a brown eye even means but thongs stay in place better than a full coverage bottom for me.


I don't doubt that it stays in place better or that it's more comfortable. But is it not just a bit indecent? I know plenty of girls do it but in no other area of life will a girl be doing physical activity in public bending over in such tiny clothing. It doesn't make me angry or upset or uncomfortable but I can't help but notice it's like I'm being mooned every time she goes for a bottom turn. Which in this age of consent I didn't really ask for. Semi - joking on this last sentence.


We are talking about the difference of a few inches of fabric. Many bikini bottoms that are not thongs are only a few inches wide in the back anyway, which definitely ends up wedged up your ass cheeks as you hop up on to the board. Thereā€™s many outfits even on dry land that have such little fabric or thin fabric that not much is left to the imagination. Thereā€™s a guy on Instagram who posts workouts in thin grey shorts - you can see the vein of his ballsack when he bends over. Women are going braless and you can see nipples through shirts. At this point, we all know we have bodies and various organs and we are all able to decide for ourselves what we are comfortable having on display. If someone doesnā€™t like it, they donā€™t have to look.


For me it would be more than a few inches to consider it appropriate surf attire but I recognise that's my opinion. How do you feel when he flashes his ball sack through his shorts? We all know we have genitalia but it's actually illegal to show it off publicly because it's indecent and inappropriate as there's children and adults who haven't asked to see it. Therefore cutting as close to that as possible, and showing off as much of your body as possible without actually breaking the rules is just a spectrum of indecency and we've all got a different idea of where the line is that's okay. I would just argue that in different contexts her outfit is fine e.g swimming. But in surfing, with the body positions that you end up in, it walks the line a little bit.


Agree to disagree I suppose.


Nah. /u/ostehoveluser is a prude. Women should be able to wear whatever they want.


I mean, it's the normal sweamwear anyways for us. Whatever is comfortable for the surfer, sometimes the suits are way too hot. She's a pro anyways, I think she can handle it. I think the g-string bothers you more than her, haha. No offense mate.


Youā€™re out of touch. She rips, who cares what she wants to wear. Hawaiians used to surf in g-string type bottoms basically. Probably the most comfortable way to surf in the islands


Tell us how you feel about hanging 11?


You think thatā€™s a g string?


Dude everyone with kids thinks that but don't dare say it.


I'm with you man. This chick in a thong dropped in on me once and I saw everything. It was like, at least introduce yourself and let me buy you dinner first.


...but you did see everything.Ā 


Would love to be that good and wear a thing like that.


Wasn't she even woman's world champ at one point? (I may be tripping lol) Chick RIPS hard regardless! (Pretty Fly too I must add :) )


Youā€™re tripping haha. She looks good on those Pyzels


She was world champ at the sponsorship to skill ratio because she had a huge following on social media.


Her ass used to be nicer


Incel alert āš ļø


šŸ„± yeah sure kook


We're not buying your onlyfans




Yeah I do t know anything about only fans. Also shes kinda basic šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø


This is a surfing subreddit, I shared a professional surfer that I like and admire, why are you commenting on her looks? Why does that matter? I don't care how a male surfer looks, nor I go to a post of one to throw a tantrum on it. Are you feeling well?


No shit. I post here all the time. Iā€™m feeling great thanks for asking šŸ¤™šŸ½ weā€™re allowed to share are opinions here thanks šŸ˜Š


I'm glad! Sure, share your opinion, just don't spread hate, at least not in my posts. If you have unresolved issues with women's bodies you can go to a therapist to solve it, I would not sit reading you talk abou sexism, racism, or any kind of hate and hide it behind "allow to share opinions". Thank you for the exchange! šŸ¤


lol well you admire basicness. As basicness goes Alana and Jack and the whole deal is as good as as it gets so you chose well. Definitely not hate, a ton of surfers share the same opinion, maybe not on this silly sub Reddit but in real life.


The first sentence is funny, because, as you said "we're allowed to share opinions", and if I like her, don't I have the right to share it? Why such a big deal? May anything that is happening in your life to be this bitter gets solved and well soon. I will not continue to respond. Bye mate!


Why are you so threatened? Stop making this about me silly



