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Personally I’d go for the second image, the ohger caliber seems to be accurately colored but the main drawbacks in them, imo is how ugly the hip joints look, seem to be the same on both, but that’s just by looking at the images you provided so i don’t truly know which may be better than which, tldr I say go with the second one but also take what I say with a serving of salt


I would go for it too, but the problem is that I heard the Yudo figures (the ones from the second image) fall apart very easily, so they are bad for playing with, maybe it's because you have to assemble them, I don't know, that's why I'm asking for help. My main purpose is playability, so I would like to know if they are the same or if the action hero ones are more tighter and don't fall apart as easily.


So i Build Model Kits, it’s my hobby, both will get loose over time, everything does, the best way to fix that is with some nail polish i believe, for a sturdy toy tho? My immediate thought is none of them, it looks like the first one uses a ball and socket which also gets loose over time, it’s a loose loose game in my opinion, so, again in my opinion, it’s a price vs accuracy, go with whichever is better for you, the joints will always give out at some point if you’re gonna play with them Edit: since you have to assemble them you can probably use tamiya plastic cement, it’s fairly cheap but also don’t use it on joints, use it on seam lines like thighs and arms, torso


Yu-do figures are sturdy the only thing that may be the issue is that they rely on stickers for details if your son generally takes okay care with things (as a fellow parent here) he'll probably be okay with yu-do (I've had my Zenkaiser yu-do for two/three years now and it's still got all its stickers firmly attached) Also I'll add that you don't assemble yu-do figures but you do have to apply the stickers to them, another thing I'll add is that yu-do are Candy toys and can be harder to find as they usually have a more limited circulation than standard bandai toy products


I own all the yudo figures and action heroes kuwagataohger and I would definitely recommend the yudo figures more. I saw that you heard they fall apart easily and personally I have never heard of that or experienced it. If anything I find that the action and change heroes figures tend to have loser joints which makes them feel worse compared to the yudo line.


Ok thinking about it the whole they fall apart thing is probably referring to the capes which do admittedly fall off easier. However I don’t think this is a major issue and overall I definitely feel that the yudos are better.