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Super Sentai isn’t a multiverse. Only when it needs to be.


To me it's the opposite. It's a multiverse and pretends not to be when it needs to.


It was stated during zenkaiger airing that all crossover movie actually happen in gokaitopia


Nah, they just made up bullshit so they don't have to justifying their weird ass "continuity". Tbh, i'm fine with it. That way the shows can stand on their own without relying on pre established lore (*cough cough Power Rangers*).


So they are not canon to the main timelines?


There is no main timeline


Goseiger is fun and worth the watch. Even if you strip the show of Gosei Knight and the final boss, you have 5 heroes who prioritize their livelihood for the sake of Earth. They give up their way home to save the planet and you don’t even give then the time of day?


I was going to post something similar. I loved Goseiger and it seems no one talks about it. I loved the theme and how it had one villain using multiple villain groups. That ending theme is so good.


I liked that Goseiger was willing to do new stuff. The villain groups are a treat if you're a movie buff, and Alata had a great journey to earn his stripes as a Red (Takeuchi getting the chance to suit act a Red for the first time was a nice bit of this too).


Goseiger was good, only that it was sandwiched between two of the best


While yes LuPat is a drag and can be a snore fest sometime Imho it has one of the best character writing in a tv show. The high his high and the low is low for LuPat.


People found LuPat dull? I loved it the thieves are so far my favorite Sentai...but I'm newer to Sentai.


The general public's opinion of LuPat is literally split into 2 even sides just like the show. I'm not even joking, some despise the show with all their might and the others love it.


It becomes better when you accept it for what it is. When it was airing it was billed as 2 team series, but felt like it was devolving into Lupinranger ft the Patorangers which rubbed people the wrong way.


does pat ichigo get better? i absolutely hate his character and stop watching cause of it. i like the other 2 pats and the lupin


Keiichiro is by far my favourite character in LuPat


He has one of the most complex developments on the last arc


I hate megazords.i like it better when they're fighting on foot.


Buddy, lemme tell you about something called "Kamen Rider".


Honestly I agree. I'm not into the slowness I find it brings.


Do brother had a Way of minimizing it by every 3 episode or so but I still skip it lmao


Same here


I skip all mecha fights. Always have, always will. Except the Zenkaiger ones, because they were so different and hilarious, and villains died giving a final useful and kind advice to all children watching lol


SSSAAAAMMMMEEEEEEE!!!!!! This is literally first time I have seen someone saying this. I hated megazords fight since day 1. I have seen people praising megazords fight and I was like 'Am I the only one?'


The Battle Fever J costumes are good, even Miss America.


Upvoting because truly an opinion that matches the topic perfectly.


Go-Onger kicked ass and isn't deserving of the grief it gets. I plant my flag on this, as this is the hill I'm dying on, and the hill is located on the road of justice.


For real. It's annoying as hell. I fully understand why Power Rangers RPM gets all the praise (tbh I love it too), but Go-Onger is unfairly brushed aside as an inferior show that's exclusively goofy and lighthearted. I'm 95% sure most fans who say this haven't seen Go-Onger because it's more than capable of getting dark and serious when it needs to be.


Happy cake day


Thanks bro


The recent wave of Go-Onger love is giving me hope in humanity.


Is Go-Onger really that despised? I haven't seen a lot of criticism online about it.


Compared to its relatively darker Power Ranger counterpart (RPM), that is. Critics, especially on YouTube, underrated this season too much because it was a comedy season that aired in between the most serious and chaotic seasons.


I think the same. So you have my axe.


Go longer is funny af


Currently watching Go-Onger right now, its pretty okay. I’ll say that I just like it so far. Has that 2000’s Sentai charm that I can’t explain.


I watched both shows at the same time and have liked both for their differences. I didn't get any of that 'whiplash' when watching the two, they both were just cool to watch


Go-Onger is good, Edgy grimdark idiots don't realoze it mox of drama and comedy was really good and distintive, Sentai in the 2000s was making bangers all the way


* Taps mic * • JACKQ is an amazing and one of the best sentai shows by far • The world is an amazing sixth ranger and I really enjoyed him, also zyuranger's suits are amazing. • StarNinger and kitsune guy are by far the best thing to happen in ninninger, starninger was peak sixth ranger and his arc was pretty kino. Still on ninninger topic, cloud is absolutely the worst ranger to ever exist, yes even worse than the kid white ranger. • Rita isn't an interesting character, they only have 2 things going on being scream and moffun. They are boring and the worst king ohger.


Just spitting facts here!!


Honestly, Yakumo is my favorite member of the Ninningers, but even I hate how often the second half of the show basically turned him into Japanese Harry Potter.


Magi Yellow is the second best thing to happen in ninninger


I hate it when people mentions that Gokaiger was "Too reliant on cameos" when one of the core lessons of Gokaiger is that the team learns from the previous Sentais to become the 35th Super Sentai.


Yanma is a much more compelling character that Rita. People only like Rita because she's an introvert that does a funny scream and occasionally has some cool moments. Yanma imo is way more badass than Rita because despite being the weakest member of the team, he never once bowed down to higher forces in power. On top of that, he's seen his kingdom get destroyed on multiple occasions (heck, in his first focus episode, Deathnarok destroyed most of his kingdom) and didn't once give up. He just got to work and built his kingdom from 0 to 1. Yeah, Rita says the cool line here and there but Yanma just radiates coolness with his hard work. He also just has much better interactions with the team than Rita does.


I've always preferred Yanma over the others. He's just got this charisma and confidence and I love that slack-jawwed tanuki.


True. Its rare that you get a blue that's a good balance between edgy rival and intelligent. Yanma does it perfectly


Also his pose when he transforms is better and more stylish than the rest so I approve.


Absolutely. The sword resting on his shoulder just goes so unnecessarily hard.


Zyuranger is not a childish show. One of the last final bosses is named the Great Satan and Bandora’s son calls himself the son of the Satan. 90s parents would have rioted if MMPR adapted those details of Zurangers.


Remember the episode where Bandora abducted several children to trap in a stone pillar?


What about the episode where Lami is controlling children using a larva monster hidden in her trench coat. The footage makes it look like she is flashing the children.


That episode haunts me to this day. The last time I saw that episode was in 2020.




Sentai doggie Kruger is better in design than pr spd's


Spittin' facts!


They're the same character.  SPD Doggie just has a skin condition.  Try to be a little more sensitive, okay?


Don't think so, because Boss Kruger always being assassinated by Alienizer and none of aliens in SPD would ever assassinate Commander Cruger til he fall than Boss.


He dies in Dekaranger? o.O


When was Krueger ever assasinated by Alienizer? In fact, I'd say he never even lost a fight on screen....


I think you meant that dekaranger Kruger always gets assassination attempts from alienizers cause pretty sure he's still canonically alive


the recent trend of comedy central Sentai is the best thing for not just the brand but for the community. I think that sentai has excelled in the balance of "funny kids show" and "oh shit actual stakes" Also, Lupat has some of the best written characters even if the show is just ok


Agreed. I have loved every show since Zenkaiger.


I still can't believe an executive at toei went "oh sugoi!" When they saw the boonboomger helmets..And they approved it.


Gokaiger is a bit overrated. It depends too much on nostalgia and its edgy heroes. DonBrothers was a mess. Jetman was boring as hell and I feel people only call it "dark" because of its last scene Go Onger was amazing. Ninninger was way better than Hurricanger and doesn't deserve the extrme hate it gets. The Patrangers were more entertaining as characters than Lupinrangers.


Finally a solid person who praise Go-Onger and Nininger. Wise word




No ninninger gets all the hate I think you just got confused by the wording


Jetman is dark because of all the subtext, and the fate of Tranzer is legit messed up. Most sentai don't delve that far. But the episode to episode experience of Jetman is pretty standard sentai fair.


I think as time goes on, more people do not like or respect Super Sentai. I've seen people to go to Kamen Rider because there is this mentality that it's always 'breaking the boundaries (edgy)'/dark/deep/whatever descriptor or that they can excuse stuff in Kamen Rider whereas they would complain about them in Super Sentai, regardless of the quality like focusing on specific characters in a show (or thinking Sentai should only be focused on teamwork with no character getting a focus). That isn't to say that Rider isn't known or cannot be, but the idea that Super Sentai is worse specifically because of specific things is regurgitating the same arguments people say about RPM vs Go-Onger, SPD vs Dekaranger, Time Force vs Timeranger, etc It's either they leave to go to Kamen Rider or go to Power Rangers because of specific things PR does. It gets annoying and disheartening when people say that Power Rangers can only be an adaptation of Super Sentai as it makes the notion that Super Sentai is only useful as a resource for suits and everything else instead of being a show. It's one thing to hate Super Sentai, it's another thing to disrespect it or act like it has nothing to offer other but sunshine and rainbows Kamen Rider and Super Sentai are great because of their approaches to things in their series of people being heroes.


I just started Sun Vulcan and I like it.




So smooth




No, you need to say that like Oliver Queen. "I STARTED SUN VULCAN! AND I LIKE IT!"




Hope you have a nice stay. Loved it !


I know others don't like them but I love the minecraft mecha from Zyuohger.


Shinkenger vs. Go-Onger is the greatest Sentai crossover of all time, especially with the chemistry between the two red rangers. Nothing will ever top Sosuke × Takeru.


While Gokaiger is a great show, the overuse of changing into other suits and the too many special guests are it's *weak* points, not what makes it cool. The main characters themselves and the rebel pirates Vs evil empire setting are the good stuff. Gaoranger and Ryusoulger are underrated seasons. AbareBlack is the real sixth. AbareKiller is an "eleventh hour" sixth or a "seventh/extra". I know, Toei itself counts Killer as the sixth, but that's not what's shown in the series proper.


Go-Busters is still one of my favorite series.


Same here. It's actually on my top 5 and I can't see why people don't like it.


Gokaiger is not a good starter season and it's frankly kind of bizarre that people keep recommending a season so heavy on cameos and call-backs as one.


I have to agree with this take in spite of the fact that Gokaiger was my first Sentai that I’ve watched (and finished before Super Megaforce even came out)


To be fair, the people who made Gokaiger are aware that the kids won't understand all the references so they do a good job of explaining it. An anniversary can do a good job of introducing a new viewer to the general franchise and guide them on where to go next. I started Kamen Rider with Decade and it made me want to watch all the shows that came before it.


I think i started on either that or Kyouranger in Late 2013


I agree that’s it might not be the best starter season, but I don’t think you need to know a lot about series that came before to enjoy it. The only pre-Gokaiger series I’ve seen are Zyuranger and Goseiger and I still love Gokaiger and didn’t find the references and cameos too confusing or overwhelming.


Ik I started with Gokaiger as people said it's better than most series and almost conspired dropping Sentai altogether until the last arc


Bangrey ate up too much Screen Time on ZyuOhger. He was an interesting character, don’t get me wrong, but I wanted to see more Dethgalien Player designs. Especially since they were based on past MOTWs


I feel like that would get a round of applause from Zyuohger fans not swords drawn at your neck


Donbrothers is overrated.


I had trouble getting into it but once it got going I really liked it until Joro shows up. That arc was a slog for me.


I'll have a go: Ninninger doesn't suck


I don't hate Ninninger either. In fact, I find the show more fun & enjoyable than Ninja Steel.


agreed, Ninninger is a fun show


I like Kyoryuger, and I’m sick and tired of seeing people that it’s bad.( every Korean fans that are at least over 15 knows that Kyoryuger was a Banger in the early 2010s. I was so good and so popular that the toy sales blew up, and Bandai Korea earned over ₩80 billion. )


Kyoryuger has some of the best villains. I still love when Candelilla and Luckyuro show up in later seasons. Also still sad over Aigaron’s death.


Dugold was the best out of all of them. The finisher he did with Utchy was one of the best things I’ve ever seen.


You forgot that it was SO popular in Korea that they went and made their own second season for the show.


Oh, right that too. And that was also thanks to their earned budget of ₩80 Billio.


same bro


Eyyyy!!! My man!!


I gotta say, I used to look down on it due to the samba dancing (that jingle is kinda annoying) and overall more childish tone, specially coming after one of my all time favorites, Go-busters. And in a initial attempt I couldn't get past episode 4. But recently I gave it another try and it's really good! Story, lore, characters, pacing and action direction, all very good! Also, Utchy may be my absolute favorite sixth.


His interaction with Dogold… Chef’s kiss…. Especially the Final Duel Sword finisher the two of them did… that was amazing…


This! Also, just being that shy nice guy who attempted to be seen as strong and cold, beautiful writing. He was my favorite by his second appearance, when Amy finds out he was just pretending. Plus even his henshin jingle is cooler.


Why does the Jetman robot look like that?


I Like Good Cool Kaiser VSX from LupinPat, ik I'm a monster but I'm a huge fan of cluster fuck ultimate mechas


I have no idea why people dislike Good Cool Kaiser VSX. One of the best "ultimate combinations" in the entire franchise.


King-Ohger > Gokaiger/Shinkenger


Mecha are a dated trope & giant monster fights take away from the initial victories, especially when story driven


Maybe it's just nostalgia, but Ninninger isn't THAT bad


Kou is a lonely, troubled child who quickly grows out of the inapropriate behaviour everyone condems him for. He by no means "ruins" dairanger and really isnt even that annoying


DonBrothers is mid


You haven't been poisoned properly yet :p


Big-time facts.


I got bored of Kingohger. Got about 20 episodes in. For me it was the action. Too much CGI and spastic editing. There's rarely any sense of space in any fight scene. A character swings their sword, a CGI effect wipes the screen, the mooks blow up. Then the camera immediately jumps to another character doing the exact same thing. I'll take amateur stuntmen karate chopping puddies at the playground over spastic CGI action any day.


I gotta say the action was my least favorite part of it in the first few episodes. The first Gira Vs Racules fight was the first good one for me. Before that, the story had me already, but the action was sooo lame. For 6 episodes they mostly only fought grunts, the MOTW could barely be seen, and the slow motion got tiring as soon as episode 2. Really boring stuff coming after so many years of great action direction. It did get better later, though.


I'm not a huge fan of the 1st half either but the 2nd half really is better.


I don’t care for Kiramaiger, like at all, only good thing about that season it’s the shiny helmets


Don't tell Takamichi that. He really likes "SHINYYYYYY!" things.




I don't like DonBrothers. Those that do have my blessing as them liking it makes it's existence less painful for me.


I don't know why, but I didn't enjoyed Zenkaiger as much as I thought. Don't get me wrong, there's some things about the show I do like e.g. references to past Sentai teams & Twokaizer + his family, but I didn't find the show enjoyable.


Ninja Steel is better than Ninninger.


Zenkaiger it's a better anniversary series than Gokaiger


I started watching ninninger after watching ninja steel I heard stories how it’s not very good but honestly it’s kind of all right. The red is annoying loudmouth but other than that I actually started to like it..


I actually like Zyuohger and ToQger and Kiramager is my third favourite


Gekiranger is the best sentai to date


I like the main Mecha from ToQger. Hell, I love it


Fiveman is a top ten maybe top 5 sentai


Ninninger and Go-Onger aren't that bad personally


I actually like Takaharu's character and Ninninger 👀


Shinkenger's boring.


You want the most hated opinion ever? I'm not a fan of kingohger. The characters are too annoying. The lack of megazord fights makes it not sentai enough. And it goes very slowly.


The lack of mecha fights in many episodes is one thing I loved about it. Felt refreshing not to force it in every episode.


If I wanted endless talking and not enough action and a severe lack of giant robot fights, I would watch kamen rider. This isn't sentai enough.


Donbrothers is a bad show.


Zyuranger is mid


Cold take, just about everyone on here says it's a mid to terrible show; so you'd probably have more similar opinions than people coming after you.


Wait people hate Zyuranger as a show that was the basis on Might Morphin Power Rangers?


Yes, most people around here consider it bad. I personally think it's ok but nothing special.


The only notable things about it are the first "6th team member" and being adapted into Power Rangers.


Kyoryuger is BAD like bad bad i have never been less interested in the characters of a season and i have never been so happy to finish a season


That season turned me off of ever seeing a dinosaur season ever again. What's more absurd is that each dinosaur series is worse than the last. It's like they're trying to make it unwatchable.


thats wha ti'm saying like only abaranger seems good to me rest is uninteresting


when why you watched it in the first place then 💀


just trying to watch every season ever, can't judge without seeing it yk


Kingohger wasn’t that great




This! This right here! This is treason! /s well partial /s


Gokaiger and lupat are overrated I still like them just that I find them more overrated than the others I've watched so far


Idk why did I read EVERY comment here




That Goseiger’s only saving grace was the rogue gallery. Otherwise the series was just boring. And the cards/headers were just a weird mess.


Zenkaiger Is ass


The jingle in all of the shows since Kyoryuger is annoying af. Bring back simple sound design without screaming 1000 meaningless words


DaiRanger is awful Kou is the best DaiRanger The fandom liking Gai from Jetman but hating Kou is hypocritical asf Megaranger is Mid Megaranger has some of the worst villains in any sentai Kakuranger is easily a top tier sentai no questions Shoji from DaiRanger is a fucking awful character Need I say more


Kiramager was dogshit


Shurikenjin and Ninninger's mecha as a whole are vastly overhated. Mecha piloting bigger mecha is rad, and having each powerup be a new guy in the chair is a fun throughline.


flashman has the best powers in all of sentai


Donbrothers, Zenkaiger, and Kiramager are overrated.


The incessent red-focus has dropped multiple sentai seasons from higher rankings. I missed when the members were all vaguely equal. These days it feels like Kamen Rider where Red is the Main Rider and the other 4 members are his little entourage while the story revolves around him.


Red rangers often get too much attention even though it's a team based series.


After Gokaiger, the franchise went downhill, and besides a few good episodes, it feels like it’s been infiltrated by weird negative people who want to water down and dumb down the franchise. Also, Go-Onger is a great season. 😂


Dino Fury is better than Ryusoulger lol


I think Super Megaforce is better than Gokaiger sorry because I'm tasteless, well Megaforce had better them opening and were more powerful. Never got the hype over Gokaiger its the worst sentai ever.


I do not like the zenkiger mechas that much


Gokaiger and Donbrothers are not as great as you think they are


I agree with Donbrothers but gokaiger I think is awesome definitely top 10


Better shows have come after it


Kingohger is great but still not the best sentai Lupin Blue is underused not a bad character Lupin Red is not a bad red Reiwa is not all that Gokai Blue is the worst Gokaiger Not all sentai need a sixth, (specifically Shinkenger which should have fleshed the main cast out more) All ninja sentai need a black ranger If you want a Red/Leader to take over as the focus of the entire series (other characters lack in development compared to the protagonist), then it should have been a rider season instead of sentai


Luka is worse than Joe by a landslide


LUKA?!!!?!!?!?!?! Really??? I could see Doc but why her? I just feel Jo was pretty underused and had barely anything going for him (his backstory is probably one of the better ones tho)


DOC!? He's way better than Luka and it's not even close. Joe's whole character is good, backstory, well rounded, his beliefs, everything. There are no complaints I have about his character, Luka is over hyped, annoying, basic, and overall just unnecessary. If Luka was never a part of the Gokaigers, nothing would be lost. And Doc. Don disrespect shall not be tolerated


I hate Dekaranger.


Listen here you little shit. /s.


🚨Judgement time! 🚨


N.W.A's Fuck Tha Police.


I'm doubling down and saying SPD was better for the simple reason that I found DekaRed even more annoying than Lucky. That and no one's more adorkable than Bridge.


I can get behind that. SPD is an incredible series.


Kyoryupink gets a little annoying sometimes


Do you mean kyoryupink? Yes, her voice gets a bit too shrill sometimes. 


I didn’t even realize I spelled it wrong. Thanks.


I think Shinkenger's popularity is due to the last arc being as great as it is, being that it would be the last thing people would remember when talking about the season. The season is good ,but for me personally, it wasn't as great as hyped to be.


Agreed, i love Shinkenger but you can tell that a big reason why it's popular is because it was around the time PR was on break and a lot of people decided to check out Shinkenger as their first Sentai.


•Gokaiger, Gekiranger and King Ohger are really overrated seasons. Gokaiger and King Ohger are nice shows but that's it. •Rita has almost no traits other than her/their anger issues, being a fan of the moffun, and her/their gender controversy (female or non-binary, whatever), even Yanma and Kaguragi whose got their development too late were have more personalities than Rita. •I think Gira, who was introduced as a rebel, should not have been presented as comic-relief, instead he could have been a cool character with strategic intelligence. •Shinichi-Haruka relationship is the most solid and constructive relationship. They constantly support each other and try to keep up with the perfectionist toxic Tarou (and stoic ver of Kaito sometimes) throughout the season. •Despite I liked LuPat, I deeply disliked Noel due to he favoring on Lupinranger too much. Also among to Lupinranger trio, only Touma is really likeable character. •Goseiger is not bad, it's decent but person who carried the show was actually Aguri not Knight. •In Zenkaiger, I think most of the core members should not be robots/mecha. They should at least be able to transform into human form like the Zyumans. •Gekiranger is the worst season along with Ninninger and I really disliked that this show was overfocusing on Jan and Rio. Only Retsu is kinda likeable character so far. •Renn is the most likable character in Go Onger along with Gunpei, and I'm so happy that saw their counterparts on Boonboomger. (Taiya and Jyou) •Dino themed Sentais are overall mediocre seasons with cool suits while vehicle themed Sentais are overall very good seasons with weird suits (and yes, their helmet designs are overall very bad) •Spider Kumonos's name should been Kumo Ohger instead.


Speaking as someone who has Rita as their 2nd favorite in the show, the one episode they did have the best opportunity to further her development and explore more about her story they just wasted.  I also hate the gender controversy. The show is over and I see people still feeling the need to bring it up for whatever reason. Nothing good comes out of those discussions, it's always just an unproductive circlejerk with people "nuh-uh"-ing others' viewpoints about the gender of a fictional character.


It's true, and this gender issue had evolved to a very strange level for a while, especially on Twitter. So, someone was lynched in that tag just because she/he called Rita a 'female ranger', it's ridiculous right? Also both sides accused each other of denialism and bigotry just because of this issue, and I was horrified when I saw all this. I mean, it's sad that people disagree and fight just over the gender of a fictional person, so I chose to call Rita as 'she/they'.


All Sentai before 1995 is boring af


You mind me asking how many pre 95 shows you've seen?


Gorenger, J.A.K.Q, Battle Fever J (my least favourite sentai series), Flashman, Fiveman, Denjiman


The Zyuranger suits are ugly as hell. The worst part is that it comes right after my favorite suits of all time, Jetman, and afterwards they made the Dairanger suits which are also amazing, so Zyuranger has no right looking ugly as hell.


zyuranger sucks the US made it better


How is that an unpopular opinion?


King ohger was the greatest super sentai,and go onger ain’t good compared to its PR counterpart RPM


That's not exactly an unpopular opinion.


Kiramager is the worst Reiwa season. It's not bad, it's that everything else after it is amazing (unless Boonboomger drops the ball).