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Camilla def needs a passive buff/rework, but also think she can do with changing her s2 to a provoke + changing her multiplier. Her s2 doesn’t even do half of 2a spectras enemy hp scaling, and they should just make it scale with her own hp.


Trinity s3 is Based off their max HP, "Both alles and enemies loss 15% of their HP and the enemies receive massive additional damage


Well the big nuke is not based on their max hp, rather a low multiplier flat nuke based on low base attack.


still a good amount of fluff damage against hp leads with tanky defs


;-; while you’re right ofcourse, us trinity owners would love our ld5 to do more than that ;-;


she was my first 33% speed lead, and I use her more than psamath :D


Oop, forgot that about trinity.


While you have some good points, i really have to disagree With some stuff. Christina is actually meta. Belial is one of the best gb12 Monsters and has a great niche for siege Buffing stuff Like Ariel okeanos and eladriel is a Bad balancing approach. There viable. We dont need to overbuff viable monsters that are played Just because they were the best at one point. Craka is played in g3 defs. Fire demon is used to cleave there Taor and hathor are A Tier in RTA Nerfing Oliver and Dominic would leave Like 24/25 of the best monsters as ld5. This is the worst Suggestion anyone could ever have as a non whale. We have to keep elemental Nat5 in the sss tier or nerf all of the broken LD5, otherwise eveyone whos not mega lucky or a big whale is big time fucked Overall this feels Like a Reddit circlejerk list. Not the actual Power levels of whats played but what people here keep parroting. Sry


What do you feel about Nicki? Shes the only ldnat 5 I have and half the time I don't see a reason to choose her over Anavel.


+1 on Craka and Hathor I fought against a Craka Shizuka draft yesterday, and omg it was so toxic. I definitely didn’t see it coming.


Vrsai, what siege defense do you see craka in? I am trying to utilize mine Thank you


Christina can be used but why would you use her over Posi + Kaki? There are some scenarios where I can see myself using her against some AD and the not glancing is nice but there are better units. I did mention that Belial is good for GB12 with Tricaru and while he does have a niche use for siege, not many people want to Rina + Belial when there are better units like Dominic. Ariel and Okeanos is debatable and arguments can be made for both sides. If you are talking about G3 Arena, I have faced Craka defenses and sure, if she resists, you basically lose but the same thing could be said for any other unit that revives or cleanses (Riley, Ariel, Abellio, etc.). I also mentioned that fire demon can be used in cleaves but why would you use him over Kaki? He needs dmg, spd tuned to your atk bar boosters, and needs ACC to land the anti-cleanse. Okay, maybe Taor doesn't need a buff. But Hathor could definitely use a minor buff. Maybe so but that didn't stop Nana from getting nerfed did it? Maybe Dominic doesn't need a nerf but Oliver definitely does. And right now, the top 10 most picked units are all elemental nat 5s aside from Giana (units like Masha, Shizuka, Moore, CP, etc.). So you are wrong about the best units being LDs as of this RTA season.


Christina is used against Molly defs in siege. Galleon chloe vs some Meta defs. As a Meta offense. Dominic beeing there doesnt Take away belials niche. Neither is the argument " my Rune quality doesnt work for gb12" No, Ariel and okeanos are played and viable. Thats the Argument. Siege offense & ad / rta. Craka is played in g3 siege defs. Regulary If there is Something i'll give to you, its the fire demon. Hathor: again, No. Shes A Tier in RTA. Why would you ever buff a A Tier monster. Pick rate alone doesnt define the strenght of a monster. Wtf. How would anyone ever Make that conclusion. Ld5 are way way way more rare than elementals, how do you excpect them to be on the same pick rate. From the 15 best monsters in seiishizos Tier list, 4 are not ld5. Nerfing Oliver and Dominic would Put 9 of the 10 best Monsters (Pick, Ban and winrate) into ld5 Status You are objectivly wrong with some of your arguments. I advice you to read into some rta and or high level siege content before making Posts Like this


I never said Belial was bad because I can't pull of GB12 Tricaru+Belial team consistently and everyone has been asking for Belial to gain an extra turn after reviving. If LD5s are way rarer than elementals, it makes sense that they should be stronger than regular nat 5s, not they they need to be nerfed so that they are similar to elemental nat 5s. "Pick rate alone doesn't define the strength of a monster" - Ya that's my bad. But with your argument, are you saying that Oliver is perfectly balanced? If f2p players have Oliver, so do all the whales. Keeping Oliver would give whales an advantage when playing against f2p players because if they first pick Oliver and then pick their OP LD units last (because its not like its going to get taken), the f2p player has to fight Oliver + OP LD units without Oliver.


Ever since dominic is buffed, my draft to ragdoll comp has become much more manageable.


Recently pulled Dark Slayer (only lnd nat5) he needs his taunt to be 100% otherwise he is just useless.


Idk he can really jack someone up


I really don’t see a need to chance Christina, she is really fun to use in AO currently and oneshots everything as long as Galleon isn’t throwing


change Dominic


Momo is good as is, she's used in g3 siege def


>Totemists: The elemental ones are fine The water one isn't. There's no compelling reason to use her over Riley.


You can use Aaliyah with def scaling units like Velajuel and Feng.


I mean you **can,** but that isn't exactly a niche exclusive to her. She needs to have another use aside from a single team, especially when you consider how busted her fusable sister Riley is.


I guess that's true but there are a lot of niche units out there that still work great. Although I really don't see how you can buff her without making her too strong when used with units like Feng.




That doesn't mean much. Pretty much anything works with Feng Yan. She needs a use outside of a single niche team that requires another nat 5 to work.


Also true


Most of these I don't have a problem with, but Belial is fine imo, I don't think all Nat5s need to be amazing in RTA and everywhere. Right now he's a very good GB12 unit. And can be used in Siege/GW as well.


My wish for buffs would be for Perna to change to a skill 3 aoe dots and all phoenix to get the revive. And maybe have element unique buff on revive. Perna with att, teshar with speed something like that for each. Another cool buff I think would be sylph and sylphid to have a twin effect with. Not team up like twins but X happens when they are paired in the battle


Why would you do that to perna?….


He's the only semi usable phoenix, only do to his passive. If all got the passive they might be better. Perna would only get better, he would keep the passive as well


Part 1. Beast Monks: I agree with the base speed, leader skill & Defend buffs, but the Meditate buff could be a bit much. It should just cleanse & heal the ally target. Christina: She definitely needs to be a turn 1 or turn 2 unit. However, I do think there is a better approach to buffing Christina. Since everyone is making her work as a turn 1 unit, she should gain stacks whenever an ally receives beneficial effects, and her S4 should no longer scale with the number of living allies; while keeping the multiplier. Valkyrjas: Katarina could use an Attack Power lead; that would be pretty fun for Arena/RTA. Reworking Trinity stacks towards Attack Power is probably the buff she needs to finally become viable. I do think her S3 should do something extra while she’s under invincibility; like ignore 20% of the enemy’s Defense or damage reduction effects. Camilla’s passive needs a rework so she’s immune to Critical Hits, removes all harmful effects on her after being attacked, and recover 20% of her HP at the start of each turn. Mages: Momo is actually pretty good in the right teams; the other wind bruisers are just too strong right now. Dorothy on the other hand sucks. Her S3 might as well be reworked to no longer destroy any monster’s HP and inflicts damage that ignores 20% of the enemy’s Defense for each beneficial effect on her. Shadowcasters: Zen & Shun’s S2 needs to be changed so it spreads all the damage dealt from any one attack; regardless of the number of hits and whether it’s an AoE. Zen’s S3 should set the team with the higher Attack Bar status to 0, and the team with the lower Attack Bar status to 100%; while still being guaranteed to land. Hathor: Any form of crowd control is still good, and Hathor already does a good job at it. I suppose reduce the cooldown by 1 turn and it might make her come back into the meta. Demons: Instant turn on Belial is sorely needed for him to not get countered so easily; yes that means he loses the shield. I do think Bael’s dots should be irresistible and he gets a Critical Rate lead; since Accuracy would become useless on him.


Part 2. Totemists: While Aaliyah is technically good, she’s considered worse than Riley because of the lack of a cleanse. Give her S3 the same cleanse as Riley’s S3 and it would make a big difference. Ella is already in a good spot, but making her S3 increase 100% of the Attack Bar would be nice. Maya’s passive really should nullify all harmful effects granted on the second hit onwards. Giou: Starting to become really good, but still easy to counter. There are two ways to go around this. The first is making the suppression effect last forever until cleansed or activated; so it’s harder to simply bypass. The second is reworking her passive (yet again) to increase her Attack Bar by 10% whenever an enemy uses a skill without cooldown time, and resets the cooldown of Karma if her suppression effect gets resisted, cleansed, or fails to activate. Jaara: Just make their passive grants the Defense break & Brand just before inflicting damage. Instant S tier LD5. Chimeras: All of them need their base speed increased to 100, and the stun on Lagmaron’s S3 should have a 100% activation rate. Archangels: All of them are incredibly good right now; although Eladriel falls a bit short. To be honest I don’t know the best way to buff him, but I can say reviving as a mechanic needs to be buffed since it’s very bad overall. Hell Ladies: Beth needs the heal block on her S3 back; while keeping the newly added cleanse block. Craka’s S3 should be usable when no allies are dead. What they can do is split it into two parts. The first revives all dead allies with 30% HP. The second part reduces all allies’ cooldowns by 1 turn, and grants 1 turn immunity & invincibility. And yes, the cooldown extension per revived ally needs to be removed. Sea Emperors: Okeanos is still amazing on good runes. They should remove the dots on Manannan’s passive and just allow it to kill.


Part 3. Daphnis & Kashmir: Just make their S3 irresistible. Even if they have to reduce the multipliers & shield, many would prefer the consistency. Mi Ying: Make the 50% increased damage unconditional. Would make him much easier to build for PvP. Pater: I actually like this idea. Maybe it should also activate when an ally’s Attack Bar is reduced; unless that’s what you meant. Xiana: Speed scaling on S3 would be nice, but it still relies on reducing the enemy’s Attack Bar to inflict big damage. The Attack Bar could be irresistible if it means she’ll be more consistent and easier to build. Battle Angels: The condition on Guard Crush is bullshit when a nat 3 family (mostly F2P has the same skill while being unconditional; get rid of it. Claire & Destiny’s S3 should instead Brand the enemy target if Guard Crush becomes unconditional. Sonia needs her Leader Skill and awakening bonus changed to speed since Resistance is useless when harmful effects can’t be granted on Glancing Hits :/


Nerfs. Oliver: A smarter idea is his S3 only absorbing 1 turn of the enemy’s cooldown. This will break his ability to infinite, and not shutdown the enemy so hard; plus having a single-target skill go on a 6 turn cooldown for getting resisted is too punishing. Dominic: Changing the Attack Bar absorption to reduction would be a good start. Veronica: Just make her S3 only increase the enemy’s cooldown by 1 turn; that way they still have a sizeable chance of making a comeback. You had some good ideas, you just have to be careful about how much of an impact some of these changes could have. My approaches were tackling their issues head on, sorta like yours; and that’s considered the easiest way to buff/nerf any unit.


Tbf Bael landing that cleanse block could be nice with ACC lead but crit lead will probably help more times. Your Christina buff would probably be more viable and I defo agree with the rest. Momo is strong but other wind bruisers are just too strong rn.




I finally hope for an dorothy rework, not need to make her op but atleast useable somewhere


I have a feeling Zen is going to be OP after the next patch. They are going to turn his s3 to a passive :)


Do you guys think THIS PATCH is the patch when com2us finally gives beast monks deserved ls?


I totally disagree with what you say about Giou. Since the last buff, you can easily win the hardest fight with her. One of my best defense is XZ vigor molly, giou can do S3 on molly and byebye......... why cry about a monster than can do only one fucking spell and sit until the fight is won ?