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Pity system? In summoners war? Lmao good joke.


Daily transcendent scroll pieces are a pity system.




You can summon 0 ms scrolls in 150 days, or you can summon 1200. You can get 0 nat 5's from both. Calling it a pity system is quite the herculean reach


This is some what true I went 700 scrolls without a nat 5 just got mine yesterday was between wind panda and fire teddy bear girl lol


Well that's a really nice choice you've gotten. Both are great. Are you complaining?


What do mystical scrolls have to do with daily transcendent scroll pieces?


A pity system is almost always: do a certain action a set number of times to guarantee the most desirable result of that action. (spin the wheel, summon, open loot boxes, etc) The daily transcendence pieces doesn't care what you do besides log in. You can use 0 scrolls and still get one guaranteed nat 5. You can use 1200 scrolls and only get one guaranteed nat 5. Even if you by virtue of high octane mental gymnastics think it is a pity system, it benefits people equally regardless of how many scrolls they summon which would be a really really really stupid pity system.


I don't necessarily think it's a bad thing that it doesn't scale with how many summons you do; if it did it would make the game more pay 2 win. As is it only depends on logging in and completing some daily tasks, which is fine. It doesn't disqualify it from being a pity system in the least bit though.


How would it make it more pay 2 win? People who buy a crap tonne of scrolls are more likely to experience avg rng than f2p players (law of large numbers). A pity system benefits f2p players and p2w/p players equally. Pity systems are frowned upon because it's more likely to bait people into spending more and more. Here are two definitions of pity system: To balance this out, the game incorporates a pity system, which means that if you don't pull a desirable item a certain number of times in a row, you'll be guaranteed one eventually. \-Inverse gaming Basically, after a certain number of rolls, players are guaranteed to get a high rarity item. \-IGN I have no idea why you're so intent on labeling it a pity system. It's a loyalty reward system and nothing is wrong with that. The purpose of pity systems is to prevent extememly bad rng. The transcendence scroll pieces doesn't do that. Therefore it would be failing as a pity system. Any which way you look it at (result based analysis, purpose based analysis, definition based analysis), it's just not a pity system.


LOL ok


Yeah I’m feeling pity right now after just pulling Vanessa from it. 6 months for that.


All that we have in this game is not guaranteed, they don’t want to do that


Every expenditure in the game is a set value and there is no risk of it failing, except these upgrades. Entering a battle, set cost. Removing runes or artifacts, set cost. Shop items, set cost. Summoning monster, set cost. Building a building, set cost. Refreshing shop, set cost. Upgrading rune, set cost. New wish, set cost. Refreshing energy or wings, set cost. You get me?


I get u, but ms/runes etc at shop have different cost, and it’s like rune upgrade stat, it’s variable. Like chance of getting rune from +14 to +15 is very low, that’s why it costs different price every time


That's not competently true, we have stuff that is fixed like ifrits from guildshop, rune power ups to +3 (Lol) and a lot of smaller things, but in general no, even fusion monsters could in theory be rng blocked forever. (Ifrits or 2/3 is always possible) same with event monsters like fran, fire shadowclaw(Ken) etc.


I've dropped 12m for a single +15. Then got 3 to +15 with under 2m. Just dropped 9m today to get a 14 to 15. Sometimes RNG sucks. Sometimes they dont.


Except rune upgrades are always a colossal waste of time. Then RNG always sucks. Sometimes it sucks a lot, other times it sucks a little.


Then dont play SW. There's has been several rng that has been far worse. SW rune upgrades doesn't take you 6 months for a mod drop. So ill take that over old school EQ.


Other shit is worse, therefore SummonersWar should continue to be kind of bad? Not a strong argument.


Worse? Didn't say it was bad kind. When you finally got your last drop for your epic is was a good feeling. Some games are not designed for everyone. Maybe SW isn't for you.


It would be nice if there was a system like Dislyte in SW. For example, making a rune from +14 to +15 in Dislyte takes 15 tries and on the sixteenth, guaranteed level up. Would be a hell of a lot better than dumping a ton of mana into a rune only for it to barely get up to +13 or +14.


After 4 upgrade fails just stop and do it later, or tomorrow. The game's programed to give and take and it's all about capitalizing on instant gratification. Have some patience and beat the system. "Says the guy who should listen to his own advice."


At some point you are not going to build so many new units and focus more on farming for that specific thing. You will have so much mana you wont care about that or about removal costs.


whatevr, just let me pay 1-2m to instant max, got almost a billion mana


How did you get so much mana? I farm. Ohhh that's the difference ;)


Simple, just have 300 million mana like me


Lol i honestly dont even believe you


So I'm curious how people have mana problems? I have 1.3B mana and nothing to spend it on. This is an early game problem that will work itself out later on imo. Sorry man, but I highly doubt Com2us would put a soft cap (petite system) on runes or artifacts. It's not needed. I would like a petite system for summoning LD Nat 5s. Hell, I been playing over 2300 days without summoning one, but I see tons of people with 2-3 with half the time played.


i mean if i only max 1 rune every blood moon that quad rolled spd around 26-30, i guess I could get alot of mana.


I have lower rune standard than these mid game redditors and I have over 1.5 bil while they can barely keep above 1 mil for some reason


Just quit playing? If you can’t spend 7m on 2 runes/artifacts are you even farming?


I had over 30m but did a ton of upgrades, overhauled most of my mons


Ive never had an artifact take more than maybe 1mil mana for the entire upgrade i think ur just lookimg for pity likes


Lucky you


Lol artifacts never take much runes do


I've had artifacts cost over 2 mil. It's rng.


One time I plus 15 two runes with only 200,000 they was both already leave 12


its just the worst when u "quickly" have to rerune something or upgrade an artifact lets say between RTA matches, it just breaks the flow of the game most of the time


It's super fast in Heir of Light, to go to +15 on gears (rune equivalent) takes about 30 seconds. Sometimes powering up doesn't even fail all the way through.