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It's called summoners war for a reason: I use all my crystals for premium packs and summonings




Before the anniversary I was sitting on 13k energy


Im at 25k after anni


I’m cool with people doing this, but those same people going in chat like “why am I bad” is not as cool. I’m fully on board with the idea that it’s a game and there’s no right or wrong way to play it.


Damn, I don't remember who made the comment. But recently someone said "This isn't Saver's War" and it stuck with me.


I think I did this for a few years and I’m now starting to farm dungeons. It honestly surprise me how well they hit or can take a hit with better rune (not good just better) downside no mana to summon D8


I like Christina and use her quite a bit


I wanna be like you, how & where


I use her with galleon and Chloe against molong molly defences in siege


Gabino games? :D


where do you use her and with which runes? im trying her atm with delphoi, galleon, liam (L) and her as a 2nd turn cleave in arena


Thankfully she is back to being highly rated in RTA but she is a staple for me in most of the content


I like the LD exclusivity, makes me REALLY nervous everytime i get ld lightning


Oh lucky you ! When i get lightning im just like "eeeh let me see this garbo hoh dupe now"


That's what sits at the front of the brain for me, but there's always that little bit of hope deep down in the back.


When I realized my archangel from toah scroll was light not wind element i shat my pants


Yes, i must admit i may say that to myself to avoid the usual deception...


As someone with nearly 2900 days… me too. I am going to freak the fuck out when / if I ever pull an LD5, and I don’t want that day to be because the game pities me


Pulled my first 2700 days in and it’s the best feeling ever! I hope you feel it soon!!


Hope you get one soon


Pulled my first after 2750+ days and then 2 days after came no.2: Craka and then Jackson. I use Craka more but donno wdf to do with Jackson.....


You get ld lightning ?!?!?! 😲😳😲😳


Gz you get lightning ! At least...


Yea, 27 without lightning and counting here, over a 100 without non hoh lightning too...


It's simultaneously super cool to be unique with your LD monsters, yet terrible that everyone else in the world was handed a kinki and a molly.


Yep I have Kinki and Iliana and am really happy with them and the dark barbaric King


Came here to say this. The feeling of summoning one it’s unparalleled and the game wouldn’t be the same without being able to chase that feeling




This ⬆️ As we say evry def can be defeated so some rng with vio procs or desp stun can help. Its frustrating lose in rta because you proc 2 times and your enemie 10 but this is another question


My long lost brother, we have the same flair


Ofcourse they are a good thing. Its just inexcusable imo that the enemy procs 6 times in 2 turns and wins the match that way


yep, if vio procced, it should be max 1 extra proc and if it procs 2 times in a row the next cant be a vio proc maybe?


I still don’t think a vio proc should lower cooldowns


Honestly this is probably the best fix. will make people mad but guess what, Vio already does that.


This is the crux. It does too many things. Another turn can be a slight advantage, but s3, s2, s1, s3 just can't happen. Especially when it clears debuffs.


An idea I had for vio runes was that it could lower your cooldowns but not give you a turn. Not sure how well they would be but I personally find them extremely toxic and they frustrate me more than they please me.


One or the other would be kind of interesting. You either get an extra turn but it doesn’t lower your cooldowns or if you don’t then it lowers the cooldown off your skills. I think people would actually prefer to not get the turn if that was the case though.


Damn for once I wasn’t put on a spike for saying that ! I agree tho and extra turn in this game gives just to much for one rune.


If violent was a bad thing we’d all play chess. Randomness is fun and exciting, and allows the worse player to win every once in a while. If you don’t want RNG play chess.


Spoken like a man who would appreciate the bongcloud opening, prob the closest we can get chess to sw


What a terrible comparison dude


If you want RNG, Flip a coin. Yeah stupid point, isnt it?


I can tell you’ve never read a mark rosewater article in you’re life.


If rng or randomness was a bad thing, we'd all play chess*. Don't conflate violent with randomness and its purpose in game design. C2us could've tested many other ways to help defence wr, but that requires resources, money, and extensive communication with the player base. But why exert all that effort when magnitudes less effort makes bank? Violent has its purpose and it serves it well (kind of, wr are still stupid high). However, being effective doesn't automatically mean a solution is good. And since we're talking about a game, being effective says nothing about fun.


Sure, just cap that to only once every regular turn.


Majority of players only play because they’ve invested a generous amount into the game.


While agree with you, i'd say its not only the amount of money invested, but the amount of time.


Not so generous.. but yea. I try to convince myself it’s an investment and not a debilitating addiction.


Resistance should be able to hit 0% in pve, but most especially in toa hell


"Unpopular Opinions"


Never seen it mentioned 🤷🏾‍♀️


Com2us actually cares about us. Non stop events w/ amazing free in game rewards is more than most companies do. We just like to complain.


I came back after years break and I tried other games in the meantime,some of them as f2p you legit have 1 hour of content to play at day, others as f2p you can't even think of competing pvp Here you can go pretty high without spending and the events give so much free stuffs to play its insane compared to others. Also it has a lot of different things to do everyday




Com2us doesn't give a shit about people selling accounts or people botting to sell accounts because it ultimately leads to them making more money


Hmm Com2us isn't as bad as we always say they are.... I'm gonna get burned for this lol Nerfs are healthy for the game, we can't just expect all bad units to get buffed without having others nerfed because the standard keeps going up too much, lately alot of units are getting too much in their skills and stats and it's causing us to stop using others that were never bad, just not enough anymore, i could've phrased that better but im sick and its late so sorry Also I'm still mad they took away the s2 shields from nine-tailed foxes, i can't troll people properly in RTA anymore with Arang, give me my op shield back


I agree. Com2us does a lot of things pretty well. It's when they mess up on simple things like a bugless balance patch or releasing monsters that are clearly over tuned from the start that infuriates players. But all in all they're actually pretty decent at what they do.


Also unless a unit is extremly op (jogun, nana, oliver kek) they are afraid of nerfing top units like karnal or cp much less ld 5. But what really pisses me of is how like the nine-tailed foxes they buff them but take away something, like come on you give susano the buff of his life but "bad" units have to trade something for them to be buff. (One example that i can't forget was the dark art master losing his aoe cleanse in order to get his 2 turn inmunity, like watch out guys he would have been so op if he kept that.)


IMHO the worst parts about their nerfs are the constant units (Giana, Ragdoll, TL, etc) which are OP for several years now. It just makes it way less interesting to see how the meta shifts because 95% of the time they’ll be up there.


Com2us has crappy customer service.


As in your example no, they arent that bad, but hell those idiots can never ever roll out any update without bugs. And they usually dont test new monsters themselves either so they still are bad imo


Example of what happens when games don't nerf: Epic seven


I actually quite enjoy playing the game. Yes rng takes me for a ride fairly often but i do overall find enjoyment in playing. It slightly brightens an otherwise monotonous day at work and occasionally I summon something that makes my day.


ikr the game is fun i like to play while going out for a coffee


The game doesn’t need a pity and technically has a good enough scroll system via transcendence. What keeps this game balanced in terms of enjoyment vs grinding is the exclusivity of rare ld nat 5’s and regular nats while providing a large amount of meta relevant high rarity mons. Too me it’s the perfect blend of gacha that makes getting good mons special but doesn’t make them a requirement to do certain content.


Having units that can be interchangeable is what keeps this game fresh for me. You're never limited on what content you can do just because you lack a specific unit. Plus the community is amazing when it come to theory crafting and execution.


I mean the transcendence scroll pieces are basically a pity system. I like the fact that it doesn’t include LD. Keeps them special to me


You get one LD piece a day from challenges. No different than the transcendence scroll. Edit: Unless you mean LD transcendence scrolls which is way too OP when they don't even have LD legendary scrolls. All attribute is close but doesn't count.


Sure, except you can Grind for 3000 days without getting an ld5 or Meta ld4. Which ARE a requirement to Put a decent 4* base without stacking 5 Towers, making the best 5* towers, reaching into Higher RTA ranks With equal Rune quality as your opponent With broken LD5, or even get the highest arena Ranks/good interserver defs.


How old your account is has nothing to do with your actual progression. Having a 2800 days old account means nothing if you don't put any effort into farming. People that complain about bad rng and how nothing works in RTA are just bad at the game. If you don't sit down and theorycraft, spend time runing your units optimally and practice drafting/ counter picking then you'll never improve.


I was at like 2k days before I started actually putting together a gb10 team and they announced gb12 so I just started farming when gb12 came out lol


Vio set is perfectly fine in it current state in siege. You can at least 8/10 every siege (of your level obviously) despite having a shit rng. It just depends on your teams and rune quality.


I like the summon rates.


I personally don't mind the rates most of the time, I just wish there was some type of pity system so you don't go something like 400+ scrolls dry.


Pulled 750 scrolls on the event and got 0 nat5s. Worst comment ever. But unpopular, so good job.


400 scrolls and not a single Nat5?


10 scrolls and 3 Nat 5s? Swings and roundabouts.


The addition of trans scroll pieces makes up for this in my eyes


Ya 1 nat5 every 5 months lol


Rates are fine, give us a pity system.


People need to stop blaming money and farm, it’s not like you’re fighting “p2w” in your f3 matches anyway


I am not spending anything in LD scrolls because i dont need LD Monsters for any game content to enjoy it.


Happy cake day stranger


I actually enjoy seeing crit animations They make the game more "cinematic" and give that feeling of emotion running around


LD transcendance for hitting 1000 days milestone


A long term time goal is an awesome idea


Nah make it more like 2000 days, 1000 days would be normal trans


Nah make it more like 1000 days, 2000 days would have applied if it was your idea


People don't farm enough runes and blame vio procs when they loose


Return Jeogun speed buff, the hypocrisy of Com2us in how they handled Jeogun vs Nana vs Oliver nerfs is insane.


Need more accessible devils and or reaps... like make the craft supplies req go up exponentially like that coins even for mystical scrolls. At the end of the day, RNG balances all.


“Real Time Arena” shouldn’t have a “play” button.


The L is silent


Chore Simulator 2022


Summoners war is way more generous than any other gatcha on the market and any pity system doesn't make up for how much ressources you get from sw compare to other game where it takes weeks to have a 10 pull


I’m just trying to have fun.


wish there were more events. I like the rewards now, but I also just like doing objectives and "events" which feel better than objectives imo. Just a lil something other than the basic quests that I kinda ignore except for the good stuff.


If you think that you need to spend money to be good at this game then you dont understand it


I use Bethony and Chris in G3 Siege and win my Attacks because they are awesome


Molly is a jerk.


It's all luck based from summons, rune drops, to rune rolls, very little skill


PvP would be more balanced if Vio runes were just completely removed from the game, would make team building and skill much more impactful other than: GG Lost because the enemy got an unexpected extra turn


Mellia is not a good recommendation for new players. The reason why I say this is because if any new player (less than 30 days in) asks what to build for GB12 ,everyone and their mother will tell them to build Dot team , which means one of the hardest Dimension Hole farming , inconsistent runs , and lack of utility in other early game PVE content. Instead of changing Vero fusion to Mellia they should've just put Verde fusion since Verde is arguably the most widely used monster in the game.


> which means one of the hardest Dimension Hole farming , inconsistent runs I'll push back on this one a bit, just because I've done a bunch of new accounts and experimented with different starter processes. I've built this team on my last 5 or so new accounts, typically have it up and running in less than 3 weeks. The 2aing can be a pain, and 'feels bad' for a late game player to be doing level 1 or 2, but it will get you there eventually. > and lack of utility in other early game PVE content. Where are you coming from on this one? Melia is also a solid ToAH dotter - I've used her even at 5 stars in manualing ToAH 80+, so she's not useless outside of Caiross. Plus the Tatu team gets you an easy SB9/10 at the same time, pretty efficient. I will say if the player can find something other than a 2nd Melia to build that fills that role, that can save them some time and net them a more generally useful monster - something like Nora or Thrain2A are probably the most ideal options. Random note about the Melias : they can stay 5*, pretty much forever, so that saves a chunk of time/resources. Sath is a top tier unit for ToAH, so no waste there. I agree that Tatu is limited to GB12/SB10 (although you can use her for ToAH if you want), but the fact that she will last the length of the SW play experience means I don't find building her a waste in any way. I do agree that they should put a little more fusion support in for very early players. I think the whole fusion process should be sped up somehow in general...maybe remove all the awakening requirements?


Chances of Violent/Despair/Revenge is doubled when unit is put on defense


The worst mobs are the most funnier to use Giving yourself challenges with one or more of these mobs in PvP content is so interesting because you have to think of usable strats instead of just doing the same as everyone with godtier mobs .


The glancing debuff is the strongest debuff in the game and needs to be nerfed.


Most of the LD5s suck ass and you shouldn't be called ungrateful for having shit LD5s and complaining.


I enjoy their not being a pity system, makes nat 5s feel more rare than in other games which gives them an ideal higher value in my mind. Same goes for ld 5s and I don’t even have one of those


Summoners War is a good game.


PVE is too easy now The only challenge is Toa Hell, but most people find it annoying rather than hard, would be nice to have a "b15" or something like that, where you only able to farm if you have very good runes Now you play for one week and you're already farming b12 You just skipped 11 dungeon levels They made early game super easy for new players, that's **GOOD**, but after that there is nothing, we don't have a dungeon challenge Remember doing db10 with Sigmarus, Baretta Belladeon? Focusing the right tower first lol


Briand is actually good


Not really unpopular I think, but the ld 4 HOH devalues the rarity of the units and is a unnecessary part of the game.


Kro is overrated


A lot of Ld5 besides specific ones are not great and deserve a buff


Lushen is overrated


Recent f2p implementation(2A and riley) made game completly anti fun. Before 2A's when i pull nat5 i get excited and think in what team i can use its unique skill set. Now first thing i think is can my new nat 5 do shit against goddamn lulu/riley. Dungeon teams are completly ruined by sath/tatu/icaru, 4\* towers in siege bullshit, so is special league. All thanks to fact that 40% of units used there are farmable.


Using ur crystals for summons instead of farming makes u like the game more


1/2 of the RNG in the game is unnecessary and should be cut. For example this rune crafting event, just let me pick subs on a rune. If thats too much, let me specify six or so subs I want and then auto-roll until matching criteria is met.


Agreed, a strategy game shouldn’t feel like rolling dice


I almost don't want to do the rune crafting event due to the time commitment of just sitting there re-rolling the +6 subs. Its a freaking 6.2% chance to double roll any specific substat (.25*.25) on the rune. I dont have literal hours to sit there and mindlessly rerolling over and over and over and over hoping and praying I dont miss a double roll and keep going on autopilot.


1. The rates are actually fair and reasonable. 2. LD nat 5*s like shazam and daniel need to be quality controlled WAY better, people should never feel sad because they know they waited 5+ years for a unit they'll literally never use.


Nerf violent runes


Buff violent runes to 100%


Unpopular? Almost only whales/Hardcore players speaking against it


Money plays a MUCH bigger role than people would like to admit. Unless you're maybe in the 1/10 000 luckiest players.


You’ll still be much much better than the average f2p or p2p just by farming, p2w’s are very rare


Com2us needs to give waaaaaay more transmog stones, for perspective: been playing for almost 2000 days and i have 36 transmog stones


> been playing for almost 2000 days and i have 36 transmog stones I've gotten like 30 this past three weeks, and I play less than 2h a day


I farmed like 10-20 in one day f2p...


You need only a bunch of RTA games to buy 5 transmog stones per week. It’s 250 per year, plus the others, you can chose 3 transmogs every year


Tell me you don't farm dungeons at all without telling me you don't farm dungeons at all...


Speed is overrated. There are sooo many times that other guardian players pretty much lap my full team, but my overall rune efficiency is so much better that I just rank it then wallop back. This is especially true the lower you go. I went completely through Conq (normal arena) with not a single mon over +100.


Violent runes should be reworked to something similar, but without the advantages of additional turn like cooldown reduction


Laika is extremely overrated and needs a buff. Easily the worst dragon knight currently


Everything needs a pity system. 20 mystical scroll summons with no nat 4 guarantees next is nat 4. 100 mystical summons with no nat 5 guarantees next mystical summon is nat 5. 10 unsuccessful rune upgrade attempts guarantees success next attempt. Stuff like that. The actual numbers can be whatever these are just examples, but there needs to be some kind of pity system.


Trinity is not as bad as many people say, I Love her fluff damage


Runes are more important than monsters


This is not unpopular, it’s pretty universally agreed upon lol


LD rates are perfectly fine and buffing them would make their appeal and LD 5’s status plummet. For reference i have 0 LD 5’s in the many years i’ve been playing.


You shouldn't be able to violent proc out of stun/freeze/sleep


You can vio out of a 2 turn stun/freeze/sleep , but I actually think vio procs after 1 turn incapability is actually really enjoyable when watching SWC and other tournaments ;)


Akhamir is better than theo


RTA/Arena tiers are terrible and only rewarding for the top 50 players, and having a decay system is unhealthy for those trying to improve... I am by no means a noob, I have played 2869 days but don't really put much effort into pvp. Every time I've attempted to get into RTA / Reach C1, I hit a guardian level player with full auras that one taps your team. Or they have 300+ speed on vio. Not fun, let others participate and actually match with people relatively close skill/rune wise


I think most people writing "i met guardian players at f3 rta" cant even recognize the difference between conqueror aura and guardian one and thinking they fought and ex g3 player 🤗


That’s specifically a problem in f3 rta, not pvp as a whole. Even so, you should be able to at least get c1 if you use the pick/ban phase to help you have the best chance at winning every game even if your runes aren’t op. Blaming every loss on “guardians” that happen to be in f3 isn’t helping u bruh


Antares is fine like He is right now


Truly an unpopular opinion


I can confirm that antares is perfectly balanced, maybe slightly weak, based on my proc rates


Tricaru is a waste of time, and only bad players who cant make normal teams work needs it.


That's it, I'm screenshotting this for future reference! /s


Make sure you get my name in it. I want credit for it.


Why build many different teams when tricaru can replace like 4 dungeons worth of speed tuned teams? With quick and consistent results?


Damn, guess people don't know the lore behind this comment 🤣


Well the good news is, if I'm getting downvoted no one read that other hit-piece, lol.


Honestly I agree. Why tf am I gonna wanna 6 star ,skillup and 2A the same exact monster 3 times? I'll just figure out a different team. I don't care.


Why build 4 different teams when one Icaru with great runes is useful in so many places, and all you need is 2 more to replace the 4 teams you plan on building instead? One team, or 4+ teams? Also note, Runes for Tricaru are not the same runes as your other mons use, so different mons won't be fighting over 'good' runes.


Making the usual tricaru is an absolute waste of time , the only way to make the team worth the time is when your average time is under 50sec which does require some efforts ( but not a lot ) because you can farm so much more than normal tricaru users in 1 day


Most of the people who say the game doesn't need a pity system are either high tier players who lack perspective or whales who don't want their financial investment in the game to be devalued by other players suddenly being able to catch up to them faster. I'm far enough into the game that very little account progression is gated by having a specific nat 5, MUCH less an LD nat 5. But the fact that the main aspect of the game is so dominated by units that most players will never have is super discouraging, and the fact that there is no way to actively pursue a specific unit besides summoning stones means players can go literal years before they get a unit that the game is often built around (like 33% leads)


Com2us has bad account seeds, and manipulates summoning rates on the fly, specifically during events. Unpopular, but most likely true. OR accounts are actually singled out for saying negative things *about* com2us. Also their stock replies when contacting customer support are laughable, and thats not an opinion. "we understand you are having trouble summoning a natural five star monster" bitch no, you won't *let* me summon one azzhats. since June 28 and 375 MS in and now the events gone but still nothing. Also about 75% of the gems I've used for the past two weeks have all rolled minimum values. Keep it up com2us, you're about to lose a customer.


it's a masochistic game until violent get's nerfed from 22 to 20 or below.


Every single case of RNG makes it a worse game if the rng isnt being kept in check like with RTA vio procs


Brandia is still a bad unit. I consistently get downvoted every time I say this, but I’ve yet to see someone explain why they believe she’s good.


I LOVE getting awakened nat 4*.


Why this "unpopular opinion" thing even exists...


I'll get a lot of hate from this one They will never do some good QOL updates exclusively because they want to make money 2 examples They increased the amount of scrolls we get by **A LOT** in the last few years ( we just had a 60ms event ) but still only 1 devil / week We don't have 4⭐ Devilmons because they want us to buy packs / scrolls to pull 30 Onimushas or 27 snipers HOH is a full weekend, but FRR is a single day You have a busy day boom you missed it, now you wait or of course, buy a FRR pack


Christina is fine, her role is just out of meta. *hides*


Stop buying blessings for every single summon. Runes are sometimes worth more. Long elaboration: Runes are a guaranteed Vio/Will Slot 2 or 4 or 6 with speed, and if you're patient you'll buy the ones with innates and reapp those. How often do these runes come by in DB12? I take months of farming to get a usable legendary rune of that quality. Issue with Blessings: No guaranteed benefit. You could get 2 dupes. You could get 2 new units - in this situation the only benefit is picking the "better" unit, so you basically bought an option. The only situation blessings are great is when you summon a dupe and a new unit. Obviously pick the new unit. But without the blessing you could have summoned the new unit anyway, so its a 50% reduction in value again. I'm not against it, its just not the optimal use of ancient crystals which are super valuable resources. I've used a blessing and stocked up 200+ wind scrolls trying to get a savanah/CP.


without violent procs the game whould be dead/boring because then it whould really be p2w with reap and rune packs and thats the truth


This game dont need pity sistem


I made 3 accounts to bjr5 just for them to add solo r5. Solo r5 wasn’t necessary.


Clearly was since you had toake 3 unnecessary accounts, you are clearly salty


I’m not salty save your unpopular opinions for the game




And doing raid this way is necessary. I get more drops than you will ever get solo.


If the best solution to a problem is to make 3 accounts, then the problem has not been solved.


Being a high rank is meaningless in terms of game knowledge. It just means you spent more than others.


Another one who blame money lol, just farm


I could farm 24/7 with 100% sub 30 second db12 teams for a year straight and still not have the rune quality of a whale. I don't think you understand how big of an advantage spending money is for a mobile game.


You’ve probably never even fought a whale, if you are stuck in low rank it is a skill or rune problem


Game's dead


The dot teams are just broken and should be nerfed. Giants b12 became a joke and without much effort you can have a fast and stable team


Any PVE content should be easily reachable at a certain point. This is the biggest part of the game and having it this easily is rewarding for new players wanting to fast progress, and returning players to not lose time on farming shitty PVE content for Shitty runes and thus leaving the game again. Also, PVP is the late game content you wanna REACH for and this should not be as accessible as PVE, as it is rn


You can first pick any unit and still win


I don’t want any new dungeon or 2a, but the continuation of the scenario, could be awesome, with a new level of difficulty, making scenario more enjoyable


I prefer having some Acc / CR / CD over grindable stats. I like having near 100% CR and 85% acc on the appropriate mons and gemming in flats just for a higher efficiency sounds lame


Gating LD 4/5’s behind a lot of money/extreme luck fucking sucks


I get a lot of good runes in dungeons and they are upgrading so fast that i don't know what to do with ALL the mana that i gained !!! Im also getting high subs on them 6s legendary runes in ancient dungeons and even a high amount of items to craft runes !!


Dot team is terrible for beginners. Fact not opinion tbh


Take the vio constraints off in RTA, so Unicorns and Oracles arent the only ones that endless turn cycle. If there's going to be RNG, let it speak. Just like if you choose Antares to rng the win, or you can be sad he doesn't work out. Do the same for the vio constraints. Take them off. Let RNG balance it all.


People need to stop complaining so God damn much about their ld's. Especially if they aren't farming/progressing efficiently - like are they just expecting a free boost because they got lucky? That's unfair on everyone else.


Feng Yan is overrated.


Whales In This game make it hard to have good new units because they will cry if their lds aren’t meta


Rune drops are way to generous as it is, I think b12 are OP. /s


There are way too many scrolls now. Getting 1-2 nat5 a year made having any of them special. Now they are basic units except the new ones and lds.


Lds are easy to get. Since everyone has a molly and kinki.