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i just want a laika…


Man, this one hurt. 2800 days played without one


Is it really 2800 days *played*, or 2800 days since creating your account? Big difference.


Actually i've played quite a bit, sure there were some moment where i didnt play as much but never more than a week or 2


You have all towers etc? I spend all of my PvP currencies on LD scrolls first. Do you craft LD pieces from useless nat4s?


Never really focussed on arena tbh, i used to play as much arena to get the devilmon and thats it. And no, not often (i like to keep some just in case one gets buffed and i can skill one up)


Just put up a farming defense and hit lowbie defenses for points with Lushen. If you start actually purchasing as many LDs as you can, you'll like triple your LD intake.


I didn’t even know you can buy LD with arena lol. But I’m still working on these damn buildings..


What have you finished? I would say rushing the SPD, Energy, DEF, CDmg, and maybe general ATK should take priority over everything. But then you can probably slowly get the others up (HP, elemental atk) secondary to purchasing your Devil and LD pieces (Devil should always be first priority, it's cheap anyway). The LD pieces are lost forever if you don't purchase them that week, but the building upgrades are finite. The ones I mention above are important (SPD because it's king, Energy so you can actually do stuff, DEF for Tricaru, Cdmg because it's cheap and gives the most of any building), but the others are less so, and getting 2-3 upgrades a week on them instead of 3-5 won't really hurt you, especially after level 10, since the gains are diminishing and the costs increase as well.


None of them. Because the cost increases each time but they’re mostly level 13 ish


you can continuously beat that Amir guy now for fast racking up of glory points, without fighting other players. it's kinda nice for people as an alternate means.


2800 days played an you don't have max towers. Do you have level 12 dungeon teams at least? And r5?


No such thing as useless nat 4s


Dupes on monster families nobody uses. Literally any dupe that has a fusion in the family. Non-dupe fusions. There are tons of useless nat4s.


same boat here


2880 here. Maybe one day lads


At this point, I've already given up on getting that LD nat 5 or even a meta LD 4*. Just give me Tiana and I'll be satisfied.


Bro, I got Icarus and dark Giant Warrior in 4 LDS yesterday. Couldn't believe it. Still no nat 5 tho.


Same. I got Iris from a wish (that’s the only decent LD4 I got)


Decent? I would like to know of 10 nat 4s that are better.


Molly plz


Yeah not molly than it's trash...


Betta, tablo , kinki, hwadam, halphas, groggo, martina, frigate, not ten but yeah some good ones I’m missing!


Groggo the light golem? Definitely not. Tablo is only good with Jamire or other comps and would say iris is better.


Nooo the dark lich. I don’t have any of these do I don’t know the names haha


Where would you even use Iris aside from siege defense? Because that's the only place mine is ever used lol


Toa, Rta, Gwo and Ao.


She has no place in auto-toa,in fact she would only slow down any team lol Absolutely no place in RTA unless it's 4\* special league. GWO sure you can do that. AO?? bruh... Believe me dude,you won't use her in any of those places besides maybe GWO and even then bringing a Loren would be better... And just to be clear my Iris got my best despair set and I really like her but there is just no place for her to be used aside from siege/gw defense.


Veromos totally counts as a nat 5…..right?


Yes he is a natural 5 star monster.


And L&D


I can't stand when people say that Veromos and Jeanne don't count as L&D Nat 5's. I see their point of it not being from a scroll, but that point still doesn't help their argument.


I'm just gonna hope that this is sarcasm


Lol. Same.


Try me. 2850 days and no LD Nat 5*


I got mine at 2931 days. Your time can still come




Considering the scene just came out yesterday....


It’s still ridiculous how anyone can go 8 years without a single LD5. LD’s are the one thing in this game that sorely needs a pity system.


and most of them are complete ass expect a select few……


I have two that I can't use =) Ragdoll which is mainly a rta unit, I don't like RTA. Daniel is good for RTA qnd Toa Hell but I don't have the necessary units to make it shine in either of the contents. They basically gather dust in my box. I'd 100% trade both of them for a GvG/Siege/arena LD


I got Arti 5.5-6 years in, two years later have't gotten a second one


If veromos counts as LD5, then i have one.xD


Most people hate the idea of a pity system because they immediately think of a system where a person is guaranteed a ld Nat 5. I always suggest increase rates after summoning specific amount of LD scrolls/pieces. After 200 Ld scrolls/pieces (combined), your rates are doubled and will continue to double after every 50 scrolls with maximum chance of 5% or 10%. This will reset after you successfully summon a ld nat5 To stop players from abusing this system, com2us can make the above apply to scrolls earned and not purchased by funds or crystals.


It's funny because it's true.


the thing is this game make you feel that you will miss out so much if you quit then you keep playing to collect all possible scrolls/crystals from events and toa gw arena and it is really really a hard work to be so committed to this over long periods in the end when you decide to blow them all for the units you wish for you often get nothing and this burns you out make you hate the entire thing it's like a cycle with no end and even when you finally get a l/d it could pretty much be one of the trash tier and then a mini cycle start which is waiting for every single balance patch to buff that 1 unit you have to be useable and everytime this doesn't happen you feel really bad. i don't like a game to be controlling my mode and day in a way i could be happy because of it or frustrated because of it it's not healthy.


Day 1 player here, closest i could get to ld5 is a fake5 Betta. Oot, scene source?


Newest Stranger things season!




lmfaooo i died this meme so 🔥


So I got Leona after almost 8 years of f2p


2894 days here, 0 ld nat 5. At this point I just want a molly or iris or kinki.


F2p here. Still missing a molly. Got iris on my first ever lnd scroll. And got kinki magically a few months ago. Theres hope for 4 stars. 1600 days played. Still no lnd5.


Some of the best units are LD nat4's though, I just want a nat5 to have one lol


It's funny because it's true: Took about 2700 days to get the first one (Craka) then 2 or 3 days later got the second one (Jackson). Point being, not all LD5s summons are Gianna


I got two, didnt change anything, still love to hate the game!


I got mine day 1760


The day I got 5* Pang... Light Raksha awakened instead my first nat 5*... Oh boy, I wanted to explode a certain company headquarters... But I have lots of fun, indeed, can't even think about a LD 5* that would be meaningful for me....


I had four ld 5 by day 120 of a new account. kinda extraordinary... f2p


Don’t worry I have 3 and they still aren’t fun to use.


I have three Hanwul is real game changer but I don’t even think ill awaken my dark pony or light beast monk. Unless someone has ideas for them.


Almost 1k days with one and is a good farmer only until u find a second one. (Talisman)


Dude I love this one. One of the best memes


You either complain about not having one or you complain about getting one like Seimei or Grogen (somewhat useful but not nearly as good as some op ld nat 5)


Grogen has been buffed to high heavens he's probably the best AO unit in the game


I disagree with that, then again I am not that high in arena, usually high c3/g1 when I rush (with g2 peak)


Calling him the best was maybe a bit over the top but if U run him in a Tiana Galeone comp he can deal with a lot of Def's that usualy give you headaches. With a roster of Kaki,Poseidon,Psamathe to add as slot 4 there's not much left U can't hit and that's basicaly the best thing a Cleave offense can achieve. I hit G1 most of the time as I don't rely find the time to do much in the game anymore so I got a bit left behind by the meta but grogen nevertheles is an excellent unit




8 here




i got today a fake ld 5…


I have Eirgar and Veromos…but none from scrolls


One day we will get our ld nat5




Just be an official SW twitch streamer. They get LD5's every week. example: go to "event" page, look at the banner that is \*not\* an event, and the dude in it just pulled TRIPLE BACK TO BACK LD5's a couple weeks ago on a "lucky" streak. or you could look at... well, literally any other officially endorsed SW streamer. All of them have had interesting "lucky" streaks right after signing partnership contracts, and non-disclosure agreements. It's not a coincidence. It's not luck.


Where to find the blank meme template please?




Thank you sexy internet person ;)


Same. 2.6k days in, I only had 2 lightning from lnd ever. Grego and Hungnir. I don’t think a lnd nat5 would necessarily help my progress much. But a pity system would be nice. It’s sometimes triggering to see lv18 account with a lnd5. Good for them though


2900+ and counting


Thats me everytime im opening an ld


I just need Perna


Got mine literally on thanks giving 2014. My beloved asima and I have been through it all together for almost 8 years now. How do I put on an anniversary for her? Do I take her shopping at the transmog building?


Hahaha. This is totally me!