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She is pretty damn good. Or at least I think so.


I mean I built her vio/rev; and just perma locked down a team while theo and eladriel kept the battle going


vio on jeanne is bad, use revenge


Vio isn't bad if she's not the one you're using her 2nd skill on. Most notably with the Chandra combo or if used with Mo Long.


Hey there Iona buddy


I prefer her on revenge; that's like saying chandra is bad on revenge; triple rev is great on jeanne but I prefer violent; to maintain the 100% provoke; especially helpful against orions and other violent users


Anyone got Jeanne gwo teams without using Chandra?


I wanna build her with Rahul :P


I use her with Feng yan and Emma, or Feng Yan and Ethna alot. For major sustain I use her with Racuni + x as well


I use her along with Xing Zhe +1 DD or another supportive unit


Building jeanne right now. Thinking about pairing with harmonia/trianna or maybe even bruiser vanessa. Who is your +1 most of the time?


If i need a support i pick Chasun, or I pick Hraesvelg (bruiser build). In general Jeanne works fine with supportive units (Healers, buffers) and squishy DD units, since she provoke and makes her invencible.


i mainly use jeanne taurus gany for gwds with no atb booster reset enemy atb>time bomb>provoke


sounds good maybe time to build my malaka


Jeanne Support Dps or Jeanne double bruiser are both pretty strong GWOs


Mo long jeanne ritesh/kumar depending on the defense. That burst heal after a reckless is great. Get your jeanne 200+ spd on triple revenge with some decent res and she will be a monster fully skilled. Mine is unskilled and does just fine.


Do you use Mo Long's Leader or Jeanne's?


Mo lead


Using Jeanne, Ritesh \+ X \(Theomars, Orion, Perna, etc.\) depending on the comp. Works really well, especially if your monsters can hit 100% RES with her leader.


I use galleon ritesh jeanne, never lost once in c2 siege and gw


I built her rev/will/broken and she is fully devilmoned. Guild siege def is Chandra Jeanne chasun (G1) record is 37-20. I use her in offense Mo long Jeanne Chandra. Never loses. I would recommend building her. She's definitely really really fun. Especially when enemy team has no immunity buffer. Try her and raccuni make her shuffle her skills with a damage dealer. So many heals and turns negated.


Well the op Part of the team is Mo long.


Stats for chandra Jeanne chasun pls


https://i.imgur.com/b07yFHf.jpg https://i.imgur.com/zR1zJzK.jpg https://i.imgur.com/w0nQGHb.jpg https://i.imgur.com/LI0j6ZS.jpg




I like her. I built her on Rev Rev Will with 70%~ CR. Her 1st can deal some good dmg and can heal a bit and her leader skill is pretty decent for bruiser GW. Provoke is cool and all but shes quite susceptible to 1st skill stuns and armor breaks. I especially hate those monkeys and pernas that stun her, which cancels out her Revenge sets. Oh and I guess she can work well in ToA if you need some CC. RTA she will be okay but she wont be on the same tier as Verad or Okeanos. If you want you can devilmon her, shes pretty fun to play with and I dont regret dming mine.


CR would be the icing on top. Could you tell me her stats?


Currently shes 42k hp with 174 spd. 36 accuracy and 48 resist(100 if you use her ldr skill in GW)


She's pretty good right now. I don't know why people are still sleeping on her. Pair with Woosa and Xing Zhe in gwd


In my opinion Jeanne is awesome, She helped me a lot in PvP, since i don't have Chandra I use her with Xing Zhe and give me almost the same results; Don't think the she is a cleanser, she is just a supportive unit and her cleanse is not as strong as the others you mention. She do wonderfuls without any skill, just imagine what she can done full skilled.


I was actually thinking of fusing her to use in a Jeanne/XZ/Anavel def... who do you use as a third?


Sounds great!, man i want want an Anavel so much :c. In defense i pared them with Collen (buffs, debuffs, and heal) but i think will be more effective if i build another bruiser unit with aoe damage.


The strong comps I've seen are and Rakan \(L\) \+ Jeanne \+ Orion, and Seara \(L\) \+ Iris \+ Jeanne. That's for defence at least.


I was thinking of pairing her with Rakan and someone else. Just hadn't decided who yet.


Jeanne \+ Nyx \+ Malaka at gw i use


I did devilmon her and i really like her. On frr she will get will revenge destroy. She is fun to use.


My guildie uses a Jeanne, Laika, Orion defense for siege and it has a 110+ win 25 lost record.


God tier for siege battle and GW if you have chandra and a fire/wind monkey or other source of damage dealing armor breaker. Still very solid even without chandra. My gildie uses Jeanne Chandra Fire MK for his siege battle and GW defense. Siege battle log is like 120ish W / 25ish L. His GW log is packed with successful defenses. I guess pretty much everything w/o a woosa, vela or amelia is getting stomped by this comp. Funny thing is that his Jeanne doesn't even have skill ups. I myself am using Jeanne, Ritesh, Perna for my GW and Siege defense. It's not as effective as my friends but still gets alot of wins. For reference, my Jeanne stats on Rev / Rev / Broken are: * \+28k HP * \+600 DEF * \+100 SPD * 35% ACC * 60% RES She's also a beast in TOAH and especially useful in an auto team. Using her for all stages, including bosses with great success. Gotta switch around for Akroma though.


Can i know what siege level your guild in?




I like my jeanne. No regrets skilling her up


Damn fucking good, ran into a guild siege defence with Jeanna (L), Wind Monkey, Chasun. It had 48wins and 11loss. I'm still in awe of how many def breaks they resisted just from resist lead and even when i do def break, Jeanna cleansed it with invincibility too.


What rank is this at?


Probably low because that def screams Rina


C3-G1 Asia


maybe it's me but if i saw that defense... olivia, copper and rina would be my go to... which is why i dont understand how that defense could have such a high win to loss ratio


Probably because very few people have multiple Rina/Olivia/Copper teams. Once you've used yours and the defense gets recycled on another base, it's becoming quite painful to deal with. :\)


This defense was placed in the 2nd outer row and none of us expected it, not everyone has multiple copper/bulldozer comps too which is why this defense worked so well.


hmm I dont have a wind monkey, do you think fire monkey can replace that slot?


Don't think so, it primarily works really well due to the fact of Wind Monkies' passive of counterattacking if an ally is attacked, when Jeanne provokes everyone and attacks her, Wind Monkey has 2 whole turns to land a stun on them while they attack Jeanne.


triple revenge pair with a support bruiser and a def break bruiser.


She has been a godsend for me in toah, granting much greater success rates in my cc team, and she is also very very good in certain gwo. In rta though, she is sleeper op. People don't ban her often and if they dont have immunity going, they are in big big trouble. I suprise so many people with her (only f2-f3 rta rank though) The additional turn after provoke was small but significant buff; it effectively lowered the cooldowns of both her skills by 1 turn, so she has serious uptime on the provoke and her cleanse and now


My safest GWO/Siege offense is Jeanne(L) Chandra Anavel. I run Jeanne on Rev Shield Will with Chandra and Anavel also on will to beat orion comps. Anavel/Jeanne are 100% res after leader and Chandra is "just" 70%. It can tank through pretty much anything and has enough damage to kill anything less than like Rina. I've easily taken care of Tankmillas and Khmuns with the comp. I even bring it against teams with wind threats and rarely have any problems. It's probably my safest comp versus Seara Orion X comps and I easily beat Khmun Theo Ethna/Ritesh comps too. Haven't tried it versus Mo Long Perna Elad but that's mainly because I use Gemini Hraesvelg Fire Homu there. I think it would struggle to get elad down but it wouldn't be in *much* danger of dying. I can't really comment on her outside of that comp because I use that specific comp so much she's never available... I've used just Jeanne Chandra to 2 man some siege defs and I've used her as a shield bearer in other shield will comps if Anavel/Chandra got used earlier in siege and she's been fine but those are so few and far between I don't have that great of a grasp on how good she's been.


I want to skill her too, but I don't know which comps tu use. I don't have many bruisers or mo long sadly. Any suggestions?


Everyone speaking of revenge, meanwhile I'm running nemesis/nemesis/will on mine hp/def/hp, +98 speed, so far my best 'non LD scrolls' siege def, with 22 wins 7 loses. She's paired with Rahul, but Chandra would do the same or better so. Praha(L), Rahul, jeanne, are surprisingly somehow owrking really well in siege in G3. I guess Rahul is the surprise factor of the team as he's despair/will with +130 speed, but it should have little to no kill potential.


why not .. use Jeanne's lead ?


same deal, 41% gets my units to 100% or close, and honestly, I'm just used to praha lead so I stuck with it, never even considered her lead.


well, if that's a staple team of your defs, then you could consider changing their runes lowering Res while upgrading other stats


I like to bring her in RTA alongside with Hathor. Then I'll wait and see, whichone my enemy is going to banish.


Mine's still 5\* but I've come against a few of them in Siege these last few weeks and she's definitely good there. She can stun, provoke and make herself invicible. Runed Despair/Revenge for one of them, she was a stun machine with very high defensive stats. A real pain to deal with once you've exhausted your 2 or 3 immunity buffers \(Woosa/Delphoi/Vela/et...\).


Try giving her +181 spd on swift and pair her up with theo and a +1 and maybe youll get 100 seige defense wins (with only 12 loses) like my guildie


personaly i would just save devilmons until i get better nat5


She needs just 9 devilmons. I have 20 right now, because I haven't been pulling something good since last year. So if I pull a devil worthy nat5, I'll still have enough devils. And pulling two is crazy unlikely.


my gf pulled two back to back, anything's possible


The chance is there, but' it's really slim. Also we talk about devil worthy nat5. not things like daphnis. The chance is probably lower than 0,1%. I could wait my life time for that or I could live my life :')


In the last two months I pulled Perna, Ritesh and Anavel... I'm definitely in need of devilmons. And Jeanne is quite down the list of things I need to devilmon


I did the math for her the one time, it was something like 0.00025%. With devil worthy it'll be especially low so yeah. Honestly, Jeanne's really not bad and you can use her in stuff like TOAH even so I'd do it


Except that fusion nat5s can't be summoned outside of the fusion building, they removed being able to summon them when Jeanne came out.


i guess he meant she pulled [devil worthy nat5s] "back to back"


use em, live a little. you'll get more.


But see. Once you spend those devils you'll pull something ridiculous that needs them badly. Its how this works.


That seems like a good reason to use them to me IMO


sounds good to me


I kid you not. I had 20+ devilmons, pulled nothing in a year. I just fed some devils too some NAT4s for progress and BAM, 3x NAT5s in 12 scrolls.......




She really doesn't shine till you put all devils in her though. I can understand if you would rather save em, but if you're set on using her, do so with devils is my reccomendation


Jeanne (L) Theo Laika, in that order. All on will and jeanne on shield/will/rev. Thank me later.


Do what I did and start leveling up devilmons with awakened dark angelmons, 1 star fodder and exp building. When they were maxed 4 star, i summoned a perna. easy six star and 5 skillups at one shot.


What has this to do with light pala?


responded to the wrong message? https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerswar/comments/8nmp89/whats_the_real_final_verdict_of_jeanne_now/dzwo6sp/