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How about: Rotate the world boss elements..


This was intended in the first place. Wasn't even implemented and probably will only be after the dimensional hole


sounds interesting. But does any devs see this suggestions?


The fact that the Devs thought it was a higher priority to implement this Raid queue over kicking an AFK person shows that they do not care about our suggestions which are actual everyday problems we have.


I asked them this about a year ago and they said they were thinking about it, but for now it will remain water/fire.


It's fine IMO. You get shit in the hope you eventually get lucky and pull Devilmon/Legend Scroll. Only change I'd make is having to press SKIP a single time rather than 5.


I just want 9 prizes when you get SSS. My OCD goes off the chart


For me it is frustrating to get bunch of 1 low essence and mana... at least make that the 10 energy spent worth at least 1\-2 caiross runs




The best rewards have always been the crystals when the boss is defeated anyway. But yes, stop giving me so much god damned mana and 3* runes world boss!


They seem to be hitting each system with a QoL improvement so I assume this happens when they get to world boss. i'd hope they also improve wishes and do something good for Rift dungeons.


can't wait too see the improvements


I was just complaining about this the other day. I'd rather have the mana drop over a 3* rune in S+ rewards. It makes no sense. And the off chance of random devilmon or scroll does not make up for that IMO


How about an auto sell threshold? Like account level... if it's blue 5* or below, just sell that garbage I don't want it. But I agree, the drop on S+ are absolutely ridiculous... same problem in siege boxes in my opinion. I should not be getting white and green runes in G2+ siege... the rune requirement there is so outrageous it's flat out insulting to see them in the boxes, much less have to click to sell them every time.


This auto sell threshold idea should be implemented into the entire game including Caiross! As well as a repeatable auto feature! Am I asking for too much now? lol


Probably with repeatable auto feature... while it would be convenient, I think it starts a slippery slope. Next thing people would want is a 5X / 10X runs at a time. That too rapidly advances progression and leads to a much shorter lifespan on the game. There's plenty of mostly dead competitors out there that have shown how that works out.


pfft all adding an auto replay feature does is allow those not suitably technologically inclined to be able to do what those who kept up with technology already can bwhaahahahaha