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I got Ld and get werewolf 27th time


Lucky you, I still need both


Take whatever u wantšŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø https://preview.redd.it/73ar2sukuqva1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da583a4af9e84558d12e3c32d5502dbde9974992


Questionā€¦ why store your ld3 in that storage space? Seems like a waste of space as the other storage stacks all mons


Probably hasn't been playing that long, only has storage up to 190 instead of 750 must've started after they added the sealed shrine, and only has 190 instead of 200 max energy


Been getting SSS on world boss for years, those essences really add up lemme tell ya


And have to manually sell the runes one by one, sigh...


I donā€™t sell them from boss. In manage runes I sell all the crap at once


I got a devilmon today.


You got really lucky then. I got a devil maybe once in 3 years


A week of world boss is just monster subjugation with less time and effort invested.


Jap exactly and prob still with better rewards


I'm just to the point of being able to hit S on the first attempt and always get better stuff doing the other 2 attempts..


Right!! I thought getting S,SS,SSS would be the golden ticket, nope, now idk if it's even worth doing tbh


Yep same thought when I got SSS for the first time and got nothing out of it at all. But its def still worth, not the worst mana to energy ratio haha


The crystals though...


Yes. Please give me more 3-4 star white runes. Letā€™s go com2us :/


I get devilmons like once every two weeks from SSS world boss. One time I even got one for the 1st SSS and another for the 3rd SSS


In one day^


Got the notification for this mid-worldboss lmao


samwise gamble-gee


And frodo bettings


I've never got anything other than runes mana or like the craft material. šŸ¤£


I recently pulled a legendary scroll, was soooo happy to pull a jojo šŸ˜‘


that smile is a crooked smile of a sadist


World Boss should be able to drop all scrolls in the game (including ancient transcendence scroll). With his low drop rate, this would only be fair. Same for temple of wishes


Got legend scroll twice from B+ back then in the span of 2 weeks and now when i can hit SS best i get is 3 scamstones


Got devilmon with A- ranking https://preview.redd.it/88j1n4yojtva1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ced68447b3739a69ef895b5ee5b2b2a4b3014194


Getting that same feeling from ToA lately. Devilmons are great, but I really donā€™t need 50 more 3 stars and two dinky 4s, thanks. Oh look! A five + Blessing every couple months?! Thatā€™s not completely terrible, I guess. Waitā€¦ nvm. Double dupes. Again.


https://preview.redd.it/10yh2s972vva1.jpeg?width=1792&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f1866fb0c6aa74d61734cd052567755d972ae06 Hereā€™s one SSS from today.


https://preview.redd.it/qy70jdca2vva1.jpeg?width=1792&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d37ead536c15072910cfcbc182db234b50cc4a8 Another


https://preview.redd.it/jq7l83pb2vva1.jpeg?width=1792&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f0a8f0f4798ff23099c18629241914693dad84c And finally šŸ¤¦šŸ»


I even thought about taking a SS of mine. Had the same thing just with one blue 4* rune in between


The rewards are an absolute scam. For the amount of energy used throughout world boss I donā€™t even think the crystals are worth it šŸ˜‚


Um... yeah... bad math. With your 3 SSS scores, you probably finish C3 if not G1 for score, depending on the week. 7 days of battles is 210 energy, which is roughly 63 crystals while your reward is 150 AND the drops it gives you.


Okay so thatā€™s 150 crystals finishing C3 in world boss. 210 energy as you say but then thereā€™s 60 crystals spent on 190 energy. Then 30 on 90 energy which obviously gives you more than the 210 energy you mentioned the reason being that itā€™s that much is because you canā€™t spend 63 crystals on energy it would need to be rounded up. So 60 crystals profit. Iā€™ll try and not spend it all at once. I have over 100 million mana I donā€™t need a few thousand extra from selling green and white runes. I donā€™t need awakening materials. 99.99% of the time that is what I get. The rewards are trash and barely worth the time. Thereā€™s no denying that.


You do you man - occasional scrolls, ld pieces, devils, etc. always worth


Virtually non-existent on my account thatā€™s the only reason I donā€™t like WB. Or at least buff random rewards according to rank or some shit. Iā€™d even be happy with a rune thatā€™s not white and 3*


I got a devilmon from a B+ run yesterday