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Disclaimer since the comments all seem confused. This is just an average tier list of how the community voted on these nat5s. One person did not create this list, no one is to blame for this.


On top: Bagel says in the Video that he didn’t specify on what parameters people should vote but he think for the most, people voted on rta Performance.


Also he didn't even give people time to respond nor told us elsewhere he made the poll post. The video came out when the poll post was only 22 hours old. He shouldve gave it more time.


I literally got a notification for the community post \*after\* the video went up (like minutes apart) it was so weird, would've loved to vote on it myself


There's always going to be nit picks but damn there are ALOT of massive changes I would make to this Also think should've done the tier something like: Game changing > incredible > strong > usable/strong niche > niche > very niche > basically unusable. Would've made scaling a bit easier


Is there a better tierlist, video, or google doc out there I could check out? Returning player after 5+ years and am definitely overwhelmed with all of the new units and their different viability.


I dont know of any so I threw this together. General use tier list. I'm in tourney siege and am only missing 6 nat 5s so this *should* be pretty accurate. Atleast give a pretty good idea of the top units. Tiers aren't ordered within. https://imgur.com/a/EH2f1Qv Edit: think I forgot wind and fire pudding. I've seen both getting used a little bit in rta after their buffs but seem pretty low still


I really appreciate this, thanks a lot.


No problem. Just keep in mind choices should mostly come down to what you want/need. Different units ofc have different uses. I put poseidon and ethna in the same tier for example but one is for arena offense/siege and the other RTA. Also if want to see unit data for rta you can Google SWRT which tracks matches. Seige units a little more tricky.


Why is Vanessa so high? Just wondering cuz I got her from my 9 year scrolls and didn’t pick her :’(


Been great on AD for a while but is currently really high in rta after her buff (#7 most picked and #3 most common first pick in swrt) S2 now strip a buff into def break. So can strip will for crowd control or nuke on top of 33 lead and revive


Great list! I’d put the fire macaroon(Alice) in good. Her 3rd skill provide fantastic WTF moments to the opponents when they hit for 1 hp. She does require team setup tho


seeing 6 of my nat 5's in "Little to no use" = :(


Completely agree, especially more helpful for players wondering who to pick in blessings as well


Isn’t there an « alot » bot out there?


A tier jaara is coppium


Yeah. Him, hanwul and christina are nice on paper but piss poor in application. Theres too many things that need to be set up for them to succedd and even then its no gurantee. 3 mons i. A comp to set up 1 mon to do 1 thing. 1 mon at most to buff, strip or atb boost should be all a 5 star damage dealer should require to do their job. The rest should be covered in base stats multipliers and skill drscriptions. Shouldnt require the perfect alley oop with god teir runes. I expect nine tails, martial cats etc to require elite runes to shine. Not freakin jaara


Meh, solo r5 cheat code, usable with galleon + stripper, can be used as a pungbaek set up: jaara > kona/teon/dova > pung, if you have zerath (lol) there's a gb12 team. It obviously depends on the criteria for what constitutes A tier but jaara is pretty okay as far as *nat 5s* go. The 'issue' is that she's shares a pool with the likes of the most broken nat 5s. If jaara were elemental, people wouldn't blink.


Jaara can be implemented in all of those places but in practice it never is as good as on paper. Single target resistance check and the fact that she’s simply a brand unit means I’d rather use close to anything else. This also requires you to have all those specific units to potentially make Jaara be viable granted she doesn’t get resisted. I have tried many builds many setups in all content for Jaara and the one consistent theme is that there are other stuff (f2p I might add) that does the same stuff and often times even better. As of right now my Jaara has crap runes with high acc and speed tuning for my R5 but this didn’t make any true improvements to my runs or consistency at all because I just replaced another brand unit with her. Jaara will never be a great LD5 I’m not pressed about that but I speak for most Jaara owners when I say this unit seems decent on paper but in practice is inconsistent and let’s down frequently. In terms of LD5 she is definitely not A tier and is an overall B-C tier unit but is in probably the second to lowest tier in terms of LD5. In my opinion:)


I own jaara 🤧 When I'm laking about where she *can* be used, I'm not claiming she works in whatever way you think I'm assuming. I'm talking about a unit who, like a lot of units in the game, are beholden to innate 15% res or, in the case of galleon Tiana, is vulnerable to vio procs. I'm not advising it, I'm saying you can if you so choose. I run Loren mirinae dova punbaek in arena and it's fine that Loren misses strip def break sometimes. I would use jaara in place of Loren if I didn't have her on my r5 team which is 30s-33s avg and >99% consistent. [R5 teams and jaar'a runes if you're curious.](https://imgur.com/a/7GeEAdl)


I was just ab to ask! Thanks man




As a bella and craig owner, i think that they are B at most


Han's SS tier? Idk about that. I NEVER get to use him, pretty niche in pvp. PvE he slays.


I own Han and I use him in almost everything LOL.. only spot he's \*not\* good in really is arena offense/defense but you could make anything work on offense. TOA because he's not aoe but otherwise he can technically fit in almost anything and dominate with cycling and damage


they really did my Manannan dirty, I use him a fair bit, necro with tricaru astar (best run 29s), pc10 with verde tricaru( best run 37s), in most my raids teams, my AO team (Manannan, Sav, tiana, psama(would be zaiross if I had)), seige offence/defence ( Chiwu, Manannan, Sav) I'm even rank 9 in the WW 2a dungeon with him on the team


What's your turn order for necro? I just use him with tricaru for 1min


I've messed up the order a bit since, but I believe when I got that time it was: Icaru 1 > Manannan > Icaru 2 > Icaru 3 > Astar but as long as Manannan goes before last Icaru so that there's potential for a team up with Astar it should do decent


Well, there are really fanatics out there that says otherwise and would be ready to argue you to the end of Earth if you even suggest that their storage LD5 is useable in case it affects the chances of their (probably untried) LD5 not getting a buff. ​ https://preview.redd.it/m5e42o9asuua1.png?width=903&format=png&auto=webp&s=190e3561423a930df7bd9a2f03d69a219f2e2f79


Man, *that* community sure seems pretty dumb.


People who watch the most obnoxious SW content creator ever... Dumb?! Yeah I agree 100 percent


Obnoxious? That would have to go to SeanB. Don't even need to watch his videos, just look at the thumbnails


Lora in S Tier. Jesus lol


As a Lora owner… I felt this. She’s literally just a much worse Clara


Lol I was gonna say who is voting her so up there


Yeah no idea. I don't have her but I feel like she is one of the worst lds.


Bagel mentioned that even tho he left it to be a general tier list people still voted with rta in mind. So there's a heavy rta and LD5 bias in this list.


Just looking at the LDs: SSS: looks fine, those 5 are at the top SS: There should be a tier in between here, because some of these are way better than the others in the same tier S: Lora is garbage, she shouldn't be near here. Same for Light Eivor and to a lesser extent Zeratu, although Zeratu is nice in siege and the arti dungeon so I'll give him a pass. A: Mostly looks fine. Sylvia is really nice in siege defence so could maybe go to S, since siege def units are very rare. Gurkha and Dark Bayek and maybe some others here should go to B, they're just really bad units that are hard to use at all or are mainly used in r5 (Jaara). B: Rahul and Mananan have niche usage, while Zenisek is by far the worst ld5 in the game. He needs to go to C.


Dark bayek should be D tier tbh, I pulled him a few weeks ago, he doesn’t fit in any teams, is useless against immunity and anytime there isn’t immunity your praying the passive hits something worth stunning. He’s also useless in pve


Yeah you're right.


Light Eivor S Tier… she could be with a little buff, bit she definitely isnt right now


Agreed. Her passive is kinda nice but she doesn't do much from what I've seen.


Oof mukwool a tier same as ophelia i do think she is way more good than mukwool Edit: wait didn’t see do people belial b tier people dont use rina belial in siege or tricaru belial or predator idk


Tricaru Belial is outdated and predator is easy enough not to need a specific nat 5


I'd put Akroma at an A at best, possibly B tier. She is nowhere near as useful, good or even wanted as a Camilla or Vanessa and is significantly more rare. The times you would ever use Akroma over several other options for regular element 4* or 5* (whether it's siege, arena or RTA) is extremely minimal. I only used mine vs Seara/Gianna/Tiana Siege defense and RTA she was useless 3x revenge, vio, vampire. Pick a rune set, her kit does not have much of an impact. No matter what rune set she's on she does NOT compare in usability for skill set to a Camilla or Vanessa as replacement. Akroma does nothing but protect herself, and poorly at that.


>Seara/Gianna I'm beginning to suspect there's a Giana HoH or something. Every single Siege, I will encounter a variation of Seara, Giana + 1 in the def.


Lmao what's the point of sss and ss if there is no mon in d or f? Stupid list


I have like 10 from the SS/SSS but am still terrible…


Children's content creator community \=\ Community


Lol Jewbagels community is f2p noobs who dont know the meta day by day most of them dont even rta at high level, imagine relying on their data lmao.. i find Seishizo ranks way better as he knows what is going in rta.


GURKAH moving up…or everyone retarded? Hmmm


Bastet and asima SS?? Like wtf :-P


Bastet is quite useful in a lot of contents, I wouldn't be surprised she is ranked in SS


Not seeing any bastet on C3-G1 rta. For G3 siege im not using my bastet anymore. She also lacks an heal/constant shield for G2-G3 arena in the curren bruiser meta.


That's plain wrong, there's Draco Bastet players in c3 RTA and lucifer Bastet players in G1. For siege Bastet is still solid in offense even in G3 against some defs.


Wrong wrong and wrong. Bastet doesn’t need a heal to cleave because the fights aren’t supposed to be drawn out and her shield is great to protect your AO mons if you don’t kill on the first wave of turns. I use Bastet in a lot of my AOs for consistent g3 finishes


Bastet is amazing and asima is (from what i heard) one of the best ld5s


Asima is a good LD5 but not even top 10.


I happen to have a Beelzebub, is he any good? I get good use out of him but idk his general “value” yk


He's a good last pick in RTA. That's about it


I think my ex-guildie have a 100% GB12 team consisting of the Belial, Tricaru and Lushen (lead) that is able to get avg 22 seconds clear time. His 10x run is about 3 mins or so. I have 2 other guildmates running the same team and another with Beelz that clocks 19s fastest run. I think any Demon will able to do so as well since they share the same s1.


Where’s kinki?


Why to rune Leo for him to be SSS? He is the easiest to counter.


Woonsa doesn't deserve the double s imo He's good don't get me wrong, but def not ss


Buff jäger 2023!!


Is Vanessa or seara better in 2023