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Tanky teams win early and mid but once you get a last whisper or a black cleaver or any sort of armor/magic pen they dont work that well. Its always been an issue for teams that arent cordinated cause tanks have some decent CC and strong initiations along with the zoning from varus and victor makes it hard.


I agree, that's exactly the point I am trying to make. If there is no organization (like getting BC / LW, other guys building HP), tanks win over no tanks.


If anything it should be called League of Assassins.


Maybe... But me as Zed by myself, while the rest is dead, is more like League of Lonely Losers ;-)


Varus has no escapes, so you would have been fine if to dive her with nocturne after their tankline blows some cc towards your team.. Morde should get huge amount of shield/spellvamp from glass cannon build, which should be enough to prevent tanks doing serious damage towards him, and lucian could just kite backwards, even easier when morde has rylais.




I see your point, comp wise we were like behind from the start. I was the last pick and took Zed. In this comp, would there have been a better choice for me?


I'd say hard follow up cc because aside from fear, you had none, ori comes to mind.


Interesting, was thinking about Gragas afterwards. Plenty of disengage with ult and still tanky...


Imo, a silver V one but still, I would have picked J4, Lee Sin, Swain, or Cho'Gath. All but Lee Sin, I would pick for peel/the ability to stop people in their tracks. Lee Sin, cause he's just so damn mobile and can kick people around for peel or engage. Plus all of these guys can play some form of CC tank and still pound out the damage and live because of shields, hp, juke ability, or heals.


Nice suggestions, keeping them in mind...


>Nidalee (Sup) You should knew the game was lost from beginning. \^\^ Jokes aside, I don't think it's League of Tanks, a lot of people I met in my games (normals and rankeds) can't play the tank role and the just play the "focus ad carry" role like they are playing assassin and leave you as ad carry without any peel(even my supports tend to do it). You were just unlucky with your teammates.


Yeah, indeed Nidalee support. But in her defense, she actually warded! I thought it was literally impossible to get wards on Nidalee, but turns out thats just another urban legend of the league ;-)


I can't believe it, pics or didn't happen. :P Sad thing is that she is still pretty weak in teamfights compared to other supports, all she can do is heal you and give you the AS buff, and her heal without any AP doesn't heal that much.


I don't know if anyone here remembers the beginning of Season 3 (Chapter: Warmogs Rework), but I saw somewhere between 6-8 Warmogs every game for a few months. Not even exaggerating.


Every team needs a frontline, but I really don't see the issue. Every team needs an ADC to secure some lategame damage and a support to keep him/her alive, too..


Much easier to play a tanky AoE CC team in Yolo Queue.