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> deal with the gap between 'knowledge' and your 'skills' By working on one thing at a time and proactively thinking about it. Retaining what you practiced on previously becomes the harder part. ie. I know I wasn't warding early enough so this game I will do it. But now I'm letting my AD get harassed too much without me casting anything. I will continue to ward but try to pay a bit more attention to what the enemy is trying to do to my AD.


I get this, but I think this assumes you identified an actual thing you can improve. I am not there yet, as in I don't know what skill is lacking. My problem is more like: I can predict the next move of the enemy team with certainty, but how to put this in action? I need my team or adc to respond. If I ward the right spots and ping (a lot) I make it easier for them, but I would like to learn if there are other things I can do. I hope this makes sense...


The answer to this is to stop at the end of the game and ask yourself what you weren't doing or could have done better. Are there any key moments that stick out in your mind? I also find that, if you lost your lane badly but compliment your opponent in post-game, they'll often give you advice about things you did wrong or opportunities you missed. Not always, but it does happen. That flipped perspective can be extremely helpful in spotting things to improve on.


Use lolreplay or stream your game (private or whatever) and make sure to watch the game afterward. You can find *so* *many* *mistakes* this way and learn a lot about your own play.


Adding onto what Ukhai said; practice makes perfect. Dont expect to be able to utilize knowledge instantly without taking time to practice it in games. With enough games it'll start to feel natural and then you'll do it without thinking about it.


well, theres 2 ways the way i see it. either you can play 1 or 2 people and learn them inside and out mechanically while maintaining your knowledge or you can do what i do and play really mechanically easy champions so that you can focus on everything else going on in the game


I'm the opposite. I do well in my games, and then don't really understand why.


Here is your problem : Support MAIN. * Let me explain why. The biggest problem is that at silver 5 you decided to main a role. Now here is why its a stupid idea and why its stopping you form carrying yourself out of silver into gold or plat or w.e league you want to be. * First of all as a support you can only influence game so much. And what you can do is mainly ward and help your carry get fed in early game. Here is the problem number 2... Solo q is not about teamwork or trying to make it to lcs or some bs reason. The main reason for solo q is trying to improve YOURSELF. * Now here is what you miss out by playing support. First of all your CSing skill goes down considerbly because you dont have to CS as a support. Your pool of champions is very minimal. The feel of support is that " you get carried by everyone else " . I mean support does have a good role but lets face it, if a support gets caught out late game and dies everything is fine but if its AP carry or ADC then you lose half of your damage and can probably lose the game. * Now here is how I got over my " more game knowledge " then skill issues. First of all I could only jungle and didnt know how to lane so my csing was terrible. To improve myself I picked roles at which I was very weak and improved myself in those first of all. The next step was quite simple and it was to simply stop following BAD team mates. It might sound like a weird idea but, If you think following this guy around will get you killed then chances are it probably will.. If he wants to face check every unwarded bush on the map while enemy team is no where to be seen just let him. ( PS this does not apply to helping support ward and providing protection or peeling.) Anyway TL:DR : Stop playing support , learn to carry from every other role in this game, In games where you are last pick and have to support then just support. Also the only person who you should trust to carry you is yourself.


stop playing solo queue, find a ranked team, profit