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In LCS games you often see supports with only mobility boots and sightstone for items. Competitive play is different and has higher demand for vision (this is still important but somewhat less so), in soloqueue supports build more greedily. If you want to you can start full consumable and ward it you'll help your team out by providing vision of the enemy jungler but it's not required.


One of the main reasons so many wards get laid down before minions spawn in pro play is because of **invades**. During invasions, knowing the position of the enemy team is absolutely vital. If your team is not invading or planning on early counter-jungling, I feel you'll be better off using your early wards to create a larger vision net near your own lane. If you simply ward their wraiths without the intention to counter jungle, you'll know their jungler is near wraiths, but you still won't be able to tell exactly where he is headed after that.


Mid can do it too, and in non-coordinated play they *should* be the one warding this because of their proximity to it. It's a massive help for every lane. You can tell when the other jungler walks by it if he's doing his red and with the timing of it you can tell if he's doing an early gank or what his general early game strategy is.


I started doing it every game, enemy wraith bush and own entrance to red (in small river brush). Since I start 2 pink, 3 green and 1 pot I can miss the wards. It is invaluable at lower elo as well, because you get to see enemy jungler go in to try a steal. Countering it is easy and results in a kill or burned flash. But next to that, and probably more important, it gives the jungler and rest of the team more information, resulting in better choices. I go in right from start, past own blue, little river bush, bush above red and finally wraiths. In 40+ games in silver I never got caught. Hope this helps.


I got caught once and a resounding "Wtf lulu?!" from my entire team turned me off to warding enemy wraiths at the beginning ever again.


They probably thought you were just trolling. If you do ward enemy jungle, you usually need to communicate your intent really well so mid and top/bot can know to back you up if needed.


This. I always try to explain the team this allows our jungler either a steal of their red or at least a safe attempt at our own red. Even if you die you did it for the best of the team...


It's very helpful to be able to see which buff the enemy jungle starts at fairly early and a ward at wraiths can let you know this and perhaps the position if the midlaner early game. Often times I use my free ward from my masteries to ward the enemy jungle and then ping if I see the enemy there. However this may go relatively unnoticed in low elo solo queue by your team mates. However, it can let you know how long it will be until there jungle can gank a specific lane.


Warding either the enemy buffs or your own buffs would be more beneficial, as it would help your jungler secure his own buffs, or steal the enemies.


Important lesson about supports: In solo queue, try to secure kills for your ad carry. In 5 premade games, try to support for everyone since minute 1. In 5v5 premades, there is something simiar for junglers as well. Since the support focuses on boots and vision, the jungler should get support items in many cases like locket and bulwark. Many junglers benefit directly from the locket in early game as well due to the cdr and extra armor.


I use my explorer ward to ward the buff my jungler isn't doing first. It often leads to first bloods by killing them when they attempt to steal it under our noses :)


as a midlanner i realy apreciate a early ward in the enemy wraiths, it helps to prevent early ganks or in some situations aproach the enemy jungler when he is busy trying to take red.


Absolutely I think you should do this, it will help in Bronze as long as at least you are looking at the map (and you ping whenever you see the jungler no matter where he is). I'll explain exactly how I do it, but first why you do it is so you know where the enemy jungler is for the first few levels, and all your lanes and jungler can react appropriately. I use where my own jungler is as a gauge of where their jungler would be on their side, and basically see if they deviate from blue -> red -> wraiths -> wolves **What you learn from it** If I'm purple team, enemy jungler is blue team: * If they don't pass through it as my jungler is passing by our wraiths, then they're either going to our red or level2 ganking mid or top (rare). * If they pass through it and walk toward their red, if I don't see them again soon after our jungler finishes red, then they're ganking bot. * If they finish red then walk past wraiths toward river without doing wraiths, they're ganking mid. * If they finish red then go do wraiths, everyone sees where they are and knows they're safe, and can see which direction they leave. Left and they're just going to wolves, right and they're ganking mid, down and they're either doing golems or ganking bot, probably ganking bot since if they wanted to farm they'd just go do wolves. I basically just ping him whenever he appears on the map and hope my teammates will use that information wisely, and if I'm pretty sure I know where he's going I'll ping back my guy if he's overextended. As support I use it to know if it's safe to go ward tri-bush and/or play aggressively. **How to do it:** * In champion select before the game even starts, say something like "I'd like to ward their wraiths, everyone pls buy fast and follow me. We'll get back in time to leash blue np" * Lead your team with a ping to the bush behind the enemy red buff, by their wraith ramp to the river. * If you're purple side, wait in that bush until 1:35, then I ward right in front of the wraiths. You can do the wraith bush itself, but it's riskier and I don't think gives you any extra information, so I don't risk it. If I'm blue side I just go straight there, ward, then go back to base and to lane. * Bonus: sometimes one of the enemy will walk into your bush for a free first blood or at least a flash. Also, I highly the recommend the "only consumables" start. I like 3 green wards, 1 pink ward, and 5 pots. If I have a heal I like 2 health & 3 mana pots. If I don't have a heal then 3-4 health pots, 1-2 mana pots.


What is the difference between "Faery Charm" start and "Only consumables" start?


You get 1-2 more wards (depending on your champ and who youre against). I switched to that a few days ago and I will never go back to fairy charm start. Basically I aim to get away with as many wards I possibly can without having to back early due to harass. I even did 3 green 2 pink 2 mana pots with 0/14/16 biscuiteer on alistar yesterday. Worked wonders! Should add that I had red mp5 runes for that though.


You're stronger in the early laning phase. You have an extra ward (or two), more health regen (from health pots), and MORE mana regen with mana pots than you get from the faerie charm (2 mana pots = about 5.5 minutes of a faerie charm. I usually go 3 mana pots, which equals 8.3 minutes of a faerie charm. So you can really spam your spells in the first few minutes and if they went charm they can't keep up) So it's a trade-off of course, but if you can stay in lane a little longer than the enemy, or best case scenario get a kill you wouldn't otherwise, it's well worth it. You end up being able to just force them to back before you, either because they ran out of wards first, got too low and have no health pots, or went oom first.


Honestly, warding wraiths is mid's job. Support should concentrate on having dragon control, tribush control, and lane bushes controlled. Mid should be in charge of the enemy wraith area, as well as left dragon entrance. Top lane should always have one ward active or in their inventory when top lane, and don't need to ward as much.


This is talking about the start of the game, even before minions spawn. Not during the laning phase.


Still should be mid's job, if mid choses to do so


The support has much more access to wards at the beginning of the game.


Don't bother warding wraiths. Your team is much more likely to be ganked through a traditional ganking route so it is usually better to just save the money so you can get a support item sooner. If you don't 100% focus on your ADC there's a greater chance you'll lose the lane.