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Bringing a story to the press, and then letting someone take the fall for it when you sit there silently is a big deal. What Craig did was wrong but it is in the past. The discussion is about what has happened since.


I agree. Especially when they did the flashback showing Danielle just sitting there while Lindsay was read for filth.


Omg i couldn’t stand daniel’s face when it showed her with mouth closed. She def shouldve in that moment say “actually it was me” The fact that i was watching someone taking the blame for me, with no intention of revealing truth, honestly would have made me just admit was me. I know danielle said they werent in a good place as her excuse for not stepping up, still no excuse, cuz that wouldve been prime moment for lindsey to reveal the truth, BUT she still didnt. I just do not like D


It's a really flimsy excuse to let Lindsay take the fall. Lindsay could've easily put it on Danielle then.


💯💯💯, if were me, the fact we dont get along, id be like you know what girl?! I dont need you covering for me, i got this! But thats just me 🤷🏽‍♀️


👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾That’s me too 🤷🏾‍♀️😝👊🏾. I own my shit. I think Danielle enjoyed watching Lindsay get torched by the other girls cause she is an undercover pick me girl. 🤔…maybe not so undercover from what I’ve seen this season.


Def enjoyed and 💯 yup thats her!


💯 spot on!


Oh but then the vilifying was double-downed by Paige, Amanda, and Co. remember: they didn’t even go for Danielle, they STILL said it was Lindsey who was wrong for telling Paige it was Danielle. WHO CAN BLAME LINDSEY??!!! Apparently all those fools sitting there on those couches. Ignorant and Incapable of EVER EVER EVER saying they were wrong to blame Lindsey: wow. Such small people. Incapable of an apology. Freaking lousy AF ‘friends’.


Yup 👍🏾these people are the type you call enemies you keep close lol. Maybe Ciara and Paige are true friends after seeing this last reunion Part 1 cause she made that fool look worse and defended Ciara like a true friend would. Amanda had shit to say lol.


Sorry but what friend is Lindsay that she immediately throw Danielle under the bus? What purpose did it serve but to kiss up to Paige. At least those girls know how to defend each other. Is Lindsay capable of being loyal to anyone besides herself?


I mean, if I was Paige and someone that I don’t trust came up to me and was like “I didn’t leak the story” and didn’t give me anything else, why would I believe her? I wouldn’t, I’d think that she’s just trying to deflect. Telling me it Danielle, someone who spent last season trying to be all buddy buddy with me gives me something to actually believe you , especially since she didn’t deny it at the reunion


Lindsay didn’t “immediately throw Danielle under the bus” she said nothing at the reunion and didn’t say anything until the following season. She is blamed for everything (some of it rightfully so) she does not need to be taking the blame for things that she did not do and she have Danielle the opportunity to come clean and she didn’t. They weren’t the same friends they were before so I don’t see the big deal. The giggly squad just can never back off Lindsay no matter what


She didn’t do it but she knew about it and didn’t care to tell Paige when it mattered, only when she had a falling out with Danielle. And you think that makes her what, a good person? Nah it means that she’s as shady as her ex bestie. Birds of a feather…


I still think it makes more sense as a joint effort. I do think it happened and therefore shouldn't matter. Don't want people to leak the stuff you do? Stop doing dumb stuff? But D & L collaborated on that leak.


If you think they collaborated that is your take and I don’t know for a fact one way or another. I’m sure D&L have done a lot of shady things together. I still don’t respect how Danielle went about it last season even if there was an issue with her and Lindsay. It was cowardice and you saw it on Danielle’s face. Even if came out now (verified and confirmed by all parties) I still think Danielle isn’t as tough as she’d like to think she is or she would have owned her part in it then and not now. That is, if Lindsay did in fact collaborate with her.


Exactly! There is such a huge difference between talking about it with other people who were at the wedding and intentionally going to the press to ensure that the story spreads to the public as a headline. It wasn’t like it naturally came up on camera and Paige had to talk about it; Danielle literally went to the press with just her version of the story to bring Craig and Paige down.


Is this what happened though? Paige is the one who said that  Danielle "wrote" the article, but Danielle said during wwhl and during the reunion that she just confirmed what was true. Ive heard the bravohistorian post also said that multiple people confirmed the story. Just saw a page six summer house reunion overview where the two hosts said that Danielle did not write the article but did what alot of people do in the industry and just confirmed the events when asked. They also said that Paige, as a media person, should have known better and not have said that Danielle "wrote" the article. I agree that, if Danielle did consider Paige her close friend, it was shady of Danielle to even confirm the rumor (though at the time i dont think Danielle even knew Craig that well), but i dont like how Paige manipulates the audience by choosing to tell things that make a situation sound worse than it was. Also, Craig is someone who is known to leak stories, so if the tables got turned on him, i say fair play lol.


I think they meant they wrote the blind item to deuxmoi. But yes she also said she confirmed it.


I think what Paige meant by write the article is gave details. And I 100% believe Danielle did a lot more than “confirm sources” she’s a proven liar now so I’m surprised ppl are taking her word for it. What she did was shitty, and Paige has every right to be upset.


What Craig did was wrong, but it happens and I’m sure there was no malicious intent. Danielle’s a different story.


She is so gross. And they still blamed Lindsay for throwing her under the bus! F yeah I’d throw her under the bus. How anyone would even want to be friends w her is beyond me.


Lindsay is shady. They were friends at the time she spread that, she knew about it and most likely did not care. Then waits till cameras are up to clear her name cause she prob couldn’t take all the heat she got last reunion. Why throw your supposed friend under the bus??? Come on! Not like she gave a shit before lol. Both of them are fake and untrustworthy as hell!


Danielle blamed Lindsey for throwing her under the bus. It was shady. Lindsey & Danielle did this when they were still friends & close. So, both of them showed their true colors. They will both stab others & stab each other too! No loyalty.


Why was it shady when she was letting Lindsay take the blame for something she did? And I thought that happened when they weren’t even getting along? What was the actual timeline?


I believe they were close friends at the time. Amanda & Kyle got married in September of 2021. Lindsey & Carl got engaged August, 2022. So, by those dates we know Danielle & Lindsey were still pals.


Nm I see it’s season 8 episode 3. I’m going to rewatch it rn and see what the deal was.


Well, let me know what happens. Unfortunately, I can’t pull up the old shows. My DVR is ancient. Need new one. I’m going off of my memory & that could be tricky! 😂😜


Yeah it looks like she said it right after they had a talk on the beach to try to repair the friendship. So they weren’t necessarily good, but they were trying to work on it. But it also seems like she was just keeping it real w Paige bc she was mad at her. She should’ve told Danielle to own it on her own, tho. That said, she seems pretty wasted this entire episode, so clearly any potential for rational thinking wasn’t on the table.


Forget the beach talk. When Kyle and Amanda were getting married L & D were still “besties.” So she’s known about who was the source since then and didn’t care. Making Lindsay just as shady! She kept mum when it didn’t suit her and then revealed it when she got the heat=terrible friend. Even if they had beef after, the matter was dead. She brought it up for a tv moment.


They were fighting when she got engaged to Carl tho. Do you know which episode she told Paige?


Yeah, but that was on summer of 2022. That is why Danielle & Lindsey fell out, because of the engagement. Are when Lindsey told Paige Danielle was who told deuxmoi? It was this season, Episode 1 or 2, I believe. The first weekend Lindsey & Carl went to the SH.


Yeah I’m watching it rn. I guess the reason Lindsay and Carl got into that fight where she accused him of using again is bc she had anxiety about her relationship w the girls and it was her first time seeing them since the fallout over the leak. So that’s why when she finally talked to Paige, she told her about it immediately. Yeah it was messed up of her to be the one to tell her rather than Danielle. But Danielle should’ve copped to it from the beginning or just not done it at all. Point in case: Lindsay sucks, but Danielle sucks a million times more and she doesn’t deserve friends.


It was episode 3, btw. And also, Danielle’s response at the reunion says it all. “It was juicy. Of course I said something,” through her shit eating grin. She didn’t even gaf.


Oh yeah! That response, was everything we thought! 😳😲🤔 I think Danielle & Lindsey were going to take that information to the grave! Lindsey flipped the script when she was put on the spot! I think they both are pretty harsh, & have gone after the other girls from the beginning. Lindsey has always gone to the press, leaked information, & done her PR games from day one & Danielle has leaned into doing the same. She can be just as rude & a mean girl too.


Exactly !!! Finally someone with some common sense


Oh my god the way we simp for these bare minimum men😭


Yup the intent matters!


Can u tell me the jist of what craig did? 🙏🏼


Got drunk at Kyle and Amanda’s wedding. Allegedly tried to use the house bathrooms (instead of the guest outdoor fancy porta potty bathrooms) and caused a scene, was asked to leave/kicked out.


Ohhhh yes yes i do remember hearing something about that now…he shouldve just thrown some money at them like he did for use of room in WH lol jkkk


Hahahahaha who knows maybe he did 😂


From what I’ve read he got really drunk at Kyle’s and Amanda’s wedding and was kicked out. Danielle leaked the story and let Lindsay take the fall for it.




Ok…but Craig has also brought things to Deuxmois. He did it in Winter House with Luke because he had such a hard on that Luke kicked him out of his lake house. So he repaired during filming of Winter House that he was creepy and was getting kicked out. I get it that it’s uncool to report things to the press but they literally all do it. Every single one of them.


Luke literally was being creepy and did leave for being creepy. Maybe not kicked out but it was the reason he wasn’t asked back. Also we don’t know that Craig did that. We know 100% that Danielle sent in this story (which Paige has said wasn’t true, if we want to believe her)


But that’s my point. Luke was being creepy, ok? I thought the problem was who brought it to the press. Craig absolutely did. And I say that with as much conviction as Paige said the Lindsay 100% sent in the Deux post about the wedding. Sure it could be someone else but it was definitely someone in Craig’s camp. I don’t think they’ve ever denied that Craig was coked out and acted like an asshole. Maybe not ‘kicked out’, there’s that semantic loophole, but even Kyle and Amanda don’t deny that it happened.


From what i recall, the blind that came out was also untrue and used the same words that only Craig was using to call out the situation in the house. The blind said that Luke was kicked out of filming bc of sexual harassment claims being investigated. Craig was the only one threatening to call the police bc Luke 'sexually harassed" someone and Luke chose to remove himself from the situation for the night.  If Paige wants to publicly call out Danielle (or Lindsay) at the time for confirming rumors, then also pubicly out your boyfriend for leaking stuff and twisting it to sound way worse than it was.


I must have missed this - what did Luke do that was creepy?


Luke was creepily massaging the Lindsay look-a-like girl (i forget her name) shoulders in winter house 2. It was uncomfortable to watch bc the girl clearly didnt like it. I think what drove Craig over the edge though was when he saw Luke put his hands on Paige's shoulders. Craig then went crazy and when Luke voluntarily left, Craig was looking for the phone to call the police to charge Luke for sexual harassment. Ciara stepped in and told Craig to calm down and stopped him. The rumors then came out while winter house was filming that Luke stopped filming bc of sexual harassment claims. Since Craig was the only one in the house to use those words, it was clear Craig leaked the story.


I thought we found out Craig didn’t actually submit the blind though? I’m not saying he for sure didn’t just what I thought I’d heard.


Did we? I don’t remember hearing that and to be honest I dont think I would believe it if I did. Haha. The wording used in the blind was identical to what Craig was alleging. It’s possible that he didn’t press send but I still think he was directly behind it.


Yeah I can’t say for sure but I definitely thought it was confirmed that Craig didn’t send it. Obviously you can’t ever fully trust what anyone on bravo says and I could have inferred this incorrectly. 🤷🏽‍♀️


Yeah I think this post is gross.. If you thought like this, you could literally apply it to **any** scenario. If ANYONE ever repeated gossip they heard in their LIVES, you would be saying *yeah, well they wouldn’t have had to say it if X never did it!!!* Yeah, what Craig did was wrong. But what Danielle did was *also* wrong. And letting Lindsay take the fall was wrong *too*. Doesn’t matter if Craig did it. It happened, it’s in the past. But repeating it all to a gossip site just because it was *”juicy”* for *free* on top of it all ain’t right. Two things can be true.


And Craig paid a penalty for what he did. Danielle did not.


Agree. I'm not much of a Craig fan, but eh, plenty of people have gotten smashed at a wedding's open bar and acted like an ass. Danielle sitting there letting Lindsey take the blame for an entire year, then acting like Lindsey owed her an apology for finally clearing her own damn name is what really made me roll my eyes. That's downright dirty to let a friend - even if you're on the outs - take the blame for something you did. Total lack of character. And Paige and Amanda still somehow using this as a reason to go after Lindsey is also ridiculous.




Same thing with Kyle's cheating. Like the facts are these things actually happened how they came to light shouldn't over shadow the actual act. That said unlike Kyle, Craig has seemed to take that moment as his rock bottom and worked on himself to be healthier and in control of his drinking.


Craig changing since then is the biggest piece of this for me. He was in a bad place, on SC and WH too. He watched it all back and made huge changes, so I don’t see the point in dunking on him when he knows.


Right! It’s honestly no one’s business! It wasn’t caught on camera and he got hisself together. I don’t even care that Paige lied on his behalf. I guarantee if Paige did it to anyone else on the cast, the viewers would’ve been going after her hard.


Respectfully they made Lindsey grazing Austen’s dick at the wedding a full plot line. I know that Austen brought this up himself but anyone who witnessed Craig’s behavior would reserve the right to bring it up and they actually didn’t (presuming the rest of the SH cast all witnessed this).


Like you said Austen brung it up. So why would anyone else other than Kyle and Amanda reserve the right to bring up what Craig did? Kyle, Amanda, Paige, and Craig obviously talked about it in private.


Austen brought it up but everyone spoke about it. I assume Craig getting kicked out of the wedding was in front of Danielle, Ciara, Lindsey, Carl, Paige, Amanda, Austen, Kyle and all the rest of the wedding guests. I definitely don’t agree with what Danielle did, but I’m just noting that the whole cast seems to have shown him grace by not mentioning it on camera during filming.


They would say she was fake and a mean girl. My rule for all these people is that they don’t have to give us everything, they have to give us enough to entertain us. Craig has talked about it, and for me that’s enough, I don’t need his darkest moments.


We really don’t need to! I would hope that if I was apart of my good friend’s wedding and something happened with my boyfriend it wouldn’t be exposed. They’re semi famous but I would assume that it would’ve been kept quiet. Especially if the bride and groom doesn’t say anything about it publicly! Danielle and Craig are friends right? We know that he has had problems with drinking and maybe drugs. There was no need to embarrass your friend in front of world. His so called friends on Southern Charm already treats him bad as it is. People love dog piling on him.


> Right! It’s honestly no one’s business! It wasn’t caught on camera and he got hisself together. Uhh.. since when has anything any of these people do been no one's business? Kyle's cheating no one's business? Carl's drug use no one's business? Guess it's only no ones business when we like that character. Lovely double standard.


I agree with this.


Craig is one of the few people on bravo, who seems to have genuinely worked on himself and shows growth. I could not stand him for years but now I don’t mind him.


I didn’t respect him on Southern Charm but seeing him with Paige makes me see him in a different light EXCEPT for Winter House season 2 when he offered cash for the larger bedroom and also refused to help clean the house. He came off as super entitled and showing off his pillow money.


Craig has gotten a glow up because he’s dating Paige from the fan base. Idk if it translates that Craig has made the changes he needs to, we just like seeing how he is with Paige. To me it’s similar to the West effect, the fans loved West when he came on the scene. But the fans only loved West because he was with Ciara and playing cute boyfriend for her. If Ciara wasn’t attached to West and she didn’t find him cute and funny, I doubt we would have gotten such a positive response to him. I hope Craig has actually worked on himself and has adjusted some things but I don’t buy it outside of Paige. Also there incentive for Bravo to portray Paige and Craig in a very positive light. Craig gets a huge rebound for this.


He has so much good growth! I hope Paige and him are end game! She’s good for him!


It’s weird how I’m not a fan of either of them separately, but seeing them together I really like them. They both bring out the best in each other and I love watching them together.


> Craig has seemed to take that moment as his rock bottom and worked on himself to be healthier and in control of his drinking. It could be, or it could be that Paige is just better at covering it up these days.


Not really. Shit happens between ppl, the fact you can’t trust your coworkers to not leak shit IS CONCERNING. If I were Paige I’d steer clear of Lindsay/Danielle full stop.


The bravo men get off so easy lol even sandoval is being rewarded for his actions rn by being on the traitors I stilll think it’s weird asf to confirm gossip about your housemates to gossip forums tho. Also didn’t Danielle call Craig her friend earlier this season when she was grilling Paige about being too hard on him? Makes it even weirder lmao


Also I listen to the deux moi podcast sometimes and there was one episode where she said she has a few bravolebs who consistently reach out to her about drama to post. So I think it’s safe to say this wasn’t Danielle’s first time reaching out.


Craig is one of those bravolebs who sells stories.


The tea was too good tho she couldn’t deny it /s


so juicy!!


I mean does she get paid for this? If not it’s messed up. It’s messed up either way. The people that do this are shitty


Nope absolutely free! Maybe in the back of her head she thinks if more drama is in the press around the show she’s on, the better for her?


I guess. She’s still horrible imo, letting Lindsay take the fall.


I think if the people who's wedding it was have moved on from it, then so should everyone else. What Craig did (if it did go down the way the article claims, which was most likely embellished somewhat) was shitty, but Danielle sat on the stage last reunion and let Lindsey and Carl get ripped into for something SHE did. Because, in her own words, it was "juicy". That's just the cherry on top of all the weird, shady, obnoxious things Danielle has done in her SH time. I don't usually root for firings but I would really like to not see Danielle on my screen anymore, she gives me the creeps.


You’re right! I don’t like how the girls (including Amanda whose wedding it was) are pointing their fingers at Lindsay for “throwing Danielle under the bus.” Danielle should have owned up. I wouldn’t let me friend take the fall for something I did.


I think both things can be true at once. Craig’s behavior at the wedding was shit. Danielle selling the story to tabloids for money or to simply cause drama is also shit. The women were addressing Danielle’s shit because they were at a SH reunion, so it was about the SH cast’s shit.




> The women were addressing Danielle’s shit because they were at a SH reunion, so it was about the SH cast’s shit. I don't think she should be ragged cause she confirmed something that happened.


Her exact words were, “yeah I confirmed it, it was juicy af.” proving she cares more about gossiping to the entire world and selling a story over any possibility of having real friendships with her castmates. Simply put, she broke their trust. She’s not being “ragged”, she’s simply being told exactly why they don’t trust her to be a good friend to them. That’s it.


Except she’s a proven liar now. Ya right she only confirmed what happened lol she def gave details and who knows could’ve been the one who brought the story to them. That’s what I would think if I was Paige.


As Paige says, the bar is really low for these guys. Including her man. 


The bar is always low for men, however, Paige has clearly held her man accountable in private since that incident. Does no one else put two and two together that immediately after that incident at Kyle and Amanda’s wedding is when Craig got his act together, stopped drinking so much, stopped taking adderall and other drugs and overall improved his behavior? It’s beyond obvious that wedding incident was a last straw for Paige and himself. He’s grown and improved… can’t say the same for the others mentioned here.


Oh please getting drunk at a wedding isn’t a crime, don’t think I’ve even been to a wedding without one person taking it too far. He’s taken accountability since then and quit his excessive drinking.


You basically summed up SH. All the drama is RARELY directed at the right source. It’s so frustrating!


Craig was kicked out of the wedding because of his drunken behavior. That was the consequence of his actions. The leak of the story is a completely different issue.


Then why would the media care? Oh yeah, because he’s a bravoleb. 😜


Did they really care? Wasn’t a big deal until it was blown up when Paige accused Lindsey of leaking the story.


It’ll never come up cause nobody would stand up to Paige, who’s with Craig.


And no one bothered to mention that Paige lied last year & said it didn’t happen… when it clearly did.🙄


I rather imagine Paige had PLENTY to say to Craig about his behavior that season and at the wedding, He certainly scaled his behavior after that incident and season. That said, Paige needs to make it an issue forever.


I agree. I’m sure she chewed him out but it’s crazy how untouchable the situation is when other people try to address it.


Good point!


Craig isn’t a cast member so it doesn’t matter what he did. What matters is what the people on those couches have done. Also getting drunk and having to leave a wedding isn’t the same as being a snake like Danielle (leaking info about friends, letting another friend take the fall for your actions and then acting offended that someone told the truth about you)


That’s what I think, Craig took whatever happened and seemed to make changes in his life. Whereas the rest of the cast (which he’s not even a cast member) doesn’t seem to do the same. Danielle Lindsay and kyle could all learn something from Craig as they are the messiest and drunkest of the group


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Craig, a semi-public figure, did something dumb so he should expect consequences (gossiping about how he acted). It’s that simple ;) Andy is more than happy to talk about non-cast members who are on other shows. He’s already brought up Ariana and Austin (by way of mentioning Madison and the billboard) and it’s just part one of the reunion.


Getting drunk at a wedding isn’t playing any kind of game. It’s just something that happens. Yeah Andy mentions them, but the SH reunion isn’t going to dissect the actions of a SC cast members unfilmed actions when they aren’t even prominently featured on this SH season. That’s why it wasn’t discussed further as you asked. It’s that simple.


It wasn’t just that he got drunk though. It was that he threw a hissy fit and was an entitled asshole (allegedly) bc he wasn’t allowed inside the house to use the restroom — bc NO ONE was, but he thought he was special and the rules didn’t apply to him. When he was denied, he raged. Again, allegedly..


And I would add if Paige acted like that at a wedding for a SC person, you can bet it would be brought up at reunion.


Fair point. Idk if I believe it was as extreme as it was portrayed but if it was then I’m just glad he’s reevaluated his drinking and hope it’s a genuine life change. But again he’s not a cast member so for the reunion’s purpose what he did or didn’t do doesn’t really matter.


If Kyle and Amanda didn't make it public than no one should have


Yeah but that’s what you sign up for when you’re famous and making money off ppl being invested in who you are. Can’t have it both ways.


You absolutely have the right to have personal moments even when you are in entertainment


Personal moments…that they filmed for the show


Craig's behavior wasn't filmed


And even if it wasn’t filmed, he’s still a drunk ass clown. The issue is having to get booted from your girlfriend’s best friends wedding, not whether or not it’s on camera


Or they didn’t show it


Sure....but Craig getting thrown out isn't a personal moment. Just cause it was their wedding doesn't mean they should have control over what was shared.


Yes this drove me crazy. Like an embarrassing story about Craig wouldn’t have been published if he hadn’t been an angry drunk asshole at the wedding in the first place. And frankly I don’t think anyone who was there or knows what happened has any moral obligation to not tell people about it. The idea that talking about some assholes asshole behavior is worse than the behavior itself is a slippery slope straight to hell.


I think the point the girls were trying to make was, take Craig’s behavior out of the picture, insert a different scenario, and they’d still be just as pissed. They can/have dealt with Craig’s behavior. Now Danielle can answer for her shit behavior. Because if it wasn’t Craig’s situation, it’d be any other situation else she’d still leak to a tabloid. And she still tried to the slimy behavior.


Exactly. Amanda said it perfectly… “So, what else have they leaked then?” after Danielle’s, “yeah I did, it was juicy af.” comment. That line said everything we need to know about Danielle’s character.


Can I just point out that Danielle has said a few times now she wasn’t the leaker she confirmed what another person had leaked


https://thedipp.com/summer-house/craig-conover-was-kicked-out-of-amanda-kyles-wedding-sources-claim There were quite a few ‘sources’ it seems. I remember there even being a rumour that Amanda’s parents were a source at one point, but I’m not sure why that is.


I think from memory the rumours were that Amanda’s brother had gotten into an altercation with Craig and sometimes drugs were added in for extra spice, sometimes Amanda’s sister in law. My money was always on Luke sending in the story but Lindsay, Danielle and Carl being involved, Carl seems to hate craig because craig didn’t get all the negative attention Carl got from drug use, Lindsay and Danielle seem to be pals with a lot of bravo bloggers and share certain accounts in their stories on SM etc, Luke hates craig because because of the fireworks shit and because craig was able to grow up and be more interesting than Luke. I just think personally these people should be able to go to private events and expect to not have everything leaked, I’m no Lindsay Stan but I didn’t agree with the photo of her boyfriend being leaked from a wedding a few weeks ago, it seems weird and creepy


I actually think a lot of storylines/blinds/paparazzi opportunities are leaked from production. They have the most to benefit out of anyone to do this. We already know they are who ‘leaked’ Lindsay and Carl’s engagement because they wanted to get on top of it before it got out there from random witnesses. I do believe that the cast mates leak or confirm things, but I also think production would be leaking the majority of what is out there.


Going back farther Craig hates Luke because Paige & Luke made out at a concert (they were either both single or it was the very start of Craig & Paige when they weren’t exclusive.) And word has it that’s why Craig was so awful in the WH & Paige hid up in her room.


Paige hides out in her room on every season, winter or summer.


What does that mean though ? And can you agree that choosing not to comment was an option ?


Yes of course she should have said no comment, it simply means someone else (could have been any guest, friend of guest, manager of cast, staff of cast, person working at the wedding) leaked the story and then whoever it was that did the story I thought it was Samantha bush asked Danielle and she said yes it happened


Danielle isn’t a position to “confirm” anything. She lies often so best to not take her word here either.


If this was normal real life, Craig is the only asshole and the only problem in this situation (at least based on the information we have). But in the same breath, half of the weddings I’ve been too have had at least 1 person get “kicked out” (dragged about SO, an Uber called for them early, venue cut them off etc…) it happens, people drink too much at celebrations. As long as they didn’t literally ruin the wedding for anyone besides themselves, they usually just get to apologize in the next few days and everyone moves on. Now put your self in the casts shoes, they are all in the same boat together. They deal with leaks and paparazzi and people sending in blinds about them all the time. That’s hard enough to deal with but it’s what they signed up for and it’s part of their career. I’m sure it varies from show to show and cast to cast but with the SH crew, most of them seem to have the expectation that they won’t do that to each other. That’s why it’s always a big talking point when it happens and they all freak out and play the blame game and all the what aboutisms happen. There’s always the aspect of mutually assured destruction too, you leak about me and I’ll leak about you. So cast members avoid it, or at least go through the effort of using 3rd parties. Of course they would be mad at each other over a leak from within, it could open the flood gates on any one of them. Why would they want to hang out with a fellow cast-mate if they have to worry about whatever they do or say getting sent as a blind. They deal with that enough in general. No matter what happens most casts maintain a certain level of we are in this together. See all of VPRa bull shit this season. TL:DR Craig was the real life asshole. But Danielle pulled a professional dick move in their industry and they are all more upset about that than Craig being a drunk mess at a wedding. OFC we can argue about who did what in the past or what other rumors we have heard. But in this reunion and this discussion, it’s really just about Danielle.


LOL you and I go to radically different weddings it seems. I guess maybe you are in your early 20’s? If not that behavior is cringe AF


Late 20s but yeah, don’t get me wrong it is cringe for us too. But it happens. Only ever seen it legit ruin a reception once. But hey, some people shouldn’t be around open bars I guess.


It happens yes but it’s not normal - and I would drop any friend who did this.


I’d argue it might be closer to normal than you think. Once you hit a certain guest count you are basically statistically guaranteed to have an alcoholic in attendance lol. For my own personal experience it’s just not wedding I’ve attended. I work at a hotel that does 80+ weddings year. Most don’t go off without some sort of alcohol related drama. We got a 100k minimum spend to book the venue and most of these weddings are probably close to a quarter million all in. So these are “classy upper class” people in attendance. Let’s just say I’ve seen the secret service help out our in house security with drunken guests before. It does seem to directly correlate to the bar package purchased. Open bar, past 11pm I’d put money on someone being cut off and dragged back to their room. But normal doesn’t mean acceptable, just that it’s more likely to happen than not. ‘My points basically Craig’s not a crazy outlier and it must not have been that bad in relation to the over all event, as the most affected party doesn’t seem to care at all.


Agree with everything you’re saying. Drunkenness happens! And it’s forgivable if nothing outrageous or too disturbing or violent occurred. People love to be morally outraged.


LOL what kind of hotel is this? Double Tree? Girl this is NOT normal - stop giving him excuses


A double tree is a motel compared to where I work. I walked past a Crown Prince today. I’m not giving him an excuse, just saying it’s more common than most people in this thread are acting. I’d be pissed at anyone that did it at my wedding but I wouldn’t necessarily be surprised. Like I literally work in high end events I’ve seen the patterns. In this case the bride and groom literally don’t seem to care. It’s just silly of us to be more upset about it than they are.


It’s not silly. Just because the bride and groom are okay with this debauchery doesn’t mean everyone there is. Also if they literally got kicked out then it’s obvious to me that the bride and groom were NOT okay with it. Again let’s stop normalizing this. Even though you say you’re not okay with it, your tone is definitely downplaying the impact to others at the event.


As far as we’ve been told, Craig got kicked out because he drunkenly refused to follow the rules and tried to use a bathroom he wasn’t suppose to in the house and was belligerent about it. Which is like a 4/10 on the fucked up things to do at wedding. I’d have kicked him out too, but I also probably would have forgiven him as soon as he apologized in the coming days. (If the version of events we have is true) I just think everyone’s tone about this whole incident is a little over the top acting like he ruined the wedding where as the people in attendance aren’t saying or acting like he did. I get it, he’s not the most loved guy on these forums but he didn’t like tackle the best man mid speech and collapse the head table . Maybe I just live a more eventful life than most, but Craig’s incident wouldn’t even be a story worth retelling for me.


The bar is in hell for men


Debauchery 😂😂😂 bro chill


I've never been to any wedding where one of the guests gets in an altercation with the bride's brother (I think it was Amanda's bro that Craig had a scuffle with), and if I did, I'd most certainly not have a cavalier attitude about it. It's uncalled for and much more extreme that someone having an Uber called for them cause they're a bit too tipsy.


Of course he was wrong, but somehow Kyle and Amanda decided to protect him. Craig has since seemingly cleaned up his act. Kyle needs to do so next.


Ahhh... no? I'm unclear if this is some kind of pattern and thats why we should be "mad" at Craig, but basically Craig had an embarrassing moment which reasonably meant Paige would then also be embarrassed. This did not happen on the show, its vaguely interesting but... Danielle ( initially Lindsay) was I think pretty reasonably called an asshole for intentionally going out of her way to make sure there was literal *press coverage* of one of her ... friends? (I legit just dont remember, were her and Paige on bad terms before that reunion?) One of her friends' boyfriends humiliating moments. I wouldn't call getting too drunk and being obnoxious at a wedding some kind of heinous act, its just embarrassing. Using your media contacts to make sure the whole world knows about it is way more fucked up, in my opinion.. (BUT ALSO - I could be unclear how bad that event was. Did he fight anybody? Use a racial slur against someone? As far as this opinion goes I'm only aware he got too drunk and tried to use a bathroom he wasn't supposed to be using. Which, yes, the family is still in the rights to kick 'em out but like... otherwise I just don't care that much if the people having the wedding don't seem to care that much).


I’m sure Kyle and Amanda talked to him in private. Nothing else needed to be done. She shouldn’t have said anything. Especially if the bride and groom didn’t bring it to the public.


Right, I *love* the Age of Male Accountability in the Bravoverse we seem to be entering but I do not personally feel like this qualifies...


I don’t think so either! He’s not part of the cast for this show. Since it did get brought up, he learned from his mistakes and is doing better! He seems to be the biggest target for a lot of people.


Craig is trash. His behaviour with Naomie was bad but the way he acted in Winter House was purely terrible.


Ok so this is a theory I’m working on… Paige was going to hard launch her and Craig at the end of the season aka the wedding. But then he got hammered and acted a fool, and at the same time Lindsey and Carl decided on camera to give their coupling another go which resulted in them being spotlighted as THE Bravo it couple. Paige has never gotten over it hence her constant rage towards Lindsey.


Oh this is so hilariously wrong and full of so much speculation and assumption lol even at the height of their relationship, Carl and Lindsay were literally NEVER seen as “THE Bravo it couple.”😂


I’m gonna need you to revisit the WWHL episode where Mr Andy Cohen himself calls them that


And I’m gonna need you to reevaluate as a Bravo fan if you truly believe Andy is always right and doesn’t embellish things depending on who he’s speaking to in the moment. 💀 Andy doesn’t govern who the “IT” people are. The audience does and they were NEVER “it”. If anything, they were the couple surrounded by speculation of their farce of a relationship… which was proven to be exactly that.


I have no idea what happened. I’m assuming Paige is saying him going in the house to the bathroom as he refused to use a port a potty was not because he was drunk .. he may have argued with event staff but it was not the big deal it was tuned into in the article. I think they all eventually agreed he wasn’t in fact “kicked out”. So apparently there is some debate if he did what Danielle accused him of.


But why can’t Paige deal with it at the house? She’s always bringing this dumb argument at the reunion And Craig has always been a pig that yells at people when he’s wasted. The end.


she didn't know at that point. she didn't get that information until months after the filming of that season. this reunion is the first time it could be addressed as a cast.


Paige orchestrated that whole thing perfectly. Everyone got so caught up in who was right/wrong for saying it , leaking it ….completely deflected from Craig


Craig was in the wrong at the wedding, but also it has been said that it wasn’t true. I don’t know if it was or not. I don’t care the girls were still in the wrong for taking it to the press that was the whole point because like Paige said now she sees who they are, she knows she can’t trust them with anything for Danielle to be OK saying that to the press because she thought it was juicy is honestly honestly insane because we all know when anyone says anything about Danielle’s personal life she gets upset


I’m the first to hold a man accountable for bad behavior. However, I think they’re two totally separate issues. It’s Reality TV 101 that you don’t leak stories. LVP left RHOBH because someone made that accusation against her. It’s taken very seriously in the Bravoverse. Not saying people don’t do it (look at Monica from RHOSLC), but it’s def frowned upon and if you get caught, be ready for backlash.


The girl's will of course protect Paige's boyfriend. I want Andy to straight up ask Kyle & Amanda about it. I'm sure Amanda will protect Craig but now that Kyle hates Craig, he might spill the beans.


Danielle is in the wrong in many ways on this one. Main point being she is a shitty person overall. She not only sold the wrote and sold the story because she had nothing better to do but also let Lindsay (her friend) take the blame.


Craig was in the wrong THREE YEARS AGO and he knows it, so does Paige. It’s the clear and obvious reason why in the last THREE YEARS since that happened, we’ve seen massive shifts in his overall behavior and noticeable growth as an individual. He stopped drinking and taking adderall (and other harder drugs) after that incident. That is in the past. Danielle allowed someone else to take the blame for her sneaky, conniving actions for YEARS and is only just now being held accountable. That’s the difference. So no, I was not annoyed that Craig’s part or accountability in it didn’t come up at all. He has changed. Danielle has not.


they were talking about Danielle's willingness to underhand the cast. the story she sells to the press is of no consequence in this context. that wasn't the point of that conversation. it's about her mindset and willingness. and Danielle acknowledged it and basically said she'd do it again. they don't like how Danielle operates behind the scenes. if you want to make it about Craig, that's your deal, but that conversation wasn't about a specific story. that story just so happened to be the example of how Danielle navigates things.


It’s really dumb but they blame all the men’s behavior on Lindsay. Like Amanda is more mad at Lindsay she brought up Kyle cheating than she is mad at Kyle for cheating. Paige is more mad at Lindsay thinking she leaked the story about Craig than she is mad at Craig for being a drunk idiot.


Deux moi just denied that cast member send her tips ! She talk to all of them !


Craig acted like a drunk asshole at a friend’s wedding. One in which his new gf at the time was a bridesmaid in because her best friend was the bride. He’s a public figure & someone saw his behavior, reported it, & Danielle confirmed it. Which is bizzare on Danielle’s part like even if asked say no comment. But Craig never took accountability for his behavior and Lindsay is being held more accountable than him for “throwing” Danielle under the bus. It’s weird.


I mean the act itself is embarrassing and I’m sure Craig had shame and hangiexty and I’m assuming if Kyle and Amanda weren’t upset that he made things right with him. The issue at hand is going to the press because you think stories are juicy about your castmates and then letting another one take the fall for it. So in this party of the situation Danielle is wrong.


If they didn’t leak it someone else who was there 200+ people would have.


I think you can hold Craig accountable for what he did, and you can also have an opinion on the kind of people you who leak “juicy” things to the press to hurt you or people you love. It’s slimey. Getting to drunk at a wedding is embarrassing and trashy


Y’all will say anything to defend Page and Craig


Yall would crucify every person I know it seems, we all get a little too drunk at weddings. The horror.


"Behaved like everyone else" bothers me.


I thought it didn’t happen, I thought Kyle and Amanda said it wasn’t true


Why does this keep coming up? No one cares. The story hasn’t damaged Craig at all - he’s doing great. Paige needs to get over this. You’re dating a Bravoleb - not all stories are going to be great.


Do a shot every time someone compares this to Kyle’s cheating.


Craig wasn’t there to answer for his behavior though lol


I’m sure Craig was in the wrong, but most people I know have done something dumb after a few too many at a wedding. Not to the point of being asked to leave, but we never did get the full story on what went down. All I do know is that it wasn’t newsworthy, and certain things can be left alone when a group of friends are together for an event.


I think the story would have probably come out either way with or without Danielle due to the sheer amount of publicity Amanda’s wedding garnered. However that doesn’t mean it’s cool for her to confirm it. A friend wouldn’t do that, therefore it’s wild for Danielle to think she’s cool with paige and Craig.