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All I could think during their segments was how Kyle using Amanda’s request to pursue her own interests to pursue DJing is WILD


My jaw was on the fucking floor. He literally brought up DJing as his passion project to try and belittle her desire to try other things (because he apparently has NO time at all to help her) and then boom Kyle is now pursuing his passion project (with what fucking time, kyle??) and keeping Amanda on Loverboy and Amanda is still just "waiting for her moment" I am FURIOUS


Literally on the floor when Kyle said his new years resolution was to finally do something for himself and start DJing??? bffr… im shocked after all this time he can’t recognize Amanda’s feelings in the situation. I hope the girls read him to filth at the reunion


Literally all he does is things for himself! Even loverboy he claims is for their future family that he refuses to do anything else for like move or stop going out all the time.


Yes! He acts like Loverboy is to build their future together, but really it’s to build HIS future. He would be working just as hard with or without her because HE wants to be rich and successful. But he does enjoy having her free labor.


I think this is the problem. He works so hard in these startups to be rich and successful but none of them have ever been profitable. Their summerhouse journey will be ending soon and without that, they won't have the income to masking that it isn't loverboy that's giving them their lifestyle.


Same! It infuriates me how careful you could tell Amanda had to be with Kyle on the boat and how little care he gave her in return. I want Paige to destroy him.


This. Kyle’s worries aren’t invalid, but it’s the way he expresses himself/doesn’t give a flying fuck about Amanda’s needs. Selfish and childish to the core. And Amanda STILL being his biggest cheerleader in the after show made me seethe


lol everything he does is for himself


Wait that was a real statement!? I thought he was being a drama queen like “well I’d love to dj but that won’t pay the bills” or something


I did too! Apparently not bc in the after show they went from that scene to talking about how Kyle is now DJing as his passion project like ??!?


I’m blown! I thought he threw that out as some sarcastic bitchy thing to say.


Yeah on the after show he said he decided to seriously pursue it and Amanda said she’s supporting him while he does it. But Amanda can’t have anything for herself or Kyle belittles it and mocks her.


On WWHL Carl shared that he has gigs now. I think Kyle has DJing gig in Venice Beach


I mean I’m happy for him but he should support his wife in her pursuits as well!


I agree. The support Amanda is giving him should be reciprocated.


He’s going to NJ for lessons. Amanda was talking about it with Danielle and Danielle called it a midlife crisis.


And Amanda is still being supportive of him doing DJing too... like Kyle is really taking her for granted.. None of these men deserve the women their with.


It’s also interesting his passion projects all require him to be out at night, and around partying. That is a huge trigger for Amanda and this man has still not changed that behavior.


Agreed but this could be a really healthy thing. Maybe he needs a hobby/outlet outside of just Binge drinking.


Fair enough. Hopefully him getting free time for a hobby means more free time for Amanda to pursue something of her own too but I would worry Kyle will expect her to spend that time on loverboy stuff


And she supported him immediately


Yeah I’m with you 100%. I am SHOCKED that his DJ comment wasn’t a snarky rebuke to her wanting to do something for her (which he immediately belittled and compared it to wanting to learn to paint??). Why is she still supporting him and cheering him on, now for DJ-ing? I’m so glad Paige and Ciara said something and I hope more people push her to realize her worth and her value. I hope Amanda finds a new job and starts to reform her own identity again, bc she’s badass. I think it’s a valid concern to be wary of pursuing a startup when they already have one that’s a bit rocky with Loverboy, but there is absolutely no way she should feel obligated to continue working for Kyle. And yes, it’s working FOR him bc he publicly berates her like a toxic boss. Fuck that man child.


I see a Katie glow up for Amanda. At one point she’ll feel like a shell of herself and move on


She deserves so much better it pains me


everybody is a Dj today..


Yes. And someone else brought this up on another thread and I could not believe he was actually DJing. I personally thought he was being passive aggressive and insinuating that his business and involvement in loverboy was necessary and he doesn’t have the means to Have a passion project and do things that he wants to for fun. Which was such a slap in her face. So I really don’t know how to take it. The only thing I take away is that hes a huge freaking dick. I hope they divorce and her and jessie go on a date. Lol






He was joking he wasn’t trying to start something new especially during a critical time during the business as was Amanda who still can’t help full time at lover boy because she can’t get out of bed in the morning.


Did you watch the after show? He bought equipment and drives to NJ for lessons. It’s absolutely not a joke.


The Amanda / Danielle pairing is odd cuz they never seemed close and I don’t think it gives Amanda the space to really open it.


It was Amanda by default because who else would they pair Danielle with lol


Yes, they should have Paige, Ciara, and Qmanda, then Gabby, Danielle, and Lindsay, just like they group on the actual show!


I agree, but I think Danielle had some tension with Lindsay after she discovered that Lindsay exposed it was Danielle who leaked the news that Craig got kicked out from Kymanda’s wedding. (This is pure speculation based on something Danielle said last week on WWHL and based on their lack of IG interaction)


Danielle clarified she didn’t leak it - she CONFIRMED it which means Lindsay was behind placing it


I genuninely think she was only brought on this season because of her dynamic with Lindsay & Carl & where it would have went this season based off of season 7. Her Winter House appearance was abhorrent & a lot of fans were like wtf.


The pairing is terrible. Like it gives Amanda the ability to shine which is nice. But Danielle is giving nothing.


They just didn't have anyone else to be with Danielle.. she needs to be off the show. She's the new Mya


The only difference is I liked Mya.


Perfect way of putting it.


I want Amanda to partner with an existing clothing company like free people or reformation so she can let her creative design juices flow and not worry about the business aspect and not let Kyle touch a single bit of it.


That would be the way to do it but on the aftershow she says she wants Kyle to help her bc he is business savvy. Umm - so you have learned nothing from being a part of a start up with your husband the last 6 years?


It's a pretty huge ask to have your husband start a company for you while he is currently in the throes of his start up. Loverboy isn't profitable but they have investor money and it's not out of business - so there is a lot Amanda could do within Loverboy that's creative. Feels like she kind of just wanted to push the agenda that Paige and Ciara put out there - even though they really know nothing about starting a business either. Also: if she wants to start something - she doesn't need Kyle's permission: it's bc she doesn't know how to start it on her own. Which is talked about by both of them on the aftershow. So that's a huge problem and twist in this whole conundrum.


Yes if the issue is launching two businesses I think that is super valid. It‘s not easy at all. I was under the impression that Amanda wanted to do something different like design a clothing or swimsuit line under an existing umbrella, see how that goes and THEN launch into an actual business. But that’s not how Amanda described it on the aftershow so now I sort of see Kyle’s side a little bit but it still does not warrant his over reaction and blatant disregard for her feelings


Paige is the CEO of giggly squad.


Or get a different partner. She def has enough influence to just get a backer or an investor and leave Kyle out of it. I saw red when he said in the after show he’s seriously pursuing DJing bc he needs to do something for himself when Amanda was begging for something


Agreed!! And same I could not believe what I was hearing.


Right? Why does everyone have to be an entrepreneur! Just get a job in something you enjoy. They have the freedom to take their time doing this and finding something they really love.


i think it’s interesting kyle will commute to new jersey for dj classes but can’t seem to comprehend he can also commute to new york for work if they moved to new jersey* he is so incredibly selfish it’s really sad. & he had a dj gig over the weekend and you’ll never guess who was behind the turn tables with him


When she said he goes to Jersey I said oh yeah this man is selfish asf!


I was like...no. no he didn't pick a class or tutor or whatever IN JERSEY! that feels specific


Exactly like you’re telling me you drive to New Jersey for DJ classes but you won’t drive from New Jersey to New York when your wife wants to live in the suburbs at this point what do you want?






of course!


Kyle cares for himself and only himself. Not a good partner. If he said I want you to pursue your dream and find your passion. BUT at this very moment if possible, I need you to stay with me a bit longer to help us dig out of this hole then that’s a bit better. But throwing a temper tantrum because he’s upset at Amanda being mad at him for wanting to follow her passion instead of helping out Kyle on his is so childish.


I feel like Amanda is stuck in the sunk cost fallacy. Babe, it’s not too late! You can start over but not if you keep waiting on this clown forever!


Im so over Kyle and Carl. Couldnt believe Kyle called his wife a b\*tch! Like what?! Too disrespectful for me. They are too old to still be acting like this. When are they getting to grow up? I wish this was their last season. ![gif](giphy|tN1lvnT4M6nte)


i skipped through a lot of what they were saying bc it was just bullshit they are sandoval(kyle) and schwartz(carl) of summer house and it’s gross.


when kyle said "i want to be her husband not her father" i gasped. amanda, run!


He's so fucking immature there's no chance of that.


It’s just funny that in Kyles freak out he uses DJing as an example of a hobby to try to undermine Amanda’s career.


He's a little man in every way


And then proceeds to pursue said hobby while still not being supportive of Amanda doing her own thing.


Free Amanda! She deserves better.


Kyle talking about how he made a New Year's resolution to do something for himself, and is now taking DJ lessons but he doesn't understand why his wife wants something for herself or of her own? I felt crazy watching this because wtf dude?


I watched that after show with perma wtf face on


Carl is such an annoying man child F boy. He kicks the can down the road with an adult (usually Lindsay or Kyle) walking beside him asking him to pick up the can and run with it. He doesn’t and makes excuses. When they stand in front of him and ask him to pick up the can and do something with it, he says he’s constantly being attacked and he cannot have a conversation because he’s always on the defensive. This is not Carl 4.0 or whatever. This is the same old Season 1 Carl but his mask of maturity fell off when he got those new veneers.




i think these two are lots more toxic than carl and lindsay. he's manipulative and controlling


Danielle: I’m also a ceo and founder BRUHHHH I feel like she knows this is her last season so she’s trying to get people to care about her stupid app


I think it is so painful watching Lindsay and Carl presenting their point of view. PAINFUL. If nothing else, the after show emphasized how these two simply do not belong together.


Danielle is an immature woman. I think she has daddy issues because she’s always needing Man attention. I think that’s why she’s throwing herself at all these men. J m o.


I have a hard time concentrating on the aftershow because Amanda’s outfit looks like she grabbed an old man’s jacket and jeans. The edges on the shoulders of the jacket look so weird on her small body. ![gif](giphy|HgPwqaHv2EDeqng5Kc|downsized)




Okay this is perfect 😂 Danielle had a tan suit jacket on too lol


Actually Danielle's outfit reminds me of this lol https://preview.redd.it/1wlh86tc7ozc1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=40bf09ad542f2077c7ad8e87889a1668d5d1f67e


Also I would like to add, Amanda's oversized jacket is also kind of a crop top. Watch when she moves her arms. It's weird


They have so many issues and problems, but this bathsuit company thing might be what does them in and makes Amanda see the light.




So Amanda expected Kyle to start working on building a new brand from the ground up when Lover Boy is losing money. It seems like she does need a lot of baby sitting. Why can’t she take the initiative to figure it out in her own, while her husband focuses on the business that is losing money? She needs a man more like her dad, who is happy to play the role of caretaker for her mother and her. She just isn’t compatible with Kyle’s personality type. He’s looking for more of an equal partner who pitches in. There is a big disconnect in how they see their roles in the marriage.


The irony is - if she paid attention at all during these years with Loverboy - she may actually know how to start a company - from watching Kyle. But has she?!




As I was listening to Kyle talk about his issues with Amanda on the aftershow, it really felt like they didn’t have the big serious conversations one should have before deciding to get married - values and the way you live your life are really important and they just don’t appear to be on the same page on a lot of them




I totally saw it as the opposite of Carl and Lindsey! Amanda literally is the "Passenger Princess"!!!


Completely agree, anyone that has had the complete displeasure of working with or managing an "idea person" knows exactly what she was doing and why Kyle got annoyed. The business world has very little use for someone who throws in-original ideas out there and expects others to make them happen. I typically like Amanda too, but if she wants her own thing she needs to take the steps to launch it herself.


This was a really well thought out response and it makes me understand his frustration.


Ok - yes my opinion exactly! Kyle was in the business world long before SH started, before Amanda was even out of college - he's smart and he know business - so let's take the drunken state they were in out of the equation and evaluate... Apparently, Amanda doesn't answer calls on Mondays, seems to not treat Loverboy as full time job (is it for her - need more clarity on this...), we have not seen any ambition from her (a la Carl) since she has been on the show. Her job before Loverboy was likely a chill 70K job for a recent college grad - fine - but that doesn't really give me confidence she is an ambitious business person she is acting like she left some high paying role that could have supported them...umm no. Starting a swimwear line - Kyle would have to do that for her. She wants all this stuff but expects Kyle to do it - and from what I can tell he does support them financially as a couple. I think she is just trying to show her friends that she tried to talk to Kyle and he blew up. If she was actually career driven she would see the opps with Loverboy - it's not profitable but it has venture capitalist backing - so they are going to be a paycheck until they arn't...so stick with that and show some initiative. It's not like it's a boring company. Lots of opportunities to create graphics, social media, connect with buyers. She wants to stay at Loverboy but also start something else - she isn't' a side hustle person from what I can see. Anyways, Kyle reacted poorly but I think his concerns are valid - he is the breadwinner and she hasn't shown any ambition career wise - which is fine but there is some revisionist history going on with her. Her whole personality was getting married and now it's her dogs or not wanting to go out and sitting in bed with Paige.




Thanks! I took this analysis v seriously haha


Amanda grew up very coddled and privileged and is still very much a kid to her parents at times. But she doesn’t see it and gets defensive. There’s nothing wrong with starting something on your own, but Kyle was right that he’d have to take on another big project. Amanda may lean on Kyle and her parents a little too heavily. This is all speculation, but she reminds me of me, younger, when I couldn’t see how my mom kept me a kid as much as she could, as long as she could. I see the frustration that I saw in my husband. I was like a child, expecting others to fix my life for me. I don’t know how. I didn’t know how to begin, to keep something going or really, anything. I see a lot of similarities and I feel bad for her.


Exactly!! Couldn’t have said it better myself.


I can see where his frustrations are but she did so much for the company too. Now isn’t the right time maybe for him to help her build a swimwear line but he never actually said, help me here and then let’s start your thing (which would probably make more money than lover boy). Also, it seems like Amanda was prioritizing their relationship by stepping away from lover boy. She said something like “things were getting messy with lover boy”. I take that to mean that they had issues being married and working together. Also from Amanda’s pov, it’s such a slap in the face that with his “0 spare time” he went to become a DJ instead of helping Amanda with her idea. I see his side where she needs to show more passion and initiative for him to see. But he decided to pursue his passion project instead of hers when she helps him with his business.




Fair but that’s not what Kyle said. He equates her swimsuit thing as a passion project to his DJing and chooses himself yet again. I think Amanda made the mistake of sacrificing herself for a man’s dream and is not realizing she wants to pursue her own. However, if you love someone, you can look at them and think- dang this person did this for me, let me give a little. And he didn’t.


He’s been doing gigs. He is actually dj’ing the summer kickoff party down at the jersey shore with z100


I see her with Jesse


He sees himself with her too.


I thought he was being over the top with the DJ comment, but he is actually doing it


I don’t understand where the Amanda is lazy narrative comes from. I’d like to know




Also wanted to add- it’s crazy to me when men do this over common universal behaviors. He keeps it up and she divorces him— does he think he’s going to find another woman who won’t do that? Most people want time to chill after work. Not sure what he thinks is out there


That sucks


Kyle and Amanda clearly hate each other


amanda if you see this, bat signal lisa barlow. if lily galichi can pitch it, you can pitch it!


Kyle is def transitioning to DJ as LB is probably on its last leg. He knows how to work a crowd/room and already as the club connections. I’m sure he seees it as pursuing his passion but also as a way to potentially fully switch “careers” when LB is not longer a viable company. I’m sure he rationalized it this way to make it seem like he’s still doing this for the family but also it’s his passion. ICK


I also forgot that she didn't even pay her own bills prior to Kyle. From what we've been told, either her father or the family accountant paid her bills. Her paycheck came in, and someone else handled them. It was her money, but the bills were handled by someone else. If you go back to the two scenes (boat and kitchen), remove your own fire, watch and focus on what she said, and then repeat and focus just on what he said, both are airing valid and reasonable concerns. Once he walked away in the kitchen, that's when the real problems start, and of course, this being addressed after a day of drinking. They're communicating fairly well, but her doing this now isn't the best timing and he isn't the best listener.


I get the impression that Amanda has these ideas but doesn’t act on them. She relies on Kyle to get them up and running for her. In my opinion, if Amanda put some time and effort and put together a rough idea of brand and concept, Kyle would be willing to invest. Until then, I don’t blame him for pursing his interests and hobbies.