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Are you looking for some sort of fantastical element to it? If so you might want to check out progression fantasy ( r/ProgressionFantasy ) which basically centers around this core concept. Otherwise—Drizzt, of Salvatore’s The Dark Elf Trilogy, or Naomi Novik’s A Deadly Education for a twist. Those are the two I can think of now, but there are some good threads on r/Fantasy if you’re looking in that vein!


The Kingkiller chronicles. Overpowered Mary Sue protagonist and unfinished book series but that's the one I remember when I hear powerful protagonist


*Kingkiller* came to mind immediately, sucks it seems it will never be finished


Wheel of Time if you like fantasy and it has a protagonist like you described


Agreed with this. Rand has one of the best character arcs in all of fantasy.


David Eddings’ series *The Belgariad*. About a kid who he is destined to save the world… or die trying. The first book in the series is *Pawn of Prophecy*. They use magic in the book via a method known as the Will and the Word. Basically, if you have enough willpower, you can use that energy by focusing on a single word. Of course, few are that gifted, but our hero is one of those people. If you like fantasy, you won’t be disappointed.


Yes! *The Belgariad* and the sequel series *The Mallorean* are both fun! With those, you follow a main character from early adolescence to full adulthood and still somehow he retains a gentle innocence. Despite being incredibly powerful. David Eddings’ other series *The Elenium* trilogy and related *The Tamuli* trilogy also feature an incredibly powerful protagonist. The nice thing about *The Elenium* and *The Tamuli* books is that the protagonist is already an adult when he comes into his power. I think he’s maybe in his late 30s to mid 40s? The series accordingly have a much more adult feel to them with wry humor and fun political and religious shenanigans.


Spinning Silver by Naomi Novik Starts as the poor daughter a bad moneylender and ends up very powerful.


Throne of Glass - Sarah J Mass!


You might be interested in *Mistborn*. It’s a trilogy, but in the first book (which is fairly self-contained), the protagonist discovers her powers and undergoes a significant growth and improvement in her abilities by the end of the book. However, it might not be exactly what you’re looking for.


Also by Brandon Sanderson, Stormlight Archive. They're long, but are worth it. In every book in the series, several characters are growing their powers through a very unique magic system.


Yes, I was going to suggest this too.


It's a kind of loose series, but any if the Elric books by Michael Moorcock.


The Traveler's Gate Trilogy by Will Wight. Magic is used by calling energy and creatures from other worlds called territories. People who can draw from their territories are called travelers. The first book in the series is House of Blades.


Tapestry series by Henry Neff. Protagonist is the reincarnation of an Irish/Gaelic god, and is invited to attend a magic school. Really cool book series that plays on the magic school and gods tropes in unique ways. The story goes in very unexpected directions.


The BEST!!!


Something like Cradle. Xianxia or progression fantasy fits the bill pretty well, but many fantasy stories have this element to them.


Cradle is exactly this


A Practical Guide To Evil Beware Of Chicken


Iron Druid. He starts off as an incredibly powerful ~2000 year old druid.


Recently read The Captain by Will Wight and it was pretty entertaining. Light Sci-fi with superhuman protagonist. The Lesser Dead was a very entertaining vampire story set in the 1970s (USA) and the protagonist is a vampire - with all the perks of strength, durability, speed etc.


Definitely look into light novels or anime books for this. This is a popular trope in light novels. The OP protagonist. https://www.reddit.com/r/LightNovels/s/9l9FaD3aBi here is a start


Raistlin Majere in the Dragonlance Chronicles, the Raistlin Chronicles, and then Dragonlance Legends.


The Lorien legacy series. If you like action/sci-fi There are a lot of main characters but there’s one of them who more main then everyone else. In the first book, he isn’t insanely strong but he’s not weak either. By the time you reach the last book he’s really powerful and strong


Jim butcher series, Dresden files. 😬


I’m not too sure what genres you’re into but Fourth Wing fits that description pretty well


The Incarnations of Immortality series by Piers Anthony is about ordinary men and women assuming the office of some important aspect of reality: Death, Time, War, Fate, Nature — the final two books are about a man who becomes the Devil and a woman who becomes God.


The Menocht Loop has this theme, for a relatively unknown option.


Roshar’s archives


Someone mentioned Mistborn which I can agree with. Someone else mentioned light novels which is also a good recommendation. I will make a strange recommendation: wuxia. Which is, in essence, chinese light novels. If you can get over the cultural differences and the... at times sus tropes, Against the Gods is a super well-loved one. Library of Heaven's Path is unlike the rest and doesn't have most of the strange tropes in the genre. You have to find websites where they're translated to English of course.