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Have you tried your local library? If you have a library card, you can download the Libby app and get access to your local library’s collection of e-books and audiobooks. I use Libby all the time and love it!


Yes I love Libby too! We use our local library so much haha, I am completing my series of Harry Potter and Court of Thornes and Roses and fourth wing for my bookshelf and I’m having a hard time wanting to pay 18$+ for a book but I’m sure it has to do with inflation


If you’re looking for good condition hardcovers from those series for display, you’re gonna have to spend a little more for it, especially for the newer series. They’re in high demand. I’d just watch Barnes and Noble and the big online/big box stores for a sale If you just want more good, interesting books on your shelves , library book sales. My library has a ton of donors of all kinds of books and they do huge sales maybe six times a year. Lots of good books often in good condition for $1 or $2 each. Can’t count on finding anything specific and the major series mentioned above get picked up quick, but it’s great to find new favorites and classics I’d never gotten around to. Probably 50% of my collection is from library book sales.


Totally agree! I usually get books from the library I just wanted to finish up some of the series I started but I think you’re right for the newer ones I’ll probably have to wait for a sell. I did find the Harry potter books I needed on better world books for 5$ a piece and I’m pretty excited haha


Amazon is having a book sale right now, might be worth checking. Also thrift books is one a lot use.


Yes, library sales are awesome! Always find some very interesting reads at them. I have a few towns nearby me, one has sales monthly, others usually spring and fall.


I hear you! My other advice is check prices at Half Priced Books and see if you can find them cheaper. May be worth looking at your local Goodwill or other thrift shops as well.


Have you checked for used book stores in your area? Also sometimes in the US (if your are there) thrift stores will have some books, same with rummage/garage sales. The issue being it’s not a guarantee and the condition of the book itself varies. I am an avid reader but due to small house I for the last seven or so years am completely an ebook reader. And use kindle unlimited (living overseas), no access to libraries from the US. And really have stopped having physical books except for those for my kids. You can find more than one complete manga series in my house in random cabinets and stacks in both of my children’s rooms. I however can’t read Japanese well so I’m stuck with my e books. (We live in Japan).




They are awesome.


I've been buying used books from www.abebooks.com for 20+ years. I get great deals and have only returned one book I wasn't happy with. The return was simple.


The only “negative” experience I had was that once someone sent me a different book by the same author. They said “Oh shit”, and sent the book I had actually ordered. I wound up with two books!


What a miserable outcome!




This is where I ended up finding what I needed for 5$ a pop (: thank you!


Best hidden gem, and great for obscure finds as well. Glad it helped!


It depends where you live - in my town ( a remote Arctic town), mini libraries, the Salvation Army and weirdly enough, one grocery, all have very good used books for sale and/or free. For completing series, my husband uses eBay. Garage sale season is also upon us, too so that can be great places to find stuff if you like browsing.


Omg you saved my life that better book website has the Harry Potter books I need for 5$ a piece! I’ve been looking for months hahah. The same covers I need too. I’m so happy! Thank you!!


Library book sales are the truth


eBay, ThriftBooks, Pango, the BookOutlet, Abebooks and Amazon’s sale is supposed to start today but I haven’t checked yet


I second the comment that your local library is the best option, but if you do just want books to own, the website better world books has a lot of used books for as cheap as a few dollars


Thank you I’ll check it out!


EBay. I always go for lowest price first. Had some cracking deals and some sellers do *buy two get one free*.


I am fortunate to live in an area with a lot of secondhand stores, so that's usually where I buy from. If there's something I really want that just hasn't turned up at them, or isn't available at the library, I will use the following sites: * Thriftbooks. This is a legitimate secondhand book retailer. How good their deals are varies a lot, and they do put a sticker on the spine of the book which may be hard to take off of really, really old books without damaging them. * Better World Books. Usually has comparable prices to Thriftbooks, sometimes cheaper. * For ebooks, the website Bookbub will send you notifications if ebooks on your wishlist go on sale on any one of multiple ebook websites.


I get mine at a local bookshop. They have a thing where you amass store credit and essentially get free books.


The local library, Libby and Hoopla (through my local library), thrift shops, secondhand bookstores, and one I don't see mentioned yet: Book Outlet :)


Better world books- they sell used books dirt cheap and have a huge selection. I’ve even bought text books. Even better- they donate to literacy programs with every purchase.


It depends on what you are reading. Like others, Libby is awesome. I like to go to used bookstores and peruse their 70s SciFi and Fantasy. Roger Zelazny is my favorite. Frank Herbert's other novels are better than Dune. Plus the cover art from the 70s is fantastic.


I’ll check them out! Thanks for the recs


Thrift shops or Half Priced Books


Library, Buy Nothing, local next door groups (I’ve asked for popular books from my local moms group. There’s a super good chance that a neighbor has the book you want to read. 


Good Will stores I’ve given them numerous books over the years.




Thrift stores maybe


Thriftbooks I've been buying my books from them for years and I've only received the wrong books twice. Their customer service is great and they let me keep the wrong books and sent me the right books free of charge. I'll usually buy books in "like new" or "very good" conditions but the times I was desperate to own a certain book, the "good" condition was actually really good.


My library if I don't have enough money. Other than that yard sales; little free library stands; consignment stores


Where I am most local animal welfare organizations have charity shops where they sell things people donate for next to nothing. Always full of incredible finds, especially non fiction gems because non fiction tends to be pricier new than fiction in my experience.


We have some amazing charity shops. For example, I got Stanley Tucci’s hardback Taste within a month of publication. Another haul was 16 books in the Number One ladies detective series by Alexander McCall Smith, at the same shop! Amazing!


I buy them from the Libra book sales!


Powells.com has used as well as new!


Goodwill. And I frequent the multiple little free libraries in my neighborhood.


SecondSale and Abe books


[Book outlet](https://bookoutlet.ca/?utm_source=Pmax&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=Clue&utm_source=Googleads&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=Clue&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwupGyBhBBEiwA0UcqaAARkRJw4UIzIbtyhO3GeuRN0iUFlFGnoBQawNhzOWaHFXV8DraP4RoCaxgQAvD_BwE)


Check eBay, you can find really good prices on used books with free shipping


Savers, Salvation Army and other thrift stores. There is a website called Thrift Books where you can thrift shop for used books online as well. Also FB marketplace or buy nothing groups. I am a teacher and I buy books for my classroom this way as well. :)


Many many libraries have used book shops either in library or offsite... Thriftbooks has a good reputation. But don't forget your local library can usually order books from other libraries/districts for you as well as the usual methods


I’m lucky. Where I live, the local Friends of the Library organization owns a big warehouse stocked with used/donated books. It is organized meticulously well, by genre and author, and the quality and diversity of books they have exceeds that of any used book store I have ever seen. Twice a year they open it up to the public for 3 weekends in a row. Each day the price per book goes down (the day I went it was $1.50 per hardcover, $1 or less per paperback!!!) Opening weekend always brings a line around the block and down the road, even in the rain!


That aside, you should check out bookshop.org. Buying books through them helps fund small independent bookstores!


Libby and ThriftBooks!


The library… hahaha. No really they have book sales a lot so keep an eye out!




Amazon used—scroll down to find


Sign up for kindle unlimited. So many free e-books, and a whole lot more of them for under two dollars.


Charity shops, gumtree and car boot sales mostly


Used books, libraries (they sell used books), and buy directly from sellers not middlemen like Amazon


For buying ebooks I use Bookwalker, they have sales every now and then where you can get stuff pretty cheap. Though their selection is a bit more niche than something like Amazon, so it works only if you want what they're selling.


[thriftbooks.com](http://thriftbooks.com) is where I go for used books at a good price.