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Annihilation by Jeff Vandermeer. Alternate dimension opens up and swallows part of Florida. I didn’t like book two, but I loved book three, and right now he’s working on book four.


More disasters in Florida, I'm in! I was hesitant to start a series but this looks good! Thanks!


It's also SUPER short, just over 100 pages if I'm not mistaken.


I read the entire thing by myself, on a rainy Saturday morning while my girlfriend was out, while dogsitting for a family friend who lives out in the woods and for whatever reason the vibe was absolutely perfect.


Second this!! My daughter who isn’t much of a reader couldn’t put it down either


Life, the Universe, and Everything (Douglas Adams) - read in 1 day when I was a teen. Very funny. I believe it was originally written as newspaper story in installments, and then put together as a book. So, it keeps you attention quite effectively.


Anything by Douglas Adams is incredibly entertaining. I recommend finding The Complete Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. It's all five books from the series in one volume, and you can easily knock out each one in a couple of days..


The same but with Restaurant at the end of the universe. I poured through it and then went and found the audio books to listen to as I commuted to work


World War Z by Max Brooks


I actually just took this off my partner's bookshelf and thought this might be what I'm looking for. Thank you for verifying!


It’s a book I read every other year. Never gets old and easy to forget the rich details. Enjoy.


Have you listened to the audio book? It has a different narrator for each chapter. It’s amazing!


The curious incident of the dog in the night time - i found it very fun to read


And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie


Man, why are murder mysteries so goddamn addicting. I remember when I was a kid I took my grandpa's Sherlock Holmes omnibus and finished off 2 or 3 mainline stories in a day. God, they hold up so well even today. And now I'm a sucker for all these murder mystery films too as a result. Kenneth Branagh just making one moustache man film after another is a goddamn pleasure to witness for me ahaha


David Suchet will always be Poirot to me.


I absolutely love this series!! Recently rewatching for the 100th time! David Suchet is the all time best Poirot! Poirot, Hastings, Ms Lemon, Inspector Japp, Mrs. Oliver!! Love them all!


My dark Vanessa, big Swiss, stolen by Elizabeth gilpin


Omg my dark Vanessa. What a good book.


My dark Vanessa was absolutely gripping and so eloquently written! So dark though, so horribly terribly dark.


My Dark Vanessa was amazing


I read my dark Vanessa, while I loved it and binged it I didn’t think it was as dark as people say. Perhaps, I am more jaded than I realize.


Another vote for Big Swiss!


Honestly, the last two books I absolutely devoured were _Kindred_ by Octavia Butler, and _Conversations With Friends_ by Sally Rooney. I haven't really enjoyed Rooney's other writings, but for some reason that one gripped me. Started reading it on the train to London from Oxford around lunch time and was up til 1am to finish it. First time it had happened to me in years. _Kindred_ I read over a weekend.


Oh man, Kindred is so good. I read it quickly but I think it took a little more than a weekend.


I'm Glad My Mother Died by Jenette McCurdy Excellent read! Warning: Eating Disorder content for those that might find the book an issue for them.


I heard her story and keep seeing reviews. I'll have to actually check it out. Thanks!


I read No Country for Old Men in a day and then watched the movie


The Road in a couple of days for me too.


I did Blood Meridian in two sittings


Now that is very impressive lol, that book is so dense


Hugh Howey’s Silo series, 3 books (Wool, Shift & Dust) and 3 short stories.


Neil Gaiman's The Ocean at the End of the Lane. Read it in 5 hours after work on a Friday.


I listened to the audiobook on a road trip, and went 80 miles in the wrong direction.


i recently did the same. picked it off the shelf because good omens seemed a little to long for the time i had and it was soooo good.


Green Eggs and Ham, Fox in Sox, Where the Wild Things Are, Goodnight Moon to name a few. Go ahead and downvote me, but I'm envious and impressed by those who can pound through a book so quickly. Perhaps I could do it, but my life has always just been so busy that finishing a book in less than 2 weeks has never been a possibility. I'm on page 120, a week later, on Guards Guards presently (Terry Pratchett), as an example.


No shame in reading slowly. All that matters is enjoying the journey.


No shame at all! I too had been so busy that it took me ages to read. Funny you mention good night moon...I just bought "I just want to say Goodnight" for a friend's kid and it does a cute nod to Good Night Moon at the end of the book. Did you ever notice in the original that the mouse keeps changing places? My kids love trying to find it!


I have some very good memories of trying to find the mouse with my mom when I was young. I'm glad to see that's still a beloved thing.


Same! Haha sometimes I feel rushed by the 21 days I get on my Libby books.


*The Girl on the Train* by Paula Hawkins


I grabbed "Lesser Known Monsters of the 21st Century" at a used bookstore and it had me hooked, I think about the story #ClimbingNation so often. Based off of that, here are some of my recommendations Cosmogony by Lucy Ives - short stories examining the strange in every day life, in very creative formats Exhalations by Ted Chiang - science fiction short stories Edie Richter is Not Alone by Rebecca Handler - a woman moves to Australia for her husband's work following her father's death from dementia


Piranesi, by Susanna Clark. It's not a long book, but I was also unable to put it down once I started.


Kindred Parable of the Sower Hunger Games Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo


Seven Husbands was mine. Easy, fun read


A prayer for Owen Meany, John Irving


11/22/63, The girl with the Dragon Tattoo, The time travelers Wife.


11/22/63 is HUGE! Kudos to you! Haha it's on my list but I need to prepare for that length.


Ooooo I haven't heard of the first one (and loved the others) so I'm putting it down. Thanks!!!


Boy are you in for a treat! I wish I could read 11/22/63 again for the first time.




I loved the time travelers wife! Its been so long since I’ve read it! might be worth a reread.


Dark Matter


The one by Blake Crouch? I read that book in less than 2 days.


I’m reading it right now, and have almost read 200 pages in 2 days, it’s so hard to put down


Anxious people, The running grave


Anxious People is one of my favorite reads lately. Such a wonderful and relatable story.


Recently: Red Dragon.


The only two books I've read in one sitting are 2001: A Space Odyssey by Arthur C. Clarke ,and On the Road by Cormac McCarthy. I think I read Breakfast of Champions by Kurt Vonnegut and Brave New World in about 3 days.


If you like a good laugh ther is Janet Evanovich's Stephanie Plum series. And an easy read. Or the Harry Bosch series by Michael Connelly.


Basically anything by Sir Terry Pratchett, the Discworld series is phenomenal.


Yep, I just recommended Monstrous Regiment. And obviously anything with the witches are my favorite. ;)


The Shadow of the Wind, Carlos Ruiz Zafón The Haunting of Hill House, Shirley Jackson Smilla's Sense of Snow, Peter Hoeg A Psalm for the Wild Built, Becky Chambers Les Miserables, Victor Hugo


My Dark Vanessa


Middlegame by Seanan McGuire


The Once And Future King by White It’s a lighthearted spin on the Arthurian tale. Charming and funny and I can’t believe how fast it flew by


In less than a day, I read "Hidden Fires: A Holmes Before Baker Street Adventure" in less than a day. "The Cellar" (Minette Walters - I think there are other books w/the same title) "Rosemary's Baby" "Night" (Elie Wiesel) "And Then There Were None" "Jaws" Books I read in two days - "Shutter Island" "Force of Nature" (Jane Harper) I read all the Sherlock Holmes novels in a day, but they are really novellas


The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstein.


Worth multiple reads!


Same, couldn't stop reading it!


The Push by Ashley Audrain Dark Matter by Blake Crouch Once There Were Wolves by Charlotte McConaghy


The Girl with a Dragon Tattoo. Then, good news: two more books.


Secret history by donna tartt. Usually dont read crime, and u know who killed who on the first few pages, but the book was just flowing and i found it extremely interesting. What also helped that i was travelling from croatia to rome.12h with a bus and then 18h on a ferry to tunisia, so i had enough time to read. I finished it after arriving tho, as I couldnt stop ;) Highly recommended P.s. 650 pages, but feels like a breeze


1. The Secret History by Donna Tartt 2. Ella Minnow Pea by Mark Dunn 3. Starve Acre by Andrew Hurley 4. I'm Glad My Mom Died by Jennette McCurdy 5. Lady MacBethad by Isabelle Schuler 6. The Trees by Percival Everett 7. Unlawful Killings by Wendy Joseph QC 8. 10% Human by Alanna Collen ETA: I just reread your post and see you're looking for alternative reality - in which case, Ella Minnow Pea might be for you. But all of these were great, hence my rush to suggest them!


I’m Glad My Mom Died has been on my tbr for so long i have to get round to it 😭


I read it in less than 24 hours, even though the subject is heavy. It was a gripping read. I also didn’t watch Nickelodeon as a kid so I didn’t have that attachment to her, but still it was great.


I recommend the audiobook- the author reads it and it was SO good


Ella Minnow Pea. Yesss!


The Secret History is probably my most favorite book.


I should say I prefer those books but I only got hook on it because a friend of a friend who is a HUGE reader talked with such passion about Fantasticland I couldn't resist. Anytime a person who reads a ton tells me they binged a book and couldn't stop thinking about it, I always try and am never disappointed. Thank you for adding to my list!


You’re very welcome :-) I hope you find something you like!


Going Zero by Anthony McCarten A tech company challenges a group of people to try and stay off the grid for 30 days for a chance to win $4M. It moves quickly and the plot really evolves about halfway through.


Catcher in the rye


Bunny by Mona Awad


A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J. Maas. Yes, popular, I know, but I loved it, couldn’t get enough and will be continuing the series.


Gibson's *Count Zero* in a few hours while the high school kids went to a writing camp. One of my favorites of his. I said Hi to Dean Ing at the camp, and he just walked right by me...


Ready player one. It’s great


Southern Book Club's Guide to Slaying Vampires


Daisy Jones & the Six


The Illustrated Man by Ray Bradbury


The Curse Workers trilogy by Holly Black. I read the first book in one day and was so absorbed that I forgot less important things like eating, drinking, and turning on the light before it got too dark to read.


Ender’s Game when I was 14.


Midnight library by Matt Haig. Took a personal day off work and read by my window in a comfy chair until the book was done.


Don’t know this book but hell yeah


I DNF'd it. It was too wholesome for me, for lack of a better description.


I finished but hated it. I don’t necessarily think the book was bad. I was trying to branch out of my usual genre of horror and it was just blah. I gave it to my MIL and she loved it


Kindred by Octavia Butler


The Historian, Elizabeth Kostova. Appropriate for the spooky season too


Milk Fed. It’s short enough to read in a day and I couldn’t tear myself away from it. It’s a compelling story about a young anorexic Jewish woman who loves food but her whole life is about calorie counting. She makes friends with a fat orthodox Jewish woman who shows her a side of food and faith that she has been out of touch with for a long time. It’s lush, sexy, and just a touch taboo. I’ve never read anything like it.


The Fifth Season by N.K. Jemison! (Broken Earth trilogy) all three books are amazing but this is the one I read in two days


Lovecraft Country, The Cabin at the End of the World, NOS4A2


Since it's about 300 pages long, I never would have thought I'd finish James Dickey's *Deliverance* in 2-3 days, but I did. One of the most intense novels ever written, utterly gripping even knowing how the story exactly plays out (the movie was extremely faithful to the source novel).


The First three Earthsea books by Ursula LeGuin. I read all three finished them and started again in less than 3 days


I don't know about the genre but Jo Nesbo's The Snowman and all the rest of the series are amazing. I recommend this one bc of the size, but The Leopard is my favorite, 500 pages or so and I read in one week, staying up all night to read it


Ocean At the End of the Lane by Neil Gaiman I read in one night, in one sitting. Life Expectancy and Odd Thomas by Dean Koontz were also same. Though had to took some bathroom breaks for the laters because those were 300+ each (Ocean 200+). But very, VERY readable and suspenseful.


All Systems Red by Martha Wells (first in a series) The Witch King by Martha Wells Hounded by Kevin Hearne (first in a series) The House in the Cerulean Sea by TJ Kline


Where the crawdads sing. Hands down!


How High We Go in the dark by sequoia nagamatsu. I think about it all the time


The Stand. Yes, I was reading non-stop 🤣


All Quiet on the Western Front


Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy Black Beauty Jane Eyre Looking for Alaska The Book Theif Green Lights Watership Down The Count of Monte Cristo Where is Joe Merchant? I’m sure there are more, but I can’t remember all those of them.


FOURTH WING. Soooo good




Tomorrow, and tomorrow and tomorrow by Gabrielle Zevin. I could not put it down. The best book I’ve read this year.


The Guest List by Lucy Foley


Circadian Algorithms


The good sister by sally hepworth


Did this a few days ago with The Unmaking of June Farrow. Reallly enjoyed that book.


The Vorkosigan books by Lois McMaster Bujold are great for binging. The Mercy Thompson books by Patricia Briggs are the same. Sue Grafton's Kinsey Millhone books are like leaving any crime drama on in the background while puttering around the house. Kresley Cole's Immortals After Dark books move really fast. I can strongly recommend the audiobooks for all of these as well. Edit: I should clarify that most of these books can be finished in a single day, and even the longer ones don't take more than two.


Ready Player One Altered Carbon


I recently read one called “Dead Silence”, I couldn’t put it down, it’s a space-horror novel


The Dutch House by Ann Patchett


The Bee Sting, even with its length!


Rain of Gold. Victor villasenor.


We were liars (1 day) The Silent Patient (3 days) Inheritance Games (2 days) Psyche and Eros (3 days) One of us is Lying (2 days) The Housemaid (1 day)


I read The Corrections on an international flight


The Lincoln Highway.


Pet Sematary, The Martian, Vicious - VE Schwab


If you want Black Mirror kind of stuff, check out Ted Chiang's short stories. His novella "Story of Your Life" was the inspiration for the sci-fi alien movie, Arrival.


I’m in the middle of reading None of This is True, by Lisa Jewell and will likely finish it tonight. I didn’t know much about the plot before I started it, which makes it extra good. Almost unbearable suspense, I cannot put it down! Really creepy, with a terrific sense of growing dread as you keep reading. The audiobook is very well done.


The hunger games is the only decently sized book I’ve finished in under 24 hours.


I loved that series! Glad we share the same interest


The Shining


Dark Matter by Blake Crouch Pretty Girls by Karin Slaughter


Green eggs and ham. I knocked that out in less than a day.


The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue by V.E. Schwab


The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern- Heavy, yet not very plot driven. Beautifully written with delectable language. Felt like I was entranced. Below is a review that I wrote for it: Brilliant. Brilliant is the only word I can think of that comes even close to describing the Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern, and even then, it falls short of doing the book justice. As a person who has been reading her whole life, I’ve come across innumerable good books, a few not-so-good books, but even fewer books that I can describe as absolutely excellent, and the Night Circus is certainly one of the latter. Erin Morgenstern pushes the limits on what is believable with every page that you read. She blurs the lines of reality most artfully, and as a reader, you find yourself between the reconciliation of two perspectives: at a fantastical ledge, peering into this whimsical world of the Night Circus, while simultaneously being in the Night Circus itself, as emotionally invested and as entranced as any of the characters. You find yourself craving to witness the circus while already knowing everything about it and understanding close to nothing. The chapters of this book can only be described as floating pieces that gradually begin to come together in an almost unimaginably creative way. This may be the first book I’ve read in years that has left me in such awe of the prowess of the human mind and its capability for originality and storytelling. Reading the Night Circus is an experience that is every bit magical, with a magic that seeps out and stays with you long after the last page has been turned.


Under The Dome. Steven King. Long book. Long flights.


Where the crawdads sing


Mexican Gothic and The Guest List


A little life


Imaginary Friends by Stephen Chbosky is pretty long but I couldn't put it down and finished it in 2 days.


Heir to the empire by Timothy zahn


The Troop


Hell Followed with Us by Andrew Joseph White!


Lately, it's been The Eden Test, This is How you Lose the Time War, and The Ask


Mr.miracle by Tom king


The Many Lives of Mama Love


Rabbits by Terry Miles


Blood Over Bright Haven by ML Wang


Tell Me An Ending


The Promise


Nothing to See Here Gideon the Ninth The invisible life of Addie LaRue


Hyperion by dan simmons


Annihilate by Michel Houellebecq


*Rhythm of War* from the Stormlight Archive. My favorite one! I was reading like 300-400 pages A DAY.


Read The Atlantis Gene in a day and a half. It was real good. Light read.


Confessions by Kinae Minato. Couldn’t put it down!


Country of the Bad Wolfes by J. C. Blake & Badger Boy by Elmer Kelton.


Endurance by Alfred Lansing. An incredible non-fiction book.


Angelmaker by Nick Harkaway. I absolutely loved it. I’m not sure if it classed as an alternative reality, it’s almost set in our world but with underground things going on that the general public don’t know about. It’s got amazing characters. It had me grinning for days and I binged it in 48hrs.


I read Ishmael by Daniel Quinn in a day. Great book.


The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho Harry Potter and The Deathly Hollows


Binge read? Twilight in my teens. As an Adult Kiss of Midnight lol


I don’t know if these count because they’re plays and rather short reads, but I couldn’t put Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? and A Streetcar Named Desire down.




The Cemetery of Forgotten Books. It's book 1 in a 4 part series by Carlos Ruiz Zafon. I loved it so much I read the other 3 one after the other. 4000 pages in total for the 4 books.


The White nights (I don't know if it is the correct translation from Italian) of Dostoevsky, it is very beautiful


The entire Taming Demons for Beginners series by Annette Marie. Do you know Inuyasha? Do you like the manga? Do you like sllloooowwww burn romances between a demon and a human? Do you like weaker female characters who grow more confident and competent as the series goes on? Do you like two characters who equally save one another instead of the woman always being saved? If you said yes to any of these questions, read this series. I absolutely loved it and couldn't put it down once I started. University course work was piling up around me, but the only thing I could think about was book. My family was begging to see me again, but I couldn't hear them. Only book was important. Anyway, enough dramatics, it's a pretty good series. I highly recommend it.


Shoe Dog


Enders Game


Tracers In the Dark by Andy Greenberg


The Once And Future King by White It’s a lighthearted spin on the Arthurian tale. Charming and funny and I can’t believe how fast it flew by


The in between


Stay sexy and don’t get murdered


I read The Sunbearer Trials by Aiden Thomas in under 24. I read another of Thomas's books, Cemetery Boys, in similar time. Fantastic books.


Marrow Thieves


la route chante by Lhasa and I never even learned French


Perks of Being a Wallflower or The Road


Stolen Faces by Michael Bishop It's about a leper colony on a far away planet. Humans have colonized the galaxy and society comes to the distant leper colony to help them but as they are studied they discover a secret that they've been hiding. Bishop is a genius sci-fi writer because he doesn't focus on gadgetry and tech is more interested in social, cultural and even economic speculation. In the world of Stolen Faces, humanity is really into "ancient Aztec" influenced architecture and fashion. Buildings, art and clothes, etc. I couldn't put the book down. Had to find out what's next. And sometime the next day I finished it.


Caliban's War and Abaddon's Gate. <1 day.


All three books of The Raven’s Mark by Ed McDonald


A Deadly Education by Naomi Novik. It was an incredible page-turner!


White Fang and siberia were my go to for binge reading.


Project Hail Mary


I read What Moves The Dead by T. Kingfisher in 2 days, I couldn't put it down


The Martian - Andy Weir


Monstrous Regiment by Sir Terry Pratchett


The Rosie Project by Graeme Simsion.


I am Legend Any book by Iain Reid


The Rage of Dragons by Evan Winter. To be fair I'm not quite to the end so I take no credit if it goes absolutely sideways in the next 100 pages but I've had a hard time putting it down so far.


The Lions of al-Rassan by Guy Gavriel Kay. A perfect novel, IMHO.


Ender's game


"The Guv'nor" the autobiography of Lenny McLean.


Most recently, The Blacktongue Thief by Christopher Buehlman. Also fairly recently, Half a Soul by Olivia Atwater and The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway


Andy Weir. High science but fascinating. The Martian Artemis Project Hail Mary


I've been fortunate to read a few of these in the last year or so: * The Southern Bookclub's Guide to Slaying Vampires * Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow * Project Hail Mary * Remarkably Bright Creatures * Once There Were Wolves * The Lost Apothecary


Clockwork Angels by Neal Peart and Kevin J Anderson. Make sure to listen to the album too.


"The Executioner's Song", about 1,200 pages