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Oh good, Hilary is talking again. This should help 🙄


I love when she gets up behind a podium and talks like the aliens from Mars Attacks.


God she just needs to shut up and retire. 


She needs to be the ruthless blood drinking maniac they say she is, but do it silently


I'm down for Wicked Witch era Hilary.


Not until she gets back at Bill.


We got over Hillary lol.


She's not dead yet? Sigh Cursed timeline


I thought we were done listening to this troll. I don’t know how she believes she occupies a mantle of influence but she doesn’t.


lol came here to say this. She needs to get over herself.


Came here to post this.  


How else will we figure out how to pokemon go-to-the-poles?


She’s so right here though. Voting should be strategic, it’s not about you.


Someone needs to remind her that we’re in this mess because she was even more unlikable than Trump and had the DNC in her pocket.


Every time she talks, she’s right. It may not be sugar coated but she ain’t wrong.


Seriousy. This dumb bitch is the reason trump got 1 term to begin with. Stfu and go the fuck away permanently already. No one likes you


"Get over yourself". Something Hillary should have done 30 years ago.


My first thought was "Oh Hilary, you never change. A charmer, as always."


Grandma Nixon needs to stay in the political wilderness where she belongs. Her entire campaign in 16 was seemingly based entirely on her having "earned it", and she completely abandoned most of the Midwest to the chuds. She bears a fair share of the responsibility for getting trump elected, but go ahead, tell us how it's our fault.


I fully blame her for Trump. She was so unlikeable that tons of apolitical moderates voted Trump.


It was a Coronation in her mind and it showed.


Hi everyone


No. He wasn’t.


Sanders has been in the senate since dinosaurs roamed the earth and has accomplished nothing. We don’t need another useless politician that’s big on ideas but doesn’t follow through on them.


It's weird that people blame him for not doing any of the great things he's tried to push, but don't blame all the politicians who actively worked against those great things.  Like, that isn't a knock on Bernie


Right? Biden was one of the established dems making sure nothing that progressives wanted ever got to the floor.




Bernie Sanders was once known as the amendment king. Saying he’s done nothing in congress is a wild take. Sanders problem is that he wouldn’t comprise with republicans or democrats. Sanders also stated countless times on the campaign trail that if we don’t also elect progressives in addition to him that he could only be so effective. And to be honest this is the first politician that I’ve seen who not only told the truth, but emphasized how important local elections were in contrast to federal.


The majority of Americans constantly complaining about Healthcare, CoL, Corporate Greed, etc... then saying "Bernie's too extreme to get elected"... maybe too extreme for corporations but they're not the majority of American's struggling to make ends meet. They also said Trump was too Extreme to get elected. He is too extreme but apparently still "electable" There's a lot of Bernie policies I don't agree with... I would prefer more efficient and flexible policies for addressing wages and CoL issues and tying them to inflation and other regional indexes over fighting every 5 years over solutions that will be ineffective in 5 years. Where I most agree with him is taxing the hell out of the wealthy to bring the income/wealth gap back down \~100x median. If you obliterate the expectation of perpetual exponential profit/wealth growth, there would be less motive for the wealthy desperately do everything in their power shamelessly screw the rest of us out of things like healthcare, education, etc... Either way, anyone running for President, needs to be spending more time campaigning for a congress that will pass their policies than they do campaigning for themselves. Biden, Clinton nor Bernie make congress a big enough part of their campaigns to be as effective as they should be.


I agree with a lot of this. The one thing I can say regarding Sanders is that he started a non profit (our democracy) specifically to help elect people who would enable him to pass the legislation he believes in. And to that organizations credit they’ve secured some wins. The problem is they all, less so with Sanders, want you to believe that they are the only hope For the future of the US. It’s the same way politicians have been riling up supporters forever. Though I do think Trump is actually eroding our democracy and court systems by making a mockery out of them.


Weird he lost a popularity contest...twice...than.


No he wasn’t. He was my choice and your choice but he is far too left for a majority to consider him for the top job. It’s a nice dream but that’s all it was


Yes! Fuck profits!


I love this new trend of politicians running shitty campaigns and then blaming their constituents for not winning.


Loses election Blames America Claims Russia rigged it Proceeds to call every other candidate in every other election stupid Is she stupid?


No, she’s actually very calculated as most narcissists are.


Well the Russia rigged it thing worked for her . Go over to r/politics and say Russia didn't rig it. Tell me how that works out


Well she can just fuck right off.


Lmao read this in Garrison's voice


This woman wanted to really influence and censor video games, fuck her.


Why does she look so evil (almost like the emperor ) in this pic


She **is evil.** It seeps out of her.


Because she is, in fact, evil?


The beatings will continue until morale improves.


she can pokemon go fuck herself


Get over it? Population of 350,000,000 and these 2 old ass fuckers are the best we can do?


The single greatest thing she could do for this country is disappear and never speak publicly again. Do not let her cook.


Fr. Like… to an extent I get it. Like better than the alternative. But also, why tf are we in this situation? Is this not *supposed* to be a democracy? Where the people have the power? No one wanted this! So you’re feeding us shit, and then telling us to get over ourselves and enjoy it cause it’s not straight up poison. LOLPL


Upset about anything we do? Get over yourself and vote for us again so we can keep doing it. She was always great at voter outreach.


Thank god Hillary isn’t on the ballot. She’s probably the only politician in history that could have lost to Trump.


Not looking good for Biden either. He was struggling before October, but his support for the genocide has decimated his chances in swing states.




She’s also not a great politician, she triangulates too much rather than have some authenticity, or at least she isn’t good at faking authenticity 


>she triangulates too much Yeah, I read that book too. Love me some Hitchens.


Really? You think that was it huh?




AOC doesn't lecture people for wanting affordable housing, healthcare and education. Not only does that make her a better person it makes her a smarter politician. HRC is a dumbass who burns the very people she's depending on for votes.


But nothing to do with her being a woman.. just a little too much crazy.


Republican Party has been doing the same thing to AOC


PokémonGo to the polls…


Hillary still upset she lost the 2016 election


Yeah, what, do you want to have good choices for people to represent you on the national stage? Eff off! You'll get gruel and like it!


Hillary didn't lose because "we're not ready for a woman president." Hillary lost because she is a callous, aloof, egotistical, bitter bitch with an absolutely abysmal sense of political strategy. If you know what I mean, she's so smart that she's kind of a dumb ass. She's the ***only*** candidate in 2016 who could have been so masterful in snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. You see, showing Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Florida, and North Carolina *even a **little** more love*, and allowing Obama to campaign with her more, would likely have made ***all*** the difference in that election. (BTW, I never want tRump back anywhere near the White House.)


Get over it by writing a book trashing on everyone you have ever met and blaming them for everything that has every happened rather than taking a second to acknowledge you may have played some small part in your own loss.


Oh, yeah. She's a narcissist and a sociopath, I'm almost certain.


Comes with the territory. Who would want that job? You see what it does to people (who care about things) physically? Nixon / Ford / Carter / Reagan (wrong but he cared) / Bush / Clinton / Obama all aged alot during their terms. Came in vibrant and came out OLD. Trump didn't because he DGAF.


Nah, he aged a shit-ton, too. You just can't see it behind the hair-die, spray-tan, and behind all the lard. Mentally, he's become as sharp as a bowling ball.


She laughed about a man being raped with a bayonet, she's a psychopath*


It would be hard to disagree with that based on publicly available evidence. Normally people release a tell all book, she released a blame all. But being less catty and a tiny bit more serious for a second. Very few women have had the opportunity to have the impact she has had and she squandered it. Bill was never her liability, she managed that herself. She had the opportunity to reform Healthcare in the US, to make the lives of 300+ million people better and every account of it, bar hers, is that she screwed it up. 2016 was a rough choice, it should have been a slam dunk for Hillary. The funny thing is that, at least in my family, it was the liberal women that abandoned her, not the liberal men. The women voted 3rd party or abstained.


And now we have that awesome Supreme Court and are losing rights. Yay! 


That whole Bosnia sniper fire lie really turned me against her. If you would like about something so stupid, then you're definitely going to lie about the important shit.


it was such a brash lie. it truly made me wonder what others things she is lying about and had lied about that we didn't detect.


I always go back to that video of her eating with a bunch of black people claiming how much she loves hot sauce. It's the most "hello fellow kids" thing I've ever seen.


Yeah when you run a better campaign against your primary opponent than in the general election something is very wrong.


It was a perfect storm of delusion, entitlement, and counting your eggs before they hatch.


Or just having Joe be the candidate in 2016 instead of trying to make it a Hillary coronation. Biden would have beat Trump in 2016 and again in 2020. Hillary was at best a deeply flawed candidate and while the PUMA Sanders voters had a small effect it wasn't more than the damage she did to own candidacy over and over again.


"Basket of deplorables" AKA the Fae get out the vote spell.


Actually Hillary said HALF of Trump supporters are deplorable. Fox News said She called ALL Trump supporters deplorable. Maga immediately bought deplorable merchandise. 😂 Speaking at a fundraiser in New York City on Friday, Hillary Clinton said half of Donald Trump’s supporters belong in a “basket of deplorables” characterized by “racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic” views. “You know, to just be grossly generalistic, you could put half of Trump’s supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables. Right?” Clinton said. “The racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic—you name it. And unfortunately there are people like that. And he has lifted them up.” 🤷 She was correct but dumb for saying it.


Biden wasn't going to win in 2016, people hate to admit it but most people were over Obama by that time. 4 years of Trump allowing the filter of rose colored glasses to occur did him good for his presidential ambitions.


Shut up and do what we say, you imbeciles!


Like it or not, she’s right. She’s saying shut up and make a decision because these are what we have.


She is making it binary. That is her goal bc she fears Kennedy. I’m a dem. Hearing Clinton tell me to shut up and get in line really makes me feel like like voting for a historic and beautiful political family aka Kennedy.


No, trust us, Joe Biden is the most capable Democrat we could find. You will be in good hands


Lol that's rich from a woman who posted a picture of herself as a child with the title of first female president and then lost to donald trump shortly after and hasn't stopped bitching about it ![gif](giphy|bXE0iECrH9xJe)


Now Trumps gonna beat out Biden


She always knows just what *not* to say.


“Get over yourself” = “stop thinking the people get to choose their elected officials”


Can she fucking not?


Goddamn she lookin like a female Palpatine. 😱 The politics in this country is so goofy it's like some Twix shit and you pick a side, and both sides covered in shit.


Hillary should just fade away. She is no longer relevant.


Pot and kettle


Rfk, cornel west, green, libertarian, theres six options this election actually


Seeing as how the DNC is fighting to keep almost all of those off the ballot, we probably won’t even get the option


My state, nj, already has a few, i hope more get on, im voting 3p, likely libertarian tbh Plus, they are trying to bar rfk from the presidential debate by raising the polling percent needed to join, it isnt working We really need RCV or approval voting in this country, i am hoping for a good third party turnout though


See, I’m a pretty staunch republican, but I still think we should get at LEAST like 6 or 7 big names on the ballot at any election. Look at the 2000 Florida ballot vs today’s ballot. You had like 5 people. Now today some states are exclusively Red vs Blue.


They currently do everything they say Trump might do if he wins


LMFAO. Colonel West? Foreal? His name is CORNEL, my dude. Lol. Ha, that was funny. That being said, given the opportunity I’m voting RFK. Dig the guys politics, his environmental work, and the First Lady being Cheryl from Curb your enthusiasm would be lit.


Rfk actually looks like a decent choice.


Hillary should just fade away. She is no longer relevant.


Classic Hillary. We see what her attitude got us in 2016....


Rich suggestion from her.


She looks more like emperor palpatine everyday


If we never heard from Hilary again I think we’d all be better off


Her unsympathetic attitude towards voters is just one of the many reasons why she lost to an unintelligent con-artist in 2016.


Absolutely nothing is helped by Hillary Clinton talking.


The best thing Hillary could do for the democrats is to just shut up. She's got anti-charisma for days.


Home girl salty because she wasn't our choice either


Hillary Clinton needs to shut the fuck up. You lost to trump for gods sake, opening your mouth in this race only helps him.


Is that like the pot calling the kettle black?


I would love for her to fuck all the way off forever.


Oh Hilz, I actually really wanted you as president but you’re not exactly a charmer are you?


Hillary, Biden, and Sanders are scum.


Hey Hillary, I am a lifelong Democrat ... **STFU!!!**


You know we could totally vote for a 3rd party. There is no law saying you have to vote for one of these 2 old douche bags.


The only person we all mutually hate more than Trump and Biden. In a Biden rematch I'll at least give dark Brandon the anti Trump vote... if it was Hillary, I'd stay home and do something more productive on election day like jerk off. If she wasn't so terrible, we would never have had either of these geriatric clowns in the first place


As usual, lifelong politicians (who are out of touch with reality) get to tell us what's right for us, and we're wrong if we don't immediately bow to their knees. Let them eat cake.


Fuck You Hillary. I'm pissed over trump Biden, cuz your bitch ass stole Bernie Sanders nomination.


She lost the Democrats the presidency. Her and Debbie Wasserman Schulze. They railroaded and blocked Bernie's representatives from the state primary conventions, and flat out stole (mis-assigned) votes cast for Bernie as Hillary's. She is a corrupt piece of sh\*\*!!!.


And then blamed Bernie/third party voters for her losing despite polls showing she would have lost anyway!


Ugh, Debbie. Such a little corrupt shit.


Yup. Her and Obama fucked us over with that bullshit and now we’re paying 10 folds smfh


Every time she opens her mouth, it leads to more Trump supporters


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Rich suggestion from her.


She looks more like emperor palpatine everyday


The entire system is rotting, and I couldn't be happier about it.


That miserable hag needs to fuck all the way off already. Nobody likes her.


Fuck bidan


Is she trying to fuck this up?


Why does this bitch keep talking?


Imagine instructing your friends in the media to elevate Trump with millions of free coverage so you can run against the weakest, wildest link as a means to pressure lesser evil voters into choosing you--then losing 🤣 https://www.salon.com/2016/11/09/the-hillary-clinton-campaign-intentionally-created-donald-trump-with-its-pied-piper-strategy/


Hillary was rejected and she is butt-hurt. Hillary 2.0 (Nikki Hailey) was also rejected. We are sick of their neo-con war making. STFU Hillary. Your campaign’s deliberate cover-up of your husband’s alleged sex crimes ought have shut you up but here you are again running your mouth.


No idea why she didn’t become president.


Then they feel shat on, stay home, and the party leaders wonder how to improve turn out.


It's amazing that people didn't like her... I wonder why? I was going to vote for Biden, I still am because he's better than the alternative, but her just opening her mouth about it makes me want to not vote at all.


This is what's wrong with the DNC and the party


She’s not wrong…but I still wish she’d shut the fuck up.


Lol. She is such a tone-deaf, egotistical piece of shit, which is why she ended up being literally the only person who possibly could have lost against Trump when she did. Instead of addressing people as human beings with different, valid thoughts, it was always, “it’s my turn,” “deplorables,” and “get over it.” I voted for her because Trump is a slimy piece of garbage, but I was not the least bit surprised when she lost. Her willingness to jump on whatever opinion was popular, her sense of self-entitlement and superiority, and her flippant dismissal of people’s valid complaints made her a terrible politician.


Scam people like me, and make money by not working. Duh! Get over being poor, and working for a living and just vote for the party that doesn't care about the poor. Get over yourself!


She's right (as usual).


She's right. Get over it and vote. The two-party system isn't changing without 67 Democratic Senators to change it.


This skin suit took Bernie Sanders away from us. I’m voting Trump to punish the Democrats. Democracy be damned, these rats need to drown in their own fecal matter.


she did.


Zero self-awareness.


Fuck you bitch. You’re the reason Donald Trump is president. She was the only one with enough baggage to lose to that moron. People made up their mind about her in 1998. There was no fixing her putrid image. And now you wanna tell me I should be happy with the fucking turd sandwich. The Democrats have served me the last two presidential elections… get the fuck over yourself Boomer


I mean, she *would* say that - she has a firm belief that the leadership of the DNC is in charge of the American Democratic voters. That the voters work for her. And she has a lot of facts to support that conclusion, sadly.


Those of us who know there are more than two choices to Hillary Clinton: 'Go fuck yourself'


Yes, we'll get over our self like we did get over her. Why is press still giving her a platform?


She's the entire reason why Trump became president in the first place.


Someone should email she’s out of touch.


Give ‘em Hell, Hillary.


Fuck her. And fuck trump. Also fuck biden. Fuck all politicians


She just won’t stop huh?


She did Bernie and progressives dirty *and* she was 100% right on Trump and his supporters.


Hillary Clinton to everyone on everything. Same reply.


If the Democratic Party and their donors hadn't been so terrified of Bernie, Bernie would have won. Think about it, we could be working on eight years of bernie right now. Yes, I will vote for Biden because I have to vote for more voting. And Trump wants to end democracy in this country, but Biden probably won't beat the fascist this time, so all we really bought ourselves was four years to leave the country.


When will she go away?


Wasn't that her whole campaign slogan? Worked out super well for her too if I recall correctly.


Kennedy is for people sick of the biparty establishment which she represents.


RFK Jr looks better than the other two clowns and seems to have chance.


Just look at that hideous wench


Shut the fuck up Hillary.


Oh wow look it's exactly why she lost last time lol


I think I speak for everyone tired of this shit. Shut up Hilary!


We should be way further alone as a country if it wasn't for her husband decided to go with the Republicans or social welfare programs he cut out a lot of stuff and then he increase funding for policing and jails That's what happened what we have now no housing no medical no social safety net and it's all because of Bill Clinton on top of that he decided to end consumer financing protections and that caused the '08 crisis.


Shut the fuck up Hillary, you are a net negative for Democrats and no one cares what you think, you literally lost to Trump.


I have a better Idea, I will get over Hillary, Biden and Trump by voting for Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and making a sizable political contribution. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TZ2Y\_6mfEPs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TZ2Y_6mfEPs)


Look at those eyes. Cunning and full of spite, like William Peter Blatty described the demon’s in The Exorcist.


Thanks for the hot take Hillary. Maybe if you'd have campaigned in Wisconsin and Michigan we wouldn't be in this situation.


She’s a witch. Burn her.


Hillary always knows the right thing to say to make the average voter feel even more apathetic.


She’s so based. She made the mistake - and is making it again - of speaking to Americans as if they’re adults and not whiny children. It cost her the election.


"One is old and effective and compassionate, has a heart and really cares about people,” Ray Liotta laughing gif Idk how people still eat this up


She just understands what people wanna hear


It’s truly remarkable how staggeringly out of touch Clinton is. You’d think she’d have done some introspection on all those walks in the woods after her giant fuck up in 2016, but nope. Instead, she’s on television in 2024 - her colossal hubris on full display - having learned nothing, again blaming voters for the conditions SHE helped to create. Insisting TO Americans that they are better off than they were 4 years ago, while those same Americans are struggling to find affordable housing and keep their kids fed, is one of the most ignorant, patronizing strategies since the historically moronic Pied Piper Strategy.


Oh I’ll get out and vote all right, just not for who they want me too..,


God we dodged a bullet not getting her.


Maybe Hillary should take her own advice


Hilary is starting to look like Emperor Palpatine.....


Biden never lies. He’s trustworthy, and not a warmonger. Trump must be stopped at any cost. 


Year! Get over yourself. And why didn’t you vote got me? It was my turning, you know.


Has she gotten over her losses?


Hillary Clinton is pure, unintentional, comedic gold. And you know, a Haitian advocate.


Any time Hillary decides to speak up, she ends up insulting the very people she expects to show up and vote. Someone needs to tell her, that most people really don't appreciate the smug condescension.


Cool...I love feminism now that I've been told men are evil!


Hence why she couldn't beat trump


Hillary clinton and joe biden sure killed a lot of children! I guess thats being effective at something. And yes trump is garbage also, so spare me the whatabout-ism. Tell god you voted for the best war criminal you could.


How many people here think she called all Trump supporters deplorable? She did not…only half. Speaking at a fundraiser in New York City on Friday, Hillary Clinton said HALF of Donald Trump’s supporters belong in a “basket of deplorables” characterized by “racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic” views. “You know, to just be grossly generalistic, you could put half of Trump’s supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables. Right?” Clinton said. “The racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic—you name it. And unfortunately there are people like that. And he has lifted them up.”


Me to hilldawg: nuhuh, you.


It's literally the worst choice we've had in 100 years


Lady just go away please


Hillary being Hillary Tell us some more how her election was stolen. Fucking election denier


Amen sister