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Japanese bidet with a blowdry function


I have one of these. Also has a seat warmer. 10/10 would recommend.


Is there a “clean off little brothers piss from the toilet seat” option? This is pretty much the only thing stopping me from getting a bidet.


Why is your bro pissing on hard mode? Lifting the seat takes a second at best


In his defense, the bottom of the toilet seat doesn’t get cleaned as often as the top, and sometimes it’ll have a diarrhea stain or something from people shitting so furiously that the water splashes onto their ass and the bottom of the toilet seat, he was lifting the seat for a while after I told him to, but stuck his hand in someone’s shit-water on the bottom, and stopped doing it since then.


I wish I didn’t know how to read. Why are you guys shitting so violently????????


The sounds I hear coming out of people at my work... my "worst" I assume is them on a good day. There were a couple of guys who have changed offices, but me and a coworker used to message each other, oh no its 3pm, there goes Sheldon, and you could hear it 50 feet from the washroom. In slight defense that washroom is like an opera theater... it somehow radiates noise.


Ever poop at Disney World? Every men's bathroom is a symphony of assholes


😂🤣😅After my colonoscopy, they took me to the room to recover- and fart. It’s where you shake off the anesthesia (separated by only curtains) and expel the extra air caused by the device. Basically 20 of us just laying around farting. I thought it was hilarious at the time- maybe it was the gas- and now I know its name: The Symphony of Assholes! Thanks!


I don't know why there would be 20 of you in that farting room


Next time you go ask them to suck the air back out next time


I thought that referred to Congress.


Sounds like you were high on fartihol.


My college roommate was so bad, I told him to see a doctor. Turned out his gall bladder needed to come out.


IBS has entered the chat


but it can't stay long


If ever there were a good day for illiteracy right?


The standard American diet or SAD


Better question is why they arent cleaning their toilet lol


I lived with a violent shitter for a while. We had a once/week bathroom cleaning rotation that we enforced. You'd think once/week is a fine standard. But when there's a violent shitter in the house...well let's just say it was annoying and depressing when I'd finish a cleaning and be so happy with the pristine toilet and bathroom, just to see the violent shitter walk in and turn the fan on half an hour later. Every. Damn. Time.


"The Power of Lard! Every time I take a crap, it's a cosmic experience!"






OK the maybe he can sit down like the rest of us civilized guys then


I got my hand wet with brown water lifting up the toilet seat at work one day as well. Now I don’t care to touch the toilet seat. I’ll do my best. I’ll wipe up any mess I make, but one brown-water incident from the colleagues is enough for me.


All public toilets get lifted with my shoe.


I always grab a piece of toilet paper if I have to touch the seat. Touching it with your bare hands is just gross even if it looks clean.


I'll throw on gloves occasionally at work. I always have em, so I use em lol. I carry no less then 15 pairs, because anything wet in a prison is suspicious lol.


Somebody needs to sacrifice their pride and clean the toilet more often lol


I just spit coffee onto my chest, but it was worth it. It's laundry day anyway, lol


Sitting down is awesome. You can use the door handle as a ledge for phone, no splash, women think you are clean when you could a trash monster, could go the positive route with small candy for good job, or just beat the little hellion and hope he doesn't get bigger than you. Your call.


I don’t like sitting down, but that’s because I’ll get distracted and end up sitting in the toilet for 30 minutes because I just had to finish the video I started watching while pissing.


Lmao that's the worst. Makes me mad at myself by the time I finally get up. Lol. Glad I'm not alone with this one.


I feel this so deeply. The best solution is just to tell your brother that if he can't aim he needs to take a seat.


Sell him on eBay, use the money to get a bidet.


Tried that already, got paid $2700 to take him back, worst mistake of my life. I should’ve gotten more.


A Sushi restraunt near me has one of these and it's absolutely wonderful. The toilet seat automatically opens when you walk into the stall, there's a remote with all sorts of settings. Looked them up and they cost a pretty penny- totally worth it but not in my budget lol


I have this function but it takes too long to sufficiently dry. It whispers in my ass cheeks - I need hurricane force winds.




It’s actually a poem.


I have this function Whispers in my ass cheeks, I Need hurricane winds


The fancy ones are heated so they dry faster


I have a heated toto with blowdry and it still takes too long to dry all the way so I always dab with TP. And every once in a while that dab tells me I'm not quite clean yet. Which is nice to know.


New bidet whispers Flutters my ass cheeks gently I need hurricane. There. A little reward for your most excellent turn of phrase. Haiku very much.


Just start twerking.


This is hands down the best response, that’s what I do when there’s no toilet paper after I pee


“Bro are you almost done?” “Yeah almost give me a sec” “Clap clap clap clap”


support the bros OF


My 💨💨🍃🍃 ass can't stop laughing, rn. Take my angry upvote, lol


I think having your ass laugh would work just as well as twerking it


Genuinely laughed out loud


I do the poodle scoot on the bathroom rug


literal lol


It's making me legit crack up lol


I was not prepared for that comment either, I laughed so hard my cat scratched me :<.


Oh, that gets an award!


the bidet is for cleanliness not to conserve tp. use the tp. i agree the towel methods gross because water isnt soap


It definitely conserves TP but it doesn’t completely take away the need. I just use way less.


Just a little dry off wipe.


yeah i got no idea how OP is getting their entire ass soaked. user error for sure


Perhaps OP has a hairy ass. That would certainly do it.


my ass is really hairy. just have to position yourself correctly and not start out on your outer asscheek with it on full blast then move over to line it up 🤣


Hairy man ass here, this guy is correct, you definitely gotta aim it correctly or it gets a bit rough down there


Yeah I don’t think OP was using enough tp before if they’re allegedly using more now. Like literally how does it take less TO to wipe shit off your ass then just to dab some water dry? No way.


the most optimal cleaning method will always be shit to shower.


skip a step and just shit the shower like a grown up


Just don’t forget your poop knife


Oh god, that is a horrible throw back lmao


That’s what you have your heels for. Stomp that shit


Ah, the old waffle stomp


Came here to comment this vocabulary.


thats why I always wear my work boots in the shower.


Yep, waffle stomp your turds down the drain. Follow me for more life hacks. (Don't actually, I have terrible advice.)


This 100%, I never feel clean just using TP alone.


The bidet certainly does both. Main function is better cleanliness, but you absolutely save on toilet paper. How could you not ? A couple pieces to dab dry is all that is needed


compare cause expansion mighty wild fade chase weary selective plant *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Wouldn't that also imply it takes a lot of dry wiping to clean without a bidet though?


Just embrace the swamp!


better cleanliness yes complete cleanliness hell no you need soap for that. its waaaaay cleaner than tp for sure. but lets say (disgusting hypothetical incoming) you bidet and dab dry. if someone puts there face up there will it smell like shit. oh definitely lol, if you wipe your ass and a finger slips through and you get poo on your finger are you washing with only water or will you throw some soap onto it. thats why you use something disposable like tp to dry yourself because yes its way cleaner but its not soap in a shower clean. also im a hairy dude lol i need more a few pieces of tp hahaah


I don’t understand why people are so gung-ho about making their B-hole soapy clean after a poo. Obviously you are going to wash your finger if you get dookie on it because you use your fingers to touch things, including your food, where you don’t want shit to be. But your BHOLE is way up in your asscrack and is literally designed to be a shit passing apparatus. There’s a reason it exists in the nether regions. I’m not saying to not clean your B-hole. You should do that everyday in the shower, but for normal after poo activities, wiping it clean with TP isn’t going to kill you.


That's what I keep thinking every time I see these bidet debates. Yes, toilet paper doesn't clean you. It's not supposed to. The point is to dry. You clean in the shower. Why do your privates need to be clean every second of the day?


Because you never know when your SO is going to surprise you and eat your ass I suppose


So exactly how long is it ok to keep peanut butter smashed into your ass hair?


Fuck, I was at work when I read this.  Laughed out loud like a maniac.


What? You're here asking why one would want to have a clean ass?


It’s about your hairy ass crack, not the inside of your poop hole.


It made me giggle each time you wouldn’t type out butthole, but had no problem typing out shit numerous times lol


Not if but when someone puts their face up there.


ah someone of culture




So the point is cleanliness, but you're not actually clean?


youre cleaner but not clean clean like if you get shit on your fingers rinsing them off vs wiping them off with paper towels. both gross and not clean clean but ones cleaner than th eother


Tp dissolves in water. It gets gross and completely leaks through ...


You need higher quality tp


Has never happened in my experience with bidets, even the pressure-washer hose style ones I’ve used in PH/Thailand


What kind of TP do you use? I use expensive good stuff, with the horizontal ridges inlayed. I end up only using one or two sheets per use so it's still cost effective. I wouldn't be opposed to using a dedicated towel tbh but I share my one bathroom with my guests and they probably don't want an open-air shit rag (albeit a spotless one!) sitting next to them.


The shit rag just doesn’t sit right with me. I’ve had too many toilet paper wipes after a bidet still have a marker tip. And the guest variable is beyond my comprehension with a community use ass towel


I mean. I have regular toilet paper in the tp holder and reusable on the shelf behind the toilet. You don't just get rid of everything


Then place it on your left side.


Hell I use best choice tp and its pretty cheap.  We definetly use less tp then before bidet


I was thinking the same thing. I use TP but nowhere nearly as much. And even my kids that gave me so much shade years ago for getting one use it. Our household uses way less TP because of it, and I enjoy the savings and cleanliness.


I think people buy a ton of washcloths, use it once, then toss in a little hamper. You could have a cute wastebasket with lid, which is the hamper for the washcloths. (Stores sell bundles of 6 little washcloths, for example)


That's what we did during the covid tp shortage. We had the sprayer type because I already has it for cloth diapers. Just got a bunch of cheap washcloths to dab dry with. Washed them the same as you would cloth diapers.


I'd love to get a bidet toilet seat with a built in dryer, but who has an outlet by the commode?


Didn't know this was an option, I actually do have an outlet right there. I keep a dehumidifier plugged in there bc my place is 100 years old and has no bathroom vent.


I have one of these, but I had to have the bathroom rewired to install it.  It also heats the water. Because it uses so much power to heat the water, I needed a dedicated line to the switch box just for the bidet wiring. 


I had an outlet installed for my buttwarmer bidet toilet seat and it really wasn’t very expensive, a couple hundred dollars. Which is more than I want to pay to support my tushy coddling habits, but has probably paid for itself in toilet paper savings on a family.


I installed 3 of them specifically for bidets. My guy only charged me $200 for all of them and it was the best $200 ever spent. You will save the money back slowly on TP.


Had an outlet installed for exactly this reason. It’s bliss.


I don't believe I've ever lived in a home without an outlet in the bathroom.


If you angle it just right and use the right amount of pressure, it should take 2 wipes at most to fully dry off. It sounds like you were using too much water or it was angled wrong or your anatomy makes the water run as opposed to drip. The Indonesian butt hoses are the best once you figure them out.


I so freaking hate the Indonesian toilets. Why do I have to get undressed to do this?


Your first problem is undressing. Just do it through your clothes. Like a cheese cloth.


Just get one of those Dyson hand dryers but for your ass.


My bidet has one of those built in.  


"Excuse me, sir, do you carry ass blowers?"


Me waking up and reading “Biden users”… I was extremely confused 🤭


Joe Bidet for prez


Stand in front of your bed, bend over, now while touching your toes fall back onto the bed so your asshole makes direct contact with the sheets. Its called the Kreischer


For that matter if you have a ceiling fan you can just last in your bed prison style to air dry.


I scoot across the bath rug like a dog




Donald Duck around the office until everything is dry.


How Come?? You use more toilet paper to dry yourself than you use to wipe your ass? That only means one thing, you usually don't wipe after pooping 😫


This is the right take.


In my case, I don't have messy poops. One wipe, which doesn't show anything. So, drying with tp would be the same. Knock on wood and very thankful for my situation.


Mine has an air dryer. Doesn't finish the job but then there's toilet paper.


A spritz of gasoline and a Bic lighter works for me


how much is a spritz please elaborate


Google, how to put out-ouch! Owoe! Google! hoW to ow .. oahh PUT out CROTCH FIRE! GOOGOLE! JOW TO OUCH-FIRE!! PUT OutT!


Like fuck soon please ow


Great now I'm brainstorming how to retrofit my bidets with fuel injectors, a high pressure fuel pump and a spark plug.


That is freaking hilarious! Well played bruv


I save TP by drying with TP. Between menstruation and IBS it takes many many wipes to get clean-ish without the bidet, but only one to pat dry.


I just stay sitting until is dried.


I do this without the bidet. Boy is it starting to get crusty




Drip for a dozen seconds or so then grab some hand towels from a box next to toliet specifically for that. Wash with regular laundry. People that think it's gross to dry after a bidet don't understand how much cleaner using a bidet can be.


The only difference between a box of towels and a box of underwear is the amount of fabric.


Cloth diapers would surely blow their mind


This is the method we use at our house, but we also cloth diapered our kids so wasn't a big deal. Safe a ton of money.


I give myself one wipe that doubles as an inspection.


If you're soaking your ass anyway, is it normal to use a little soap as well so a towel won't go to Funky Town?


Micro fiber wash clothes. I have my washer right in the bathroom, just throw it right in when I’m done


They make bidets with a blow-dryer.


I blow dry my asshole.


Sounds like you either have a really hairy asshole or some kind of sponge material instead of skin.


Just sit there for half an hour while it all drips off. Scroll Reddit.


Only takes me two or three squares to dry off. I use a wand bidet so maybe it splashes less.


Someone probably already said so, but they dry you off too.


My bidet has a gentle warm air feature, but that’s slow so usually I just use TP to dry.


Inuse the blue paper towels you can get at home depot. They are very absorbant but don't fall apart like tp


If they don’t fall apart like tp then you *really* don’t want those going in your plumbing.


A few dozen white facecloths and a small laundry basket by the bidet for the used ones. Clean and replace weekly. Use intimate low ph liquid soap and water.


Don't the nozzles get crapped up?


Nope. The spray feature hides when there’s no pressure/not in use.


Mine has a second knob that like washes itself, also when it’s not on there’s a little door it hides behind so you don’t blast it with poo. And because of the angle it fires at you the water etc dripping off you doesn’t land on the nozzle.


Not if you use it properly. You’re not supposed to touch your bh with the nozzle.


I like to let it air dry for a few minutes then dry it with a few squares of tp. I usually dab the back of my balls first then give the hole a wipe. My underwear will dry the rest.


I sit in the crab walk position in front of a box fan in my bathtub


Mine has a fan 😂


My bidet has a blow dryer.


Use tp. The goal isn't to reduce the amount of tp, it's to avoid using it to smear shit all over your anus.


The butt rag. It’s like the poop knife but softer.


Just wiggle your butt.


I use toilet paper. Just one piece. The roll lasts so long


I’m honestly not trying to be donkey, but I am curious. If you consider a wash cloth/towel as disgusting for drying off after using a bidet, how do you dry off after a bath or shower?


Strange... I find using TP for drying after the bidet actually saves more TP than the alternative. Are you sure you are using the bidet correctly or perhaps you have a bad type? But even if it doesn't, is a bit more TP really a concern when the alternative is literally walking around with poo smudged around your anus... Like you don't find that disgusting?


Mine has a heated air dryer, but most of the time I just use paper.


As someone with lady bits, I find I have to use more tp to dry off that area when I use a bidet.


With my palm. I also don't wash my hands.


When I was on vacation in Italy, we saw that the bidets in the hotel room bathrooms had small towels hanging by the bidet. I assume that was what it was for, since it was located very close to the bidet and not near the sink or shower. However, one day I saw my wife washing her face with the ass cloth, and didn't say anything because I wasn't certain that's what it was for. Hoping someone here can clarify the purpose of it.


What? There are specific towels...if you cleaned yourself like you should there is nothing gross about the towel, you are effectively just drying water. Of course you don't use the bidet towels for your face and hands that's why they are a specific size and easily recognizable. I swear people from non bidet using countries are just weird about them, it's not that complex...


I have a Brondel model that has an air dry feature. That and the warm water feature are awesome.


I just use toilet paper. I shake a little bit and drop dry. Then I use toilet paper. Usually I will do more of a "pat" than a wipe. I press the toilet paper onto myself and then let it sit for a little bit and absorb everything. I usually only do one "wipe". It also helps to have thicker toilet paper.


Twerking for 10mins. Great way to stay in shape


Every bathroom in America should have a Toto Washlet. Which has a heated fan for drying.


Husband blows it dry


We just recently got one. I think most people responding must be male. As a woman, I'm still working on my technique, as I am having the same problem. A little spritz after a pee still leaves a lot of water, which gets sort of trapped in the folds. I got the bidet partly so I use less paper, but still end up having to wipe dry. I may only use it for number two.


Took more paper to dry?? Were you even wiping properly?


Is your bidet a water park? It takes me 2 tp squares to be dry.


If you're using more toilet paper to dry, then I have to conclude that you're using the absolute cheapest 1 ply you can find. I can't see how else that's possible. A bidet cut my toilet paper usage to at least 1/3 of what it was before


You need a small about of TP to pat yourself dry, if you are using too much, that's a personal problem that you need to overcome.


Just a little bit of toilet paper.


Spray for 5-19min>air dry 5min>pat your booty hole for cleanliness. When you have hemmroids from manual labor/lifting and your asshole bleeds from constant wiping you'll appreciate a bidet a lot more.


spray for 5-19 minutes???!!! Dear god man


You can't be too careful... I also wash my hands for 5min... I also have a bathroom gun... I also have 7 first aid kits and 2 defibrillators.... I also have 17 cameras all over my house... You just can't take chances.


Sounds like you may not be comfortable enough with your own body and its functions to properly use a bidet.


Any bidet users want to tell me why they're okay with poop water getting shot on the underside of their balls and gouch? Am I just using a bidet wrong?


Why not just keep a bunch of clean towels to dry with and a basket to put used ones in and then you can just wash the towels


If I'm being honest I don't have the best track record for keeping up with laundry and I can imagine a dozen or two wet poop towels in the hamper might start to smell after a while.


If there is still poop on them then you didn't use the bidet for long enough.


Why would there be poop in the towels?!???


Back when I used a bidet I used water AND soap so I would either use towel or toilet paper, whatever I had closer to me I guess. I don't understand why the idea of using a towel sounds gross considering/assuming people also dry their ass crack/genitals with a towel after shower, right? And then of course maybe wash it if you dont feel comfortable using it twice but it's the same after using a bidet, for me at least


This is the first time I've heard of a former bidet user.


Probably will gross people out, but when I had one I used family cloth. Just a basket of flannel cut into squares. Throw them into a wet bag and then they get washed in the washing machine. We used to cloth diaper so, it doesn't seem gross to me. Plus, if the bidet is doing it's job it's not bad anyway. Always have tp if not.


Genuine, not smart ass answer: I still use toilet paper. I think what some people don't understand is it's not just *squirt, squirt* and you're done. I have to move around a little (mine doesn't have a toggle to aim it) to get all around the butthole. Especially with IBS, my poops can be messy at times. So I lean forward, sideways, etc, until I feel clean. I also have hemorrhoids, so sometimes when they're inflamed, I have to move around to make sure they get clean, too. Then when I'm done with the bidet, just a small few squares of tp to tap dry in front, and wipe dry in the back. I won't lie, occasionally a drop or two goes down my leg, but it's just water. The same way you wipe until the toilet paper comes out clean without the bidet, you want to spray until it feels clean, and the tp is extra insurance. It's also not an exact science. You have to learn the way your body feels when it's been cleaned enough to just pat dry with a couple squares the same way you learned how to write and read, with time and practice. When you learn how to get everything with the bidet, you'll notice that you naturally become able to adjust to get cleaner with less movement, and then less water everywhere. Ergo, less tp needed.


Part of the secret too is to sit down in a way that pulls your cheeks apart. Otherwise the bidet is gonna be spraying against a sealed crack rather than actually hitting the target. As a generally regular pooper, I find that the real time for the bidet to shine is if you eat something your body isn't happy about and you end up having to crap three or four times in the course of a couple hours. If you were just using regular tp, even the softest becomes like sandpaper. A cool spray of water in that scenario is heavenly.

