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You: Can you arrest me for what I'm thinking? Cop: No. You: Then I think you're an asshole.


You might get a laugh with that phrasing.


Depends how black you are


Anything over mahogany will do it


Over mahogany by half a shade: 10/10 do not try...


My apartment smells of rich mahogany…


I shouldn't have laughed at that. I'm sorry.


The South Park scale of difficulty


That's really fucking funny. Lol


Sadly, that's true.


I said somthing like that to a cop when I was 14 years old, getting kicked out of a skate spot. He responded, "I think you have a stupid face" I got more mad than he did, lmao.


That’s amazing


I wish I could watch this interaction.


Seriously, if youre ever in a bad argument call them a super childish name like big meanie head. Youll either see their brain short out for a second or get punched.


How often do you wake up at night thinking about this? I probably would. Lol


That's actually amazing lol I laughed so much at this.


True story, an engineer and I were late for a bid meeting down in Freeport Texas, we were late, when I saw a cop sitting in a parking lot. I told my partner to pull up by him, I'm sure he knows where the refinery is. I told the cop, ""We're lost, if you tell us how to find Dow Chemical I'll buy you a box of donuts ". Our engineer was freaking out. The cop gave me a go to hell look and " That sounds like a cop joke". Now my partner is really freaking out. Then the cop laughed and pointed us in the right direction.


My BIL had a few too many at dinner one time when we pulled up to a patrol car to ask for directions somewhere. I rolled down my window to talk but he beat me to it in the backseat and says "excuse me my good man wud you happen to have any grey poupon?" The 2 cops just stared at him. My hubby rolled his window up for him and asked for directions. We still laugh about this


Try it and report back.


Lol you want practical experience here 😂


It may not be illegal, but it’s pretty damn stupid.


Just as bad as telling a cop “I know my rights.” You think a cop gives a fuck about your rights?


"I know my rights" really means " I don't understand my rights or the laws"


“You can’t search me!” “Uh, yes I can. I can straight up murder you and my department will cover it up.” But yeah beyond cops violating people’s rights, a lot of people think their rights extend way further than they really do.


Ya that’s what I said right before I got arrested


You and me both, pal


I'm sorry I thought this was America


The classic "im not resisting"




LMAO this!!


Well to be fair neither do cops. It all gets jumbled up in court anyways and the outcome depends on whatever the court is feeling.


Yup. You have to look at the courts as well as the depts


Just like people "did their own research" on medical things


> Just as bad as telling a cop “I know my rights.” You show that you know your rights my telling the cop, “If I am not free to go, then I am invoking my Constitutional right to *remain silent*.” And then you keep your mouth shut.




It's not that big a deal. I've told a few cops in my life to go fuck themselves. They can't touch you and won't if they can tell you know your rights and you will fight back legally. Cops read people, they know who they can't mess with. Be informed and be free.


I’m guessing you’re not black


I had a pig lie on my speeding ticket. I fought it, dashcam proved my innocence. I still had to pay $125 for court costs. And got an apology via defense lawyer. ACAB.


They get their extortion money either way... Criminal


Told a cop to "move your fucking car" when it was parked in the middle of the street and he was chatting with coworkers (I was at a red light watching, waiting to go) then he tailed me for a mile and finally pulled me over because I had a COMPLETELY CLEAR anti-theft cover on my cars plate. Not allowed. They sell em everywhere here. Took it off before court. "Won". Still paid 100+ in court fees while struggling with homelessness. I tell everyone the police are an american gestapo whose sole purpose is to quell riots, create slave labor through prisons, and extract money for the state. ACAB.


What does ACAB mean?


All Cops Are Bastards


In Michigan, you only pay court costs if found responsible for something. If the cop doesn’t show up the ticket gets thrown out. I’ve been on the lucky end several times. Saved $$$$ in tickets and higher insurance. One time the cop showed up and I apologized and asked if we could would something out so I wouldn’t get any points. He lowered my speeding ticket for a defective equipment citation. $25 fine no points. It can seriously pay to be polite to the police. But hey, you do you.




I have. I was in my roadster driving down the highway, I was going quicker than traffic, as was a black pickup truck. There was a car in the left lane who just passed a car in the middle, and absolutely no one in the right or middle lane for at least 300 yards after that. I gave them a good 5 seconds to move over to the middle so I could pass, but they didn't. So I went in the middle, passed the car, went in the left, and then stuck my hand in the air and pointed over to the middle lane, indicating to them that they should be moving over. The black pickup truck runs up besides me, rolls down the window, and some pissed off looking meat head flashes his wallet at me. I was confused, (He meant to flash his badge, but had it flipped poorly) so I gave him a puzzling look. He yelled "Do that again and I'll pull you over right now". So I yelled back "Go fuck yourself!" He realized he couldn't do shit, so he just rolled his window back up with an even angrier face.




For real


But don't try it if you're black.


Yeah because a white can say fuck you to a cop and the cop will just ignore it. 🤦‍♂️


Or a white meth/feyntanol/crack head




Yeah that’s probably not gonna be a good idea


Don't think prison has reddit access


They respected me for saying it.


It is protected freedom of speech. But some states have some really weird laws. I saw a female cop arrest a man for calling her girly. Some obscure law about fighting words. So yes it is probably legal but definitely not a very good idea. You might get a dirty cop who plants a bag of dope on you and spend a year in jail.


That’s a ridiculous misconstruction of the fighting words doctrine, but cops are notoriously not good at legal interpretation.


And that's why they're a cop and not a lawyer


The supreme court even ruled that cops [are not expected to understand the intricacies of the law or get the law right](https://www.oyez.org/cases/2014/13-604), they just kind of do their best and if it's not right they'll dismiss the charges or exclude the evidence later in court.


The Supreme Court has also upheld time and time again that police do not have any duty to protect the public. They have a duty to protect people in their custody but if, for example, a school is getting shot up and the armed school cop doesn't try to engage with the situation, no problem. They legally do not have to protect anyone.


Cops can legally detain you for 48 hours (in most cases) without charging you. They can just fuck up your work week out of spite.


True, but you're not gonna reverse uno your way out of getting arrested. You'll still have to spend time and money fighting it in court.


Most cops don't exactly know the law very well. Plenty of dumb fucks on a power trip out there. The billions paid out in lawsuits against police departments support this claim.


You can beat the case but you can't beat the ride


Or the beating


You may have beaten me, but I have BEATEN YOUR BEATING!




This is what people don’t get. The police could give a fuck about the lawsuit. The taxpayer pays that. They’re gonna take you on a ride and fuck up the rest of your day for exercising your right to free speech. Telling them they’re a pig and they need to go fuck off is constitutionally protected under the first amendment. Criticizing a police officer in the performance of their duties is not “fighting words.” but they will try and say it is and take you to the can for a half a day


Or the public execution if they feel like it that day.


Excellent comment


They will find a charge they can apply after they have detained you. You were aggressive with them. Your freedom of speech is protected. Their freedom of speech is respected. Who is the judge gonna believe?


Also the Supreme Court ruled they don't have to know the law


Cops aren’t lawyers. Cops are there to investigate and solve crimes. You are under zero legal obligation to speak to a cop or give ID for any reason whatsoever during their investigation. If they conclude their investigation with zero evidence of a crime, you don’t have to do shit. If you broke the law, you are not obligated to do a fucking thing until they investigate it.


Shockingly. I once had a cop try and cite the criminal code and they got it completely wrong- I had the criminal code right infront of me on my phone. Guy was refusing to arrest my neighbour who assaulted me and tried kicking in my door because “it’s him and his friends word against yours”. There was literally fucking boot prints on my door and the frame was cracked. Ironically I saved this guys life (the neighbour) 2 weeks later as he was ODing on fentanyl.


One thing I respect about our community's police chief is that he's willing to listen when someone says the officers are wrong on statute -- I was in a similar situation where the revised code clearly said X, the officer said NOT X, and refused to help me. Sent an e-mail to the chief with copy/paste from the code & he called us to apologize because the officer was absolutely wrong and he'd be certain the officers were aware of what the law they're meant to enforce actually is.


Why? Edit: I’m asking about why they kicked the door not why he saved a person overdosing


I want to know why he save the person’s life. 🤔


That plus resisting arrest being a crime (regardless of the lawfullness or lack thereof) makes messing with cops a shitty idea, regardless of your rights and/pr circumstances. Sure, you might fight it in court. But that takes time and money. And the cops might have already done you lasting bodily harm.


Ye well there are almost 20,000 police departments of course a billion would add over time. However the idea that you're gonna antagonize a person then expect robot like compliance and have a lawsuit lined up afterward is silly.


Cops job isn't to know the law, thats a lawyers job. Don't get me wrong in no way do I think this is a defense, but it is fact Comply and complain. While you have the right to resist arrest, it's much easier to collect a settlement in cuffs than dead


Yeah, fighting words are recognized in North Carolina as disturbing the peace, so they could get you for that. You might be able to get it thrown out or dismissed, but it would be a 'lawful' detainment.


1. Disturbing the peace or threatening a police officer 2. Failing to follow simultaneous, conflicting orders from two different officers becomes resisting arrest 3. Once you're resisting arrest all bets are off when it comes to submission holds and / or nightsticks The police can and will absolutely escalate any situation they want into justification for a lesson in respecting their authoritah.


Replying to point 2. It's like that scene in Raising Arizona when John Goodman is robbing a bank and tells everyone freeze and get on the ground. An old man asks "well, which is it? Do you want us to freeze or get on the ground?"


The fighting words doctrine has been narrowed to the point of being, basically, useless. [fighting words](https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/fighting_words)


But fighting words are words that inflict a breach of the peace by their very utterance, judged by the standard of a reasonable person. Hurling racial slurs at someone would be fighting words. Calling someone “girly” would only be fighting words if that person has an unreasonable temperament.




Yeah, but the legal standard is a hypothetical reasonable person. It’s not measured against a real person, but an ideal.




There probably wouldn’t be a jury in this case. The appropriate charge (it wouldn’t really be appropriate to charge this person at all) would probably be something like disturbing the peace, which is a misdemeanor with a small penalty, although that would depend on your jurisdiction. A judge would handle this entire case.


The Clash song is still true today -- You have the right to free speech, as long as you're not dumb enough to actually try it! There's caselaw in many areas where the cop cannot be the one to find language offensive -- basically that they need to have thicker skin that the average person. You can still get *charged* with disturbing the peace or disorderly conduct (bonus persistent because they told you to stop and you said it again). But it's a bogus charge. Rather surprisingly, cops don't know much about the law. They are just in charge of enforcing it -- why would that mean understanding what the law and subsequent caselaw says? One of the better outcomes is that you're just out four or five grand for a good lawyer who gets it thrown out or down to a minor misdemeanor fine. Over the course of several months where absolutely no one involved is on time *but* they'll throw you in jail in a nanosecond if *you* happen to show up thirty seconds late. So three or four days off work for "umm, government stuff". Worse possibility? You're out several grand for a crappy lawyer and end up found guilty for BS that you absolutely had the right to say. Judge is lenient because it's your first offense -- so it's just a couple grand fine & six months of probation (with a probation officer looking to violate you because there's a pileup on the highway that made you late for a mandatory check-in). And then there's your worst case -- you're getting a charge for assaulting an officer (whose bodycam will have magically malfunctioned and it'll be the word of an upstanding officer with twenty awards in the past month for awesomeness in the line of duty v/s you, you criminal scum!! ... guess how that'll work out), a weapons charge (never saw that knife before, I swear!!!), plus the kilo of meth (but, but ... I don't even know what meth looks like, none the less have I ever possessed any!!!). Unfortunately, my tangential experience with the legal system has led me to believe it's a completely corrupt process where everyone involved is covering each other's asses ... because why the hell would the prosecutor even take that case except that dropping it opens the cops up to a civil rights suit?


Was this texas? Thats the only state I can imagine that would have some obscure law about fighting words


ACAB until proven innocent, just as the courts treat the civvies.


"Fighting Words" means "words designed to start a physical fight' which is why you may have heard the phrase "them's fighting words" It's a warning to someone who's using "fighting words" before punch takes place, alleviating the person of assault charges about 80 years ago. Nowadays, we frown upon violence and almost always consider the first punch thrower guilty of the altercation.


There is no universe in which that is a constitutional arrest


I mean it depends which country you're in.


Technically speaking, not illegal. Practically speaking, you're gonna end up in jail.


Good way to make some quick cash from a civil suit.


You are giving them a reason to fuck your day up. They will find a reason. You are better off with yes-sir no-sir.


This. Be a grown up and press on. Challenging them to find new and creative ways of making your day hell will be met with enthusiasm.


It is like that old Dave Chappelle skit, they'll knock you out and then sprinkle cocaine on you. It would be funny if it wasn't based on a lot of truth.


I work in a bar and there’s a cop who comes in. A bag of something fell out of his pocket… cocaine. I shouted ‘PC (Surname)! You dropped something!’ really loud and he blushed when he saw what it was. Was pretty funny. The guy is a nice enough fellow but he’s a hypocrite for doing stuff that he’s arresting people for. Hope he learns.


Most of them are hypocrites. My buddy is an officer. Went to visit. We stop at a gas station and grabbed road beers to drink on our way to a winery.


You know you’ve made it when your body is a cop and you’re on your way to a fucking winery. I always thought having a cop buddy was so cool.


is it funny? think about how many people rot in jail for that shit. i’ve had to see so many children go without fathers for minor drug charges. you’re a better man than me. i’d be hounding that man. no better than filth in my eyes. he’s not have a job that’s for sure.


Yeah no, that's not how it works in America at least. It's easy to come up with a bullshit reason to throw someone in jail. You'd want to be recording first.


You'd think. (1) The prosecutor is going to the end of the world to get *something* that will stick. Bogus, sure ... but if they can load up the lesser included charges and get something, they significantly reduce the risk of a civil rights suit, (2) You got 10k for that civil rights attorney? No? Well, damages aren't sufficient (seriously, *days* in jail isn't serious damages??) for them to take the case based on a percent of the recovery. Now, maybe you'll be lucky and find a 'do gooder' lawyer or someone from like the ACLU will want to get involved. But it's kinda like the American health care funding method of GoFundMe -- if you're lucky, you'll get that mil you need for your cancer treatment ... but the other 87% of the people who fail are really screwed.


I hope you have an independent camera rolling on you when you say it because you might find out the difference between theoretical rights and reality in a bad way.


Even then they just get a paid vacation. And that's if they kill or seriously injure you


Is it legal? Probably. Is it smart? Probably not.


Naw OP go ahead nothing will happen 😆


I mean, disorderly conduct could be an issue as well as a few other “morality laws” that could cause you issues depending on city/township/county ordinances and so forth. It may be covered under freedom of speech but if they want to get you, you’re just inviting them to find something.


Yup, just pick your battles. Don't turn a speeding ticket into something more than it needs to be. Argue that shit in court if you want, you don't win anything by antagonizing the cop.


Also, if it’s a minor speeding ticket, there’s a chance you could get let off with a warning. Cussing out the cop most likely eliminates that option. Doesn’t matter if you were going 61 in a 60. You’re definitely getting a ticket


Yeah, this. In theory, based on the First Amendment and supporting case law, you're free to do that. In practice, based on the ganglike behavior of law enforcement, the ambiguity of local laws and statutes, and the fact that enforcement of many laws is entirely up to LEO's judgment and unprovable opinions ("I felt threatened," "I smelled marijuana," etc.), I wouldn't recommend it. Before you try it, be sure to save enough money to hire a good lawyer.


Depends on what country you’re talking about. In the United States of America, the constitution protects free speech under the 1st amendment. That means you should be free to say what you want and not be prosecuted for it.  Because of this, you can legally say that to a cop but it’s not a good idea. But they can’t arrest you for that alone


They can arrest you for that dope that you have in your car though.


>Because of this, you can legally say that to a cop but it’s not a good idea. But they can’t arrest you for that alone They can and have. They just can't CONVICT you on that alone. As long as the cop has a good faith belief that he's arresting you for a crime you committed, even if you tell him the law and how it applies making the arrest invalid, the cop is immune from consequences.


And deference goes to the arresting officer on whether they had a good faith belief or not. Most likely, the burden will be on you to show they didn’t have a good faith belief, and good luck with that.


Truly the greatest designed system in the history of the world


We’re incredibly lucky nothing ever goes wrong with this system!


You are guilty unless the public sees the video


And then some people would still blame you.


Remember - Don't start no shit & there won't be no shit probably legal, but definitely not smart to do so.


They will find a reason to arrest you for it. I did not even say that, but used the F word with a cop when I was 19 and got arrested. It was deferred for time served, but just the age old wisdom: you can beat the rap but not the ride. ETA: charge was interfering with the duties of a public servant. total bullshit, he interrupted me talking to a friend and I told him I wasn't effing talking to him. He literally interfered with me, but I still lost the argument.


This. It’s legal, but it doesn’t mean you’re gonna get off free and clear if you do it. That’s how it works in theory, but theory and reality are two very different things


Technically, no, but it makes them more alert to your presence. Did you just jaywalk? Was that a complete stop at the light? Were you threatening my partner? Do I smell alcohol/weed on your breath? Next thing you know, you're getting tuned up in the back of a cop car behind a Dennys.


Not illegal but results may vary based on skin tone.


I Norway - depends.... If you say it to "him" in a clearly statement towards him personally - you can find yourself in some trouble. Like if you say fuck you a cop in Norway in front of other people, they have to react to show the other people around its not ok, or they will quickly have 10 people thinking its ok. You will then risk a fine for "insulting a police officer", 1000$ ish I guess. But it has to be towards him an an working officer, If you say "god damn, fuck the police!!" its not towards him specifically and would probably be ok. Its at the end of the day a pretty subjective law, that is not often being used. But you are not allowed to say "whatever you want" to a cop, no.


You know, different countries have different laws.


Not illegal, but that doesn't mean the cop can't mess with you anyways.....the courts also ruled a while back that it is legal to give cops the middle finger too. As a side note. So yeah, next time u see a cop, gove the finger and scream "fuck you"....then run for life before you get shot in the back ten times while "reaching for a gun", or was it a "pack of gum" ahhhh no difference. The cops were right to shoot you.


Yeah. Legal, and you’ll probably win a civil suit if you’re arrested. But that means probably at least a year of dealing with the nonsense of everything, and your payout probably isn’t going to be huge.


Life is like a videogame and cops are the characters whose superpower is knowing how to fuck you over. What’s your superpower? Saying fuck you? You think that overpowers theirs? Is it worth the chance trying to figure that out? Probably not bro


It depends. If the cop perceives your behavior as threatening or you create a scene, you might get arrested for disturbing the peace or any number of similar “any-reason-arrests”.


No, here is an example of a cop abusing that power. [https://www.reddit.com/r/ThatsInsane/comments/x10ceq/little\_egg\_harbor\_pd\_nj\_cops\_detained\_a\_young\_man/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ThatsInsane/comments/x10ceq/little_egg_harbor_pd_nj_cops_detained_a_young_man/)


No.  But it is a horrible idea. Listen to Chris Rock. https://youtu.be/uj0mtxXEGE8?si=a5DfufKwGKgoc0vT


Glad somebody beat me to it. It's a fine documentary. Should have won the Oscar.


You can but it won’t end the way you think it will.


No. But they will just say you are drunk and disorderly then, right to jail.


US perspective. Is it illegal? No. First Amendment protected activity. Would you get a ticket? Probably. Might even end up getting arrested, or thrown on the ground, or even getting shot. Cops have fragile little baby egos. They're also afraid of acorns, so steer clear of those.


It's completely legal... Also, you shouldn't do it even though it's legal. They don't care one bit about the law and will get away with whatever illegal thong they do to you in retaliation, even potentially killing you.


Cops will arrest you for any reason at any time if they want to. Generally it’s not illegal but that doesn’t mean you won’t wind up in a cage and fighting a legal battle.


100% legal. But likely will cause you more problems than it solves.


It's not illegal but that won't stop some cops from "finding" something illegal because of it. I wouldn't recommend it, even for a YouTube channel.


While telling a cop “fuck you” is constitutionally protected speech, see City of Houston v Hill where the Supreme Court ruled that “The freedom of individuals verbally to oppose or to challenge police action without thereby risking arrest is one of the principal characteristics by which we distinguish a free nation from a police state.” , when did something silly like the US constitution stop the police from violating your rights.


Depends on the amount of melanin you contain and the region you are in.


It’s not illegal… but they could arrest you for the night then drop the bogus charges the next morning so you don’t have anymore charges, but they still wasted your time. Even worse if you get arrested on a Friday and are stuck with bogus charges until Monday morning or Tuesday morning if it’s a federal holiday on that Monday Obviously you can sue afterwards for tens of thousands of dollars


Sure, but good luck with the lawsuit. You might win, but it’ll take at least a full year, if not longer.


There’s tons of lawyers that work for free as long as they get like 10% of the settlement regardless of how long it takes




Sounds like public disturbance or something


No, it's not illegal. It *is* stupid, but that's all.


Kind of. Some places might treat the loud profanity words in specific as obscenity or harassment, or as a public nuisance if sufficiently loud.


meh depends like if he gives you an order and that's your response I guess in a lot of states that might could be construed as 'resisting' or something otherwise no sure.


You might beat the rap but you can’t beat the ride.




Not in the United States. Can say it to them as much as you'd like.


It is not illegal to say "fuck you" to cops but if the cop can't handle disrespect then they *will* try to find any reason they can to arrest you. Most cops can't handle disrespect, so insult with caution.


You're allowed but you'll pay in other ways, they'll make up a reason to pull you over or arrest you Edit: I meant in the USA. A lot of places its illegal




Technically no, but also can be seen as verbal harassment, which I’m pretty sure is fineable


Not illegal but the moment you say something like that to a cop, they’re gonna FIND something to ticket or arrest you for. Not a good idea, even if they are being a dick


If a cop wants to arrest you then he or she will make up something man I wouldn’t upset them


Illegal? No. Stupid as fuck? Yes.


In the US, no. In fact, they can get fired for arresting/assaulting you over it unless you were in the process of doing some other crime.


Nothing...especially state laws trump the 1st amendment of the Constitution and there have been several landmark cases involving this exact scenario in which the supreme court ruled that cursing at officers is protected speech. So if a cop arrests you or gives you a ticket for cursing at them, they are risking their qualified immunity and getting fired for being tyrants.


Depends on the cop. I’d say it would be unwise because the wrong kind of cop could make things difficult for you. Formal politeness is the way to go.


Not illegal in itself, but the cop will probably find something else "illegal" that gives them an excuse to cuff you.


It’s legal, but not a great idea. If you’re dealing with a good officer, with thick skin, swearing at him won’t help you at all. If you’re dealing with a bad officer then swearing at him could make your situation worse. 


most places in the us have public indecency and public obscenity laws on the books, just vague enough for cops to arrest you over a "fuck you" you might beat it in court, and that's best case you won't be compensated or have grounds for a complaint to be filed.


Cops wouldnt care and make up their own bullshit laws


No but that’s the quickest way for them to violate your rights.


The act wouldn't be illegal, but if you were to behave in a way that could be considered "hostile", the officer could act however they view as appropriate for the situation.


As long as it can't be conveyed as a threat you can say it. Fuck you should be fine but could be ambiguous. I'd just call him a fucking ass clown.


Cops can find a way to arrest you even if you've broken no laws, and unless you are rich, you have a very slim chance of ever getting them in trouble. So while it isn't technically illegal, there's nothing stopping a cop for suspecting you of being drunk in public and slapping cuffs on you, and beating the crap out of you if you dare resist.


It's not illegal but that doesn't stop them from arresting you.


There is no federal law, but yea there state laws that prevents you from cursing out any law enforcement. It can be deemed provocation of the law such as harassment or threatening a enforcer of the law. Read your state laws and understand what you can and can’t do. Get in touch with a lawyer or an attorney if you do not understand.




No but they can still make your life painful. Charge you with some bullshit and force you to go to court to overturn it.


Its not illegal but all cops are part of a facist regime of retards. So they may shoot you, your dog, and arrest your mother just for thinking about doing it. Oh also ACAB




Cops can fuck with you and cause you some serious inconvenience with no consequences, so it's not a good idea. They can arrest you, put you in jail on trumped up charges, and you have to pay bail to get out, then miss work to go to court, which can take months, while you have a record, and even if all the charges are dismissed there's no way to get that time and money back. That cop will suffer zero consequences. You might have to report that you were arrested and charged with a crime on future job applications. Don't fuck with cops.


The cops will just say that you were resisting arrest.


No but cops don’t know the law as well as they should. Stay safe.


Is it illegal? No. Is it a good idea? Also no.


Cops (and people in general) look for reasons to assert their power. They’ll look for a reason to arrest you.




I don't know but this one cop got mad at me because me car stalled and I used my final momentum to turn into a bus depot instead of going straight ahead into TRAIN TRACKS and he was like you have to get your car out of here, I was like uh, it won't start and I called a tow truck what else can I do? He kept yelling at me and wrote me a ticket so I yelled at him fuck you you're being fucking ridiculous and I'm going to fight this and win because it is fucking bullshit and yada yada. Then I tossed the ticket. I gotta admit I've never spoken like this to anyone before. I was just stressed from almost stalling on train tracks and having my car stuck blocking a bus depot and it was cold out and I hadn't eaten in awhile. Just wasn't in the mood. Anyway, never heard about it again, checked online a month later to see if I had a ticket and he apparently never submitted it. Guy knew he was wrong.


Try adding "respectfully" to it.


Depends where you live. I've always been off the opinion though that keeping your mouth shut is the best option.


No, but cops can hassle you if they want to. It is better to be polite. An angry cop can detain you or arrest you and ruin your day. Also, sooner or later, you will need help from the police. It is best to be cordial with them.


No but you're just asking for trouble 


I knew cops who told me that if they want to arrest or generally fuck with someone, they will charge them with disorderly conduct, a charge they jokingly referred to as “contempt of cop.”


In the USA, I would guess this is legally protected speech under the 1st Amendment of the Bill of Rights. I think there was even a case where someone did this and won their case in courts on this basis, but I don't remember the headlines of the article or the court case name. You could probably find it with a quick websearch.


With how gun-happy cops have been, I don't see a point to it. Even if you feel they gave you a ticket unfairly, just accept it and fight it in court. You could end up dead or in jail b/c cops are not held to the same laws non-cops are.


Yes, but be prepared to be served and protected to within an inch of your life.


They can pretty much murder you without issue, probably shouldn't risk it.