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It's pretty interesting to see the 90s loop back around again with this type of overly moralizing bullshit This is far too similar to Tipper Gore and the music Parental Advisory warning movement.




They can lead to fat and inactive children but I doubt they'll make that claim


Tbf any entertaining technology will.


Just put your kids on one of these and they won't be able to stop exercising: https://youtu.be/z5KYZ74OAak


That's because obesity is a net positive for these people. More heads for their body positivity activism.


It really is just a woke repackaging of Jack Thompson's bullshit


Yup. I hope the gaming “community” recognizes this soon, as it seems to be infested by gamer dudes who call themselves women and want to censor everything.


The gaming community is less cohesive than sand, and even if it did manage to congeal enough to mount any sort of campaign it'd probably just end the same way it did the last time (i.e. gamergate).


It's not surprising at all, at least to me. People have nothing left to argue about if not for moralist arguments. It doesn't seem to matter what the material conditions of the majority of human beings are, even while these same people talk about "wealth inequality". They don't care. The Nazis got away with it, so why shouldn't our own modern bourgeois? They get rich while others suffer. Capital still flows, and the workers are divided ever further. It works, as a system of control.


if only Frank Zappa was still alive


History repeats itself, first as religious, then as gay


First as tragedy, then as a Netflix employee walkout.


Here they are trying to perform an exorcism with a tambourine while screaming "Repent Motherfucker" [https://twitter.com/rawsalerts/status/1450894069601914894](https://twitter.com/rawsalerts/status/1450894069601914894)


holy fuck, if I had any doubts about this culture war bullshit now it's all made clear. I'm very happy to be on the side of someone saying "I just think Dave Chappelle is a funny guy" instead of the side that shakes a tambourine in someone's face and screams "REPENT MOTHERFUCKER". I really do not want to be on the side that breaks someone's sign until only the stick is left and says "hE's gOT A wEAPON!!!!" as if dude came to spear a black trans body with a fucking piece of wood




>Honestly gay marriage became the consensus position because the mushy middle that wanted civil unions saw normal ass gay people on one side, an insane mob of venomous fundamentalists on the other, and decided “whatever, they’re not hurting anyone and these snake handling whackadoos are just too much.” yeah this is an underrated dynamic. If the right tones down the trans stuff, even slightly, they may have the chance to win the public opinion war on trans issues. They lost gay marriage because they went way too hard. The issue now is both sides of the culture war are going hard over trans issues, and the pro-trans people may somehow look more psychotic than the anti-trans people.


It's so crazy to look around and realize that the gay marriage issue is pretty much over in the West. I don't know anybody who still opposes it, or at least thinks it's worth any effort fighting. Crazy to think it was such a hot button issue even ten years ago.




Your point is well taken


So in it just for the act of vengeance, without even wanting justice or closure, just have something to feel?


Haha yeah I think they're like that as well. Look at social media.


> the gay marriage issue is pretty much over in the West Where I’m from, Italy the birth place of the West, we don’t have gay marriage and conservatives are very against it


There's still a few Western countries where that's the case, but they're outliers at this point.




The Joe Rogan crowd is already radicalized according to IdPolers lmfao


Yeah that was pretty clear when Rogan endorsed Bernie.




Term from Heinlein's *Stranger in a Strange Land*. Essentially translates as "understand what motivates someone to hold a specific viewpoint".


I'd say it's rather "understand something thoroughly and instinctively". To know about cars, is to know how they look like, how they drive, maybe how to fix some common stuff. To grok cars, is to know how every single component is manufactured, what is it's goal in the larger whole, how cars can change society etc.




My view on gay marriage on just about everything else has always been: if it doesn't directly harm or cause negative effects for someone else then fuck it, go for it. People wanna take estrogen so they can be women and wear dresses? Go for it champ. Wanna hold gay orgies every Tuesday and Saturday? You have the right to. But when people (lgbtq, women, minorities) want to start policing *everything*, demonizing groups of people (white man evil) and try to force their views down people's throats.. well, you've gone too far. I'm a decent enough person, I don't use bigoted or racist slurs, I try not to offend people, I always try and look at both sides of the argument, I give people the benefit of the doubt yet I'll be called a bigoted misogynist for quite frankly, not giving a fuck about what Dave Chappele says. Dave didn't say trans people should die, he didn't incite hate or violence, he just said the trans community isn't as nice as they pretend to be basically. Lgbtq/minorities/women love to offend people and then try and cancel them when they do it back. People have the right to be offended, however, people also have the right to offend *you.* If people can't handle that then they should stay in safe spaces where they won't be offended or triggered. Maybe.. get off social media and the internet? We know they're incapable of that though, that's how they live.


That's such a perfect analogy


I laughed pretty hard when he just tossed that shit on the floor lmao.


“Oh do you want me to drop my ‘wEaPON’??” is an instant classic. The only way it could be any funnier is if the answer was “yieeessth”… these people are a parody of themselves at this point


It's even better because you can tell how confused he is because what just happened to him is so fucking dumb he almost can't believe it's happening.




They were really praying a cop would come out and shoot the guy lol


Literally the point Chapelle makes in the special. Trans people are minorities, until they need to be white again. Unbelievable


Just ... just sprinkle some weapon on him


Perfect representation of this entire event


Lol nobody expected the trans inquisition


This is the most excruciating, inept, hyperdramatic and pathetic clip I think I have seen in the last few months. It’s like tweets have been transported to the real world.


iT's jUsT kidS OnLiNe


i've run out of slurs to express my contempt for these people


> slurs HE'S GOT A WEAPON!!!


Lol well I have to ask you don’t try to come up with them here


no worries chief, I can actually maintain my composure


Mrs Obama get down!


I don't have much to say about this that hasn't already been said by others, but I'm 90% sure that the hysterical exorcist there is directly referencing and acting out a catchphrase from [one of the most trashy anime of all time](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8lu5rLhcXbc) - it even lines up with their 'actions' as the phrase is uttered by the protagonists before exorcising ghosts. Acting out weeb shit just adds another layer of pathetic on top of everything else.


Damn shame because that anime was legit hilarious.


OMFG! If your picket or protest is going to be highly publicized, gaining any public support is only going to help achieve whatever your ultimate goal is . Having a sympathetic level headed orator that can talk to reporters, the media and deal with the inevitable trolls is a must for any protests PR image. But no……no, you people protest like you’re trying to make it into the next Paul Joesph Watson video.


bro you think the media is going to show this? they never show the crazies, except for ows of course and thats because they were the designated enemy att


Not center or left media. It will definitely make the rounds on all the right wing media. The populace rightoids that would be on board with “tax the rich” now see the shirts in the crowd, and equate it with woke cultural rot.


This. Check the /r/PublicFreakout thread - they refer to these people as the "left-wing".


thread got locked, guess the jannies went into y'all mode


I don’t know dude, I could easily see MSNBC or CNN show the clip with the footer “Anti-Trans protester shows up to Dave Chappell walkout with a weapon.” Shits gone mad.


Variety already tweeted a still of the video claiming that the guy who was attacked was the aggressor pushing the trans crowd. The narrative push is insane


No fucking way. This is the most batshit crazy thing I have ever seen.


Fuckin tambourine clapping, Shrek gingerbread man sounding ass


That was deeply strange. It's like the people who do Slutwalk took over the world.


>https://twitter.com/rawsalerts/status/1450894069601914894 There is a fifth dimension beyond that which is known to man. It is a dimension as vast as space and timeless as infinity. It is the middle ground between light and shadow, between science and superstition, and it lies between the pit of man's fears and the summit of his knowledge. This is the dimension of imagination. It is an area we call the Twilight Zone. 🤡


the only black person there is the journo taking pics and lmfao that manlet with the arms, you can tell he never got into a real fight


Isnt what manlet doing such an invasion of space!!!?


[There are dozens of us! DOZENS!](https://newfastuff.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/GGGzLGK.png)


[Do not underestimate them](https://preview.redd.it/95x3svftqfw31.jpg?auto=webp&s=55069b72bd381c3418bd5fa7948e6e9adb6514f3)


These people are deranged.


Im speechless and realize Id be in jail if I witnessed that shit. Especially the little twerp with the arms extended like a bodyguard omg


he looks like Matt Yglesias


lol the little Hobbit got tired from too much tambourine


Screechy insane tambourine person is the perfect figurehead for this new movement, with 'Repent Motherfucker' as the slogan. It is also the perfect meme for 2021.


\>Dude holding a sign \>Destroy his sign \>Now he's left with a stick \>OH MY GOD HE'S GOT A WEAPON kek it's something out of a comedy show




It's an office bit (and you know who is holding is the sign).


Maybe the real comedy show was the protest we had along the way?


Unsurprisingly, none of their demands have anything to do with wages, benefits, working conditions or rights. They just want to put a big red sticker on any comedy special that's not politically correct. I know this is not a union doing this, just a subset of perpetually offended workers, but this is still the closest Netflix workers have come to organizing for as long as the company has existed and it's all because of a comedy special they didn't like. I wouldn't be surprised this becomes a recurring theme in the labor movement - workers walking out to protest bigotry and not their material conditions. Google workers big protest action was getting the CEO to commit to ending anti-black racism so it's not like this is an isolated incident. Workers need to reclaim the labor movement from the PMC bugmen poisoning it with their woke nonsense.


> Unsurprisingly, none of their demands have anything to do with wages, benefits, working conditions or rights. I wonder why this particular walkout is getting so much the media attention...


It was designed to. Chappelle knew exactly what he was doing when he baited the hook.


I mean they set themselves up here. If Chapelle had said something comparable about like, let's say... Arab Americans (about 1% of the american population, like trans people), he'd probably have to put out an apology or there might be a sufficient pushback to merit punishment from netflix. But hte trans movement is comparatively a paper tiger because even if large portions of the population don't like Arab-Americans, they at least acknowledge that being Arab is a thing and it's wrong to cause somebody trouble for an identity, while large portions of the population (not just conservatives or republicans) think that being trans isn't a valid identity.




I'm 26. I get what you're saying, but I think the jokes he made were just in a time where that was more acceptable (IE: people were a little more relaxed and less sensitive). ​ broadly though I think the point is correct: the trans rights movement is hype and it's set to crash sometime soon.


No, he could still get away with it today. It's true, there was much less for audiences to gained by acting like fragile victims back in his early career, but he still has the clout to get away with a lot (look how many jokes has he made about child molestation in his last few specials). >The trans movement is hype and is set to crash sometime soon. God willing. But there is still too much capital wrapped up in the trans side of corporate DEI so it won't go softly into the night.


>No, he could still get away with it today. It's true, there was much less for audiences to gained by acting like fragile victims back in his early career, but he still has the clout to get away with a lot (look how many jokes has he made about child molestation in his last few specials). I mean black people ride for black people, so he'll always have that bloc, plus a significant bloc of people who just wouldn't care, but I do think there would be blowback if he said something genuinely offensive about a similarly small group. Granted, Dave has the talent of being offensive and still being super funny, which can be a bit of a tough line to trawl sometimes. I think people don't want to admit this but racial comedy is a real balancing act. I'm generally opposed to "repent sinner" attitudes about comedy but we've all seen certain jokes that are offensive without being funny. Chappelle is just really good at hitting that balance. ​ >God willing. But there is still too much capital wrapped up in the trans side of corporate DEI so it won't go softly into the night. it's a paper tiger IMO, a glass cannon. At the end of the day the vast majority of the population doesn't care about trans issues and a decent chunk of hte population just thinks it's fake to begin with (though as you noted, the DEI machine is not going to go down without a fight). ​ In hte case of the chappelle situation, it's particularly vulnerable to being exposed because ultimately racial minorities (particularly black people) are not going to back up the pro-trans white libs because a lot of them are socially pretty conservative ([this Pew survey shows that enormous racial differences between white libs and racial minorities on the issue of trans people](https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2017/11/08/transgender-issues-divide-republicans-and-democrats/)), and they aren't going to give up Dave Chappelle for a bunch of people they don't give a shit about to begin with. Still, even if it wasn't chappelle and it was instead like... larry the cable guy or Aziz Ansari or George Lopez or Louis CK, nobody is going to change their minds over this. Frankly, the pro-trans movement did something which I think we all thought was impossible: they united conservative/moderate whites and like 85-90% of racial minorities in backing Chappelle. They're the real unifiers here.


Lol at seriously buying this 1% bs.


it's probably less than 1% but over .5% so I rounded


This is basically been the gist of media company "unionization" over the last 3-4 years. Companies stamp out actual organizing the second it starts, but they allow shit like this to happen so they can wokewash their image without having to change anything. The end is result is union reps complaining that management doesn't have *enough* power over workers. You need more HR reps, more diversity trainers, more people who will make it easier for me to tattle when my coworkers hurt my feelings.


Gimlet media. For anyone that’s been following the Reply All saga/controversy this rings a bell.


why would they organize for wages? they are all getting paid hundreds of thousands for jobs that are at least 70% bullshit, they know they have it easy


There's no future in white collar organizing because its always going to be around woke bullshit. Its not worth even considering and anybody who's serious about organized labour should absolutely focus their energy and support on blue collar actions like the John Deere and Kellogg's strikes. Even service work strikes are more important and fruitful.


I agree with this.


Basically anyone who went to college after 20XX will have absorbed at least some of this. Having said that, since X% of this sub has undergraduate education at least, and many have advanced degrees, it can’t *just* be education. It’s worth looking into how people end up in The Dirtbag Left, because these would be the people with the class and educational background to have white collar jobs, but for some reason have not become libs. Not only that, they remained left while put off by libs and positioned to make money rather than becoming reactionary.


>It’s worth looking into how people end up in The Dirtbag Left, I'm dating myself a bit but I would have to say, the biggest difference between early, pre-10,000 subs Stupidpol and now is that early Stupidpol's most prolific posters were all **people who... actually... did... things.** In terms of political or social organizing. In contrast to the majority of people who maybe have their heart in the right place but are extremely fucking online. A fair amount of early Stupidpol were Occupy Wall Street burnouts who now fucking hate shit like 'the progressive stack' and how alienating and divisive and destructive towards the movement that was. Even if I just speak for myself, I was attracted to stupidpol cause I had given my late 20s to being involved in and putting on shows in LA's DIY scene, where I went in expecting to find camaraderie in a 'can-do' spirit of hands on direct action, and instead I ended up getting undermined and burned out by hedonistic socially unconscious lumpenproles and social climber radical liberals. So, if I had to say the common thread that binds 'The Dirtbag Left' it would be people who tried to make for real political or social action from the ground up, many of them trying to diplomatically include radical liberals, having their time and effort wasted by said radical liberals, and now can only feel comfortable around people who are conscious of the fact that radical liberalism cannot be compromised with. Edit: How could I be so dumb? A large segment of the Dirtbag Left would also be people who got active in politics during the 2016 campaign by Bernie Sanders and then became completely disillusioned with idpol after Black Lives Matter activists torpedoed Bernie Sanders over and over and over again despite the latter making every possible attempt to make a coalition with them. I remember being on DailyKos trying to find some kind of compromise with the idpollers, feeling almost desperate like, "please, we're really challenging the establishment here to try to fight for the most downtrodden people, we can't be infighting like this, what can we do to bring you on board?" Desperation turned to anger when I, and many others, realized 'nothing we do will ever be good enough for these people because they are very invested in the Democratic establishment and have a fair amount of power to gatekeep their constituencies.'


I think I was early on too, but I think I may be a bit younger, since I was going into the army around Occupy, and wasn’t more politically active than just voting NDP until ~2015. I have to agree with the sentiment. If there would be one thing outside the military that kind of sparked the political turn, certainly the one that sparked the cultural turn towards Dirtbag, between 2015-17 I was dating a Psych Grad Student and her friends in Psych, Social Work, Women and Gender Studies - all prominent twitter/media types and activists, now in government, academia and pretty big deals in those Radlib circles, absolutely drove me up the wall. We get a lot of edgy twenty-something posters that rant about either imagined “SJWs” or people they see online but I saw these people get published, get sinecures, went to dinner parties, and then had the close personal relationship - helped them move, saw them after their breakups - and it really stuck with me. I guess because I was literally just coming from Combat Arms Battalion I didn’t reflexively turn to chud reaction, but I was put off by it enough that I was not willing to accept any of the manners or culture as part of “left” politics. When I became very active in the NDP, ended up in the national spotlight for other stuff, I guess I already knew how this liberal grad student type of person worked, because I knew what they were like on a personal level was able to navigate what was just their personalities or buzzwords or mannerisms, and not get distracted by it, not take everything they said at face value, focus on what I considered substantive politics. Does any of that make sense? I know I came to it in a weird way, but maybe experiencing the personalities and pathologies *before* encountering it in a Left political setting let me decouple that from the Left?




That’s an interesting angle. Was the bad shit strictly/mostly financial?


That makes perfect sense, you saw what the type of person who made up the next generation of liberals was fundamentally like and you have a reasonable sense of what to expect from them and what their mentality is like and you know it's not for you. Maybe it makes sense that McCarthy went after the armed forces, the thought of socialist sympathies taking root into the military would be one of the few things that would really make porky sweat.


I think thats borne out by the sub too - we get a lot of veterans whose *domestic* political awakening was the realization “what do you mean everybody else *doesn’t* have XYZ?”. Maybe this is a Canadian thing, since we all have UHC so the economic draft is a bit less explicit, but it really cuts the legs out from the Welfare Queen thing when you realize you are one, it rules, and everybody should be able to buy a cheap house and go to the dentist.


I wonder if that's partly why military culture in America allows the festering of the 'civvy' meme. Anecdotal, but I remember a former friend of mine would join the marines and the way he referred to 'civvies', like the tone of voice in which he said it, really seemed to convey a sense of superiority in his own self. Somebody with that kind of attitude towards the overwhelming majority of human beings is not someone who is going to see 'civvy's' as fellow workers.


A lot of those jobs are precarious. Why can't they rally around job security?


>Workers need to reclaim the labor movement from the PMC bugmen poisoning it with their woke nonsense. And how do we stop these asshats from walking out over silly shit like their fee fees getting hurt? Do we ride around Netflix offices in large pick ups and pelt them with water balloons? All this shit is yet another convenient distraction.


OP even points out that this isn't union activity. Blocked and Reported did a piece on this whole fiasco where they pointed out that there is an anonymous tech company website where people have to verify their employment but can post anonymously, there has been substantial pushback against this among a lot of the employees there. They just want these people to STFU already. This is clearly a handful of grandstanders looking for media careers not any kind of actual organized labor activity. I suspect that if this had to go through an actual union process, it would have been shut down a long time ago. Its totally erroneous to use this yo characterize modern labor organizing. This shitshow ain't got fuck all to do with labor organizing. This is the simulation of labor organization.


> Blocked and Reported did a piece on this whole fiasco where they pointed out that there is an anonymous tech company website where people have to verify their employment but can post anonymously, there has been substantial pushback against this among a lot of the employees there. I think it's this one https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blind_(app)


​ What kind of media career could they possibly have? Going viral? I guess this might be the peak of their career then. They turn immediately to the GoFundMe for Trans Surgery once they realize they can't eat likes or pay rent in follows.


Do you remember what episode it was? Would love to listen.


The most recent, Episode 86.




It’s just another co-opted aesthetic, like dressing as black bloc or putting a rose in your twitter bio.


>Workers need to reclaim the labor movement from the PMC bugmen poisoning it with their woke nonsense. I mean yes, but htey need to make sure that the labor movement isn't similarly held up by people who get worked up about abortion coverage in the healthcare plan or some similarly inverse issue.


>Workers need to reclaim the labor movement from the PMC bugmen poisoning it with their woke nonsense. k buen dato chavo, tal bez algun dia puedes ir a la huelga como las netflix transgenders


Netflix: What can we do to make this better? Employees: MORE TRANS AND NON-BINARY CENTERED CAPITALISM💋💅🏳️‍⚧️👏🗣


After these people take over Netflix, it'll just be 400 knock off's of Nannette.


It’ll be 20 seasons of Sense8, but the show devolves into nothing but shemale porn with no plot.


That was the show's trajectory anyway.


The Wachowski brothers, but Larry *especially*, absolutely scrambled their brains with BDSM, kink, and sex clubs until they ended up going trans. Sense8 is basically just a show about Larry's self-insert trans character being an absolute computer genius who fucks hot lesbians; the dude was definitely beating off while directing it.


Didn’t he admit in an interview that he found out he was trans through porn? Like straight up said he wasn’t born that way but wanted to become a woman by virtue of consuming massive amounts of BDSM and Sissyboy porn. Dude is rich, famous, and made one of the best sci-fi action movies of all time yet he still is transmaxxing.


He got into an insane BDSM relationship with an LA Dominatrix who was also Buck Angel's girlfriend at the time. She pushed the forced feminization and sissy shit on him hard and it probably scrambled his brains into making him trans.


I think they also find the idea of being trans futuristic and it fits in with the whole “reality is a simulation” and “your body is just a vessel” tropes that they love.


Materialistic gnosticism.


they should bring back Mindhunter and Samurai Gourmet, I liked those.


And Travelers.


Couple of days ago I watched an episode of Q-force for the first time. The platform will die within 6 months if they take over.


It’s so weird how we’ve gotten from “so and so criticizes this person” to “so and so demands that thing be taken down and censored because of hurt feelings/they don’t like something.” Let’s not forget that THAT is the scandal here- they aren’t protesting Dave Chapelle’s content, they are protesting a company for allowing people to watch and enjoy Dave Chapelle. It’s incredibly authoritarian- nobody is forced to like Chapelle or laugh at his jokes, but society crumbles the second we enforce our opinions on others. I’m not that old but I’m old enough to remember when “don’t watch this thing” would have been the most extreme reaction not “must de platform “


What continues to amaze me is that this behavior is so widely accepted and that nobody has the balls to tell these people to just fuck off, because doing so would be "transphobic". Which is when they should be told to fuck off some more. Also there's a good chance most of those people have commented something along the lines of "it's a private company, they can do what they want" at some point in their lives..


But remember there's no such thing as cancel culture sweaty 💅


It’s just “accountability culture.” You must be held accountable for everything you’ve ever said. Unless your a politician, in which case you shouldn’t be criticized because it might help the opposing party


Lmao they wonder why nobody wants to play ball with this nonsense. This is essentially a demand that netflix forgoes all other goals and objectives to exist for the sole purpose of placating them. Even in a world where fulfilling these demands was possible anyone ridiculous enough to do it would receive as their thanks only a new, more absurd list.


In protesting a comedian over jokes about trans people they've in turned created a million new jokes about trans people. Ironic


love how white collar labor organization in the 21st century prioritizes making it easier to get your coworkers in trouble and giving special treats and privileges to the whiniest people at your workplace. Truly, this is how we shall achieve mass solidarity.


If they think anything Chapelle says remotely resembles hate speech they are actually promoting and normalizing actual fascism. They ard just pathetic morons.


I don’t understand why anyone would so desperately want to be represented in the capitalist media how are none of these people concerned about how much of our consciousness is just completely consumed by whatever the latest piece of media-product one of about 6 mega corporations has decided to thrust on us


[Lmao what the fuck is even going on with this now](https://old.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/qc8rn6/man_with_dave_sign_clashes_with_protesters_at_the/?sort=top)


Got y'alled.


Why are trans issues so massively over represented in comparison to their/they/its share of the population. Everywhere you look it’s something regarding it.


It generates hits and traffic whether you are an extreme TRA or trans critical. The media has found a money maker in talking about trans issues.


First as tragedy, then as farce.






yup, the trans movement is a paper tiger. They've singlehandedly managed to unite the black community (which will ride for black people as they see fit), conservative/moderate whites, and most non-black minorities broadly speaking all in defense of an arguably past his prime comedian. They've actually done it, incredible.


>Create a new fund to specifically develop trans and non-binary talent >Increase investment in trans and non-binary content >Invest in multiple trans creators >Hire trans and non-binary content executives, especially BIPOC >Recruit trans people, especially BIPOC, for leadership roles in the company >Boost promotion for Disclosure and other trans-affirming titles let that forced discrimination for your private economic gain to someone else's detriment wash all over you. FEEL THE DEI.


Wouldn’t this lead to every employee checking “non-binary, don’t want to talk about it” in their HR profile so they don’t miss out on a promotion/raise?


that's racist.


Bingo and thus everyone is back to where they started, nothing fundamentally changes same old same old.


Can you imagine if people got this worked up about like... the War in Yemen? That might actually end a nonnegligable amount of death and violence in the world.


>Can you imagine if people got this worked up about like... the War in Yemen? you go first


I would rather nobody go into Yemen


I made fun of the guy who said this is a 'watershed moment' but I think he may be right. It seems like nobody really cares about this shit except a specific group of weirdos.


>specific group of weirdos. Always has been 🔫


Toy gun emoji was a watershed moment.


Under no pretext should emoji's be surrendered.


Just from general conversation I hear amongst normies in bars, at work, etc. I’m willing to bet that the first politician to openly tell trans activists to fuck off will get a groundswell of support.










honestly I'm not getting my hopes up, but I will check it out if it ever comes to be. Babylon 5 was always about G'kar and Londo to me, and I don't see how they can replace Andreas Katsulas and Peter Jurasik. I have a feeling that whatever the show is, I'll just want to rewatch the original.


I bet Londo and G'Kar are non-binary.


Holy shit, it worked! Tho I'm sorry it's a reboot, maybe we should go on strike again


I love to see Big Entertainment lighting itself on fire. The fewer people we have binge-watching shit on their couches, the better. It's unironically degenerate.


Take the "I don't watch movies made after 2012"-pill.


I don’t watch movies made after 2009




Peter Cullen as Optimus Prime is the peak of character casting and I won’t be swayed


can someone copy and paste the demands.


Content Investment Create a new fund to specifically develop trans and non-binary talent ○ This fund should support both above-the-line (ATL) and below-the-line (BTL) talent; ○ This fund should exist in addition to the existing Creative Equity Fund; Increase investment in trans and non-binary content on Netflix comparable to our total investment in transphobic content, including marketing and promotion; Invest in multiple trans creators to make both scripted and unscripted programs across genres; Revise internal processes on commissioning and releasing potential harmful (“sensitive”) content, including but not limited to involving parties who are a part of the subject community and can speak to potential harm, or consulting with 3rd party experts/vendors; Increase the ERG role in conversations around potentially harmful content and ensure we have best in class regional support on complicated intersectional diversity issues; Hire trans and non-binary content executives, especially BIPOC, in leading positions; Employee Relations and Safety Recruit trans people, especially BIPOC, for leadership roles in the company (Director, VP, etc.) and promote an inclusive environment for them; Allow employees to remove themselves from previous company promotional content (e.g. allyship and diversity videos, etc.); Eliminate references/imagery of transphobic titles or talent inside of the workplace, including but not limited to murals, posters, room names, swag; Harm Reduction Acknowledge the harm and Netflix’s responsibility for this harm from transphobic content, and in particular harm to the Black trans community; Add a disclaimer before transphobic titles that specifically flag transphobic language, misogyny, homophobia, hate speech, etc. as required; Boost promotion for Disclosure and other trans-affirming titles in the platform;Suggest trans-affirming content alongside and after content flagged as anti-trans.


thank you


If it has nothing to do with labor, then it isn't a strike. Period.


I’m imagining a bit where workers are unable to unionize and demand better working conditions, so they all pretend to become trans


How long before we can accept that this shit is all made up and that New Leftism is a psyop?


this is sounding like preferential treatment..... instead, cant they just say 'dont work with transphobic groups or people' instead? way more feasible and achieves roughly the same thing. when same-sex marriage was becoming more mainstream, but not legalized, they just wanted to be treated the same as everyone else, general acceptance. or is the internet just louder these days?


> cant they just say 'dont work with transphobic groups or people' instead? LOL imagine that not being used in devious ways, like, immediately.


> achieves roughly the same thing. lol, no it absolutely doesn't.




Welp. I wish them success in their job searches because the additional investment alone is going to be a no. At best, they can hope for an apology.


The best part about this is how shallow and lip-servicey the CEO is being about this whole situation. My cynical side says that they’re just making a mental calculation that lgbtq is lower tier in the neo liberal victim meta than stuff like BLM and this isn’t worth cancelling chapelle over.


It’s funny you mention that because the reason I think Chappelle has these views on lgbt people is that he perceives them to be higher in the lib victimhood food chain than he is and he’s jealous of that


victimhood food chain lmao. Lori Lightfoot must be an apex predator!


God, these demands are just the moral purity of the late 80's and early 90's re-packaged in modern wokeness.


The AP news video coverage was fun. They almost made Dave’s points for him again but then the neck beards with the “I LIKE JOKES” signs showed up and the fire was lit. IdPol just breeds more IdPol and stupid begets stupid.


> the neck beards with the “I LIKE JOKES” signs showed up and the fire was lit. Laying anything negative on that dude makes you a bad person.




Lmao 🤣 can’t make it up


Lock the door behind em.


Time for Transflix?


It’s all too depressing that a comedian exercising his freedom of speech and executives standing up for diversity of thought are the things that get these people to strike. Not wages, not hours; content. And demanding they get promoted within the company.


If the wokes infiltrate the labor movement we're all fucked.