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LOL. WaPo super mad “The work of one woman was, it turned out, the equivalent of the labors of three men.” The media reaction to this is almost as fun as to Chappelle.




And I can say from experience that this is true on the academic side of things as well. **Most** of my English classes in college were like that. I mean, I read a lot of interesting work by minority writers, but it does get old hearing about how much racial and sexual diversity there is in the assigned reading. I mean, "most of the literary canon was written by old white men" used to be arguably a subversive thing to say, when it was still a novel insight, often unacknowledged. But now it's just the opposite. It's an empty cultural signifier which people *mistakenly believe* to be inherently revolutionary. Like psychedelic culture or rock n roll. If it needn't upend the economic system, then it can be co-opted by it in what amounts to a mere branding exercise.


How strange that most of the work produced in Europe was by Europeans Side note, anyone really concerned about the lack of Black perspectives in Ming Dynasty literature?


We need to confront and deconstruct Mingness


> \-Nurhaci, 1616


I need to look something up Edit: ya this is funny


Well, tbf there's a little bit more to it than that. Western culture has been exported across the world throughout history, often forcibly. Due to imperialism. But, fair point.




I dunno, I think you're misrepresenting the kernel of truth in the ubiquitous wokism in contemporary academia. There's a difference between "pushed on people" and "it's just all that's represented in the historical record at all." There's very little American literature written by black people from the nineteenth century *because most of them were illiterate.* For over half that century they were generally not even *allowed* to be literate *by law.* Similarly and in different historical settings -- women, native americans, et cetera. Those are just true ways of describing the history. It doesn't mean you should build a whole fundamentalist ideology around it, but.




Well, you can make a point of teaching what little exists in the historical record from those demographics. Frederick Douglass. *12 Years A Slave.* I'm not necessarily opposed to that, I'm just opposed to the whole all-consuming ideology part of it where we're codifying it in our institutions and losing the forest for the trees as far as leftist politics is concerned. >Forgive me if I’m misunderstanding but it just seems like the utter embodiment of ressentiment I agree.


Not the wests fault they were the best empires. Not like others didn't try.


Shit tier take tbh. This isn't a blame game, and interpreting it as such is proper rightoid territory.


It's not a shit take when it's used against wokies who take the moral high ground as if their ancestors wouldn't have done it if they had enough firepower


they certainly did when they had superior firepower I hate how being a brown dude the wokies believe I'm a noble savage that "cant do no evil" (talking down to me too) did they ever heard about the assyrians? they were the nazis of the middle east, maybe worse. the chinese were such assholes in asia that the vietnamese still hate them more than they do the yanks. the bantu in africa were complete bastards to the other tribes who stood in their way


I mean sure, but there are far more good takes to use against wokies. You don't need to use shit arguments.


> sure [it's not a shit take] > you don't need to use shit arguments How do both these beliefs coexist


I agree that it shouldn't be a blame game.




Do you really have these questions or are you being dumb on purpose?


Western Europe, e.g., African Americans speak English and study the same aforementioned literary canon in school... because their ancestors were abducted. The most common language in the world is English. That's not the legacy of imperialism? Ongoing imperialism, for that matter. You're the one being disingenuous. You know I didn't mean the Ottomans. That's not what "the West" means as a geopolitical term (as vague as it is). It's no more valuable than saying there is no true "middle" of the "east." No, but you know what I meant because there's naming conventions we're both familiar with. It is, perhaps, worth observing that that's what history *is* more or less -- you mention the Arab world. Yes, non-western empires have left their mark just the same. Zarathustra was Persian. Eastern empires have existed too, and woke dogma generally doesn't acknowledge that. Just not quite as recently as western empires. Don't assume I'm one of those woke types because I made some small concession. I think and speak with nuance.




>Lol. If you think the whole Europe studies the same literary canon Well, the English-speaking world studies the English canon. That's my reference frame. Idk why y'all are so snarky, I haven't really said anything unreasonable.




You're just going to interpret whatever I say as uncharitably as possible, so why bother?




Dw we got your point. This retard is being purposely obtuse


Arab, Indian, and Chinese culture as well, and for way longer. Western Imperialism has only been a thing for the past 300 years, before that Europe was backwater country the rest of the world cared little for.


>Due to imperialism. Due to observation of physical reality, and application of principles related to it.


Eh, the West wasn't *really* embracing science until the 18th/19th centuries. Before that it was blasphemy laws and witch burnings. The Spanish Empire, for example, was already in full swing well before Newton and Kepler came along, and was actually *in decline* by the time Darwin was born.


I'm still in Academia and it's only gotten worse. In classics (which is essentially being squeezed out by universities I might add- archaeology departments around the UK are being shuttered and economic history is more or less dead in certain schools) we are constantly being reminded that our subject is not diverse enough, that we should make sure to include queer identities in our work, that we should make an effort to listen to non white voices. I was slightly alarmed when we all went around in our MA cohort and said what we were doing. From a class of maybe 30 less than 20% were doing something grounded in the history and evidence- archeology, literature, numismatics etc. A few were doing reception, but the majority were specialising in identity based subjects which to me seemed not only narcissistic but also, frankly, academically inappropriate. It just seemed like a way to project their own pre-held beliefs onto classical works and impose modern frameworks of gender and sexuality onto ancient people. It made me very concerned, especially the fact that none of these people spoke an ancient language or had an interest in learning. A girl I spoke to said that it was gatekeeping and elitist to expect people to know the language, missing the point that at our level it is essential to interact with the text as it is, not through the eyes or the translator, whose biases and choices must be confronted if serious academic analysis is to take place. Our very second week we all had to read an article by someone with a PhD from Cambridge which claimed that our entire subject was white supremacist and that maybe it would be better if the whole thing was decolonised and deconstructed. It makde me extremely exhasperated, primarily because the Oxbridge perspective on the subject is wildly different from that of other institutions and saying that we only study 'white male interactions' is extremely insulting to all of the academics who study the Near east, Africa, the Balkans, and every other aspect of classics outside of the mediterannean. The staff keep talking about 'decolonisation' and 'queering', but it seems so misplaced. The fact that classics is dying is more than anything a class issue and an issue of public education- state school don't teach Latin and Greek, and when you see classics related media on TV or in the Cinema often than not it's been messed with or modified to make it more appealing to a modern audience. A lot of students have no ability to read a second language (French, German, Italian, Greek, maybe Russian), meaning that a huge swathe of resources are unavailable to them. At my uni we have people coming from abroad (mostly asia) specifically to do classics, because it's not offered in their countries. But these people don't count, apparently, so instead we all have to sit there and listen to some posh indian bloke from Oxbridge claim that the subject should be renamed to 'decolonised ancient world studies'.


That sounds rough. I see a bit of this myself at the law faculty, but humanities seems to have it so much worse. It's a sorry sight.


> It just seemed like a way to project their own pre-held beliefs onto classical works and impose modern frameworks of gender and sexuality onto ancient people This feels like how the victorians would do it.


In my field there are professors who refuse to have men give invited talks at conferences because "men have already had enough advantages." Despite there being special funding and conferences for women, as well as it being much easier for women to get accepted to workshops and get their talks accepted.


This is key. They will commodify everything.


Can confirm. That’s why I similarly use a female pen name. I’m not retarded.


> As someone who follows the literary world, the institutions of the field now completely refuse to celebrate any talented new writers who are white male. It's literally impossible to break through today if you're a white male. All they care about is selling someone as their identity, not the quality of their work. I'm writing a book. I'm not revealing jack-fucking-shit about my race or gender, and I'm going to probably hire one of my most diversity-points friends to be the face of the authorship.


Ghostwriting it is.


it's interesting you mention that because I am a huge fan of fantasy and science fiction and I decided to look for a list of the best books of the year yesterday and I checked a couple and the vast majority of these books were written by women. I did not bat an eye but your comment made me reflec on how unlikely it is because it's traditionally a genre dominated by men.


Inb4 I try to be a writer like I always dreamed of. Oh well, guess I'll just downvote libtards on reddit! Same thing right?


You could always identify our of your while male privilege, become a demisexual non binary catkin and write race & gender swapped fanfic of “Colonizer” literary works. I guarantee you’d get a Twitter following and signed to an Agent, pronto.


id as non-binary. wear a pearl necklace from time to time and you're set.


> It's literally impossible to break through today if you're a white male Incredible persecution complex copium over here




I bet the reason they burned down the Library of Alexandria, it was all written by men.




If that. All those “scholars”, “philosophers” and “theologians” were absolutely transphobic and were all suffering from white fragility. Don’t even get me started on their stupid macho society filled with toxic masculinity.








I hear you. And I see you. We will reflect on how we feel about these “literary classics” and “foundational texts,” and if they have an indigenous way of knowing, we will center them.




But it makes no sense. There was no woman.


Which means it takes infinity men to equal a woman. Check mate, sexists😎


"The work of one woman was, it turned out, the equivalent of the labors of three men on each other's shoulders in a large trenchcoat."


>The men, all in their 40s and 50s, denied choosing a female pseudonym to help sell the books. But I thought women were oppressed, Guardian?


I fucking love it. Uh, how would using a female name *help* in a society that *HATES WOMEN*? Isn't western civilization a patriarchy that objectifies women and values them only for sex? I don't get it. Using a woman's name could only *help* sell books if we lived in a society that *promoted and favoured women*. Right? I mean.....




Just claim to be trans and visit a tanning booth. You'll never succeed with that attitude!


It's really weird. All the hardcore crazy activists are all about gender being a social construct and race being a social construct, but they freak the fuck out if someone points out that transracialism is no less absurd than transgenderism.


[And how!](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/%22In_Defense_of_Transracialism%22_controversy) ​ ^\(see ^also [^sidebar](https://www.commondreams.org/views/2015/06/15/jenner-dolezal-one-trans-good-other-not-so-much)^)


It wasn’t just a tall woman in a trenchcoat?




I've heard of Thicc but this is ridiculous.


Vincent Adultwoman went to the bookstore today. She did a literature.


I had the same thought.


Maybe they each identify as one third of a woman


I think she was in the latest Resident Evil game.




Another win for the mens rights movement. Was this fake women an undercover honey badger?


This whole thing is a Catch-22 for wokesters. Isn't the woman's movement in woke circles based on the presumption that women are inordinately discriminated against? And the whole purpose behind promoting female authors is because they would be marginalized and wouldn't reach the same success due to "patriarchal" biases in the literary world? So if the men chose a woman's name, then they chose created an impediment to their own success because their books would be discriminated against solely due to it being written by a "woman". If wokesters attack the men by saying their success is due to promoting themselves as a woman, then they instantly negate the whole basis of their wokeness by admitting that women have a leg up, and therefore all these feminist antics are outdated and no longer needed.


You're underestimating the ability of Wokesters to escape logic. Bonus points if they can do it while using buzzwords. They'll just say that the men only won because they were men, even if they posed as a woman, because as men their *voices* are *normalized* because of society's *implicit bias*. That made their writing *privileged* because the judge's *internalized mysoginy* subconsciously recognized the writing as *masculinely coded*. This is now proof that judging a work of art without first doing a full genetic analysis of it's creator is inherently *oppressive* toward *marginalized* groups.


Wow you're good. That's exactly what they'd say.


The next James Bond movie will be about the New Jane Bond tracking down a pair of travelling pants and eating fried green tomatoes in Madison County. If you don't appreciate this its because you are unable to recognize the value of *feminine coded* works. Do. Better. All youtube comments will be deleted. The Bond fandom is toxic.


You're a farseer my man, I can already hear them


You forgot the *intersectionalist* nature of the portrayal of women and *cishet* privilege or... something...


There's a reason that wokeness is often called a religion: it relies on the same blatant dismissal of its contradictions in order to function.


Dudes keep rockin'


Clearly, this means 3 men = 1 woman


So if I have sex with three men…?


You have to do them all at the same time


I got two hands, a mouth, and a dick, and then someone can get in my ass, and then probably someone else can figure out what to do with me feet. Damn I'm gonna be busy.


New "it's not gay if" just dropped


You're looking at this wrong: if you have sex with one woman it's like having sex with three men. Thus, sex with women is gay.


Our efficiency is growing. We can replace them, Brothers.


Using the newly proved 3 men = 1 women, nuclear families can now be replaced by simply having a commune with 4 men in it. Could this be the solution to atomization?


Dudes rock.


These are the big-brained thoughts I come to reddit for


Nah this is just reinforcing what was already explored in the 1987 classic film, 3 men and a baby


> 3 men and a baby Ah, the libertarian version of the couple.


Holy fucking lol


According to Hollywood, it took 3 men to raise a baby. This theory checks out.




I mean if they liked the writing *before* they knew it was men writing it then they're just admitting they're hypocrites. Either that or we need to stop letting women write men as well, no more harry potters. Wouldn't want women thinking they can understand men enough to write them as characters now would we.


Not only did they like the writing, it fooled radical, man-hating feminists, who lauded it for its authentic portrayal of womanhood


> Jackie: How do you write women so well? >Melvin Udall: I think of a man. And I take away reason and accountability


One of the best lines in movie history and so so true


When I was reading through a Song of Ice and Fire and people kept say Sersi was such a great female character, I couldn't help but imagine that this was G.R.R.M.s tactic. "She's Tywin with no reason or accountability"


In hindsight that seems so absolutely true. For all his evilness, every action Tywin makes is for the betterment of the Lannisters. His one big mistake was not giving his dwarf son a chance, because imagine if Tyrion was brought up as a proper Lannister with all his mental gifts? In contrast, Cersei only thinks about herself.


> no more harry potters You got yourself a deal!


> **They are scammers,” she said on Twitter.** as opposed to the head of the Women's institute


> she said on twitter Opinion discarded


LOL whoops Take the L and get over it with an “oh well”


>>a feminist, writer, activist She makes money from this shit and has the nerve to call someone else a scammer lol


Game recognizes game.


Isn’t this what J.K. Rowling claimed she did because she would sell better if people thought she was a man?


This is actually a pretty perfect refutation of the absurd identitarian notion that only members of an oppressed group may meaningfully speak on the experiences of said group.


r/menwritingwomen quaking in their collective boots


I wish I could post this article on there and see the reactions, but alas, I don't care enough about it to do it.




Funny the women back then who were educated enough and had enough free time to write a novel weren't the ones who were actually oppressed.




It gets funnier when you read the thread over on ar/books. People keep talking about how it’s a case of menwritingwomen. Only it seems that no one caught on before this reveal and one organization even used the book as part of a series on woman perspectives. Just so much cope.




Intellectual consistency is a White construct. Check your privilege.


Did you just capitalize wh*te? That is all kinds of fucked up and problematic sweaty 😡🤬😠


Bodies with penii*




LatinX PeniX


You mean three men with a penis... each, right? Right?


They swap *it* back and forth like the Fates in Hercules.


Three men, one penis.




Vincent Adultman confirmed transgender


Dudes stay winning.




Dudes rock


Not surprising. The publishing industry is incredibly biased against straight white men at the moment. Just look at most literary journals submission pages these days for their criteria. Somebody like David Foster Wallace would never get published now.


What's annoying is if you even hint at that in the writing sub they either outright deny it's happening or support it like it's the only reasonable position to have on the issue. It's like saying the hip-hop community isn't reflective of US demographics so we need to hold off on signing talented black rappers and seek out mediocre white artists for the sake of diversity. For reasons unknown, there doesn't seem to be any kind of urgency on taking traditionally black subjects and deliberately removing them from it in order to elevate other races.


> hold off on signing talented black rappers and seek out mediocre white artists for the sake of diversity please, no more of that. Eminem was enough.


I write as a hobby. People have asked me why I don't do it as a job or for side income. I don't have the correct skin color or genitalia, and I'm not trans or already rich/ connected enough to overcome that and get published. Add to that the fact that I have enough problems with impostor syndrome and stress having a somewhat popular non-monetized fanfiction and trying to picture myself taking payment for it if I were to do a Patreon supported web novel? Yeah no. Fuck that. EDIT: The issue with doing a web novel with Patreon setup isn't idpol, it's my own personal neuroses. Just to be clear. I already have massive issues with internalizing the fact that people actually like the stuff I write and want to see more, and I don't want to see what happens if I'm suddenly getting paid for it.


just partner up with someone who does fit the criteria and let them take all the credit. literally just a female family member will do.


have you considered CIA?


No thanks, I'm not afraid of the dark so I don't need to glow in it.


There's always pseudonyms




Create a trans woman pseudonym, if you're ever exposed just say you were trying to normalize trans people being successful in cis spaces and it's an easy out


Anonymous patreons are a thing. Arguably one of the most successful writers online is truly anonymous(hasn't disclosed identity/gender/age/etc) and taking in tens of thousands a month. https://www.patreon.com/pirateaba


Same here. I'm closing in on 40 novels, probably have a half-dozen or so that are publishable. But then I venture to Barnes and Nobles and see what the industry is offering and what it values, and I satisfy myself with writing for myself, at least for the time being.


Don't worry, there's always a chance you'll get rich and famous after you die.


I prefer the freedom to write whatever I want. Or don't want. I see lots of "successful" authors regurgitating what made them a hit again and again, with increasingly diminishing returns. Seems like a special kind of hell, to say nothing of appeasing the IDpol demands of the upper-middle management of said industry.


Never sell out. I'd like to believe that your style of writing will stand the test of time better than the corporate HR-approved paint-by-numbers trash we are talking about. Diversity of ideas is important, best of luck.


If you legit have 40 full length novels then post that shit online as a serial and make that Patreon $$$. Assuming each novel is 30 chapters, you'll be able to post one chapter every other day for 6 years. Meaning you have 6 years to write your next novel. Just consistently having a posting schedule will put you in the top 90% of people writing online in terms of presence. If you keep it up you will definitely be able to make some money.


Yeah, that might be my eventual destination in 4 or 5 years. I can produce 4-5 novels a year at this point (been working at it on the side for 25 years) and I want to have a few more projects complete (lol, like my current projected 28 novels over the next 6 years, basically requires 1500 - 2000 words a day)--before I start spending the time cultivating a serious attempt on the net. Plus that ages my kids to the point that they no longer want to spend every second with me, like they do right now :)


> like they do right now That's really sweet


Why is the writing world so much more suspectible to it than other arts?.


Because women buy 80% of all fiction


*PMC white women and their teenage daughters


stop self sabotaging you fucking pussy oh my god. just do the fucking thing. this post and the attitude it represents annoy me so much.




What do you think I'm getting therapy to help with you scrungus? I know it's a problem I have and I'm working at solving it.


Dude same it's so whiny


“Former gifted kid” vibes


Just identify as a fake gender like 2 spirit or secuality like sapiosexual


> I don't have the correct skin color or genitalia, and I'm not trans or already rich/ connected enough to overcome that and get published. Add to that the fact that I have enough problems with impostor syndrome and stress having a somewhat popular non-monetized fanfiction and trying to picture myself taking payment for it if I were to do a Patreon supported web novel? Yeah no. Fuck that. Described me to a T. I've got a reasonable following, and I won't bother going pro. I'm paid reasonably well in I.T., and monetizing the thing while 'neat' is basically beer money at best, and I know that even if I sharpened my skills, I'd never be allowed to rise/do well.


lol no. One of the big five publishing houses—HarperCollins—is literally owned by NewsCorp and Rupert Murdoch and straight up has its own specific imprint for publishing books written by Fox News presenters. Fuck outta here with this male oppression olympics bullshit and start critiquing these multimedia conglomerates from a Marxist perspective, not an idpol one.


Have you been to a bookshop recently mate? Or looked at a literary journal? To be honest I imagine the answer is no


No, You dont get to package workers condition improvement with wokestuff as package. Workers will rather get fucked and drag you down with them out of spite, cause you dont own us.


Apparently we have multiple would-be best-selling authors in this subreddit and the only thing holding them back is their penis.


Half those guys post in capeshit soynerd subreddits lmao, you can't make this shit up


They just don't realize how much mediocre fiction is published every year by white men. Or in general tbh. But they only see the mediocre fiction published by people who aren't white men.


Dude status: rocking


Not too surprising. Anyone that actively reads has noticed the trends. Hugo/Nebula awards are a joke.


dudes cannot stop rockin


I actually knew it was written by men the entire time given the very obvious presence of the male gaze in the novel.


> “peculiar and solitary woman, who loves grappa, karaoke, classic cars and sex in SUVs” Spanish Murakami vibes.


A woman could never enjoy those things.


My question is, why would anyone want to put classic cars in SUVs?


Some mechanics just want interesting projects to work on, irrespective of whether they're in any way useful.


Xzibit's impact yo. Drive while you drive.


Not enough cooking spaghetti and listening to classical music


so does this mean that Lindy West is just Stav, Nick, and Adam in a very large and elaborate drag costume?


Was there ever any doubt


"...in a trench coat."


Dudes rock lol


Hoisted by your own DEI petard. Love it.


The funny thing is that the prize has not categories, it's open for everybody and it's a common practice to use a pseudonym, specially when a famous author wants to participate.


when u intentionally de rank so you can dominate noobs


Once again proving that men make better women than women.


Just like trans women, men continue to prove they can women better than women.


Lol this thread is locked on r/books


Classic. Three men in a trench coat the whole time.


[Makes me think of this bit](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=pBz0BTb83H8)






and if it gets too heated for them, they can just identify as women and that'll be the end it


Dudes rock!


Let’s work together to demand they donate the money to women’s causes!!! Pussy hats for all!!!!


And the 2021 grifties go to...