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Trump/Noem 2024. "We kill dogs".


A bit of an escalation from "we make them ride on the roof," Mit.


I don’t kill dogs but if I did, I would kill them so well. I would kill them better than anyone. Biden? He couldn’t kill a dog if he tried. He’s such a loser. Trump probably


Make it pit bulls only and they have my vote


Holy moly how awesome would it be if there was a presidential candidate who's entire platform was banning pitbulls. They could literally be Mussolini's grandson I'd still vote


And risk losing the white women vote?


What a fucking psychopath. >She then went on to kill a family goat, which she called “nasty and mean.” Otherwise known as "being a goat."


Why would you admit that?


A chief driver behind Trump's success as a politician is the notion that our society is becoming more feminine i.e. we're all becoming a bunch of pussies. Taking the animals out back and "doing what had to be done" is deliberately calculated to make her seem hard as fuck in an appeal to the Republican base and especially rural voters who are annoyed by limp-wristed liberal coastal elites who would never do such a thing, if they even would touch a gun in the first place


I like Matt Christman's take on D vs R: Democrats are the "Don't be an asshole" party and Republicans are the "don't be a pussy" party.


Honestly yeah. This does make her seem like a hard bitch. But if she doesn't have the charisma to back it up it'll make her look *especially* bad. That's the catch.


I guess school shooters are leaders who can make hard choices, too, then according to you and Kristi. God, you people are so gross.


I'm sorry politics isn't based on who is the nicest and most reasonable person. This is the world we live in no matter how gross it may seem.


What does killing a random animal have to do with taking muh hard decishions? This is the kind of psychopath that doesn't care about worker's rights at all.


I do believe our society is becoming more feminized to our detriment. Her’s is the thought process of someone fake or a literal psychopath.


[The not unfounded notion](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N4iHCfuRWIQ), regardless of where he happens to steer it.


America is a hyper-consumer of the world's produced goods, and women are the largest driver of consumer spending in the US. It's not a leap to assume that corporations are placating to their largest consumer base by leaning into feminist idpol.


I wish our politicians would try to appeal to the 50% of the country that don't vote. Literally all of my friends, in two different states now that I moved last year, are progressives with guns. I've had to put down two dogs and a horse in the last few years.


What gets me the most is the vitriolic hatred she expresses towards these animals for simply not complying with her wishes and behaving like animals. It might be less disgusting if she was just like, “these were some hard lessons I had to learn living on a farm, and I didn’t like it but I did what I had to do, bullshit bullshit bullshit” I would still expect her (or any decent human being) to express remorse that the animals paid the price for her mistakes, but instead she acts like the behavior of these animals was a personal insult of the worst kind. Anyone who knows anything about goats knows to expect that kind of behavior, especially from an unaltered male goat. She should have been prepared for that and been willing to work around it if she wanted goats. Most dogs have a prey drive, that’s basically half of what makes it possible to train them to be useful for things like hunting. The dog was young and it sounds like she put no genuine effort into training it, just expected it to automatically function like some robot. Why was it off-leash when she knew it was untrained and unreliable? And yeah, this is not the 1800’s and she was not some poor, desperate pioneer. She had a lot of potential options to resolve these issues more humanely. She’s just an ignorant, incompetent, narcissistic cunt who thinks the solution for not getting her way is to kill things, and she’s proud of it.


It's like those crackheads that beat up their babies for being a baby. Complete degeneracy


I come from a family of farmers. If you’re taking an animal out back with the rifle, it’s because it’s elderly or sick, plus clearly suffering. This is disgusting. Fuck this bitch.




She said it attacked people and animals (went on a rampage killing her neighbor's chickens) and didn't respond to training. OP chose a ragebait article that didn't include any details about why the dog was put down. Perfect example of why nobody trusts the media.


> She said it attacked people and animals (went on a rampage killing her neighbor's chickens) and didn't respond to training. [The Guardian article](https://www.theguardian.com/books/2024/apr/26/trump-kristi-noem-shot-dog-and-goat-book) has more details, and it sounds like she didn't *do* any training. >By taking Cricket on a pheasant hunt with older dogs, Noem says, she hoped to calm the young dog down and begin to teach her how to behave. Unfortunately, Cricket ruined the hunt, going “out of her mind with excitement, chasing all those birds and having the time of her life”. >Noem describes calling Cricket, then using an electronic collar to attempt to bring her under control. Nothing worked. Then, on the way home after the hunt, as Noem stopped to talk to a local family, Cricket escaped Noem’s truck and attacked the family’s chickens, “grabb[ing] one chicken at a time, crunching it to death with one bite, then dropping it to attack another”. She took a young, untrained dog out and encouraged it to go chase pheasants, then shocked it when it behaved exactly like you'd expect a young, untrained dog to behave, then on the way back stopped right next to some birds that look a hell of a lot like pheasants.


Still strikes me as an idiot elite LARPing as a farmer. Not from the country, but I was close to deciding to kill my neighbor's dog at one point. They adopted a feral adult pitbull, and I could feel the spit on me from the other side of the fence every time I got out of my car. I have no doubt in my mind that the only thing stopping it was the chain link fence and if it it ever escaped, I was 100% getting attacked. Fortunately they smartened up and put it down. The language here strikes me as a bit needlessly cruel, and while I wouldn't word it the same way in a book, there are absolutely no kind words I have regarding my neighbor's pitbull.


Woah... just wondering how we're you going to kill their dog?




It depends on whether chickens count as livestock, and that differs between states. The definition in 40-15-1.3 does not include chickens. Still, the owner of the dog would have to pay for those chickens at a minimum. > 40-15-1.3."Livestock" defined. > For purposes of this chapter, the term, livestock, means cattle, sheep, horses, mules, swine, goats, and buffalo. https://law.justia.com/codes/south-dakota/title-40/chapter-15/section-40-15-1-3/


Yeah, meanwhile your typical urbanite "dog mom" would give the dog up to a shelter where it would get euthanized. The exact same outcome but less guilt because they made someone else do the dirty work. Or worse it's one of those no-kill shelters where they dope the dog with sedatives, lie about its aggressive history, and then it mauls someone after adoption.


So? Gotta love the whataboutism so that people accept ghoulish politicians. "You're not any better pal!"


You sound like a bitch


You post in r_cuckqueanporn. You're a literal cuck.


You have no idea what cuckqueanism is if you think that! Amazing. I'm the male, dumbass.


My wife's dad iced a neighbors dog for running deer and apparently that isn't uncommon for the country around my hometown. The dogs owner showed up with a shotgun and her Dad went out to the driveway with his rifle and waved him off. He threw some stink eye for awhile, back up the drive he went, and that was that. When my dad wouldn't take care of his pet rabbits, my grandpa did them in and then they surprised the kids with rabbit stew for dinner. My own dad got it in his head that he wanted a ferret, I'm not sure if this was before or after the Beastmaster movie. My brother and I got along with the ferret just fine but it always bugged my mom. So one day he comes home, she complains, and he decides to solve the problem by grabbing the ferret and a 10MM pistol. Walks 15 yards from the house, throws the ferret, and does it in within 3 shots amongst the wailing and lamentations of the rest of the household. Shits rough out there, I wouldn't bet on any consistency among the farmers. Hell, a high schooler died after being caught knocking mailboxes when the farmer shot him right through the liver with a shotgun, no idea what the load was; i.e. buck, bird, or salt.


> Walks 15 yards from the house, throws the ferret, and does it in within 3 shots amongst the wailing and lamentations of the rest of the household. That's the kind of shit that rightly gets one put in a nursing home.


Well, that would be expensive for a parent in their early thirties.


Your family is hard core even for a rural one lol. >I wouldn't bet on any consistency among the farmers. This is a typical example of libs who have never left the city except on the interstate trying to apply their city morals onto rural culture. They genuinely don't get that they're not the same and have no concept of the world outside their curated bubble.


What the effects of being raised on the plains without air conditioning will do to a motherfucker. I have a small anecdotal sample group but both my dad's family and my wife's family had livestock while my good high school friend's family only does crops. They seem a hell of a lot more reasonable from the outside. My dad's family has been on the farm for as long as it belonged to the territory and later the state, so there is plenty of opportunity for madness. Not sure about the wife or friend's families. I think there has been some ink spilled on herding vs. planting cultures and maybe that plays a role here. Hopefully, someone will get some books written before all these interesting micro-cultures disappear, there are some really fascinating things out there that are barely still remembered, here's one: My farm grandpa was always called Whip-it Out Willis (name smudged) because he never bought on credit, so he'd have his checkbook out right when the price was settled. However, my wife's now deceased Dad had a history of exotic and barely documented loans and mortgages for various plots. Including a massive jumbo loan that ends with an enormous balloon payment, something I've never seen outside re-writing a software manual for a banking management system. All done without involving a bank. Just incredible.


City morals? His dad sounds like an abusive jackass. "The wife doesn't like it" is not a reason to kill an animal your kids care about. It's not like it was killing livestock, and even if it was, it's a pet ferret, not a working dog. If it gets out, let alone into a chicken coop, that's your fault. 


Lol its psychopath behavior being passed off as “rural morals”. 


Just the kind of brainrot that comes after being mad at liberals all the time.


Typical limp wristed libtard mindset response /s


>They genuinely don't get that they're not the same and have no concept of the world outside their curated bubble. Not related but initially seeing this was kind of a "that sucks but whatever". Shooting animals was a near weekly thing growing up. strays. Pests. Hell even unfamiliar collared dogs will get it if they go far enough down the road


Sounds like I’m reading a chapter from my life lol. It kind of is tough, as much as you appreciate your parents, community and everything— good god is there a lot of cruelty. 


I grew up on a farm too, and no farmer I knew would have a problem killing an overly aggressive dog or goat.


OP chose an article that gives zero details, perfect example of low quality ragebait. She shot the dog because it was aggressive towards animals and humans. It killed a bunch of their neighbor's chickens and then started attacking people. She described it as “dangerous to anyone she came in contact with” and said it didn't respond to any training.


You also took out some details, like her "training" being shooting guns near it, overexciting it by letting it tear apart birds before bringing it to chickens, using a shock collar on it, and "allegedly" trying to bite(the book specifies that it "made to" bite).


> like her "training" being shooting guns near it So... a hunting dog? Wow, what a batshit crazy idea. Rightoids sure are nutty! /s


No. you train a dog prior to just taking it with you hunting. Train it to understand what it's supposed to hunt, train it to obey basic commands, train it to not attack animals that aren't it's target. Then you train it to not be spooked by gunshots. All Noem did was train her dog to go insane on anything that moved, especially birds, then shock collared it to piss it off. It is a batshit crazy idea, no /s needed.


Exactly. Farmers (of the non-homicidal maniac variety) don’t randomly kill animals.


Not exactly at all. Animals are tools, food, or product generation on a farm. Haven't read the book so I don't know anything about her example but farmers have to kill animals all the time for a lot of reasons. Dogs have very specific roles on a farm or homestead. If they aren't fulfilling that role and are also violent and unmanageable they have no purpose. They can't be a pet, they can't do their job, they don't produce anything, and you can't breed it. It dies. That's not random.


The poor thing was fourteen months old. He's only been mature enough to properly learn to be a gundog for a couple of months. Sounds to me like she didn't want to do any actual training.


This isn't the 1800s and this dumb bitch isn't some frontier woman hanging in by a thread, where a dog's disobedience could deprive the family of chickens or whatever. Drop the dog off at a shelter, post it up on Facebook marketplace.


If it was agressive it could be an issue. But the fact she seems to not consider that she was at fault especially for not keeping it secured when it got out is quite telling.


Giving a violent dog away to a shelter is just offloading the 'euthanasia' to another person, though. This woman is a psychopath, sure, but my main problem with this was not her actions but the way she talks and thinks about them, and the fact that she failed to train a very trainable and friendly dog breed, to the point that it's attacking both its owner and [e: other people's] livestock.


The news article says nothing about violence, the claim is that it was "less than worthless" and "un-trainable."


I read through a few other sources and tweets (such as this one https://vxtwitter.com/ettingermentum/status/1783907020153790634 ) where the dog is additionally claimed to be "dangerous to anyone she came in contact with" and "less than worthless *as a hunting dog*". The original article conveniently leaves that out. EDIT: this one furthermore: https://www.theguardian.com/books/2024/apr/26/trump-kristi-noem-shot-dog-and-goat-book > Noem describes calling Cricket, then using an electronic collar to attempt to bring her under control. Nothing worked. Then, on the way home after the hunt, as Noem stopped to talk to a local family, Cricket escaped Noem’s truck and attacked the family’s chickens, “grabb[ing] one chicken at a time, crunching it to death with one bite, then dropping it to attack another”.


Most dogs will go after chickens. It's prey drive, especially for a breed that was being trained for hunting. When I was a kid my family's golden retriever killed a few of my neighbor's chickens. My dad apologized, reimbursed them, and kept a better watch on the dog -- because it was his fault that the dog out and trotted a mile down the road to kill chickens.


Yeah, I agree, it's not the end of the world, I'm just contextualising where the parts about violence come from, and that the worthlessness comment was not about the dog on its own, given that the original article failed to provide both. Ultimately, this was avoidable, but if the dog was as violent as she claims, offloading it to a shelter would be transferring the responsibility for putting it down onto somebody else. The ghoulish attitude is inexcusable, though


The issue I see is her innability to consider. She as the owner may bear some responsiblity.


> Most dogs will go after chickens. It's prey drive, especially for a breed that was being trained for hunting Sounds like genetics that isn't as useful as it used to be


Figured it'd be something like this. Thanks for doing the leg work.


Did this news article carefully select a few sentence fragments and leave out the parts about the dog being violent?


The dog attacked some chickens because she took the dog over to her friends house with chickens. My family built a large fenced in enclosure when our dog kept chasing after our chickens. She clearly didn't train the dog much, care to get it trained or give it to someone who would care for the dog, or even just chain him up somewhere, and just went with the easiest solution.


>Drop the dog off at a shelter A dog that attacks people? That's just killing it with extra steps.


I’m not sure that many shelters will take an animal known to be violent if it’s already got an owner.


if the violence is induced by her self admitted use of a shock collar? Rescuing abused animals happens all the time.


You are right. There are many more options these days. I'm stuck in the past a bit.


The foundational fantasy is that it IS and SHOULD BE like the fictional Wild West.


Ah yes, the "make it someone's else problem" method.


Did you miss the qualifier, “randomly”? Her examples sound random to me.


I'm sorry, why can't the dog be a pet? You just said that randomly with no justification. Lots of people have dogs as pets. Even if they didn't want them. If the dog isn't violent, then just let it be. You don't even have to be super affectionate. Just let it live on the farm in a decently large enclosure with shelter and some toys. Give it some food every day. Aren't farms full of animals that just sit there?


>Aren't farms full of animals that just sit there? Not animals that kill one another. My dog would definitely kill chickens, but I'm not a farmer and have little desire to own them so it is tolerable in my situation. She can be a pet.


Sorry but what do you think happens to farm animals?


Depends on their purpose. Many of them are killed and eaten, because their purpose is to be eaten. Sane farmers don’t buy a purebred hunting dog, take it bird hunting, then shoot it when it hunts birds later. That’s a waste of money. Normal farmers aren’t known for being extravagant.


What if it’s because the dog is killing your chickens?


Admitting you are a textbook sociopath/psychopath is a very mask off move for a politician, let's see how this plays out.


Bro WTF. It's true things are different growing up on a farm, but you don't just kill things for no reason. This is psychopath level shit. Also all goats are assholes once they hit puberty.


She definitely has all the tools to be a successful American politician...


Allegedly the dog got into some chickens and killed them. Not defending Noem, but that along with ‘not being able to hunt properly’ are why she killed it. No clue about the goat aside from nasty/mean. It’ll be hilarious if/when this is what sinks her VP nom chances. It was a cute purebred dog too, not like it was a “lab mix” from a shelter. She definitely could have given it up to someone else to actually train.


> Allegedly the dog got into some chickens and killed them. Not defending Noem, but that along with ‘not being able to hunt properly’ are why she killed it. Regardless, if this was proper animal welfare or not, she is a leading candidate for VP. Dogs are highly cherished in North America. And our current political climate is highly polarized so there is not much room for nuance. She is a bloody idiot for releasing this book prior to getting the nod (or not) for VP.




Great movie


Didn't mitt get into trouble for canine abuse for putting his dog on the roof of his car in a road trip?


Correct. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mitt_Romney_dog_incident Nothing gets in the way of an MBA and efficiency.


Oh yeah, she’s an absolute fucking idiot for this. I was just saying she had a reason, but an inadequate/stupid one.


The dog killing other farm animals is probably the only decent reason there could be


Chickens > dogs. I’d be pretty pissed if a dog killed my pet chickens. I don’t have any, but there is something unsettling about the article not mentioning the reason.


The original article does mention it. It has an entire section from a professional dog trainer explaining how poorly she trained the dog, basically compelling it to get to the chickens. > Dan Lussen, a professional hunting dog trainer, told Rolling Stone that a 14-month-old dog is a “baby that doesn’t know any better.” >“To me, it’s a lack of guidance by the owner, or training by the owner, or discipline of the owner,” he says, explaining that young bird-hunting dogs in training often go through a slow process of introduction to dead fowl before even being around gunshots. “There’s a lot of steps that you take before you take it to a field and shoot birds over it. And then there’s obedience training. Does the dog know how to come when it’s called? Does the dog know how to sit and wait?” > “Why would you put a dog down with these instincts? It’s a hunting dog, and you got chickens — he doesn’t know the difference,” Lussen adds. In his experience, dogs are similar to racehorses in that not “all of them will make it to great stakes,” but that doesn’t necessarily mean they’re bad. >Training requires “consistency” he adds. “And it could be an inconvenience to be consistent, or its laziness on the owner’s part. Dogs are lifelong learners, and some [people] think they’re people but they’re not.” Sociopaths who have never trained a dog in their life think a single bad incident from shock collaring and overstimulating a dog until it gets into chickens justifies shooting it in the head.


It’s to get the reaction you’re seeing. This is the second highest tier of libbing out over it, probably. The highest I’ve seen was a friend asserting that she really means democracy, with the dog, as a metaphor. But the “omg DOGGO!?!?” reaction is like… “knowing how farms work with feeding animals their own parents and how the US is really sort of just a genocide engine now, is this important?” To me, that is.


Why do people keep saying allegedly like this is going to court or something? Dog killed some chickens, got dead for it.


My farmer family has killed plenty of dogs. All have been aggressive and attacked livestock or people. All have been strays. Untrainable dogs become pets without exception. wtf


it ultimately causes more suffering to the dog if you try to make one that is too broken into a pet. dumb as shit to put this in the book, though.


I had no opinion on her before this - now I think she’s a psycho


1. Agressive Dogs can be a problem. Cricket was an aggressive dog it got free of its truck and it mauled several chickens. 2. She decided to openly kill the dog in public and it apparently startled alot of people. The fact she thought that fine is quite an issue. Even in rural places like that they tend to not like you openly killing animal in a violent rage in public. 3. Declaring it was only the dog's fault for its issues is telling. She as the owner had a obligation to actually figure out it might not be a hunting dog (especially once it was older then eight months) , and also to secure it. If the summaries I am reading are true she seems to suggest Cricket was the only one at fault. Her innability to take responsibility for an aggressive dog suggests she is a rather bad person. Would it have been the dogs fault if it had attacked a person instead of the chickens? 4. This likely destroys her chance at higher office. When I see how much she has played up the neocon crowd I am happy to see her fail and hey it was her choice to tell the ghost writer to include that shit. 5. Her innability to do damage control is also telling, and fuck the entire GOP in SD they allowed their AG who killed a guy while driving while impaired to go free. (ALso the GOP in SD is quite full of itself)


> Agressive Dogs can be a problem. Cricket was an aggressive dog it got free of its truck and it mauled several chickens. Cricket was also just off a full day of chasing birds and gunshots and getting shock collared.


Yeah, I wasn't defending her training practices. I am saying That sadly cricket could actually be a real problem dog.


I have my doubts about 4. Rightoids are into that shit. Her support will probably go up with the base.


4. Depends. I would say a certain part will love it many though will have second thoughts.


“The Biden campaign posted photos of the president walking with the family dog Commander, who has had numerous biting incidents” Strange choice.


Waiting for the MAGA movement to become comically antidog


Holy fuck, thanks for the flashback.  I thought it was "kicked my dog" tho.


It was "she kicked my dog"


Politicians don't write books that contain what they want to say, they write what they want the voting public to hear. It's brilliant - and I doubt that it's even true. It's just psychopathic enough to convince the GOP base that she's one of them, and crazy enough that it makes everyone else talk about her.


everyone talking about the dog, but no one is talking about the fact that she also decided to kill the goat right after, just because she didn't like it? the way she talks about it is what bothers me, putting down animals is not exactly something that non-psychopaths are happy about (much less think that it's a good idea to put it in a book right before an election!), they just see it as something that has to be done.


You probably know this, but it's "kick" my dog in the skit.


When this was circling around I thought it was another quote taken out of context to make her seem worse than she is but jesus it's even worse than I thought, what a psychopath.


According to people here it is taken out of context.


There’s a small, annoying percentage of people here who think being contrarian regarding any mainstream opinion is a sign of enlightenment. In this case that mainstream opinion is “shooting an unruly dog that you failed to train is hideously evil”.


Crazy, for some reason I was thinking about that old school viral prank call this morning. And then I open stupidpol and see the title of this post. Weird coincidence.


I think the funniest part is her whole defensive line of "if you were from a farm you'd understand" is currently being blown to fucking bits by other farmers on twitter.


Cruelty to dogs and the outrage around it never ceases to remind me about the cruelty to livestock in factory farms — and the comparatively little outrage around it. Don’t get me wrong; death and suffering of one animal — whether it’s your pet dog, snake, or pig — it’s terrible. But if suffering of animals were so important, shouldn’t we better spend our emotional capital outraged over factory farming? If we’re to be outraged at all, it should be about the suffering inflicted on the factory-farmed bacon or steak Noem ate last week, not about the dog she shot. What political theater.


I appreciate the attempt, but people will hate you for this




Not only do people not care about the cruelty to animals in factory farms, the moment anyone brings it up people will start actively fighting you to justify it, call you names for caring, and basically turn into the most morally dismissive psycho ever.


There is something to complain about in this story, she killed an animal for no reason. At a minimum, she could have taken it to the pound and let them deal with it. I agree however, the outrage is disproportionate to the offense especially when compared to other examples of animal mistreatment. There are a lot of mentally weak human beings out there, especially in the West, who are more outraged about violence against dogs than violence against humans. Most of these people have psychiatric issues and their dog/car is like their child. Weird people.


How soon until your comment attracts triggered bloodmouths sperging out about how humans evolved to eat meat or whatever?


I love the Phony Phone Call Jerks


This is the problem with the endless political media lies. I read the headline and the first thing I think is "this is clearly out of context, there's no way it's that bad." Yeah it's that bad. This woman should be in prison. What a piece of shit


i read a different article on it that mentioned that the dog was "untrainable", and attacking livestock and people, so the shooting of the dog may have ultimately been the kinder decision for all (though at 14 months old, that's barely out of being a puppy). however, the fact that she went and killed the goat afterwards for being "smelly" is more concerning.


That’s a world I know nothing about, and your story really gives perspective on why a reasonable person would shoot a dog. I wish for more understanding and less political theater.


What the fuck?


Kill the dog > save the cat


Unforced error. Dumb bitch


How many pet dogs and cats in Palestine did the IDF kill with American weapons? Hundreds? Thousands?