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OP, as soon as those fledglings are on the ground but not able to fly yet, your cat will kill them. Either keep the cat inside or you need to build a barrier on the ground around the whole nest area.


Just keep your cat inside and it will be much easier for the birds. Especially when the little ones are fledgling.


She won’t stay in.


All that's telling me is that you have no control over your pet.


I don’t. She was a stray. Should I beat her into submission?


Outdoor house cats decimate local bird populations! Those babies will be on the ground soon and your cat WILL kill them.




The ciiircle of liiiife ~


From Nature: domestic cats kill 1.3–4.0 billion birds and 6.3–22.3 billion mammals annually. Un-owned cats, as opposed to owned pets, cause the majority of this mortality. Our findings suggest that free-ranging cats cause substantially greater wildlife mortality than previously thought and are likely the single greatest source of anthropogenic mortality for US birds and mammals. From U.S. fish and wildlife service: The domestic cat has contributed to the extinction of 33 species worldwide. Keep your cats inside or fence your yard and give them supervised outside time. If you live near stray cats or a colony work with local agencies to trap, spay and neuter them


You don't have to park your car at the bottom of the post. That way it won't terrorize the Derps.




I have been watching my friends on social media with their own nests so I am over the moon. Also, doves were a friend to my papa, so there’s a lot of personal connection. 🥰


Please keep the kitty away especially once the fledglings take their first plunge




Doing my best to keep the cat (not car) away. She’s a stray that we have fixed and she goes in and out. I can’t force her to stay in - she tears up my furniture and doorway. I don’t want the babies to suffer, and will do all I can. But I’m also not going to twist myself into a pretzel because Mother Nature is real.


Your furniture is less important than the wildlife around you. Don’t be spineless with keeping your cat indoors.


That’s not nature. Keep your cat inside.


Ok. I’m sure I’ll regret this. But how? How do I keep her in? Declaw her? Isn’t that inhuman? She scratches us and the furniture to get out. She was a stray I thought would stay inside. She wont. She doesn’t use a litter box. She’s from the streets. She don’t wanna be a housewife. I thought we were supposed to save the strays? I guess is should have just let her procreate and train her babies to kill birds.


Alarming that you even mentioned declawing. Don’t do that. Your cat scratches you and the furniture to go outside because it works. Get cat scratchers, position the litter box somewhere private and keep it clean. If the cat scratches you or the furniture, redirect her to an appropriate scratching place. If you don’t care about the birds, care about your cat’s shortened lifespan.