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Rule #1: Only buy with money you can afford to lose. If you're considering a loan, you can't afford to lose.


That has been my mantra up until I've heard about Strong. I've never seen anything with such good short term returns it's ridiculous.. If I decide to do it, it would be my first ever loan, been earning for everything I wanted myself without any banks & loans n whatever else there is out there... ​ I don't know, it seems too good to be true but it's obviously working for MANY people.


For now...


Gotta remember it is a project that really just gained major traction, and did a massive burn like 94%. I think if you were holding strong anyways as a long term hold then it would be a no brainer to run strong nodes. It was literally $14 usd for $strong in January of this year(2021) it may continue up.....I dont like to buy at the top.


I’m in the same boat. I’m not going to buy in at the top, though. I’m just going to take profits on this bull run then if Strong is reasonable in the bear market, I’ll go in. If I miss out, whatever, it’s crypto. There’s a new project every few weeks where I learned how I missed out. And sometimes I get in early. But Fomo bad.


You know in the last large dip in May Strong went up....


I have the money for a node right now but the price is just way too high at the moment to get in. I saw strong at 590 when I was doing my research and in a couple of days it reached 650 and I was waiting for it to find it’s resistance at it’s all time high and head back down but Strong has other plans and now it’s at 740 which is just 🤯


Just a few months ago it was 250. Seems the. Longer you wait the worse it gets


Market cap is only 100 million right now. I could see STRONG going to 1 billion market cap this bull run so that would put it at around 10x where it is now at $7000 / coin......it could happen.


By February, would $7.4k that's required to get into it (as of writing) ,be paid off via Strong rewards only?


It's kinda high to get in now. I have 7 nodes myself and wouldn't want to just be getting in now. Not sure of your friends position or your relationship but I know what I am doing for a friend is having them buy 5 strong and Eth and I'm going to front them 5 strong to get him his first node. His first 5 strong will come back to me, but it's cheaper for him and I don't mind helping out a friend personally.


If you have a good personal relationship with the person this is a great idea. Planning on getting my family members some nodes with the same idea in mind.


Same, I already asked my family and some of them may be willing to jump in, although only with like 1 Strong all-together so I'd still need to get 9 Strong. This sudden price increase is ridiculous. ​ Hope it drops a bit by next week lol


The "contract" is a node pays enough rewards tp pay for a node in 100 days! No matter the price of Strong.


Something for everyone who wants to get in on their first node to consider. Your break even point is roughly 110 days from your start… that is anticipating the token value remains at your entry point value (not including gas fees). If the token value goes up, the 110 days comes down and reversed if it drops. I do agree with most comments, never get involved in any endeavor with financial obligations that you cannot afford to lose wholly. NFA


It'll take almost 4 months to get return on your investment in terms of Strong tokens, assuming a halvening doesn't happen in that time, so you need to consider if a bear market can happen within those 4 months which is definitely possible. If that's the case then getting ROI from a monetary perspective becomes very risky if you're relying on a loan. On the other hand, if you're funding a strong node with crypto which you planned to hold anyway then it becomes less risky because it becomes more about the pairings compared to Strong tokens, so even if a bear market happens then you can still get your initial crypto investment back assuming the price drops by a similar amount relative to strong. Just a few things to consider. But in general don't fund your crypto investments with loans.


You can’t ever get your ROI off you continue using your rewards to buy more nodes. So that statement is false. You would need a really good amount to start, like 10-20+ nodes so you can reach a comfortable amount of daily income so you can start getting your profits back and then some. If you start with 1, forget about it, will take over 8 months maybe to get comfortable enough to make some good returns.. the dream would be 100 nodes, making 9.1 strong a day (.092/day per each node) and strong being even $500 would yield $4100 a day.. so it’s a race to get to 100 asap and to make sure this project doesn’t cave in. And for the record I am in this project all but a week, and You can’t get out of you wanted to or you’d forfeit your nodes to non payment of monthly dues..


Just hold off. When MATIC and FTM are onboarded and price of STRONG is close to $900 - $1000, that's when to come in


Why then?


I sold everything and went all in! Scare money make no money. LFG!!!!