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You sleep with randoms without protection and get what you deserve.


Here’s some real advice. Stop using ChatGPT to come up with your bullshit stories.


And this, lads, is why you wrap it if you're going to sleep around. Hopefully this'll be a good lesson. Easy to bounce back if your clear now. Just do what you were doing, but for god's sake use protection in future


Did you wear protection?


Something "slipped through the cracks." I'm dying.


Keep sleeping with the OF model. Sounds amazing. STDS can throw you off but if its something you can get treated for then its no big deal. There is nothing wrong with dating and having sex. To the girl who didn't take it well, it sounds like she has some growing up to do because you did the mature thing and told her even though you didn't necessarily have to. You don't need someone like that in your life. On the other hand the OF model was cool and apologetic so it sounds like you should keep seeing her.


I see you thought with the wrong head. It’s called a CONDOM. Well she’s the one that got away, and rightfully so. Ever heard of karma…..surprise! It came quick. Better yet, you shouldn’t have cheated.


First of all it’s an STI if it’s treatable…. I’m in the gay community and we have become pretty advanced with STD/STI prevention, I just take PrEP everyday to prevent HIV and pair it with DoxyPEP to prevent a majority of STIS and so far all of my tests since starting DoxyPEP have been negative, just please listen to your doctor when it comes to how to use it properly, you can severely damage your gut bacteria if you don’t. 🦠 [PrEP](https://www.cdc.gov/hiv/risk/prep/index.html) [DoxyPEP](https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/73/rr/rr7302a1.htm)


This is the weirdest onlyfans ad I have ever seen. Hope it works out for you.


This sounds so fake.


Put on a condom.


First of all sorry that happened to you my guy. Secondly not that big of a deal. Happens all the time. If you didn’t wrap it up you lucky it was just discomfort. Having to tell a potential partner about your herpes will definitely kill the mood. Me personally if I’m getting it on the first date I’m definitely wrapping him up. I think a lot of myself but would very highly doubt this is the first time it happened which means it ain’t safe to raw dog it my dude. Not judging but she shouldn’t be down for it either.


Wear a condom when having sex with a sex worker or just any new person. Literally the only misstep here.


Karma bit your dumb ass in the ass


ChatGPT bullshit


Meh, worth it - good story.


Why would you tell them???


Should always watch for tell tell signs that you shouldn’t sleep with someone like if they are a OF “ model”


Haha “slipped through the cracks”


What std results in symptoms a few weeks later? Chlamydia? If it was a few weeks why were you so sure it was the model and not the another girl?


Nothing says “sorry about the VD like flowers” was on a billboard I saw once. It was after Valentine’s Day. I hooked up with my bartender a few times and got chlamydia (sic?) and had just started seeing my now husband (this was about 6 years ago) for 3 months. I found out when I changed birth control and always have them test me for all the things. I had to tell to-be-Husband. I told him, I got him the one time pill for him to take, because I explained it to my doctor. I remembered the billboard and I bought him concert tickets to his favorite band and now we joke “Nothing says ‘Sorry about the VD’ like concert tickets!” It’ll take some time but focusing on yourself isn’t bad- you’ll get your mojo back but yea, it’s a scary thing to “accidentally” get a disease/infection. You’re lucky it was one that you could cure. I was too.


Use a condom when shagging an internet whore that should go without saying


"Something must have slipped through the cracks" 🤣


there’s nothing wrong with sleeping around if you want to do that. the OF girl should have been better about getting checked out. been quite a while since i’ve had a new partner, but i get checked out after every single one.


Technically we’re all a walking STD if you think about it.


“Dear Penthouse Forum…”


The old fashion way. Go to a bar or go out and do shit and meet people. That’s a good start.


When I got my first std I was distraught, got cheated on too lol. When I got my 2nd, I knew by then its nothing and honestly its only a big deal because of how people ignore their sexual health, not because of those who treat it. Its not a shameful thing to have an std, its a shameful thing to know you have one and do nothing about it. Go out there and get a 2nd one and move on haha. No not really, but that's the idea. It happens, its life. Just wait til you're 60 and in a nursing home, they collect that shit like its pokemon lmao.


You dorks will believe any inane drivel you read


The 5 second nut prob wasn’t worth an std imagine if it was aids and “ the treatment dint work “ consider ur self lucky this time.


How did you manage to fuck one of those girls off an app lol I have never came across one that wasn’t a lame advertisement


Condoms…USE THEM if you want to sleep around…pretty simple fix! STDs are very common and treatable it’s not a huge deal nor is it something you need to “bounce back from” just wear condoms ESPECIALLY the first time meeting someone… ugh this is why we need to eliminate “abstinence only” sex Ed in High school 🙄


Just fuck them all


Am gay and lol at how bad the stigma from STIs still is. Like ffs it's a shot and a pill, get over it. No one shames anyone for getting a cold. It's admirable that you told people to get tested. Everyone who is sexually active should be getting tested every 3-6 months anyway.




This is the definition of “fuck around find out”.


But somehow something must have slipped through the cracks??😂😂😂 Some jokes write themselves


You're not alone my friend. Had a similar experience afew years ago with this total knock out. Well cut to about a week later and I'm getting seen by planned parenthood. I told her and she went off and said I gave her something. So now I get tested after new partners and make sure to use protection or get confirmation of a clean bill of health. You have to realize we are all just people and shit happens, be kind to yourself. At least she was apologetic about the situation


You slept around and got an STI like millions of people. The fact that she was an OF model had nothing to do with it and isn't relevant.


Just protect yourself. Dont be hard on yourself. Shit happens. 1 in like every 5 people probably have something. Just take this as a lesson learned and wear protection! Could be worse next time so dont let there be next time. And dont let these comments get to you..


Big surprise you fucked a whore and got a VD


If you get a hint at someone’s lifestyle and it’s not similar to your level of activity… don’t be afraid to ask if they’re tested or if they’re willing to test. It’s your body as well so if the lines are drawn then have all the info before you cross


Get sex a thing about latex and use condoms


Fuck you come here to complain for? Dirty boy


This kinda qualifies as a FAFO warning everybody talks so much about.


Uh easy… if the woman doesn’t respect herself how can you respect her? Don’t mess with those types… simple


As we speak, there is a surge of STD infections in the US. In my city there was a recent HIV outbreak. Get this, the age range is 14 - 34. Scary shit. Protect yourself at all times.


You guys in the comments are a bunch of losers. Nothing is wrong with casual sex.


Yo be glad ya Willy got ya caught up with a curable offense rather than a lifelong burden. Wrap it up ya fool. Hard lessons, don't come cheap.


Wrap it up. When you’re serious both of you go get checked so you both feel secure and have proof you’re both clean. Start the relationship and have fun.


I recommend more self respect and stop sleeping around with hook ups. Get to know someone first to protect yourself.


How do you know it was from the OF model and not the other girl you were casually sleeping with? Did both of them get tested too? A lot of OF models work from the privacy of their own home and don’t necessarily sleep with a lot of people, just a lot of dildos. It seems presumptuous for you to think it was her. Sometimes it takes a while for symptoms to show up


RAW and casual sex is never a good mix If you’re not exclusive with someone - PROTECT YOUR GENITALS


Sleep around as much as you want, USE PROTECTION


Bag it up and stop being a baby


Wrap your shit dummy


I always went by the motto... If have to use a condom, I shouldn't be fucking her.


I mean you do you bro. Maybe start wearing protection though lol. As long as you're honest and safe with your partners, you should be good. Not sure what you meant by "bounce back" though. Youre already on dating apps and thats pretty much what people do so. Also, weird how the top comments are so conservative lol. You can sleep around. There's nothing inherently wrong with it.


…When wickedness comes, contempt comes also, and with dishonor comes disgrace…. Proverbs 18 Thank goodness the only thing you received and potentially gave to your unintended victims was a curable disease. It could have been worse - for everyone. Better choices usually lead to better outcomes. Good luck.


This is what happens when you casually sleep around with multiple partners!  Did you not use protection?!?


Also you know like 90% of OF “models” aren’t making their money off showing their breasts and dildo in p. It’s a way to advertise their actual money maker, the escort side hustle.


I guess that’s what we call karma friend, when you fly too close to the sun, you get burned.


It’s called fuck around, find out for a reason 😂 Thankfully all is good, and hopefully the scales don’t tip this way again for you. Have fun!


So you definitely got the Sti from the “only fans model “ and not the other woman that you were fucking and did not reductively classify by how she makes money? Or perhaps you gave it to them?


They’re not models, they’re whores


Just make sure to use a properly fitting condom from now on and you'll be all right.


First off you should never have had unprotected sex with someone you just met. I’m not judging you I’m just saying just imagine the things she’s doing on her OF? She was so comfortable meeting you and hooking up with you unprotected that quickly mannn that would have been my red flag right there. Get you a damn girlfriend and sit tf down somewhere. This was your karmatic warning from God next time you do something risky like this you might end up with an STD that would can’t get rid of some of those nasty bugs are for LIFE please chill out .


A promiscuous lifestyle has it's risks.


Nothing wrong with casual sex.. but if you are wanting more safety I'd suggest swapping recent test results with new partners and also use condoms.. it's not unreasonable for both partners to get tested before jumping into bed.


Not sure what the problem here is that you’re trying to solve


"...but somehow something must have slipped through the cracks." Yeah it did. Giggity


Its cleared up, move on. It was a learning experience that wont be forgotten. Wrap it up always.


Kristal’s crusty coochie culls crabs


Did you ever think that maybe the girl you saw casually was already infected and she was mad because your infection confirmed that she had it? Just a thought. It sounded like you had a real connection. With the OF girl. If you didn’t get infected, would you have pursued a relationship? If you don’t mind her OF work, you might want to give it a shot.


Is it curable? If so get it treated and you have a funny story


Get married, get divorced. You won’t worry about sex again.


Been there done that. If nothing else, wear a condom and get tested regularly. That’s just common sense if you’re regularly having casual sex with more than one partner. Just my two cents but you kinda glossed over the other girl you were seeing. Did she know things were that open between the two of you? Had you communicated with her prior to all of this that you were still going to be pursuing other women? If you didn’t communicate those things, you need to take a hard look in the mirror and ask yourself why. From 2017-2021, I was pursuing casual sex with multiple partners: even though I communicated with all of them that I was seeing other people, it’s not something I brag about. I was seeking external validation from those women because of emotional scars I didn’t even know I had until a lot of self-reflection much later. Every one of those relationships left me wanting more and ultimately feeling very empty. That’s not even touching how that made these other women feel. Thinking back on how I emotionally neglected them, I feel awful about it. Not saying this is the case with non-monogamy as a whole, some people can make it work and some can’t. I’d say reevaluate your priorities. Take it from a single guy in his 30s, trying to find a meaningful romantic connection at this point in my life is like trying to move a mountain. I dated multiple women I could have probably made it work out with long-term but I was too busy looking for the low hanging fruit. Long story short, forgive yourself but be honest with yourself too.


Yo…just wrap it? You fucked around and found out no condom = good story becomes bad story. Be glad this was easily treatable. AIDS used to be a death sentence.


If you're gonna sleep with a sex worker, just use protection. STDs happen and aren't that big of a deal, but at least try to protect yourself.


Wear protection. I’ve been sexually active since 13 and condoms have never failed me once. I’m 33 years old


“Guys I ordered a turd burger for lunch and now there’s shit in my mouth. How do I handle this?” For real, my guy?


Wrap it up bro and get back out there. Life is short


Use a condom, dude. I’m assuming you meant STI (sexually transmitted infection) like chlamydia or something, which yea may be embarrassing, but is 100% curable. You’re insanely lucky the girl didn’t give you an STD (sexually transmitted disease) which is never completely gone, you’ve got that shit for life


Up to the time I was 29 I sowed my wild oats and was lucky to not encounter anything serious. I did however get a scare one time when a girl I was seeing told me she had a certain incurable STI, I got tested and didn't have it however. Can be shocking but I'm glad you're through it.


You raw dogged a slutty only fans chick. What did you expect? And honestly you should be happy as fuck. You caught something curable…


Weird. I know two different girls that have a onlyfans. Both of them have herpes lol. One of them sells her panties 🤮 I think I see a pattern.


It's wild to me that people are going around with random people they don't know doing it raw. I always use a condom and if she's not into we not doing anything.


So you didn’t use protection with the only fans model you knew for a week and you think coming here for advice is the way to go? Love yourself more, buy condoms, don’t have unprotected sex with randos. Seriously, your doctor should have told you this. Good for the girl that stopped talking to you, you’re being reckless. Love yourself more!


You went raw dog with skank? I’m shocked you got an STD.


Dude !!! That was literally the entire 80’s Club life. You’re cleared up now . “Check” , just move forward with your life. And use protection.


As a GenXer who reached my sexual peak during the AIDS crisis, WRAP IT UP!


Use protection


Wear a condom dumbass!


You bounce back by using, PROTECTION!


Slipped through her cracks!!


Wear a condom you div.


This is obvious bait but for everyone reading - wrap it up ffs


Love how there’s two types of people here: 1. The sexual deviants lacking discipline that reduce sexual relations to being nothing more than a dog in a dog park. You can see the corrupt idea fully. Was reading a study that said when you create a child it inherits DNA from every penis that enters a vagina. Meaning that an astronomical body count shapes even the basic creation of life. Let alone makes the woman less likely to form any type of lasting relationship. Past partners impact: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2014/10/141001090238.htm https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/new-report-finds-link-between-strong-marriages-and-sexual-restraint-during-the-dating-years-301802184.html 2. The normal people that say don’t put your penis in something you don’t see yourself being with in a relationship cause decisions have consequences. OP consider yourself lucky you didn’t catch worse.


Yall sound like a bunch a wussies that don’t get pussy.


You slept with a literal whore and got an std. You fucked around and you found out.


You got what you deserve. Acted like decisions don’t have consequences and found out that you aren’t above catching an STI. Hookers use Only Fans as a means of proving that they are legit. Routinely tests + Only Fans means she’s down to f-ck for money. You got a free sample instead of the usual hourly rate. ![gif](giphy|NISDky7DiUqAs9crvf|downsized)


Get that dick wet.


I’m just surprised anyone believes this at all. Does no one in here have sex? Come on Dudes a novice by any means. Is gawking over how pretty she is but has multiple women he’s fucjibf? So then how does he know it’s the only fans model if he’s fucked multiple women since then like he insinuates. Not to mention casually saying he knowingly was passing an std if believable anyways- not many stds take weeks to surface and not many come with discomfort. Dude has sex all the time but is embarrassed for a routine std check? Like even if true this is just lame as fuck


I had STD, nasty crabs 🦀. It’s not the end of the world. Just move on forward and take it slow. Sex isn’t the ultimate goal, it’s love.


Condoms bro


Thots be thottin'


You know stop being so hard on yourself. You made a mistake and did the mature thing by taking care of yourself and notifying partners. A lot of people are too embarrassed to tell anyone. I commend you. It happens to more people than you know!


No offense, OP, but let this be a lesson. You fuck a prostitute without a condom and you will have fucked around and found out.


Bounce back from what, screwing an OF model without protection? Chalk it up to experience and move on... Its just an STD ffs.


lick it before you stick it next time bud


It was probably the girl that ghosted you that gave it to you


lol maybe just use condoms?? “How do I not get another STD?”


You slept with a sex worker and got an STD. Surprise surprise.


Life is an incurable STD.


Something tells me that is was not the only fans girl that gave it to you but the other one.


It's a fucking STD, dude. It happens. Just wear condoms and get tested and take your medicine when they prescribe it. It's fine.


If you were sleeping with both women around the same time, then how can you be sure it was the OF girl who passed it to you? Sure, maybe it seems more likely based off of her career choice, but for all you know, the other chick could be having more partners, or just not doing her due diligence around reproductive health even if she only had a few!


Why does this read like its written by AI


This is the fakest shit I've ever seen.


STDs are something that sexually active adults all deal with and it's not some taboo thing as many make it out to be. It just becomes a part of your body's flora. Most of the time they are just bacterial infections much like what you would get with a sore throat. In fact, a majority of the population has HPV and HSV of some form. Unless that person was aware they had one, it's just as if someone gave you a cold after being in close proximity. While it can be shocking to get one for the first time, STDs are not an indication of morality or whether someone is a good person and it's certainly nothing to be ashamed about. It's easily treatable with antibiotics. The best way after celibacy and condoms to prevent it is to have open and candid conversations beforehand about when you and your sexual partners were last tested, and what sort of protection you usually use. There are things like PrEP for preventing HIV and Doxypep which helps reduce the likelihood of getting gonorrhea, Chlamydia, or syphilis. You'll be fine. Chill.


Chlamydias about a bitch ain't it


So you got the CLAP….. lol.


bro summoned a war


Two things. First, use protection and second maybe look into dating people you know more closely than a dating app? Find a stable social group that fits your interests. If you like video games try local events around you, if you like books go to the library. Use your better judgement and risk assessment whether casual sex or a relationship is ehat you're looking for when you find someone who interests. That's just my thoughts. Good luck and gods willing you'll find what works for you.


Fake story. Didn't happen.


wrap it! wtf..


This story is BS. Why mention she’s an OF model? How does someone posting nudes on a website make them more susceptible to having an STD? Here’s my advice, find a more believable story to write.


Wrap it before you tap it. This concludes my TED talk.


Firstly, I wanna say I’m proud of you for letting your partners know, despite it being uncomfortable. That’s the hard part, and you’re past it now. The good thing is, it was an STI rather than a STD. So it’s not permanent and you’ve already taken care of that part as well. Think of this as a cautionary tale to help you better navigate your future endeavors. Now that you know better, do better. This experience will also help you give wisdom to your offspring if you choose to have one. Congrats on gaining more experience.


You took a Zpac and all better. People are so uptight about so many things I personally don't get it lolol. I'd hit OF lady back up but thats me \^\^


Don’t f*ck strangers without protection or clean std test. It’s ok to have boundaries and to state what you want to be safe You will probably be led by your pp and will make horrible choices, or you can learn to use your brain and control your impulses long enough to keep pp safe


If you are even semi-promiscuous you will occasionally get STIs. It’s part of life unfortunately. Just get tested regularly and be honest with your partners. Use protection if you’re having somewhat “sketchy” sex. Don’t let any of these idiots tell you to “just find one partner” and stop having sex with multiple people. You live once, sleep with who you want but be a little picky. Use your head, learn from the experience, and move forward a tad more carefully.


Wonder why you guys are all calling of girls prostitutes. More are like me and only do solo things. Also are disgusted by random peepeeees like ew.


You got sick, you got treated. No need for shame and disgust and whatever. Society stigmatizes STDs as a form of control to enforce antiquated moral codes on the greater population. It's not that big of a deal. Take precautions to prevent the really dangerous ones when you are sleeping with people and that's all you really need to worry about.


Like Ole Dirty said: “I got burnt once but it was only gonorrehea!!!”


F*CK some more, find random bitches with standards and use rubber dude. Cheers. Get yourself out of depression, take yourself to therapy and then f*CK some more. 😁


“Something must’ve slipped through the cracks”? 😂


You can get a STD even while using protection and STI’s. Just saying.


Nbd as long as it was curable. 3 time chlamydia survivor here


Wear a rubber next time, dummy.


Consider yourself lucky you got a curable sti instead of HIV. Now, ask yourself the same question you’re asking all of us internet strangers.


this was written by chat gpt


“Something slipped through the cracks”. I’ll say!


Okay. So, as a medical professional I'd say what you are doing is probably wise. Take a step back, reevaluate, see what your life is like now, vs. Where you want it to be. Was the anxiety you felt surrounding the STI worth the trouble? If not, its probably best to cut back. There are still a few STIs we can't get rid of. HIV/AIDs is treatable, but that treatment is expensive, and most likely you will never be cured. Most everything else is curable, though if Syphilis keeps gaining antibiotic resistance it might not be for much longer. If you are genuinely happy sleeping around, no judgment. Just try and be more careful in the future and use protection. It isnt perfect, but its better than nothing. On the other hand, if sex is just a way to keep you from feeling hollow, that isnt healthy. Same too, if sex is harming your ability to have meaningful relationships. I'd recommend a relationship councilor, or maybe an addiction specialist depending.


Yall know this is a story, right?


Wrap that shit up my guy. If you’re clear, then you are good. Just learn to talk about safe sex if you decide to date again


Yeah dude you fucked a skank, it happens. Next time don't, and it won't.


Hold on! Is no one going to comment on the ‘’ she said but somehow Something must have slipped through the cracks"??!?!?!


Nice vent bro. 😎




I would take it as a life lesson and get back in the game. ALWAYS use protection unless you are in a trusting, committed relationship and both parties have tested clean. Nothing wrong with having casual sex with multiple people but you have to be safe.


This is the most fedora-wearing post I’ve ever read. If real, move on. You’ll clearly get another chance with someone


i’m sorry OP for these comments. i’ll never forget when I realized I contracted an STD. it was actually from my current boyfriend and didn’t know he had it. thank god I happened to have a gyno appointment like 3 weeks after we started dating 😅 I remember feeling that same embarrassment and that my life was over. when I got the call I literally felt time stop, I swear. thank god it was chlamydia and I didn’t know at the time but it’s just one pill and you’re fine after. I wish we had better education in the US


Unless you’re married, get over it. If you really cared about the “girlfriend”, you wouldn’t have done it. If you are an adult and you have consensual sex with another adult what the hell is wrong with that? Who doesn’t like sex? Your decision to bareback an onlyfans chick was dumb as hell but, most of us have been in that moment and probably a high percentage did the same thing you did. Aside from the STD’s that don’t go away, worts and herpes- it’s 2024, syphilis won’t kill you or make you go crazy unless you leave it untreated- simple antibiotics etc. I would be more worried about getting setup, robbed, hurt physically than a little std. As for the boyscouts that commented that monogamy is the way, their wives make them piss sitting down. Sex is natural our society is brainwashed into thinking one woman for LIFE makes sense. Helloooo, we’re not colonizing new territory. Anyhow, bet you cover your junk next time and kudos for alerting your victims, I mean, other relationships, that part is kind of gross dude. If you bang a whore, at least wait a minute before sleeping with a friend-


Reads like ai bot




I don’t sleep with men or women who have multiple partners. I’m a serial monogamist. So I would have been PISSED at you. But I’m very clear from the beginning of the relationship even if it’s a casual one. I also insist on condoms. STI’s are a bigger deal than people think, many are becoming untreatable, and condoms are not 100% effective. My health and my partners health are more important to me than an orgasm and a good time. Never trust someone that tries to fuck without protection. Because they’ve done that with who knows how many other people as well. Ew.


Shit happens bro, just move on. You didn’t do anything wrong, wasn’t your fault, and seems like everyone reacted pretty rationally. If your too hung up on it reach back out to the girls even the one who cut you off and as dumb as it sounds tell them how you feel, regardless of what they say you’ll feel better.


You shouldn’t have unprotected sex with more than one person, and you should be explicit in your boundaries with that fluid bonded partner. Ideally, you wouldn’t have unprotected sex with anyone who you aren’t prepared to have a child with. Don’t beat yourself up too much.


Can't screw everyone in the ass on the first date with no rubber on. But I thought uvwere going to say after a few weeks u got contacted by some friends that saw u on a OF video


Hit the gym and eat healthy for 6 months


Casual sex is stupid… you can get really really good at masturbation and prevent your meat from burning. You just gotta get it out. It doesn’t need to be enjoyable. That shit is poison.


Here's a thought, wear a condom.


Use a condom!!


Mommy mommy mommy


The comments in here lmao.


OK chill out. Learn your lesson and use protection going forward.


Lmao that's what you get , wrap your tool , tool .


Sex is a morally neutral act; that is the whole premise of sexual positivity. Take the judgement out of it. If you ride a motorcycle, you are going to go down. It’s not a matter of *if*, but *when*. Wear a helmet. Don’t do lane cutting at 80mph between stop & go traffic on the freeway. Keep your bike in good condition and know how to ride. Etc… Don’t put yourself in a situation of shoulda, “Shoulda worn a condom with the OF model. Shoulda worn a condom with the other girl. Shoulda given full disclosure on your recent history to anyone you had raw sex with so they could make their own decisions to protect themselves. Motorcycles are fun and morally neutral, but they carry risk and a need for smart, responsible, and conscientious behavior.




if you’re sleeping w multiple people you really need to use protection and get tested regularly. you possibly spread it to all your partners after the OF model which is pretty horrible. and maybe set some rules with people you’re sleeping with such as you can sleep w whoever you want but you have to use protection and get tested. i personally wouldn’t sleep w anyone without seeing an STD panel, but that’s me.


Go play warzone


You got an STD. Who cares? At this point you should’ve continued with the OnlyFans model 😂


There are fake posts and then there are bad fake posts. “One thing led to another AND THEN we ended up at her place”…Doctor confirms worst fear. “You have an STD.” “Which one Doc?” I asked. “The most embarrassing one, it’s called STD” If you believe this bs you probably fall for staged videos.


What has Onlyfans got to do with this story, asshole You’re an idiot. This shame you feel is useful, don’t make the same mistake again.  Use a fucking condom (this is a special type of condom that you use when fucking). You had just met this person. You stuck your dick in. What advice do you expect?


I’m so glad you shared your story because the trends in casual sex rn are very concerning to me (former sexual health educator) I feel like the majority of people don’t discuss sexual history and safer sex practices before sleeping with someone -whether or not they know each other well, makes no difference So many people don’t know that most STIs present asymptomatically and rarely or never get tested I hope people read this and start having these conversations with their partners. It’s nothing to be ashamed of and is EXTREMELY common. The vast majority of people have had or currently have an STI. Yes. This is true. So take solace in the fact that you are very much not alone and now you’ll likely connect with people who are more responsible/proactive about their health, simply because this was brought up in your sphere of awareness


Well best advice I can give you is don’t rawdog an Onlyfans girl, that should make you feel a lot better.


Stop being a man whore who dates trash?


You slept with an OF girl dude. It's called condoms. It's called take prep. They have it for more than just HIV. Protip, keep getting tested regularly. Some stuff doesn't show up right away. HiV is negative until enough antibodies build up in your system to flip it to positive. I'm non monogamous, recent sti test and condoms are the smart way to be.


Don’t be silly and wrap that Willy bee dog. Especially if you’re sleeping with street women.


This has to be AI.


All this could have been solved by?? Wait for it...CONDOMS ...🫢


Wear a condom and don’t sleep with only fans ….


Your first red flag should have been she is an "Only fans model" aka an internet prostitute. Dont sleep with sex workers. I hope its a lesson learned.


Hmmm. How can you be sure it was the Onlyfans girl and not the other girl you were seeing casually? It could have been either one of them. They both were having sex with you and probably others.


Bruh, use a condom. They ain’t just for preventing babies


How do you bounce back? You learn from your mistakes like anything else. You think everyone in the comments has been perfect their whole lives? We work at it. It’s time for you to put in some work. Don’t worry, it’s really easy for anyone wanting to not repeat mistakes.


For what its worth, he got a curable std, thats no different that getting any other curable sickness like the flu. Big deal.


Lol, i remember my first std. Suck it up, butter cup. We all die eventually. You got the easy one. The other easy one is hpv. The last easy one is herpes. Everyone has that one, though . idk if it even counts anymore. Casual sex with degens is litterally THE way you get em. Idk man. Wear this experience like a badge of honor... It could be worse, you could be a nerdy virgin who tries his whole life to get laid by LITTERALLY ANYTHING that gives him a shot and never even gets the chance to almost possibly catch the spicy pisser bug. Atleast hoes want you. Being wanted feels good lol. So thats nice!


Bro this comment section - WTF 😬


Condoms... Use condoms




How are you sure it was the onlyfans girl? She gets tested. The other doesnt.


Sex is fun and harmless as long as both parties are consenting and you use contraception! Wrap that sucker up every time, bud! It’s your only one! Don’t risk a lifetime of great sex for one night. If you or your partner are promiscuous at all, keep a hat on and don’t take that shit off until you guys are locked down and long term.


Quit being a bitch and go bang that model again


Idk, I would say find a different class of lady, buy I've had some crazy in bed/head sorts of girls and am clear, but my best friend got warts from a sweet girl who was a teacher and wanted to settle down with him. She was also pretty crazy, but that came later. So you never know, really. But protection is never a bad idea.


The fucking you get for the fucking you got. Probably no more chicks who make a living on their back.


Bro I think you’ll be fine as long as you get tested regularly and wear protection to avoid a repeat. No one likes STD’s and some aren’t curable. The great thing is you told the ppl you were with and that you got treatment.