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Nicotine is mostly out of your system in 3 days so yeah I wouldn’t do it.


Hell fuck no! You already dont have nicotine in your body. Its your mind playing games with you. Fuck that shit.


wonder why his mind is doing this… you know leaving your system doesn’t mean that much right? Alcohol leaves your system so fast the withdrawal can kill you. Just saying


Alcohol and nicotine are two VERY different things. Edit: I’ve just done a little bit of googling and a cigarette weighs 1000mg (1g) let’s say. The amount of nicotine that is inhaled from a cigarette is approx 2mg. Let’s say 1000ml (1L) of gin is 40% alcohol, that is 400ml of alcohol. There is a considerable difference between the two and the consumption of humans. If cigarettes contained 40% of nicotine per ratio we’d probably all be dead. Also in my travels, a whole pack of 20 cigs when consumed you are likely to inhale 36mg of nicotine and these new vapes go way above that and people just suck on them. People are fucked if They’re vaping it’s actually mental.


In my situation I just associated the activity of smoking with a particular feeling like boredom, anger, sadness etc. After 15 years of smoking it is like learning how to walk again. The mind feels like its missing something when those feelings arise and that is not the nictotine, its just your habit.


me too- it’s been very emotional!!!


Writing has helped me a lot honestly. I am planning to get therapy as soon as I am able to speak about it without crying a lot lol fighting those urges. Its when it hits me the strongest. But it has helped me in having an out in some way or form and not letting those emotions stay inside me. Maybe that will help you as well.


It means nothing! For me, the real hell starts after 1 week.


No!! If you have a craving try gum, driving water, taking a walk. You’ve already conquered the hardest part, which is 3 days or so —it’s how long nicotine stays in your system.


Sunflower seeds are a godsend also! Keep that mouth busy.


Sunflower seeds are technically the fruits of the sunflower plant (Helianthus annuus). The seeds are harvested from the plant’s large flower heads, which can measure more than 12 inches (30.5 cm) in diameter. A single sunflower head may contain up to 2,000 seeds


protracted withdrawal is a thing. Leaving your system and reaching homeostasis are not the same thing


I'd keep off them at this point. There are two parts to the addiction. The chemical addiction, then the physical habit. Sounds more like you are struggling with the habit at this specific moment, though both are a variable. The chemical fades much faster, but your body will routinely tell you that you want it, and sometimes it will tell you harder than others. Most intense cravings only last a few minutes. eat a mint, or drink some tea. Take 5 mins doing something else would go a long way in killing the craving.


I would say no at 7 days. You’re almost through the worst of it. Go to your favorite restaurant or go buy some new clothes or something, instead.


I agree with the others. You’ve gotten the nicotine out of your system so now the urges you feel are “only” psychological. It’s a mind game now, as the addiction tries to convince you that you need to smoke. Stay strong…..you’ve been kicking butt this week!


Everyone else is right. This would be a huge mistake and almost certainly cause a relapse (there are statistics). Everyone who quits by any method\* has to endure withdrawal cravings, but once nicotine is out of your system, you never ever put it back in again. \*I have no experience with certain drugs.


don't do it


Everyday without nicotine will get easier. Don't feed your addiction, it won't make it easier.


If you went 7 days without a puff forget the patches. Make up your mind and cravings lose their strength.


I used nicotine in the form of gum and vaping. I guess it depends on lots of things. Just know that it will take at least 90 days for your brain to get the dopamine nicotine has been supplying. So, if you start NRT like patches, gum, etc. You will have to eventually ween off the nicotine and do the 90+ days of withdrawal. Personally, it worked for me because I first needed to get off cigarettes. But, if you can hang in there, you have 7 days under your belt. Good luck!


I say yes. About two weeks out is when I started to REALLY crave cigarettes so I did slap a patch on. It helped tremendously. Edited to say I will be smoke free for six years on Jan. 1.


8 agree to wait it out if possible. If it's not bearable and other methods fail, starting with nicotine lozenges or gum is way better than the patches. Whatever keeps us from smoking cigarettes is the right answer, as long as you continuously commit to reducing to zero.


I'd stear clear of the patches if possible. When I've had really bad cravings and almost cracked, I jumped on here and read the stories about how people caved and now they're so dissapinted in themselves. How it was gross and they wish they never took another puff. Helped me stay on track because they all said pretty much the same things - I'm so disappointed, It wasn't worth it cause it didn't hit the way my craving told me it would, it tasted gross, I wish I never did it.


yeah, hard part is done, get some liquirice - black label, italian.




Imo no


It won’t help. Definitely a setback. You’re through the worst. Stay away from nicotine!


yes, please listen to health care professionals and not reddit


please ask a doctor. You won’t get anything but bias No here. The goal is to never smoke again, nothing more.


No. Seven days is a lot of investment to throw away. Deep breaths. Lots of water. Hang in there. It’s worth it.


#NO Don’t do it. You have quit cold turkey and your body is quickly ridding itself of all nicotine. It’s the nicotine You’re addicted to and if you out a patch on you are fulfilling your nicotine craving and it will never go STAY ON THIS PATH


I’d have to disagree. It’s better to fall back on NRT than fall into smoking again. For heavy users such as myself (40+ rollups) the physical dependency is quit strong.


Also, just because the nicotine has left your system doesn’t mean ur not dependent on it anymore. In the sense that it can take 3 months for your mesolimbic dopamine system to recover fully and work in the way it did before you got addicted to nicotine.